www.poketop.com.br Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.poketop.com.br/
Submission: On January 09 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

Name: mainSearchGET ./?view=ecom/itens

<form name="mainSearch" method="get" action="./?view=ecom/itens" onsubmit="if (document.mainSearch.busca.value=='')return false;">
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  <input type="hidden" name="searchExactMatch" id="searchExactMatch" value="">
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        d="M27.414,24.586l-5.077-5.077C23.386,17.928,24,16.035,24,14c0-5.514-4.486-10-10-10S4,8.486,4,14  s4.486,10,10,10c2.035,0,3.928-0.614,5.509-1.663l5.077,5.077c0.78,0.781,2.048,0.781,2.828,0  C28.195,26.633,28.195,25.367,27.414,24.586z M7,14c0-3.86,3.14-7,7-7s7,3.14,7,7s-3.14,7-7,7S7,17.86,7,14z"
        class="btn_busca" fill="#FFFFFF"></path>
  <input type="submit" name="btnEnviar" value="1" style="display:none;">

POST ./logar_me.php

<form method="POST" action="./logar_me.php">
  <div class="body">
      <li><input onclick="event.preventDefault();event.stopPropagation();event.stopImmediatePropagation();" onfocus="event.preventDefault();event.stopPropagation();event.stopImmediatePropagation();" autocomplete="off" type="text" name="lnick"
          id="lnick" class="form-control form-login" placeholder="E-mail ou Login"></li>
      <li><input type="password" name="lsenha" class="form-control form-login" placeholder="Senha"></li>
      <li><button type="submit" name="Login" class="btn btn-login">Login</button></li>
      <li><button type="button" onclick="parent.location='./?view=ecom/logar'" name="btn_cadastro" class="btn btn-login">Cadastre-se</button>
        <input type="hidden" name="lasturl" value="./?view=ecom/home&amp;id=492097">
        <input type="hidden" name="raizlogin" value="./?view=ecom/home&amp;id=492097">
        <div style="display:none;"><input type="checkbox" name="_selexiona" value="101" checked=""></div>
  <div class="footer">
    <a href="./?view=ecom/logar&amp;pass=1">Recuperar senha</a>

Text Content

 * busca avançada
 * Faça seu login
   ou Cadastre-se
   Bem-vindo à
    * Login
    * Cadastre-se
   Recuperar senha
 * 0
   Resumo do meu carrinho
   Nenhum item em seu carrinho.
   Escolha o carrinho para visualizar:

 * Cartas de Magic
 * Cartas de YuGiOh
 * Cartas de Pokemon
   * Todos cards
   * Fenda Paradoxal
   * 151
   * Obsidiana em Chamas
   * McDonalds Collection 2023
   * Evoluções em Paldea
   * Escarlate e Violeta
   * Todas edições
 * Cartas de Battle Scenes
 * Cartas de Vanguard
 * Acessórios
   * Mochilas / Bolsas
   * Dados / Marcadores de Vida
   * Deck Boxes / Cases
   * Fichários / Pastas
   * Folhas de Pasta
   * Playmats / Tapetes
   * Sleeves / Shields
   * Broche / Pin
   * Moeda Colecionável
   * Field Center Card
   * Ficha / Token
   * Livros
   * HQ / Comic Book
 * Produtos Selados
   * Boosters Avulsos
   * Caixas de Boosters
   * Bundles / Fat Packs
   * Prerelease Pack
   * Commander / Produtos Multiplayer
   * Secret Lair
   * Planeswalker Decks
   * Event Decks
   * Brawl Decks
   * Duel Decks
   * From the Vault
   * Global Series
   * Clash Pack
   * Latas
   * Elite Trainer Box
   * Box Colecionável
   * Kit Colecionável
   * Decks Selados
   * Blisters
   * Special Anniversary Box
   * World Championships Deck
   * Trial Deck
   * Start/Starter Deck
   * Expert Deck
   * Blitz Deck
   * Outros
 * Sets / Playsets
   * Sets / Playsets
 * Funko

Cartas Avulsas de Pokemon
1 unid
Falkner (#180/193)
R$ 0,14
Reverse ..
1 unid
Growlithe (#058/165)
R$ 0,33
1 unid
Krabby (#098/165)
R$ 0,19
Reverse ..
2 unid
Wimpod (#047/182)
R$ 0,23
4 unid
Pegador de Pokémon (#138/159)
R$ 0,15
Reverse ..
1 unid
Steenee (#009/182)
R$ 0,32
3 unid
Spearow (#021/165)
R$ 0,19
Reverse ..
1 unid
Volcanion (#026/159)
R$ 1,50
1 unid
Yveltal (#19/25)
R$ 0,40
Reverse ..
1 unid
Tinkatink (#083/182)
R$ 0,25
7 unid
Amigos em Sinnoh (#131/159)
R$ 0,15
Reverse ..
1 unid
Plusle (#060/182)
R$ 0,24
3 unid
Garganacl (#104/182)
R$ 0,23
Reverse ..
1 unid
Yveltal (#118/182)
R$ 0,45
Reverse ..
1 unid
Rhyhorn (#111/165)
R$ 0,35
Reverse ..
1 unid
Sprigatito (#012/193)
R$ 0,26
2 unid
Yveltal (#118/182)
R$ 0,30
Reverse ..
1 unid
Mienshao (#097/182)
R$ 0,20
1 unid
Snorlax (#206/264)
R$ 0,45
1 unid
Pikachu (#025/165)
R$ 0,19
1 unid
Falkner (#180/193)
R$ 0,14
Reverse ..
1 unid
Growlithe (#058/165)
R$ 0,33
1 unid
Krabby (#098/165)
R$ 0,19
Reverse ..
2 unid
Wimpod (#047/182)
R$ 0,23
4 unid
Pegador de Pokémon (#138/159)
R$ 0,15
Reverse ..
1 unid
Steenee (#009/182)
R$ 0,32
3 unid
Spearow (#021/165)
R$ 0,19
Reverse ..
1 unid
Volcanion (#026/159)
R$ 1,50
1 unid
Yveltal (#19/25)
R$ 0,40
Reverse ..
1 unid
Tinkatink (#083/182)
R$ 0,25
7 unid
Amigos em Sinnoh (#131/159)
R$ 0,15
Reverse ..
1 unid
Plusle (#060/182)
R$ 0,24
3 unid
Garganacl (#104/182)
R$ 0,23
Reverse ..
1 unid
Yveltal (#118/182)
R$ 0,45

 * Atendimento ao cliente
   * Fale Conosco
   * Perguntas Frequentes
   * Busca Avançada
   * Navegue pelo Site
   * (11) 99134-1380
   * pedro.jrmconsultoria@gmail.com
   * Segunda: 09:00 - 18:00
   * Terça: 09:00 - 18:00
   * Quarta: 09:00 - 18:00
   * Quinta: 09:00 - 18:00
   * Sexta: 09:00 - 18:00
   * Sábado: 09:00 - 12:00

PokeTop / CPF: 310.656.238-28

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