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 * Chickerell Primary Academy
 * Rashley Road, Chickerell,
 * Weymouth, Dorset,
 * DT3 4AT
 * Email - office@chickerell.dorset.sch.uk
 * Phone - 01305 783876

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'Every child matters, so every day counts.'
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 * Chickerell Primary Academy
 * Rashley Road, Chickerell,
 * Weymouth, Dorset,
 * DT3 4AT
 * Email - office@chickerell.dorset.sch.uk
 * Phone - 01305 783876

Contact us


G Swipe content


 * School in action Year 2 Girls 7th March 2023 at 11:00
 * Year 2 Yoga 9th March 2023 at 10:00

More Dates


 * March newsletter 3rd March 2023
 * January newsletter 16th January 2023

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 * Reception 93.8%
 * Year 1 95.4%
 * Year 2 91.1%
 * Year 3 99.3%

 * Year 4 95.1%
 * Year 5 96.2%
 * Year 6 97.8%

Last Weeks Winners

Year 3

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