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Submitted URL: https://notexistsold.winwithchocolatemilk.com/
Effective URL: https://wisconsindairy.org/Youth-and-Schools
Submission: On December 16 via api from US — Scanned from IS
Effective URL: https://wisconsindairy.org/Youth-and-Schools
Submission: On December 16 via api from US — Scanned from IS
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<em><span id="p_lt_ctl05_MainContentPagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_ContentBlockLeftWithCTA_SubTitle" class="text-secondary large">Creating Healthy Futures</span></em>
<h2 id="p_lt_ctl05_MainContentPagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_ContentBlockLeftWithCTA_Title" class="text-primary">Programs, Lessons & Dairy Fun</h2>
<div class="mw-lg-90 mx-auto text-left mb-3"> Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin partners with schools throughout the state to help them reach their wellness goals, create healthier school environments, and build a love of dairy among students
through education. </div>
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<em><span id="p_lt_ctl05_MainContentPagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_ContentBlockWithCTA_SubTitle" class="text-secondary large">Educational Programs for Schools</span></em>
<h2 id="p_lt_ctl05_MainContentPagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_ContentBlockWithCTA_Title" class="text-primary">Dairy Education</h2>
<p class="mw-lg-75 mx-auto"> We provide resources for elementary, middle and high school classes to support your nutrition curriculum. </p>
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<em><span id="p_lt_ctl05_MainContentPagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_GeneralContentBlockWithCTA_SubTitle" class="large text-secondary">Tools for School Nutrition Professionals</span></em>
<h2 id="p_lt_ctl05_MainContentPagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_GeneralContentBlockWithCTA_Title" class="text-primary">Dairy in Schools</h2>
<p id="p_lt_ctl05_MainContentPagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_GeneralContentBlockWithCTA_Copy" class=""> Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin provides dairy-focused toolkits, equipment grant opportunities, recipes and other resources to help school
nutrition professionals ensure students get the nutrients they need so they are nourished and ready to learn. </p>
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<h2 id="p_lt_ctl05_MainContentPagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_ContentBlockWithCTAAndBackgroundImage_2_Title" class="text-primary">Nutrition Facts</h2>
<p>Find out all about the nutritional value of a wide variety of dairy products, including the benefits of chocolate milk and other interesting milk facts.</p>
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function r(t) {
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return typeof t
} : function(t) {
return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t
function i(t, e) {
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value: n,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}) : t[e] = n, t
function $(e) {
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return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t).enumerable
}))), a.forEach(function(t) {
u(e, t, n[t])
return e
function h(t, e) {
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if (Array.isArray(t)) return t
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i = void 0;
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} catch (t) {
r = !0, i = t
} finally {
try {
a || null == c.return || c.return()
} finally {
if (r) throw i
return n
}(t, e) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance")
function d(t) {
return function(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (var e = 0, n = new Array(t.length); e < t.length; e++) n[e] = t[e];
return n
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if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t)) return Array.from(t)
}(t) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance")
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m = !!v.document,
p = !!b.documentElement && !!b.head && "function" == typeof b.addEventListener && "function" == typeof b.createElement,
k = ~s.indexOf("MSIE") || ~s.indexOf("Trident/"),
g = "___FONT_AWESOME___",
A = 16,
y = "fa",
w = "svg-inline--fa",
tt = "data-fa-i2svg",
x = "data-fa-pseudo-element",
S = "data-fa-pseudo-element-pending",
C = "data-prefix",
O = "data-icon",
M = "fontawesome-i2svg",
N = "async",
P = ["HTML", "HEAD", "STYLE", "SCRIPT"],
E = function() {
try {
return !0
} catch (t) {
return !1
z = {
fas: "solid",
far: "regular",
fal: "light",
fad: "duotone",
fab: "brands",
fak: "kit",
fa: "solid"
L = {
solid: "fas",
regular: "far",
light: "fal",
duotone: "fad",
brands: "fab",
kit: "fak"
j = "fa-layers-text",
R = /Font Awesome ([5 ]*)(Solid|Regular|Light|Duotone|Brands|Free|Pro|Kit).*/i,
F = {
900: "fas",
400: "far",
normal: "far",
300: "fal"
I = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
T = I.concat([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]),
_ = ["class", "data-prefix", "data-icon", "data-fa-transform", "data-fa-mask"],
U = {
GROUP: "group",
SWAP_OPACITY: "swap-opacity",
PRIMARY: "primary",
SECONDARY: "secondary"
H = ["xs", "sm", "lg", "fw", "ul", "li", "border", "pull-left", "pull-right", "spin", "pulse", "rotate-90", "rotate-180", "rotate-270", "flip-horizontal", "flip-vertical", "flip-both", "stack", "stack-1x", "stack-2x", "inverse", "layers",
"layers-text", "layers-counter", U.GROUP, U.SWAP_OPACITY, U.PRIMARY, U.SECONDARY
].concat(I.map(function(t) {
return "".concat(t, "x")
})).concat(T.map(function(t) {
return "w-".concat(t)
Y = v.FontAwesomeConfig || {};
if (b && "function" == typeof b.querySelector) {
var D = [
["data-family-prefix", "familyPrefix"],
["data-replacement-class", "replacementClass"],
["data-auto-replace-svg", "autoReplaceSvg"],
["data-auto-add-css", "autoAddCss"],
["data-auto-a11y", "autoA11y"],
["data-search-pseudo-elements", "searchPseudoElements"],
["data-observe-mutations", "observeMutations"],
["data-mutate-approach", "mutateApproach"],
["data-keep-original-source", "keepOriginalSource"],
["data-measure-performance", "measurePerformance"],
["data-show-missing-icons", "showMissingIcons"]
D.push(["data-auto-fetch-svg", "autoFetchSvg"], ["data-fetch-svg-from", "fetchSvgFrom"], ["data-fetch-uploaded-svg-from", "fetchUploadedSvgFrom"]), D.forEach(function(t) {
var e, n = h(t, 2),
a = n[0],
r = n[1],
i = "" === (e = function(t) {
var e = b.querySelector("script[" + t + "]");
if (e) return e.getAttribute(t)
}(a)) || "false" !== e && ("true" === e || e);
null != i && (Y[r] = i)
var V = {
familyPrefix: y,
replacementClass: w,
autoReplaceSvg: !0,
autoAddCss: !0,
autoA11y: !0,
searchPseudoElements: !1,
observeMutations: !0,
mutateApproach: "async",
keepOriginalSource: !0,
measurePerformance: !1,
showMissingIcons: !0,
autoFetchSvg: !1,
fetchSvgFrom: null,
fetchUploadedSvgFrom: null
q = $({}, V, Y);
q.autoReplaceSvg || (q.observeMutations = !1);
var W = /\/js\/.*\.js.*/,
X = 'Manually set config.fetchSvgFrom = "URL" or use <script data-fetch-svg-from="URL" ...> to explicitly configure.';
if (q.autoFetchSvg && !q.fetchSvgFrom && b && b.currentScript) {
var G = b.currentScript.getAttribute("src"); - 1 < G.search(W) && (E || console.info("Font Awesome SVG Auto-fetching URL has been determined using document.currentScript. This features is not supported in any version of Internet Explorer. "
.concat(X)), q.fetchSvgFrom = G.replace(W, "/svgs"))
if (q.fetchSvgFrom) {
var K = b.createElement("a");
K.href = q.fetchSvgFrom, q.fetchSvgFrom = K.href
}!q.autoFetchSvg || q.fetchSvgFrom || E || (console.error("Disabling Font Awesome auto-fetching of SVG icons (it was enabled) because we could not guess the correct URL to load them from. ".concat(X)), q.autoFetchSvg = !1);
var et = $({}, q);
v.FontAwesomeConfig = et;
var B = v || {};
B[g] || (B[g] = {}), B[g].styles || (B[g].styles = {}), B[g].hooks || (B[g].hooks = {}), B[g].shims || (B[g].shims = []);
var J = B[g],
Q = [],
Z = !1;
function nt(t) {
p && (Z ? setTimeout(t, 0) : Q.push(t))
p && ((Z = (b.documentElement.doScroll ? /^loaded|^c/ : /^loaded|^i|^c/).test(b.readyState)) || b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function t() {
b.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", t), Z = 1, Q.map(function(t) {
return t()
var at, rt = "pending",
it = "settled",
ot = "fulfilled",
ct = "rejected",
st = function() {},
lt = "undefined" != typeof global && void 0 !== global.process && "function" == typeof global.process.emit,
ft = "undefined" == typeof setImmediate ? setTimeout : setImmediate,
ut = [];
function dt() {
for (var t = 0; t < ut.length; t++) ut[t][0](ut[t][1]);
at = !(ut = [])
function mt(t, e) {
ut.push([t, e]), at || (at = !0, ft(dt, 0))
function ht(t) {
var e = t.owner,
n = e._state,
a = e._data,
r = t[n],
i = t.then;
if ("function" == typeof r) {
n = ot;
try {
a = r(a)
} catch (t) {
bt(i, t)
pt(i, a) || (n === ot && gt(i, a), n === ct && bt(i, a))
function pt(e, n) {
var a;
try {
if (e === n) throw new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.");
if (n && ("function" == typeof n || "object" === r(n))) {
var t = n.then;
if ("function" == typeof t) return t.call(n, function(t) {
a || (a = !0, n === t ? vt(e, t) : gt(e, t))
}, function(t) {
a || (a = !0, bt(e, t))
}), !0
} catch (t) {
return a || bt(e, t), !0
return !1
function gt(t, e) {
t !== e && pt(t, e) || vt(t, e)
function vt(t, e) {
t._state === rt && (t._state = it, t._data = e, mt(wt, t))
function bt(t, e) {
t._state === rt && (t._state = it, t._data = e, mt(xt, t))
function yt(t) {
t._then = t._then.forEach(ht)
function wt(t) {
t._state = ot, yt(t)
function xt(t) {
t._state = ct, yt(t), !t._handled && lt && global.process.emit("unhandledRejection", t._data, t)
function kt(t) {
global.process.emit("rejectionHandled", t)
function At(t) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Promise resolver " + t + " is not a function");
if (this instanceof At == !1) throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");
this._then = [],
function(t, e) {
function n(t) {
bt(e, t)
try {
t(function(t) {
gt(e, t)
}, n)
} catch (t) {
}(t, this)
At.prototype = {
constructor: At,
_state: rt,
_then: null,
_data: void 0,
_handled: !1,
then: function(t, e) {
var n = {
owner: this,
then: new this.constructor(st),
fulfilled: t,
rejected: e
return !e && !t || this._handled || (this._handled = !0, this._state === ct && lt && mt(kt, this)), this._state === ot || this._state === ct ? mt(ht, n) : this._then.push(n), n.then
catch: function(t) {
return this.then(null, t)
}, At.all = function(c) {
if (!Array.isArray(c)) throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to Promise.all().");
return new At(function(n, t) {
var a = [],
r = 0;
function e(e) {
return r++,
function(t) {
a[e] = t, --r || n(a)
for (var i, o = 0; o < c.length; o++)(i = c[o]) && "function" == typeof i.then ? i.then(e(o), t) : a[o] = i;
r || n(a)
}, At.race = function(r) {
if (!Array.isArray(r)) throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to Promise.race().");
return new At(function(t, e) {
for (var n, a = 0; a < r.length; a++)(n = r[a]) && "function" == typeof n.then ? n.then(t, e) : t(n)
}, At.resolve = function(e) {
return e && "object" === r(e) && e.constructor === At ? e : new At(function(t) {
}, At.reject = function(n) {
return new At(function(t, e) {
var St = "function" == typeof Promise ? Promise : At,
Ct = A,
Ot = {
size: 16,
x: 0,
y: 0,
rotate: 0,
flipX: !1,
flipY: !1
function Mt(t) {
if (t && p) {
var e = b.createElement("style");
e.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), e.innerHTML = t;
for (var n = b.head.childNodes, a = null, r = n.length - 1; - 1 < r; r--) {
var i = n[r],
o = (i.tagName || "").toUpperCase(); - 1 < ["STYLE", "LINK"].indexOf(o) && (a = i)
return b.head.insertBefore(e, a), t
var Nt = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
function Pt() {
for (var t = 12, e = ""; 0 < t--;) e += Nt[62 * Math.random() | 0];
return e
function Et(t) {
for (var e = [], n = (t || []).length >>> 0; n--;) e[n] = t[n];
return e
function zt(t) {
return t.classList ? Et(t.classList) : (t.getAttribute("class") || "").split(" ").filter(function(t) {
return t
function Lt(t, e) {
var n, a = e.split("-"),
r = a[0],
i = a.slice(1).join("-");
return r !== t || "" === i || (n = i, ~H.indexOf(n)) ? null : i
function jt(t) {
return "".concat(t).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">")
function Rt(n) {
return Object.keys(n || {}).reduce(function(t, e) {
return t + "".concat(e, ": ").concat(n[e], ";")
}, "")
function Ft(t) {
return t.size !== Ot.size || t.x !== Ot.x || t.y !== Ot.y || t.rotate !== Ot.rotate || t.flipX || t.flipY
function It(t) {
var e = t.transform,
n = t.containerWidth,
a = t.iconWidth,
r = {
transform: "translate(".concat(n / 2, " 256)")
i = "translate(".concat(32 * e.x, ", ").concat(32 * e.y, ") "),
o = "scale(".concat(e.size / 16 * (e.flipX ? -1 : 1), ", ").concat(e.size / 16 * (e.flipY ? -1 : 1), ") "),
c = "rotate(".concat(e.rotate, " 0 0)");
return {
outer: r,
inner: {
transform: "".concat(i, " ").concat(o, " ").concat(c)
path: {
transform: "translate(".concat(a / 2 * -1, " -256)")
var Tt = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
function _t(t) {
var e = !(1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1];
return t.attributes && (t.attributes.fill || e) && (t.attributes.fill = "black"), t
function Ut(t) {
var e = t.icons,
n = e.main,
a = e.mask,
r = t.prefix,
i = t.iconName,
o = t.transform,
c = t.symbol,
s = t.title,
l = t.maskId,
f = t.titleId,
u = t.extra,
d = t.watchable,
m = void 0 !== d && d,
h = a.found ? a : n,
p = h.width,
g = h.height,
v = "fak" === r,
b = v ? "" : "fa-w-".concat(Math.ceil(p / g * 16)),
y = [et.replacementClass, i ? "".concat(et.familyPrefix, "-").concat(i) : "", b].filter(function(t) {
return -1 === u.classes.indexOf(t)
}).filter(function(t) {
return "" !== t || !!t
}).concat(u.classes).join(" "),
w = {
children: [],
attributes: $({}, u.attributes, {
"data-prefix": r,
"data-icon": i,
class: y,
role: u.attributes.role || "img",
xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
viewBox: "0 0 ".concat(p, " ").concat(g)
x = v && !~u.classes.indexOf("fa-fw") ? {
width: "".concat(p / g * 16 * .0625, "em")
} : {};
m && (w.attributes[tt] = ""), s && w.children.push({
tag: "title",
attributes: {
id: w.attributes["aria-labelledby"] || "title-".concat(f || Pt())
children: [s]
var k, A, S, C, O, M, N, P, E, z, L, j, R, F, I, T, _, U, H, Y, D, V, q, W, X, G, K, B = $({}, w, {
prefix: r,
iconName: i,
main: n,
mask: a,
maskId: l,
transform: o,
symbol: c,
styles: $({}, x, u.styles)
J = a.found && n.found ? (S = (k = B).children, C = k.attributes, O = k.main, M = k.mask, N = k.maskId, P = k.transform, E = O.width, z = O.icon, L = M.width, j = M.icon, R = It({
transform: P,
containerWidth: L,
iconWidth: E
}), F = {
tag: "rect",
attributes: $({}, Tt, {
fill: "white"
}, I = z.children ? {
children: z.children.map(_t)
} : {}, T = {
tag: "g",
attributes: $({}, R.inner),
children: [_t($({
tag: z.tag,
attributes: $({}, z.attributes, R.path)
}, I))]
}, _ = {
tag: "g",
attributes: $({}, R.outer),
children: [T]
}, U = "mask-".concat(N || Pt()), H = "clip-".concat(N || Pt()), Y = {
tag: "mask",
attributes: $({}, Tt, {
id: U,
maskUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
maskContentUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
children: [F, _]
}, D = {
tag: "defs",
children: [{
tag: "clipPath",
attributes: {
id: H
children: (A = j, "g" === A.tag ? A.children : [A])
}, Y]
}, S.push(D, {
tag: "rect",
attributes: $({
fill: "currentColor",
"clip-path": "url(#".concat(H, ")"),
mask: "url(#".concat(U, ")")
}, Tt)
}), {
children: S,
attributes: C
}) : function(t) {
var e = t.children,
n = t.attributes,
a = t.main,
r = t.transform,
i = Rt(t.styles);
if (0 < i.length && (n.style = i), Ft(r)) {
var o = It({
transform: r,
containerWidth: a.width,
iconWidth: a.width
tag: "g",
attributes: $({}, o.outer),
children: [{
tag: "g",
attributes: $({}, o.inner),
children: [{
tag: a.icon.tag,
children: a.icon.children,
attributes: $({}, a.icon.attributes, o.path)
} else e.push(a.icon);
return {
children: e,
attributes: n
Q = J.children,
Z = J.attributes;
return B.children = Q, B.attributes = Z, c ? (q = (V = B).prefix, W = V.iconName, X = V.children, G = V.attributes, K = V.symbol, [{
tag: "svg",
attributes: {
style: "display: none;"
children: [{
tag: "symbol",
attributes: $({}, G, {
id: !0 === K ? "".concat(q, "-").concat(et.familyPrefix, "-").concat(W) : K
children: X
}]) : function(t) {
var e = t.children,
n = t.main,
a = t.mask,
r = t.attributes,
i = t.styles,
o = t.transform;
if (Ft(o) && n.found && !a.found) {
var c = n.width / n.height / 2,
s = .5;
r.style = Rt($({}, i, {
"transform-origin": "".concat(c + o.x / 16, "em ").concat(s + o.y / 16, "em")
return [{
tag: "svg",
attributes: r,
children: e
function Ht(t) {
var e = t.content,
n = t.width,
a = t.height,
r = t.transform,
i = t.title,
o = t.extra,
c = t.watchable,
s = void 0 !== c && c,
l = $({}, o.attributes, i ? {
title: i
} : {}, {
class: o.classes.join(" ")
s && (l[tt] = "");
var f, u, d, m, h, p, g, v, b, y = $({}, o.styles);
Ft(r) && (y.transform = (u = (f = {
transform: r,
startCentered: !0,
width: n,
height: a
}).transform, d = f.width, m = void 0 === d ? A : d, h = f.height, p = void 0 === h ? A : h, g = f.startCentered, b = "", b += (v = void 0 !== g && g) && k ? "translate(".concat(u.x / Ct - m / 2, "em, ").concat(u.y / Ct - p / 2,
"em) ") : v ? "translate(calc(-50% + ".concat(u.x / Ct, "em), calc(-50% + ").concat(u.y / Ct, "em)) ") : "translate(".concat(u.x / Ct, "em, ").concat(u.y / Ct, "em) "), b += "scale(".concat(u.size / Ct * (u.flipX ? -1 : 1), ", ")
.concat(u.size / Ct * (u.flipY ? -1 : 1), ") "), b += "rotate(".concat(u.rotate, "deg) ")), y["-webkit-transform"] = y.transform);
var w = Rt(y);
0 < w.length && (l.style = w);
var x = [];
return x.push({
tag: "span",
attributes: l,
children: [e]
}), i && x.push({
tag: "span",
attributes: {
class: "sr-only"
children: [i]
}), x
var Yt = function() {},
Dt = et.measurePerformance && f && f.mark && f.measure ? f : {
mark: Yt,
measure: Yt
Vt = 'FA "5.15.4"',
qt = function(t) {
Dt.mark("".concat(Vt, " ").concat(t, " ends")), Dt.measure("".concat(Vt, " ").concat(t), "".concat(Vt, " ").concat(t, " begins"), "".concat(Vt, " ").concat(t, " ends"))
Wt = {
begin: function(t) {
return Dt.mark("".concat(Vt, " ").concat(t, " begins")),
function() {
return qt(t)
end: qt
Xt = function(t, e, n, a) {
var r, i, o, c, s, l = Object.keys(t),
f = l.length,
u = void 0 !== a ? (c = e, s = a, function(t, e, n, a) {
return c.call(s, t, e, n, a)
}) : e;
for (o = void 0 === n ? (r = 1, t[l[0]]) : (r = 0, n); r < f; r++) o = u(o, t[i = l[r]], i, t);
return o
function Gt(t) {
for (var e = "", n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
e += ("000" + t.charCodeAt(n).toString(16)).slice(-4)
return e
function Kt(t) {
if (1 !== t.length) return !1;
var e, n, a, r, i, o = (n = 0, r = (e = t).length, 55296 <= (i = e.charCodeAt(n)) && i <= 56319 && n + 1 < r && 56320 <= (a = e.charCodeAt(n + 1)) && a <= 57343 ? 1024 * (i - 55296) + a - 56320 + 65536 : i);
return 57344 <= o && o <= 63743
function Bt(t, a) {
var e = (2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}).skipHooks,
n = void 0 !== e && e,
r = Object.keys(a).reduce(function(t, e) {
var n = a[e];
return !!n.icon ? t[n.iconName] = n.icon : t[e] = n, t
}, {});
"function" != typeof J.hooks.addPack || n ? J.styles[t] = $({}, J.styles[t] || {}, r) : J.hooks.addPack(t, r), "fas" === t && Bt("fa", a)
var Jt = /viewBox="0 0 ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)"/,
Qt = /path d="([^"]+)"/,
Zt = /path d="([^"]+)".*path d="([^"]+)"/;
var $t = J.styles,
te = J.shims,
ee = {},
ne = {},
ae = {};
function re(t, e, n) {
var a, r, i, o, c, s, l = (i = r = null, o = (a = n).match(Jt), c = a.match(Qt), (s = a.match(Zt)) ? i = [s[1], s[2]] : c && (i = c[1]), o && i && (r = [parseInt(o[1], 10), parseInt(o[2], 10), [], null, i]), r);
l && !Kt(e) && (Bt(t, u({}, e, l), {
skipHooks: !0
}), se()), ie[t][e].map(function(t) {
}), delete ie[t][e]
var ie = {};
function oe(t, e) {
return Kt(t) ? "unicode/".concat(Gt(t)).concat(void 0 === e ? "" : "-".concat(e), ".svg") : "".concat(t).concat(void 0 === e ? "" : "-".concat(e), ".svg")
var ce = function(r, i) {
var t = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {},
o = "fak" === r,
e = t.url,
c = void 0 === e ? et.fetchSvgFrom : e,
n = t.uploadedSvgUrl,
s = void 0 === n ? et.fetchUploadedSvgFrom : n,
l = t.token,
f = t.version;
return ie[r] && ie[r][i] || (ie[r] = $({}, ie[r] || {}, u({}, i, []))), new St(function(e, t) {
if (!c) return t(new Error("No URL available to fetch SVGs from. Specify in params or by setting config.fetchSvgFrom"));
if (o && !s) return t(new Error("No URL available to fetch kit SVGs from. Specify in params or by setting config.fetchKitSvgFrom"));
var n = o ? "".concat(s, "/").concat(l, "/icons/").concat(oe(i, f)) : "".concat(c, "/").concat(z[r], "/").concat(oe(i));
if (l && (n = "".concat(n, "?token=").concat(l)), J.styles[r] && J.styles[r][i]) return e(J.styles[r][i]);
if (ie[r][i].push(function(t) {
}), 1 === ie[r][i].length)
if ("function" == typeof fetch) fetch(n, {
mode: "cors"
}).then(function(t) {
return t.text()
}).then(function(t) {
re(r, i, t)
}).catch(function() {
re(r, i, "")
else if ("function" == typeof XMLHttpRequest) {
var a = new XMLHttpRequest;
a.addEventListener("loadend", function() {
this.responseText ? re(r, i, this.responseText) : re(r, i, "")
}), a.open("GET", n), a.send()
} else re(r, i, "")
se = function() {
var t = function(a) {
return Xt($t, function(t, e, n) {
return t[n] = Xt(e, a, {}), t
}, {})
ee = t(function(t, e, n) {
return e[3] && (t[e[3]] = n), t
}), ne = t(function(e, t, n) {
var a = t[2];
return e[n] = n, a.forEach(function(t) {
e[t] = n
}), e
var i = "far" in $t;
ae = Xt(te, function(t, e) {
var n = e[0],
a = e[1],
r = e[2];
return "far" !== a || i || (a = "fas"), t[n] = {
prefix: a,
iconName: r
}, t
}, {})
function le(t, e) {
return (ee[t] || {})[e]
var fe = J.styles,
ue = function() {
return {
prefix: null,
iconName: null,
rest: []
function de(t) {
return t.reduce(function(t, e) {
var n = Lt(et.familyPrefix, e);
if (fe[e]) t.prefix = e;
else if (et.autoFetchSvg && -1 < Object.keys(z).indexOf(e)) t.prefix = e;
else if (n) {
var a = "fa" === t.prefix ? ae[n] || {
prefix: null,
iconName: null
} : {};
t.iconName = a.iconName || n, t.prefix = a.prefix || t.prefix
} else e !== et.replacementClass && 0 !== e.indexOf("fa-w-") && t.rest.push(e);
return t
}, ue())
function me(t, e, n) {
if (t && t[e] && t[e][n]) return {
prefix: e,
iconName: n,
icon: t[e][n]
function he(t) {
var n, e = t.tag,
a = t.attributes,
r = void 0 === a ? {} : a,
i = t.children,
o = void 0 === i ? [] : i;
return "string" == typeof t ? jt(t) : "<".concat(e, " ").concat((n = r, Object.keys(n || {}).reduce(function(t, e) {
return t + "".concat(e, '="').concat(jt(n[e]), '" ')
}, "").trim()), ">").concat(o.map(he).join(""), "</").concat(e, ">")
var pe = function() {};
function ge(t) {
return "string" == typeof(t.getAttribute ? t.getAttribute(tt) : null)
var ve = {
replace: function(t) {
var e = t[0],
n = t[1].map(function(t) {
return he(t)
if (e.parentNode && e.outerHTML) e.outerHTML = n + (et.keepOriginalSource && "svg" !== e.tagName.toLowerCase() ? "\x3c!-- ".concat(e.outerHTML, " Font Awesome fontawesome.com --\x3e") : "");
else if (e.parentNode) {
var a = document.createElement("span");
e.parentNode.replaceChild(a, e), a.outerHTML = n
nest: function(t) {
var e = t[0],
n = t[1];
if (~zt(e).indexOf(et.replacementClass)) return ve.replace(t);
var a = new RegExp("".concat(et.familyPrefix, "-.*"));
delete n[0].attributes.style, delete n[0].attributes.id;
var r = n[0].attributes.class.split(" ").reduce(function(t, e) {
return e === et.replacementClass || e.match(a) ? t.toSvg.push(e) : t.toNode.push(e), t
}, {
toNode: [],
toSvg: []
n[0].attributes.class = r.toSvg.join(" ");
var i = n.map(function(t) {
return he(t)
e.setAttribute("class", r.toNode.join(" ")), e.setAttribute(tt, ""), e.innerHTML = i
function be(t) {
function ye(n, t) {
var a = "function" == typeof t ? t : pe;
if (0 === n.length) a();
else {
var e = be;
et.mutateApproach === N && (e = v.requestAnimationFrame || be), e(function() {
var t = !0 === et.autoReplaceSvg ? ve.replace : ve[et.autoReplaceSvg] || ve.replace,
e = Wt.begin("mutate");
n.map(t), e(), a()
var we = !1;
function xe() {
we = !1
var ke = null;
function Ae(t) {
if (l && et.observeMutations) {
var r = t.treeCallback,
i = t.nodeCallback,
o = t.pseudoElementsCallback,
e = t.observeMutationsRoot,
n = void 0 === e ? b : e;
ke = new l(function(t) {
we || Et(t).forEach(function(t) {
if ("childList" === t.type && 0 < t.addedNodes.length && !ge(t.addedNodes[0]) && (et.searchPseudoElements && o(t.target), r(t.target)), "attributes" === t.type && t.target.parentNode && et.searchPseudoElements && o(t.target
.parentNode), "attributes" === t.type && ge(t.target) && ~_.indexOf(t.attributeName))
if ("class" === t.attributeName) {
var e = de(zt(t.target)),
n = e.prefix,
a = e.iconName;
n && t.target.setAttribute("data-prefix", n), a && t.target.setAttribute("data-icon", a)
} else i(t.target)
}), p && ke.observe(n, {
childList: !0,
attributes: !0,
characterData: !0,
subtree: !0
function Se(t) {
var e, n, a = t.getAttribute("data-prefix"),
r = t.getAttribute("data-icon"),
i = void 0 !== t.innerText ? t.innerText.trim() : "",
o = de(zt(t));
return a && r && (o.prefix = a, o.iconName = r), o.prefix && 1 < i.length ? o.iconName = (e = o.prefix, n = t.innerText, (ne[e] || {})[n]) : o.prefix && 1 === i.length && (o.iconName = le(o.prefix, Gt(t.innerText))), o
var Ce = function(t) {
var e = {
size: 16,
x: 0,
y: 0,
flipX: !1,
flipY: !1,
rotate: 0
return t ? t.toLowerCase().split(" ").reduce(function(t, e) {
var n = e.toLowerCase().split("-"),
a = n[0],
r = n.slice(1).join("-");
if (a && "h" === r) return t.flipX = !0, t;
if (a && "v" === r) return t.flipY = !0, t;
if (r = parseFloat(r), isNaN(r)) return t;
switch (a) {
case "grow":
t.size = t.size + r;
case "shrink":
t.size = t.size - r;
case "left":
t.x = t.x - r;
case "right":
t.x = t.x + r;
case "up":
t.y = t.y - r;
case "down":
t.y = t.y + r;
case "rotate":
t.rotate = t.rotate + r
return t
}, e) : e
function Oe(t) {
var e, n, a, r, i, o, c, s, l = Se(t),
f = l.iconName,
u = l.prefix,
d = l.rest,
m = (e = t.getAttribute("style"), n = [], e && (n = e.split(";").reduce(function(t, e) {
var n = e.split(":"),
a = n[0],
r = n.slice(1);
return a && 0 < r.length && (t[a] = r.join(":").trim()), t
}, {})), n),
h = Ce(t.getAttribute("data-fa-transform")),
p = null !== (a = t.getAttribute("data-fa-symbol")) && ("" === a || a),
g = (i = Et((r = t).attributes).reduce(function(t, e) {
return "class" !== t.name && "style" !== t.name && (t[e.name] = e.value), t
}, {}), o = r.getAttribute("title"), c = r.getAttribute("data-fa-title-id"), et.autoA11y && (o ? i["aria-labelledby"] = "".concat(et.replacementClass, "-title-").concat(c || Pt()) : (i["aria-hidden"] = "true", i.focusable = "false")), i),
v = (s = t.getAttribute("data-fa-mask")) ? de(s.split(" ").map(function(t) {
return t.trim()
})) : ue();
return {
iconName: f,
title: t.getAttribute("title"),
titleId: t.getAttribute("data-fa-title-id"),
prefix: u,
transform: h,
symbol: p,
mask: v,
maskId: t.getAttribute("data-fa-mask-id"),
extra: {
classes: d,
styles: m,
attributes: g
function Me(t) {
this.name = "MissingIcon", this.message = t || "Icon unavailable", this.stack = (new Error).stack
}(Me.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)).constructor = Me;
var Ne = {
fill: "currentColor"
Pe = {
attributeType: "XML",
repeatCount: "indefinite",
dur: "2s"
Ee = {
tag: "path",
attributes: $({}, Ne, {
d: "M156.5,447.7l-12.6,29.5c-18.7-9.5-35.9-21.2-51.5-34.9l22.7-22.7C127.6,430.5,141.5,440,156.5,447.7z M40.6,272H8.5 c1.4,21.2,5.4,41.7,11.7,61.1L50,321.2C45.1,305.5,41.8,289,40.6,272z M40.6,240c1.4-18.8,5.2-37,11.1-54.1l-29.5-12.6 C14.7,194.3,10,216.7,8.5,240H40.6z M64.3,156.5c7.8-14.9,17.2-28.8,28.1-41.5L69.7,92.3c-13.7,15.6-25.5,32.8-34.9,51.5 L64.3,156.5z M397,419.6c-13.9,12-29.4,22.3-46.1,30.4l11.9,29.8c20.7-9.9,39.8-22.6,56.9-37.6L397,419.6z M115,92.4 c13.9-12,29.4-22.3,46.1-30.4l-11.9-29.8c-20.7,9.9-39.8,22.6-56.8,37.6L115,92.4z M447.7,355.5c-7.8,14.9-17.2,28.8-28.1,41.5 l22.7,22.7c13.7-15.6,25.5-32.9,34.9-51.5L447.7,355.5z M471.4,272c-1.4,18.8-5.2,37-11.1,54.1l29.5,12.6 c7.5-21.1,12.2-43.5,13.6-66.8H471.4z M321.2,462c-15.7,5-32.2,8.2-49.2,9.4v32.1c21.2-1.4,41.7-5.4,61.1-11.7L321.2,462z M240,471.4c-18.8-1.4-37-5.2-54.1-11.1l-12.6,29.5c21.1,7.5,43.5,12.2,66.8,13.6V471.4z M462,190.8c5,15.7,8.2,32.2,9.4,49.2h32.1 c-1.4-21.2-5.4-41.7-11.7-61.1L462,190.8z M92.4,397c-12-13.9-22.3-29.4-30.4-46.1l-29.8,11.9c9.9,20.7,22.6,39.8,37.6,56.9 L92.4,397z M272,40.6c18.8,1.4,36.9,5.2,54.1,11.1l12.6-29.5C317.7,14.7,295.3,10,272,8.5V40.6z M190.8,50 c15.7-5,32.2-8.2,49.2-9.4V8.5c-21.2,1.4-41.7,5.4-61.1,11.7L190.8,50z M442.3,92.3L419.6,115c12,13.9,22.3,29.4,30.5,46.1 l29.8-11.9C470,128.5,457.3,109.4,442.3,92.3z M397,92.4l22.7-22.7c-15.6-13.7-32.8-25.5-51.5-34.9l-12.6,29.5 C370.4,72.1,384.4,81.5,397,92.4z"
ze = $({}, Pe, {
attributeName: "opacity"
Le = {
tag: "g",
children: [Ee, {
tag: "circle",
attributes: $({}, Ne, {
cx: "256",
cy: "364",
r: "28"
children: [{
tag: "animate",
attributes: $({}, Pe, {
attributeName: "r",
values: "28;14;28;28;14;28;"
}, {
tag: "animate",
attributes: $({}, ze, {
values: "1;0;1;1;0;1;"
}, {
tag: "path",
attributes: $({}, Ne, {
opacity: "1",
d: "M263.7,312h-16c-6.6,0-12-5.4-12-12c0-71,77.4-63.9,77.4-107.8c0-20-17.8-40.2-57.4-40.2c-29.1,0-44.3,9.6-59.2,28.7 c-3.9,5-11.1,6-16.2,2.4l-13.1-9.2c-5.6-3.9-6.9-11.8-2.6-17.2c21.2-27.2,46.4-44.7,91.2-44.7c52.3,0,97.4,29.8,97.4,80.2 c0,67.6-77.4,63.5-77.4,107.8C275.7,306.6,270.3,312,263.7,312z"
children: [{
tag: "animate",
attributes: $({}, ze, {
values: "1;0;0;0;0;1;"
}, {
tag: "path",
attributes: $({}, Ne, {
opacity: "0",
d: "M232.5,134.5l7,168c0.3,6.4,5.6,11.5,12,11.5h9c6.4,0,11.7-5.1,12-11.5l7-168c0.3-6.8-5.2-12.5-12-12.5h-23 C237.7,122,232.2,127.7,232.5,134.5z"
children: [{
tag: "animate",
attributes: $({}, ze, {
values: "0;0;1;1;0;0;"
je = J.styles;
function Re(t) {
var e = t[0],
n = t[1],
a = h(t.slice(4), 1)[0];
return {
found: !0,
width: e,
height: n,
icon: Array.isArray(a) ? {
tag: "g",
attributes: {
class: "".concat(et.familyPrefix, "-").concat(U.GROUP)
children: [{
tag: "path",
attributes: {
class: "".concat(et.familyPrefix, "-").concat(U.SECONDARY),
fill: "currentColor",
d: a[0]
}, {
tag: "path",
attributes: {
class: "".concat(et.familyPrefix, "-").concat(U.PRIMARY),
fill: "currentColor",
d: a[1]
} : {
tag: "path",
attributes: {
fill: "currentColor",
d: a
function Fe(o, c) {
return new St(function(n, t) {
var a = {
found: !1,
width: 512,
height: 512,
icon: Le
if (o && c && je[c] && je[c][o]) {
var e = je[c][o];
return n(Re(e))
var r = {},
i = function() {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
e = 1 < arguments.length ? arguments[1] : void 0;
if (e && Kt(e)) {
if (t && t.iconUploads) {
var n = t.iconUploads,
a = Object.keys(n).find(function(t) {
return n[t] && n[t].u && n[t].u === Gt(e)
if (a) return n[a].v
} else if (t && t.iconUploads && t.iconUploads[e] && t.iconUploads[e].v) return t.iconUploads[e].v
}(v.FontAwesomeKitConfig, o);
if (v.FontAwesomeKitConfig && v.FontAwesomeKitConfig.token && (r.token = v.FontAwesomeKitConfig.token), "fak" === c && (r.version = i), o && c && et.autoFetchSvg) return ce(c, o, $({}, r)).then(function(t) {
var e = {};
t && (e = Re(t)), n($({}, a, e))
o && c && !et.showMissingIcons ? t(new Me("Icon is missing for prefix ".concat(c, " with icon name ").concat(o))) : n(a)
var Ie = J.styles;
function Te(t) {
var i, e, o, c, s, l, f, u, n, d, m, a = Oe(t);
return ~a.extra.classes.indexOf(j) ? function(t, e) {
var n = e.title,
a = e.transform,
r = e.extra,
i = null,
o = null;
if (k) {
var c = parseInt(getComputedStyle(t).fontSize, 10),
s = t.getBoundingClientRect();
i = s.width / c, o = s.height / c
return et.autoA11y && !n && (r.attributes["aria-hidden"] = "true"), St.resolve([t, Ht({
content: t.innerHTML,
width: i,
height: o,
transform: a,
title: n,
extra: r,
watchable: !0
}(t, a) : (i = t, o = (e = a).iconName, c = e.title, s = e.titleId, l = e.prefix, f = e.transform, u = e.symbol, n = e.mask, d = e.maskId, m = e.extra, new St(function(r, t) {
St.all([Fe(o, l), Fe(n.iconName, n.prefix)]).then(function(t) {
var e = h(t, 2),
n = e[0],
a = e[1];
r([i, Ut({
icons: {
main: n,
mask: a
prefix: l,
iconName: o,
transform: f,
symbol: u,
mask: a,
maskId: d,
title: c,
titleId: s,
extra: m,
watchable: !0
function _e(t) {
var n = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null;
if (p) {
var e = b.documentElement.classList,
a = function(t) {
return e.add("".concat(M, "-").concat(t))
r = function(t) {
return e.remove("".concat(M, "-").concat(t))
i = et.autoFetchSvg ? Object.keys(z) : Object.keys(Ie),
o = [".".concat(j, ":not([").concat(tt, "])")].concat(i.map(function(t) {
return ".".concat(t, ":not([").concat(tt, "])")
})).join(", ");
if (0 !== o.length) {
var c = [];
try {
c = Et(t.querySelectorAll(o))
} catch (t) {}
if (0 < c.length) {
a("pending"), r("complete");
var s = Wt.begin("onTree"),
l = c.reduce(function(t, e) {
try {
var n = Te(e);
n && t.push(n)
} catch (t) {
E || t instanceof Me && console.error(t)
return t
}, []);
return new St(function(e, t) {
St.all(l).then(function(t) {
ye(t, function() {
a("active"), a("complete"), r("pending"), "function" == typeof n && n(), s(), e()
}).catch(function() {
s(), t()
function Ue(t) {
var e = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null;
Te(t).then(function(t) {
t && ye([t], e)
function He(h, p) {
var g = "".concat(S).concat(p.replace(":", "-"));
return new St(function(a, t) {
if (null !== h.getAttribute(g)) return a();
var e = Et(h.children).filter(function(t) {
return t.getAttribute(x) === p
n = v.getComputedStyle(h, p),
r = n.getPropertyValue("font-family").match(R),
i = n.getPropertyValue("font-weight"),
o = n.getPropertyValue("content");
if (e && !r) return h.removeChild(e), a();
if (r && "none" !== o && "" !== o) {
var c = n.getPropertyValue("content"),
s = ~["Solid", "Regular", "Light", "Duotone", "Brands", "Kit"].indexOf(r[2]) ? L[r[2].toLowerCase()] : F[i],
l = Gt(3 === c.length ? c.substr(1, 1) : c),
f = le(s, l),
u = f;
if (u || (u = l), f || (f = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(l, 16))), !f || e && e.getAttribute(C) === s && e.getAttribute(O) === u) a();
else {
h.setAttribute(g, u), e && h.removeChild(e);
var d = {
iconName: null,
title: null,
titleId: null,
prefix: null,
transform: Ot,
symbol: !1,
mask: null,
maskId: null,
extra: {
classes: [],
styles: {},
attributes: {}
m = d.extra;
m.attributes[x] = p, Fe(f, s).then(function(t) {
var e = Ut($({}, d, {
icons: {
main: t,
mask: ue()
prefix: s,
iconName: u,
extra: m,
watchable: !0
n = b.createElement("svg");
":before" === p ? h.insertBefore(n, h.firstChild) : h.appendChild(n), n.outerHTML = e.map(function(t) {
return he(t)
}).join("\n"), h.removeAttribute(g), a()
} else a()
function Ye(t) {
return St.all([He(t, ":before"), He(t, ":after")])
function De(t) {
return !(t.parentNode === document.head || ~P.indexOf(t.tagName.toUpperCase()) || t.getAttribute(x) || t.parentNode && "svg" === t.parentNode.tagName)
function Ve(r) {
if (p) return new St(function(t, e) {
var n = Et(r.querySelectorAll("*")).filter(De).map(Ye),
a = Wt.begin("searchPseudoElements");
we = !0, St.all(n).then(function() {
a(), xe(), t()
}).catch(function() {
a(), xe(), e()
var qe =
"svg:not(:root).svg-inline--fa{overflow:visible}.svg-inline--fa{display:inline-block;font-size:inherit;height:1em;overflow:visible;vertical-align:-.125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-lg{vertical-align:-.225em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-1{width:.0625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-2{width:.125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-3{width:.1875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-4{width:.25em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-5{width:.3125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-6{width:.375em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-7{width:.4375em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-8{width:.5em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-9{width:.5625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-10{width:.625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-11{width:.6875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-12{width:.75em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-13{width:.8125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-14{width:.875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-15{width:.9375em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-16{width:1em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-17{width:1.0625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-18{width:1.125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-19{width:1.1875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-20{width:1.25em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-left{margin-right:.3em;width:auto}.svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-right{margin-left:.3em;width:auto}.svg-inline--fa.fa-border{height:1.5em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-li{width:2em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-fw{width:1.25em}.fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa{bottom:0;left:0;margin:auto;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.fa-layers{display:inline-block;height:1em;position:relative;text-align:center;vertical-align:-.125em;width:1em}.fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa{-webkit-transform-origin:center center;transform-origin:center center}.fa-layers-counter,.fa-layers-text{display:inline-block;position:absolute;text-align:center}.fa-layers-text{left:50%;top:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);transform:translate(-50%,-50%);-webkit-transform-origin:center center;transform-origin:center center}.fa-layers-counter{background-color:#ff253a;border-radius:1em;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;color:#fff;height:1.5em;line-height:1;max-width:5em;min-width:1.5em;overflow:hidden;padding:.25em;right:0;text-overflow:ellipsis;top:0;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:top right;transform-origin:top 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left}.fa-lg{font-size:1.3333333333em;line-height:.75em;vertical-align:-.0667em}.fa-xs{font-size:.75em}.fa-sm{font-size:.875em}.fa-1x{font-size:1em}.fa-2x{font-size:2em}.fa-3x{font-size:3em}.fa-4x{font-size:4em}.fa-5x{font-size:5em}.fa-6x{font-size:6em}.fa-7x{font-size:7em}.fa-8x{font-size:8em}.fa-9x{font-size:9em}.fa-10x{font-size:10em}.fa-fw{text-align:center;width:1.25em}.fa-ul{list-style-type:none;margin-left:2.5em;padding-left:0}.fa-ul>li{position:relative}.fa-li{left:-2em;position:absolute;text-align:center;width:2em;line-height:inherit}.fa-border{border:solid .08em #eee;border-radius:.1em;padding:.2em .25em .15em}.fa-pull-left{float:left}.fa-pull-right{float:right}.fa.fa-pull-left,.fab.fa-pull-left,.fal.fa-pull-left,.far.fa-pull-left,.fas.fa-pull-left{margin-right:.3em}.fa.fa-pull-right,.fab.fa-pull-right,.fal.fa-pull-right,.far.fa-pull-right,.fas.fa-pull-right{margin-left:.3em}.fa-spin{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear;animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear}.fa-pulse{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8)}@-webkit-keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}@keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}.fa-rotate-90{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);transform:rotate(90deg)}.fa-rotate-180{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);transform:rotate(180deg)}.fa-rotate-270{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);transform:rotate(270deg)}.fa-flip-horizontal{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,1);transform:scale(-1,1)}.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(1,-1);transform:scale(1,-1)}.fa-flip-both,.fa-flip-horizontal.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,-1);transform:scale(-1,-1)}:root .fa-flip-both,:root .fa-flip-horizontal,:root .fa-flip-vertical,:root .fa-rotate-180,:root .fa-rotate-270,:root .fa-rotate-90{-webkit-filter:none;filter:none}.fa-stack{display:inline-block;height:2em;position:relative;width:2.5em}.fa-stack-1x,.fa-stack-2x{bottom:0;left:0;margin:auto;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-1x{height:1em;width:1.25em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-2x{height:2em;width:2.5em}.fa-inverse{color:#fff}.sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}.sr-only-focusable:active,.sr-only-focusable:focus{clip:auto;height:auto;margin:0;overflow:visible;position:static;width:auto}.svg-inline--fa .fa-primary{fill:var(--fa-primary-color,currentColor);opacity:1;opacity:var(--fa-primary-opacity,1)}.svg-inline--fa .fa-secondary{fill:var(--fa-secondary-color,currentColor);opacity:.4;opacity:var(--fa-secondary-opacity,.4)}.svg-inline--fa.fa-swap-opacity .fa-primary{opacity:.4;opacity:var(--fa-secondary-opacity,.4)}.svg-inline--fa.fa-swap-opacity 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function We() {
var t = y,
e = w,
n = et.familyPrefix,
a = et.replacementClass,
r = qe;
if (n !== t || a !== e) {
var i = new RegExp("\\.".concat(t, "\\-"), "g"),
o = new RegExp("\\--".concat(t, "\\-"), "g"),
c = new RegExp("\\.".concat(e), "g");
r = r.replace(i, ".".concat(n, "-")).replace(o, "--".concat(n, "-")).replace(c, ".".concat(a))
return r
function Xe() {
et.autoAddCss && !Qe && (Mt(We()), Qe = !0)
function Ge(e, t) {
return Object.defineProperty(e, "abstract", {
get: t
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "html", {
get: function() {
return e.abstract.map(function(t) {
return he(t)
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "node", {
get: function() {
if (p) {
var t = b.createElement("div");
return t.innerHTML = e.html, t.children
}), e
function Ke(t) {
var e = t.prefix,
n = void 0 === e ? "fa" : e,
a = t.iconName;
if (a) return me(Je.definitions, n, a) || me(J.styles, n, a)
var Be, Je = new(function() {
function t() {
! function(t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
}(this, t), this.definitions = {}
var e, n, a;
return e = t, (n = [{
key: "add",
value: function() {
for (var e = this, t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a];
var r = n.reduce(this._pullDefinitions, {});
Object.keys(r).forEach(function(t) {
e.definitions[t] = $({}, e.definitions[t] || {}, r[t]), Bt(t, r[t]), se()
}, {
key: "reset",
value: function() {
this.definitions = {}
}, {
key: "_pullDefinitions",
value: function(i, t) {
var o = t.prefix && t.iconName && t.icon ? {
0: t
} : t;
return Object.keys(o).map(function(t) {
var e = o[t],
n = e.prefix,
a = e.iconName,
r = e.icon;
i[n] || (i[n] = {}), i[n][a] = r
}), i
}]) && i(e.prototype, n), a && i(e, a), t
Qe = !1,
Ze = {
i2svg: function() {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
if (p) {
var e = t.node,
n = void 0 === e ? b : e,
a = t.callback,
r = void 0 === a ? function() {} : a;
return et.searchPseudoElements && Ve(n), _e(n, r)
return St.reject("Operation requires a DOM of some kind.")
css: We,
insertCss: function() {
Qe || (Mt(We()), Qe = !0)
watch: function() {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
e = t.autoReplaceSvgRoot,
n = t.observeMutationsRoot;
!1 === et.autoReplaceSvg && (et.autoReplaceSvg = !0), et.observeMutations = !0, nt(function() {
autoReplaceSvgRoot: e
}), Ae({
treeCallback: _e,
nodeCallback: Ue,
pseudoElementsCallback: Ve,
observeMutationsRoot: n
$e = (Be = function(t) {
var e = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
n = e.transform,
a = void 0 === n ? Ot : n,
r = e.symbol,
i = void 0 !== r && r,
o = e.mask,
c = void 0 === o ? null : o,
s = e.maskId,
l = void 0 === s ? null : s,
f = e.title,
u = void 0 === f ? null : f,
d = e.titleId,
m = void 0 === d ? null : d,
h = e.classes,
p = void 0 === h ? [] : h,
g = e.attributes,
v = void 0 === g ? {} : g,
b = e.styles,
y = void 0 === b ? {} : b;
if (t) {
var w = t.prefix,
x = t.iconName,
k = t.icon;
return Ge($({
type: "icon"
}, t), function() {
return Xe(), et.autoA11y && (u ? v["aria-labelledby"] = "".concat(et.replacementClass, "-title-").concat(m || Pt()) : (v["aria-hidden"] = "true", v.focusable = "false")), Ut({
icons: {
main: Re(k),
mask: c ? Re(c.icon) : {
found: !1,
width: null,
height: null,
icon: {}
prefix: w,
iconName: x,
transform: $({}, Ot, a),
symbol: i,
title: u,
maskId: l,
titleId: m,
extra: {
attributes: v,
styles: y,
classes: p
}, function(t) {
var e = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
n = (t || {}).icon ? t : Ke(t || {}),
a = e.mask;
return a && (a = (a || {}).icon ? a : Ke(a || {})), Be(n, $({}, e, {
mask: a
tn = {
noAuto: function() {
et.autoReplaceSvg = !1, et.observeMutations = !1, ke && ke.disconnect()
config: et,
dom: Ze,
library: Je,
parse: {
transform: function(t) {
return Ce(t)
findIconDefinition: Ke,
icon: $e,
text: function(t) {
var e = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
n = e.transform,
a = void 0 === n ? Ot : n,
r = e.title,
i = void 0 === r ? null : r,
o = e.classes,
c = void 0 === o ? [] : o,
s = e.attributes,
l = void 0 === s ? {} : s,
f = e.styles,
u = void 0 === f ? {} : f;
return Ge({
type: "text",
content: t
}, function() {
return Xe(), Ht({
content: t,
transform: $({}, Ot, a),
title: i,
extra: {
attributes: l,
styles: u,
classes: ["".concat(et.familyPrefix, "-layers-text")].concat(d(c))
counter: function(t) {
var e = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
n = e.title,
a = void 0 === n ? null : n,
r = e.classes,
i = void 0 === r ? [] : r,
o = e.attributes,
c = void 0 === o ? {} : o,
s = e.styles,
l = void 0 === s ? {} : s;
return Ge({
type: "counter",
content: t
}, function() {
return Xe(),
function(t) {
var e = t.content,
n = t.title,
a = t.extra,
r = $({}, a.attributes, n ? {
title: n
} : {}, {
class: a.classes.join(" ")
i = Rt(a.styles);
0 < i.length && (r.style = i);
var o = [];
return o.push({
tag: "span",
attributes: r,
children: [e]
}), n && o.push({
tag: "span",
attributes: {
class: "sr-only"
children: [n]
}), o
content: t.toString(),
title: a,
extra: {
attributes: c,
styles: l,
classes: ["".concat(et.familyPrefix, "-layers-counter")].concat(d(i))
layer: function(t) {
var e = (1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}).classes,
n = void 0 === e ? [] : e;
return Ge({
type: "layer"
}, function() {
var e = [];
return t(function(t) {
Array.isArray(t) ? t.map(function(t) {
e = e.concat(t.abstract)
}) : e = e.concat(t.abstract)
}), [{
tag: "span",
attributes: {
class: ["".concat(et.familyPrefix, "-layers")].concat(d(n)).join(" ")
children: e
toHtml: he
en = function() {
var t = (0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}).autoReplaceSvgRoot,
e = void 0 === t ? b : t;
(0 < Object.keys(J.styles).length || et.autoFetchSvg) && p && et.autoReplaceSvg && tn.dom.i2svg({
node: e
! function(t) {
try {
} catch (t) {
if (!E) throw t
}(function() {
m && (v.FontAwesome || (v.FontAwesome = tn), nt(function() {
en(), Ae({
treeCallback: _e,
nodeCallback: Ue,
pseudoElementsCallback: Ve
})), J.hooks = $({}, J.hooks, {
addPack: function(t, e) {
J.styles[t] = $({}, J.styles[t] || {}, e), se(), en()
addShims: function(t) {
var e;
(e = J.shims).push.apply(e, d(t)), se(), en()
<script referrerpolicy="strict-origin" id="fa-v4-shims">
var l, a;
l = this, a = function() {
"use strict";
var l = {},
a = {};
try {
"undefined" != typeof window && (l = window), "undefined" != typeof document && (a = document)
} catch (l) {}
var e = (l.navigator || {}).userAgent,
r = void 0 === e ? "" : e,
n = l,
o = a,
u = (n.document, !!o.documentElement && !!o.head && "function" == typeof o.addEventListener && o.createElement, ~r.indexOf("MSIE") || r.indexOf("Trident/"), "___FONT_AWESOME___"),
t = function() {
try {
return "production" === process.env.NODE_ENV
} catch (l) {
return !1
var f = n || {};
f[u] || (f[u] = {}), f[u].styles || (f[u].styles = {}), f[u].hooks || (f[u].hooks = {}), f[u].shims || (f[u].shims = []);
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s = [
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