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Submitted URL: https://herbalbreathing.com/
Effective URL: https://www.baar.com/inspirol-herbal-breathing-aromatherapy
Submission: On June 17 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.baar.com/inspirol-herbal-breathing-aromatherapy
Submission: On June 17 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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<legend>Purchase Inspirol (Herbal Breathing), Aromatherapy</legend>
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<span class="__dynamic-pname">Inspirol (Herbal Breathing), Aromatherapy</span>
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<span id="js_price-value">$25.95</span>
<div class="item-number">Item #: <span class="__dynamic-pcode">321</span></div>
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<div class="custom-field" id="weight">Size <span>4 fl oz</span></div>
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Sign Up For Our Email Specials Product Search Product Search * Login Global Account Log In * Email Address * Password * * Create an Account * Forgot Password? * Basket (0) * Health Care * Personal Care * Edgar Cayce * Vibrational Therapies * Specials * New Products * Learning Center * About Us * Shop All * Castor Oil Therapy * Edgar Cayce Care * Tonics * Skin Care * Hair Care * Pain Relief * Breathing * Health Care * Alkalize & Detox * Brain & Mind * Full Spectrum Hemp * Dental Health * Digestive Aids * Eyes & Ears * Fluid Extracts * Food For Health * Heart Care * Herbal Teas * Immune System * Joint & Muscle * Kidney & Bladder * Legs & Feet * Pain Relief * Psoriasis / Eczema * Sinus & Breathing * Sleep Aids * Stress Reduction * Supplements * Weight Control * Lawn Care * Learning Center * Blog * Books * Educational * FAQs * Videos * New Products * Personal Care * Anti-Aging * Beauty Products * Body & Bath * Creams & Ointments * Hair Care * Skin Care * Specials * Clearance * Featured Products * Hot Deal * Vibrational Therapies * Radiac * Radiac Parts * Wet Cell * Wet Cell Parts * Vibradex Solutions * Violet Ray * Shop All Login * … * Home * Edgar Cayce Health Care * Inspirol (Herbal Breathing), Aromatherapy INSPIROL (HERBAL BREATHING), AROMATHERAPY Purchase Inspirol (Herbal Breathing), Aromatherapy INSPIROL (HERBAL BREATHING), AROMATHERAPY $25.95 Item #: 321 Size 4 fl oz Volume Pricing 1 $25.95 each 2+ $24.95 each Qty: – + Add To Wishlist | Teilen Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Inspirol® (Herbal Breathing™), 4 oz liquid in 8 oz bottle Aromatherapy Formula * Helps Clear Lungs * Penetrates & Soothes Nasal Passages * Supports Healthy Breathing * Relieves Nasal Allergy & Sinus Symptoms * Contains Known Cell Protectors and Spike Protein Purifiers * Alleviates Congestion * Natural Expectorant * Now Called "Inspirol", Formerly Called "Herbal Breathing" * Edgar Cayce Formula Inspirol (previously called Herbal Breathing) is an Aromatherapy formula designed to penetrate and soothe nasal passages, bronchials and the lungs. It is also an aid to the body's response in combating seasonal allergies and sinus symptoms. Versions of this formula were suggested in Edgar Cayce's Health Care over 300 times for a wide variety of symptoms associated with congestion, seasonal allergies, post-nasal drip, irritated throat, and swollen mucus membranes.* Edgar Cayce Quotes*: "The antiseptic reaction from the gases for the throat, brochials, lungs, that not only heal but that prevent accumulations from poor circulation through the mucus membranes of the throat, nasal bronchi, and the forces in the soft tissue of the face, from becoming infected from these drosses. But it will aid also in keeping down the tendencies for the circulation to be so active through these portions." "...when there is a tickling or coughing, or the inclination for sneezing... when these occur any time during the day..." "the clarifying of the muco-membranes of head and throat... reducing the tendency for the glands to over stimulate the muco-membranes and thus relieving the irritations" "an antiseptic and a healer, [it] will prevent the sneezing, as well as the tendency for the lymph to drip from nostril and nasal passages" "purifying those areas through which sensory influences are at times clogged" Suggested Use: The bottle is half filled. Shake the bottle, remove the cap and place the tube into the air space above the liquid, then breathe in the fumes. Breathe deeply through each nostril and then in through the mouth, exhaling after each. Recommended use is 1-3 times daily. One aromatherapy tube is included with every Inspirol bottle. There is 4 fluid ounces in each 8 ounce bottle. (Note: Breathe the fumes, only.) Best if replaced after 6 months after opening. Ingredients: Oil of Eucalyptus, Tolu Balsam, Compound Tincture of Benzoin, Oil of Pine Needles, Rectified Oil of Turpentine and Rectified Beechwood in a Grain Alcohol base. Customers' Experiences: ”I am on oxygen 24/7 and this is great help with keeping the nasal passages open for better breathing.” - Amazon Customer ”I have COPD and using this product helps open my lungs and reduces the coughing spells I get from anxiety.” - Amazon Customer ”This is the best thing for the sort of runny, constantly-drippy nose my senior mom and friend have been dealing with. Now they both can eat without constantly having to wipe their noses during dinner. Both are in their 80s. Drs have told them both that this is part of getting old. But… that’s not what Cayce said. I love any product approved by Mr. Cayce.” - Amazon Customer ”This was recommended by a now retired naturopath. It seems to help. I use it after neti pot.” - Amazon Customer "I used Inspirol once before when my voice had gotten so bad I could hardly talk. It made a huge difference!" - K.I., Portland, OR ”I grew up with Edgar Casey remedies, I am so glad I found this product for my sinus congestion! Great stuff!” - Amazon Customer "I love Inspirol. Use it every time I start getting congested. It works! I haven't had a sinus infection in years since using it. " - C.C., Dayton, TX ”I had a sinus infection for a long time. An employee in a health food store recommended I try this product. Wow- it is so powerful and effective. My husband uses it now, too. I will recommend this to everyone I know.” - Amazon Customer "I can't live without Inspirol Herbal Breathing. It's absolutely amazing stuff! I put it in the humidifier when my kids have a cough and it clears it up the same day."- C.A., Meriden, CT “I take Inspirol Herbal Breathing at night before bedtime for my allergies and post-nasal drip! Thanks Edgar Cayce and Baar!” – B.W., St. Petersburg, FL ”Been using this for years. It works! Thank you.” – J.P., Richmond VA ”We've loved all your products, they are top quality! Your Inspirol has been instrumental in our lung and bronchial support. Thank you for being there with excellent products when we need them!” - E.M., Sequim, WA ”Prescriptions for COPD make me sick. Inspirol works perfectly. So grateful for this alternative.” - N.C., La Crescenta, CA "I don't know what I would do without Inspirol. It has helped me for years." – S.R. Canon, GA "Inhaling Inspirol feels like inhaling life itself. It smells lovely, clears my nasal passages, and helps reduce congestion." – T.D. Seattle, WA "Inspirol has helped me so much! Better than inhalers." – A.S. Pemberville, OH "I love the Inspirol, Herbal Breathing. I have severe asthma along with COPD and often have pain in the chest. Inspirol takes away that pain instantly, calms the cough. Also clears sinus congestion." – J.R. Waterford Works, NJ "My clients love using Inspirol!! Really knocks down infections!" – W.S. D.PSc, VMScP, Elkins, WV "Inspirol even has helped my Girlfriend whom suffers from COPD and Emphysema. She has been using the product for 5 days and has seen a noticeable improvement in her breathing." - W.B., Blasdell, NY "My husband was almost asthma free in 2018, and me allergy free, during our bad season, March – June, by inhaling the Inspirol, Herbal Breathing. We are thrilled. He had a pretty constant use of an asthma inhaler in 2017. Pretty miraculous." – N.H., Rancho Cordova, CA "I LOVE the product Inspirol, Herbal Breathing... Just thought I would pass that along :) " - L.H., Virginia Beach, VA "I can't believe the Baar Inspirol Herbal Breathing. Years of sinus torture, gone with 2 treatments. Just 1 of 5 Baar's Edgar Cayce products ordered for less than a doctor's visit. Breathing normally is a rare gift which has filled me with great joy and a sense of well-being. I can't believe his [Edgar Cayce] treatments aren't mainstream. I wouldn't trade his readings on other people for a team of regular doctors studying just me." – L.S., Cypress, IL “I was diagnosed with asthma years ago and used inhalers for a few years, but not since I began using Inspirol Herbal Breathing. I do cough my head off quite a bit, but it is a productive cough and just as Cayce wrote, the inspirol herbal breathing minimizes post nasal drip and it does it better than anti histamines and without side effects (jittery feeling). I use a bottle or two of herbal breathing every month until it evaporates. I can say that the little bottles are so effective, I carry them with me sometimes.” - A.O. Beaverton, OR “Awesome Stuff... I use it (Inspirol Herbal Breathing). It is the best, and I also have a Cayce (Charred Oak) Keg and get the apple brandy as Cayce recommended. It is great.” - C.S.M. "This product works very well!" - P.C., Chicago, IL "I suffer from asthma and needed a non-prescription treatment to help me breathe better. I decided to get Baar's Inspirol Herbal Breathing product. It has proven very effective every time I've needed it. I gave it to my father who has COPD and he says it helps him to breath much easier, especially at night. The product is of high quality and easy to use. It works fast, too. It is always at my bed side." - B.C. Princeton, WV "I love your products. The Inspirol Herbal Breathing has changed my life... " - I.J., West Palm Beach, FL "I have never used a product [Inspirol Herbal Breathing] that was as effective as this for my bronchial problems! This is my 3rd or 4th bottle of this stuff, it works!" - A.B., Beaverton, OR Warning: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Do not use or store near an open flame. Do not ingest the liquid. In case of accidental ingestion, contact poison control center immediately at 1-800-222-1222. *Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Inspirol® is a registered trademark of Baar Products, Inc. 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