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Submission: On May 09 via api from IN — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

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Text Content

Forbes Legacy Pass Allowlist Application

Welcome to the allowlist application for the Forbes Legacy Pass, 1,917 soulbound
passes curated with benefits and a network for the builders, creators and
change-makers of the web3 world. Since quantities are limited, we won’t be able
to select everyone if applications exceed supply.

This application closes in 1 week.

The Legacy Pass will be available to mint for accepted applications in late May
at 0.33ETH.

If your application is accepted, the wallet address used in the next page will
be utilized for the allowlist.

Learn more at

We’ll use the information you provide to us to review your application. Please
don’t share any sensitive information. In addition, we will collect, process,
and share your information as set forth in our Privacy Statement.


By submitting this form, you agree to the above and our Terms of Service


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