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Submission: On July 22 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB

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Name: limesurveyPOST /index.php/288167

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  <!-- START OF GROUP: Demographics   -->
  <div id="group-0" class=" group-outer-container  space-col">
    <div class=" group-container  space-col">
      <!-- Group Name -->
      <div class=" group-title   text-center h3 space-col"> Demographics </div>
      <!-- Question 52309  -->
      <div id="question52309" class="row boilerplate   question-container  ">
        <!-- Question Tips -->
        <!-- Question text -->
        <div class=" question-title-container   col-xs-12 ">
          <div class=" question-text ">
            <div id="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52309" class=" ls-label-question "> Tips for completing the survey: <ul>
                <li> Complete all required fields.&nbsp; You will not be able to go to the next page before they are completed</li>
                <li> Be patient after you have pressed the save button at the end of the survey as it may take time to save to the database</li>
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        <div class=" question-valid-container   text-info col-xs-12">
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          <input class="ls-answers hidden boilerplate hidden" type="hidden" name="288167X1370X52309" id="answer288167X1370X52309" value="">
          <!-- end of answer -->
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        <div class="question-help-container text-info col-xs-12 hidden">
        <!-- End of question Tips -->
      <!-- End of question  52309  -->
      <!-- Question 52307  -->
      <div id="question52307" class="row text-short mandatory   question-container  ">
        <!-- Question D1 -->
        <!-- Question text -->
        <div class=" question-title-container   col-xs-12 ">
          <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved -->
          <div class=" asterisk    pull-left">
            <small class="   text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden="true"></small>
            <span class="   sr-only text-danger"> (This question is mandatory) </span>
          <div class=" question-text ">
            <div id="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52307" class=" ls-label-question "> Name </div>
        <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help -->
        <div class=" question-valid-container   text-info col-xs-12">
        <!-- Answer -->
        <div class=" answer-container    col-xs-12">
          <!-- answer -->
          <div class="ls-answers answer-item text-item ">
            <!-- Prefix -->
            <!-- Input -->
            <input class="form-control " type="text" name="288167X1370X52307" id="answer288167X1370X52307" value="" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52307">
            <!-- Suffix -->
          <!-- end of answer -->
        <!-- Survey question help -->
        <div class="question-help-container text-info col-xs-12 hidden">
        <!-- End of question D1 -->
      <!-- End of question  52307  -->
      <!-- Question 52308  -->
      <div id="question52308" class="row text-short mandatory question-container">
        <!-- Question D3 -->
        <!-- Question text -->
        <div class=" question-title-container   col-xs-12 ">
          <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved -->
          <div class=" asterisk    pull-left">
            <small class="   text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden="true"></small>
            <span class="   sr-only text-danger"> (This question is mandatory) </span>
          <div class=" question-text ">
            <div id="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52308" class=" ls-label-question "> Email Address </div>
        <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help -->
        <div class=" question-valid-container   text-info col-xs-12">
          <div class="ls-question-help " role="alert" id="vmsg_52308">
            <div id="vmsg_52308_regex_validation" class="ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_regex_validation ls-em-success">
              <span class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span> Please check the format of your answer.
        <!-- Answer -->
        <div class=" answer-container    col-xs-12">
          <!-- answer -->
          <div class="ls-answers answer-item text-item ">
            <!-- Prefix -->
            <!-- Input -->
            <input class="form-control em_sq_validation" type="text" name="288167X1370X52308" id="answer288167X1370X52308" value="" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52308">
            <!-- Suffix -->
          <!-- end of answer -->
        <!-- Survey question help -->
        <div class="question-help-container text-info col-xs-12 hidden">
        <!-- End of question D3 -->
      <!-- End of question  52308  -->
      <!-- Question 52310  -->
      <div id="question52310" class="row list-dropdown mandatory question-container">
        <!-- Question D4 -->
        <!-- Question text -->
        <div class=" question-title-container   col-xs-12 ">
          <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved -->
          <div class=" asterisk    pull-left">
            <small class="   text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden="true"></small>
            <span class="   sr-only text-danger"> (This question is mandatory) </span>
          <div class=" question-text ">
            <div id="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52310" class=" ls-label-question "> Where does your organisation focus most of its attention on for Executive Education? </div>
        <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help -->
        <div class=" question-valid-container   text-info col-xs-12">
          <div class="ls-question-help " role="alert" id="vmsg_52310">
            <div id="vmsg_52310_default" class="ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_default ls-em-success">
              <span class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span> Choose one of the following answers
        <!-- Answer -->
        <div class=" answer-container    col-xs-12">
          <!-- List Dropdown -->
          <!-- answer-->
          <div class="ls-answers answer-item dropdown-item  form-group form-inline">
            <select class="form-control list-question-select" name="288167X1370X52310" id="answer288167X1370X52310" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52310">
              <!-- option -->
              <option value=""> Please choose... </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A1"> Executive level </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A2"> Senior Management level </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A3"> Middle Management level </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A4"> Junior Management level </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A5"> Supervisory/entry level </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="-oth-" class="other-item"> Other: </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
            <label for="othertext288167X1370X52310" class="sr-only"> Other: </label>
            <div class="form-group text-item other-text-item">
              <input id="othertext288167X1370X52310" class="form-control em_sq_validation" aria-labelledby="answer288167X1370X52310-oth-" type="text" value="" name="288167X1370X52310other" style="display: none;">
              if ($("#answer288167X1370X52310").val() != "-oth-") {
              $(document).on("change", "#answer288167X1370X52310", function() {
                if ($("#answer288167X1370X52310").val() != "-oth-") {
                } else {
            <!-- end of othertext -->
            <input id="java288167X1370X52310" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52310">
          <!-- end of answer  -->
        <!-- Survey question help -->
        <div class="question-help-container text-info col-xs-12 hidden">
        <!-- End of question D4 -->
      <!-- End of question  52310  -->
      <!-- Question 52311  -->
      <div id="question52311" class="row multiple-opt mandatory question-container">
        <!-- Question D5 -->
        <!-- Question text -->
        <div class=" question-title-container   col-xs-12 ">
          <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved -->
          <div class=" asterisk    pull-left">
            <small class="   text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden="true"></small>
            <span class="   sr-only text-danger"> (This question is mandatory) </span>
          <div class=" question-text ">
            <div id="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52311" class=" ls-label-question "> At which of the following Business Schools have your employees attended for Executive Education during the past five years? </div>
        <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help -->
        <div class=" question-valid-container   text-info col-xs-12">
          <div class="ls-question-help " role="alert" id="vmsg_52311">
            <div id="vmsg_52311_default" class="ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_default ls-em-success">
              <span class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span> Check all that apply
        <!-- Answer -->
        <div class=" answer-container    col-xs-12">
          <!-- Multiple Choice -->
          <!-- answer -->
          <input type="hidden" name="MULTI288167X1370X52311" value="23">
          <div class="ls-answers checkbox-list answers-list row" role="group" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52311">
            <ul class="list-unstyled col-xs-12 col-sm-12">
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ001" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ001" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ001" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ001" class="checkbox-label control-label">Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ001" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ001" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ002" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ002" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ002" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ002" class="checkbox-label control-label">Edinburgh Business School</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ002" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ002" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ003" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ003" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ003" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ003" class="checkbox-label control-label">GIBS - Gordon Institute of Business Science</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ003" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ003" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ004" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ004" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ004" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ004" class="checkbox-label control-label">Henley Business School</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ004" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ004" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ005" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ005" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ005" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ005" class="checkbox-label control-label">IIE MSA</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ005" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ005" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ006" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ006" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ006" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ006" class="checkbox-label control-label">Johannesburg Business School</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ006" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ006" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ007" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ007" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ007" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ007" class="checkbox-label control-label">MANCOSA – Management College of Southern Africa</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ007" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ007" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ008" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ008" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ008" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ008" class="checkbox-label control-label">Milpark Business School</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ008" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ008" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ009" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ009" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ009" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ009" class="checkbox-label control-label">Nelson Mandela University (NMU) Business School</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ009" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ009" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ010" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ010" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ010" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ010" class="checkbox-label control-label">North West University (NWU) Business School </label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ010" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ010" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ011" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ011" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ011" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ011" class="checkbox-label control-label">Regenesys Business School </label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ011" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ011" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ012" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ012" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ012" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ012" class="checkbox-label control-label">Regent Business School</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ012" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ012" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ013" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ013" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ013" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ013" class="checkbox-label control-label">Rhodes Business School</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ013" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ013" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ014" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ014" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ014" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ014" class="checkbox-label control-label">Tshwane School for Business and Society (TSB) – previously TUT</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ014" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ014" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ015" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ015" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ015" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ015" class="checkbox-label control-label">Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL)</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ015" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ015" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ016" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ016" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ016" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ016" class="checkbox-label control-label">UNISA Graduate School of Business Leadership </label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ016" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ016" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ017" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ017" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ017" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ017" class="checkbox-label control-label">University of Cape Town (UCT) Graduate School of Business </label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ017" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ017" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ018" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ018" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ018" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ018" class="checkbox-label control-label">University of the Free State (UFS) Business School </label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ018" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ018" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ019" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ019" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ019" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ019" class="checkbox-label control-label">University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN) Graduate School of Business and Leadership</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ019" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ019" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ020" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ020" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ020" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ020" class="checkbox-label control-label">University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) </label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ020" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ020" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311SQ021" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-item form-group ">
                <input type="checkbox" name="288167X1370X52311SQ021" id="answer288167X1370X52311SQ021" value="Y">
                <label for="answer288167X1370X52311SQ021" class="checkbox-label control-label">NWU Business School</label>
                <input type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52311SQ021" id="java288167X1370X52311SQ021" value="">
              <!-- end of answer_row -->
              <!-- answer_row_other -->
              <li id="javatbd288167X1370X52311other" class="question-item answer-item checkbox-text-item form-group form-inline ">
                <!-- Checkbox + label -->
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                  <label for="answer288167X1370X52311othercbox" class="answertext" id="label-288167X1370X52311other-other">Other:</label>
                <!-- comment -->
                <div class="form-group text-item other-text-item">
                  <input class="form-control input-sm " type="text" name="288167X1370X52311other" id="answer288167X1370X52311other" value="" aria-labelledby="label-288167X1370X52311other-other">
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                <script type="text/javascript">
                  $('#answer288167X1370X52311other').on('keyup focusout', function(event) {
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                    } else {
                      $("#answer288167X1370X52311othercbox").prop("checked", false);
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                    checkconditions(this.value,, this.type);
                  $('#answer288167X1370X52311othercbox').click(function(event) {
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                      return false;
                    } else {
                      checkconditions("", "288167X1370X52311other", "text");
                      LEMflagMandOther("288167X1370X52311other", false);
                      return true;
              </li> <!-- Form group ; item row -->
              <!-- end of answer_row_other -->
            <!-- end of answer -->
        <!-- Survey question help -->
        <div class="question-help-container text-info col-xs-12 hidden">
        <!-- End of question D5 -->
      <!-- End of question  52311  -->
      <!-- Question 52312  -->
      <div id="question52312" class="row list-dropdown mandatory question-container">
        <!-- Question D6 -->
        <!-- Question text -->
        <div class=" question-title-container   col-xs-12 ">
          <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved -->
          <div class=" asterisk    pull-left">
            <small class="   text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden="true"></small>
            <span class="   sr-only text-danger"> (This question is mandatory) </span>
          <div class=" question-text ">
            <div id="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52312" class=" ls-label-question "> Which Business School did you send employees to most often during the past five years/which is your preferred Business School?&nbsp; Please select one Business
              School.&nbsp; </div>
        <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help -->
        <div class=" question-valid-container   text-info col-xs-12">
          <div class="ls-question-help " role="alert" id="vmsg_52312">
            <div id="vmsg_52312_default" class="ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_default ls-em-success">
              <span class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span> Choose one of the following answers
        <!-- Answer -->
        <div class=" answer-container    col-xs-12">
          <!-- List Dropdown -->
          <!-- answer-->
          <div class="ls-answers answer-item dropdown-item  form-group form-inline">
            <select class="form-control list-question-select" name="288167X1370X52312" id="answer288167X1370X52312" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-288167X1370X52312">
              <!-- option -->
              <option value=""> Please choose... </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A1"> Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A2"> Edinburgh Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A3"> GIBS - Gordon Institute of Business Science </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A4"> Henley Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A5"> IIE MSA </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A6"> Johannesburg Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A7"> MANCOSA – Management College of Southern Africa </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A8"> Milpark Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A9"> Nelson Mandela University (NMU) Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A10"> North West University (NWU) Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A11"> Regenesys Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A12"> Regent Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A13"> Rhodes Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A14"> Tshwane School for Business and Society (TSB) – previously TUT </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A15"> Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL) </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A16"> UNISA Graduate School of Business Leadership </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A17"> University of Cape Town (UCT) Graduate School of Business </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A18"> University of the Free State (UFS) Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A19"> University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN) Graduate School of Business and Leadership </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A20"> University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="A21"> NWU Business School </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
              <!-- option -->
              <option value="-oth-" class="other-item"> Other: </option>
              <!-- end of option -->
            <label for="othertext288167X1370X52312" class="sr-only"> Other: </label>
            <div class="form-group text-item other-text-item">
              <input id="othertext288167X1370X52312" class="form-control em_sq_validation" aria-labelledby="answer288167X1370X52312-oth-" type="text" value="" name="288167X1370X52312other" style="display: none;">
              if ($("#answer288167X1370X52312").val() != "-oth-") {
              $(document).on("change", "#answer288167X1370X52312", function() {
                if ($("#answer288167X1370X52312").val() != "-oth-") {
                } else {
            <!-- end of othertext -->
            <input id="java288167X1370X52312" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" name="java288167X1370X52312">
          <!-- end of answer  -->
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        <!-- End of question D6 -->
      <!-- End of question  52312  -->
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Tips for completing the survey:
 * Complete all required fields.  You will not be able to go to the next page
   before they are completed
 * Be patient after you have pressed the save button at the end of the survey as
   it may take time to save to the database

(This question is mandatory)

(This question is mandatory)
Email Address
Please check the format of your answer.

(This question is mandatory)
Where does your organisation focus most of its attention on for Executive
Choose one of the following answers
Please choose... Executive level Senior Management level Middle Management level
Junior Management level Supervisory/entry level Other: Other:

(This question is mandatory)
At which of the following Business Schools have your employees attended for
Executive Education during the past five years?
Check all that apply
 * Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business
 * Edinburgh Business School
 * GIBS - Gordon Institute of Business Science
 * Henley Business School
 * Johannesburg Business School
 * MANCOSA – Management College of Southern Africa
 * Milpark Business School
 * Nelson Mandela University (NMU) Business School
 * North West University (NWU) Business School
 * Regenesys Business School
 * Regent Business School
 * Rhodes Business School
 * Tshwane School for Business and Society (TSB) – previously TUT
 * Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL)
 * UNISA Graduate School of Business Leadership
 * University of Cape Town (UCT) Graduate School of Business
 * University of the Free State (UFS) Business School
 * University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN) Graduate School of Business and Leadership
 * University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB)
 * NWU Business School
 * Other:

(This question is mandatory)
Which Business School did you send employees to most often during the past five
years/which is your preferred Business School?  Please select one Business
Choose one of the following answers
Please choose... Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business Edinburgh Business
School GIBS - Gordon Institute of Business Science Henley Business School IIE
MSA Johannesburg Business School MANCOSA – Management College of Southern Africa
Milpark Business School Nelson Mandela University (NMU) Business School North
West University (NWU) Business School Regenesys Business School Regent Business
School Rhodes Business School Tshwane School for Business and Society (TSB) –
previously TUT Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL) UNISA Graduate
School of Business Leadership University of Cape Town (UCT) Graduate School of
Business University of the Free State (UFS) Business School University of
Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN) Graduate School of Business and Leadership University of
Stellenbosch Business School (USB) NWU Business School Other: Other:

Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey
