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Put in your diary the following dates for our next production


2024 Dec 05, Thu19:30 2024 Dec 06, Fri19:30 2024 Dec 07, Sat15:00 and 18:30

in the church of St Saviour - Hampstead,
Eton Road, Chalk Farm, London, NW3 4SU


See map below.
Watch this space for details of how to book.
The selection of plays will be the same at each performance.


Larger map

We are an amateur-drama group founded in 1946 and specialising in medieval
drama, specifically the cycles of mystery plays based on stories from the Bible.
These were performed annually by the trade guilds at the midsummer festival of
Corpus Christi until they fell into disfavour, casualties of the Reformation
some 500 years ago.

Only four texts survive substantially intact, plus fragments from other cycles,
and it is from those four – Wakefield, York, Chester and Corpus Christi (n-Town)
– that we draw the bulk of our material, presenting a selection from each in
turn, year by year. Every fifth year the production, dubbed The Director's
Choice, gives the director licence to mix-and-match the plays, which gives us
the opportunity to perform scenes from the fragmentary cycles.

, (2000)


What are your memories of the Players of St Peter? Olive Stubbs writes:

Currently, I am working on compiling a collection of views and anecdotes from
audience and players alike – past and present – about what the Players mean to
them, what makes the group and its work special, which church locations or
aspects of the productions individuals have particularly liked, and any
memorable incidents that people would like to record. My hope is that in the
coming year this will build into an informal history of the Players over the

The Players of St Peter was founded in 1946 at the church of St
Peter-upon-Cornhill in the City of London - hence our name. Since those years in
the City we have been based in churches in west and east London and since 2016
in north London.

Through all that time, we have been fortunate in maintaining very faithful
audiences who have followed our progress and supported our productions, some
handing on that support to their children and even grandchildren. Many remark
that for them our plays are the true start of Christmas, which is a lovely

During the 30 years since 1986, while I have been adapting and directing the
plays, I have found it a great pleasure to work with so many talented people, to
find the gems of truth, humour and language in the texts, and get to know many
of our keen supporters and patrons. The Players and our traditional performances
are indeed special in many ways.

So, if you would like to hear more about this project – or to contribute some of
your own thoughts or memories (however long or short) about the Players from
your point of view – please contact me by email to – it
will be a pleasure to hear from you.



php file date:  2023 Jan 10  14:14:33