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Rodgers held a shakeout run Friday, July 28, 2023, along the riverfront trail ahead of Saturday's QCTimes Bix 7. * SARAH WATSON Jolene and Steve Vipond, who've each run the Quad-City Times Bix 7 road race more than 30 times, say they're inspired by former marathon record-holder Bill Rodgers' enthusiasm for running. * SARAH WATSON Kyle Ekberg, Director of Runners Experience set the runners to start their run during the easy-paced shakeout run Friday in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK Bill Rodgers, a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay, at the easy-paced shakeout run Friday in downtown Davenport.. * GARY L. KRAMBECK Runners join in with Bill Rodgers a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay as they head out on the bike path along River drive Friday during the easy-paced shakeout run in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK Runners stand in front of the Quad-City Times Bix 7 statues with Bill Rodgers, a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay,before the start of the easy-paced shakeout run Friday in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK Runners join in with Bill Rodgers a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay as they head east on the bike path along River drive Friday during the easy-paced shakeout run in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK Runners join in with Bill Rodgers a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay as they head out on the bike path along River drive Friday during the easy-paced shakeout run in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK prev next * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Sarah Watson Bill Rodgers ran his last marathon in 2009, but the former record holder and Olympian still brings star power to the Quad-Cities. Rodgers has won 22 marathons, including the New York and Boston races, all during a span from 1974 to 1983. But Kevin O’Brien, a 2007 Davenport Assumption graduate who ran with Rodgers during his "shake-out run" Friday morning, will always remember a moment of kindness in the early 1990s. O’Brien was about 4 years old at the time. Alongside his parents and sister, he watched Rodgers accept his prize at the awards ceremony. O’Brien can’t remember the exact year – perhaps 1993, when Rodgers placed 2nd in the QCTimes Bix 7 master’s division and donated his $500 in winnings to the victims of that spring’s devastating floods. 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The Boston-area runner told them, as much as he loved racing, he missed his family while away. “He said, ‘You guys remind me of them,’” O’Brien said. And Rodgers handed O’Brien his souvenir Quad-City Times Bix 7 watch, an analog with gold backing. Then, Rodgers gave O’Brien’s sister his recorded tape of the race. Now, O’Brien, who lives in New York, tries to make a homecoming out of the QCTimes Bix 7 to see his family — and Rodgers. “He’s such a great guy. He’s all about the people,” O’Brien said. Close to 50 people ran the mile-long warmup with Rodgers Friday, the day before his 43rd time running the race. And Rodgers made everyone feel welcome. He introduced himself, asked about runners’ plans for the upcoming seven-miler, future races, or life in general and shared his own stories from his running career during the morning's easy pace along the riverfront. He was generous with his time, answering questions, taking photos, and signing books. Rodgers' enthusiasm inspires Jolene and Steve Vipond, of Aledo, who've each run the QCTimes Bix 7 more than 30 times. "If he can do that, we're going to try to keep running as long as we can, because he's so enthusiastic and happy about his running," Jolene Vipond said. Rodgers grew up in a running boom. He, his brother Charlie, and a good friend formed a cross country team when Rodgers was a sophomore in 1963. Rodgers was a quick runner and won the state title for the mile at 4:28. "We had a good coach, who was a track guy, and he did not over train us," Rodgers said. "So we had fun. If you have fun, that's the key." "It just took us all by surprise," Rodgers said of the growing popularity of running at the time. He went to a Division III college 15 minutes from home, where he ran in college. But he didn't think about the marathon — the race he became known for — until his college roommate won the Boston Marathon in 1968. "We didn't understand the marathon. What the hell are you doing? Why are you running so far?" Rodgers said. "You have to see it. If you see the Bix, you start thinking you want to run, because you see yourself maybe out there." He graduated in 1970 with an M.S. in special education and stepped away from professional running for a time, working in his field. But running called back. Rodgers ran his first marathon in Boston in 1973, and it didn't go as well as he hoped. "I got crushed," Rodgers said. There was no water on the course, and he didn't know how to pace a marathon. He dropped out around 20 miles, and went home. "I quit running for three months, but then I came back," he said. "You can always come back. And I did. And I joined Greater Boston. See, that was the key." In the fall of 1973, Rodgers joined track coach Bill Squires' Greater Boston Track Club as part of a team of elite runners. He won the Bay State Marathon in 2:28 that October and returned to the Boston Marathon to win it in 1975, bursting onto the national scene. In 1978, Rodgers entered 30 road races and won 27 of them. In 1980, when the U.S. boycotted the summer Olympic games in the USSR after the country invaded Afghanistan, Rodgers accepted an invitation to the QCTimes Bix 7 instead. "I remember where we were staying we could see the Mississippi River, and I remember looking out at the river and saying, 'This is incredible,'" Rodgers said. When he won the race, he was invited back again. And again. And again. Saturday will be the 43rd time Rodgers has run the QCTimes Bix 7. It's the road race he's entered more than any other and is among the most challenging, he said. At 75, Rodgers isn't expecting to run a record time; he's not expecting even to win his age group. He estimates he's run 190,000 miles in his lifetime, and others his age who got started running later have less wear and tear. "I'm like the car that's very worn down — you know, with bald tires. And these guys have been in the garage," he said. "They're older, but they have fewer miles than me." But it doesn't dampen his infectious enthusiasm. "I'm just glad to be here, to be doing it," Rodgers said, smiling. Video Player is loading. Play Video Play Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration 1:25 Loaded: 0% 0:00 Stream Type LIVE Seek to live, currently behind liveLIVE Remaining Time -1:25 1x Playback Rate Chapters * Chapters Descriptions * descriptions off, selected Captions * captions settings, opens captions settings dialog * captions off, selected Audio Track * default, selected Picture-in-PictureFullscreen This is a modal window. Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window. 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SARAH WATSON Bettendorf, East Moline, and Silvis Reporter * Author twitter * Author email Follow Sarah Watson Close GET EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS ON {{SUBJECT}} DAILY! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Save Manage followed notifications Close FOLLOWED NOTIFICATIONS PLEASE LOG IN TO USE THIS FEATURE Log In Don't have an account? Sign Up Today RELATED TO THIS STORY SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND SUPPORT LOCAL JOURNALISM! SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND SUPPORT LOCAL JOURNALISM! THE HEAT WAS ON FOR THE 26TH ANNUAL ARCONIC JR. BIX “There was a lot of people and it was hot. I wasn’t expecting it to be this hot," 7-year-old Xander Echols said. WATCH NOW: RELATED VIDEO Video Player is loading. 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Rodgers held a shakeout run Friday, July 28, 2023, along the riverfront trail ahead of Saturday's QCTimes Bix 7. * SARAH WATSON * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Jolene and Steve Vipond, who've each run the Quad-City Times Bix 7 road race more than 30 times, say they're inspired by former marathon record-holder Bill Rodgers' enthusiasm for running. * SARAH WATSON * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Kyle Ekberg, Director of Runners Experience set the runners to start their run during the easy-paced shakeout run Friday in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Bill Rodgers, a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay, at the easy-paced shakeout run Friday in downtown Davenport.. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Runners join in with Bill Rodgers a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay as they head out on the bike path along River drive Friday during the easy-paced shakeout run in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Runners stand in front of the Quad-City Times Bix 7 statues with Bill Rodgers, a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay,before the start of the easy-paced shakeout run Friday in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Runners join in with Bill Rodgers a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay as they head east on the bike path along River drive Friday during the easy-paced shakeout run in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Runners join in with Bill Rodgers a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay as they head out on the bike path along River drive Friday during the easy-paced shakeout run in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Kevin O'Brien (left) runs with former marathon record-holder and Olympian Bill Rodgers the morning of Friday, July 28, 2023. * SARAH WATSON * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Former marathon record holder and Olympian Bill Rodgers shakes hands with a first-time Quad-City Times Bix 7 runner, Lonnie Stevenson, who grew up in the Quad-Cities and moved to Arizona in the 1980s. Rodgers held a shakeout run Friday, July 28, 2023, along the riverfront trail ahead of Saturday's QCTimes Bix 7. * SARAH WATSON * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Jolene and Steve Vipond, who've each run the Quad-City Times Bix 7 road race more than 30 times, say they're inspired by former marathon record-holder Bill Rodgers' enthusiasm for running. * SARAH WATSON * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Kyle Ekberg, Director of Runners Experience set the runners to start their run during the easy-paced shakeout run Friday in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Bill Rodgers, a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay, at the easy-paced shakeout run Friday in downtown Davenport.. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Runners join in with Bill Rodgers a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay as they head out on the bike path along River drive Friday during the easy-paced shakeout run in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Runners stand in front of the Quad-City Times Bix 7 statues with Bill Rodgers, a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay,before the start of the easy-paced shakeout run Friday in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Runners join in with Bill Rodgers a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay as they head east on the bike path along River drive Friday during the easy-paced shakeout run in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. KRAMBECK * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Copy article link * Save Runners join in with Bill Rodgers a former marathon record holder, Olympian, and Quad-City Times Bix 7 mainstay as they head out on the bike path along River drive Friday during the easy-paced shakeout run in downtown Davenport. * GARY L. 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