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Submission: On May 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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            FW.Utils.FormUtilities.initDeptJobDropdown(FW.$('#department-130483316572292'), departmentList['department']);
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        <ul id="generic-country-list" role="listbox" class="generic-country-list">
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AF"><span>Afghanistan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AX"><span>Åland Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AL"><span>Albania</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="DZ"><span>Algeria</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AS"><span>American Samoa</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AD"><span>Andorra</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AO"><span>Angola</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AI"><span>Anguilla</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AQ"><span>Antarctica</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AG"><span>Antigua and Barbuda</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AR"><span>Argentina</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AM"><span>Armenia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AW"><span>Aruba</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AU"><span>Australia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AT"><span>Austria</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AZ"><span>Azerbaijan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BS"><span>Bahamas</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BH"><span>Bahrain</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BD"><span>Bangladesh</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BB"><span>Barbados</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BY"><span>Belarus</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BE"><span>Belgium</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BZ"><span>Belize</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BJ"><span>Benin</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BM"><span>Bermuda</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BT"><span>Bhutan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BO"><span>Bolivia (Plurinational State of)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BQ"><span>Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BA"><span>Bosnia and Herzegovina</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BW"><span>Botswana</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BV"><span>Bouvet Island</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BR"><span>Brazil</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="IO"><span>British Indian Ocean Territory</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BN"><span>Brunei Darussalam</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BG"><span>Bulgaria</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BF"><span>Burkina Faso</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BI"><span>Burundi</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CV"><span>Cabo Verde</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KH"><span>Cambodia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CM"><span>Cameroon</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CA"><span>Canada</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KY"><span>Cayman Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CF"><span>Central African Republic</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TD"><span>Chad</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CL"><span>Chile</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CN"><span>China</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CX"><span>Christmas Island</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CC"><span>Cocos (Keeling) Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CO"><span>Colombia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KM"><span>Comoros</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CG"><span>Congo</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CD"><span>Congo (Democratic Republic of the)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CK"><span>Cook Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CR"><span>Costa Rica</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CI"><span>Côte d'Ivoire</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="HR"><span>Croatia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CU"><span>Cuba</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CW"><span>Curaçao</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CY"><span>Cyprus</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CZ"><span>Czech Republic</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="DK"><span>Denmark</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="DJ"><span>Djibouti</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="DM"><span>Dominica</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="DO"><span>Dominican Republic</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="EC"><span>Ecuador</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="EG"><span>Egypt</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SV"><span>El Salvador</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GQ"><span>Equatorial Guinea</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="ER"><span>Eritrea</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="EE"><span>Estonia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SZ"><span>Eswatini</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="ET"><span>Ethiopia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="FK"><span>Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="FO"><span>Faroe Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="FJ"><span>Fiji</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="FI"><span>Finland</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="FR"><span>France</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GF"><span>French Guiana</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PF"><span>French Polynesia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TF"><span>French Southern Territories</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GA"><span>Gabon</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GM"><span>Gambia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GE"><span>Georgia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="DE"><span>Germany</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GH"><span>Ghana</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GI"><span>Gibraltar</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GR"><span>Greece</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GL"><span>Greenland</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GD"><span>Grenada</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GP"><span>Guadeloupe</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GU"><span>Guam</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GT"><span>Guatemala</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GG"><span>Guernsey</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GN"><span>Guinea</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GW"><span>Guinea-Bissau</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GY"><span>Guyana</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="HT"><span>Haiti</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="HM"><span>Heard Island and McDonald Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="VA"><span>Holy See</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="HN"><span>Honduras</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="HK"><span>Hong Kong</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="HU"><span>Hungary</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="IS"><span>Iceland</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="IN"><span>India</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="ID"><span>Indonesia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="IR"><span>Iran (Islamic Republic of)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="IQ"><span>Iraq</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="IE"><span>Ireland</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="IM"><span>Isle of Man</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="IL"><span>Israel</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="IT"><span>Italy</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="JM"><span>Jamaica</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="JP"><span>Japan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="JE"><span>Jersey</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="JO"><span>Jordan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KZ"><span>Kazakhstan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KE"><span>Kenya</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KI"><span>Kiribati</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KP"><span>Korea (Democratic People's Republic of)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KR"><span>Korea (Republic of)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KW"><span>Kuwait</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KG"><span>Kyrgyzstan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LA"><span>Lao People's Democratic Republic</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LV"><span>Latvia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LB"><span>Lebanon</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LS"><span>Lesotho</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LR"><span>Liberia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LY"><span>Libya</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LI"><span>Liechtenstein</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LT"><span>Lithuania</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LU"><span>Luxembourg</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MO"><span>Macao</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MK"><span>Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MG"><span>Madagascar</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MW"><span>Malawi</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MY"><span>Malaysia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MV"><span>Maldives</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="ML"><span>Mali</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MT"><span>Malta</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MH"><span>Marshall Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MQ"><span>Martinique</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MR"><span>Mauritania</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MU"><span>Mauritius</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="YT"><span>Mayotte</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MX"><span>Mexico</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="FM"><span>Micronesia (Federated States of)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MD"><span>Moldova (Republic of)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MC"><span>Monaco</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MN"><span>Mongolia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="ME"><span>Montenegro</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MS"><span>Montserrat</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MA"><span>Morocco</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MZ"><span>Mozambique</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MM"><span>Myanmar</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="NA"><span>Namibia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="NR"><span>Nauru</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="NP"><span>Nepal</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="NL"><span>Netherlands</span></li>
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          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="NU"><span>Niue</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="NF"><span>Norfolk Island</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MP"><span>Northern Mariana Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="NO"><span>Norway</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="OM"><span>Oman</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PK"><span>Pakistan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PW"><span>Palau</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PS"><span>Palestine, State of</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PA"><span>Panama</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PG"><span>Papua New Guinea</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PY"><span>Paraguay</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PE"><span>Peru</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PH"><span>Philippines</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PN"><span>Pitcairn</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PL"><span>Poland</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PT"><span>Portugal</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PR"><span>Puerto Rico</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="QA"><span>Qatar</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="RE"><span>Réunion</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="RO"><span>Romania</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="RU"><span>Russian Federation</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="RW"><span>Rwanda</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="BL"><span>Saint Barthélemy</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SH"><span>Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="KN"><span>Saint Kitts and Nevis</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LC"><span>Saint Lucia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="MF"><span>Saint Martin (French part)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="PM"><span>Saint Pierre and Miquelon</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="VC"><span>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="WS"><span>Samoa</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SM"><span>San Marino</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="ST"><span>Sao Tome and Principe</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SA"><span>Saudi Arabia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SN"><span>Senegal</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="RS"><span>Serbia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SC"><span>Seychelles</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SL"><span>Sierra Leone</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SG"><span>Singapore</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SX"><span>Sint Maarten (Dutch part)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SK"><span>Slovakia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SI"><span>Slovenia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SB"><span>Solomon Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SO"><span>Somalia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="ZA"><span>South Africa</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GS"><span>South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SS"><span>South Sudan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="ES"><span>Spain</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="LK"><span>Sri Lanka</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SD"><span>Sudan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SR"><span>Suriname</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SJ"><span>Svalbard and Jan Mayen</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SE"><span>Sweden</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="CH"><span>Switzerland</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="SY"><span>Syrian Arab Republic</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TW"><span>Taiwan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TJ"><span>Tajikistan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TZ"><span>Tanzania, United Republic of</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TH"><span>Thailand</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TL"><span>Timor-Leste</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TG"><span>Togo</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TK"><span>Tokelau</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TO"><span>Tonga</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TT"><span>Trinidad and Tobago</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TN"><span>Tunisia</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TR"><span>Turkey</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TM"><span>Turkmenistan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TC"><span>Turks and Caicos Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="TV"><span>Tuvalu</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="UG"><span>Uganda</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="UA"><span>Ukraine</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="AE"><span>United Arab Emirates</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="GB"><span>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="US"><span>United States of America</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="UM"><span>United States Minor Outlying Islands</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="UY"><span>Uruguay</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="UZ"><span>Uzbekistan</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="VU"><span>Vanuatu</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="VE"><span>Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="VN"><span>Vietnam</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="VG"><span>Virgin Islands (British)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="VI"><span>Virgin Islands (U.S.)</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="WF"><span>Wallis and Futuna</span></li>
          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="EH"><span>Western Sahara</span></li>
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          <li role="option" class="option" data-key="ZM"><span>Zambia</span></li>
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While employees are in the process of settling into a hybrid work environment,
businesses have come head-to-head with one of their biggest pain points -
disjointed customer and employee experience. The root cause for this is various
teams working across geographies and time zones while collaborating on multiple
tools and platforms.

Technology plays a ‘make or break’ role in employee engagement.
82% of employees agreed on reduced productivity and service delivery experience
due to multiple established processes. To decode how uninterrupted IT powers
unstoppable business operations, industry experts from  Freshworks and Slack
will be sharing critical insights on how to take collaboration to the next level
and stay productive, no matter what tool you're on.

Key Takeaways:

 * Key industry trends and why employee experience matters today

 * Common collaboration issues faced by employees and IT support agents and how
   it impacts the overall employee experience

 * How the Slack + Freshservice integration addresses these challenges

 * How Freshworks uses the Slack integration to improve collaboration, implement
   processes easily and boost employee and agent productivity


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 * Afghanistan
 * Åland Islands
 * Albania
 * Algeria
 * American Samoa
 * Andorra
 * Angola
 * Anguilla
 * Antarctica
 * Antigua and Barbuda
 * Argentina
 * Armenia
 * Aruba
 * Australia
 * Austria
 * Azerbaijan
 * Bahamas
 * Bahrain
 * Bangladesh
 * Barbados
 * Belarus
 * Belgium
 * Belize
 * Benin
 * Bermuda
 * Bhutan
 * Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
 * Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
 * Bosnia and Herzegovina
 * Botswana
 * Bouvet Island
 * Brazil
 * British Indian Ocean Territory
 * Brunei Darussalam
 * Bulgaria
 * Burkina Faso
 * Burundi
 * Cabo Verde
 * Cambodia
 * Cameroon
 * Canada
 * Cayman Islands
 * Central African Republic
 * Chad
 * Chile
 * China
 * Christmas Island
 * Cocos (Keeling) Islands
 * Colombia
 * Comoros
 * Congo
 * Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
 * Cook Islands
 * Costa Rica
 * Côte d'Ivoire
 * Croatia
 * Cuba
 * Curaçao
 * Cyprus
 * Czech Republic
 * Denmark
 * Djibouti
 * Dominica
 * Dominican Republic
 * Ecuador
 * Egypt
 * El Salvador
 * Equatorial Guinea
 * Eritrea
 * Estonia
 * Eswatini
 * Ethiopia
 * Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
 * Faroe Islands
 * Fiji
 * Finland
 * France
 * French Guiana
 * French Polynesia
 * French Southern Territories
 * Gabon
 * Gambia
 * Georgia
 * Germany
 * Ghana
 * Gibraltar
 * Greece
 * Greenland
 * Grenada
 * Guadeloupe
 * Guam
 * Guatemala
 * Guernsey
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 * Guinea-Bissau
 * Guyana
 * Haiti
 * Heard Island and McDonald Islands
 * Holy See
 * Honduras
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 * Hungary
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 * Iran (Islamic Republic of)
 * Iraq
 * Ireland
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 * Israel
 * Italy
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 * Japan
 * Jersey
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 * Kazakhstan
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 * Korea (Democratic People's Republic of)
 * Korea (Republic of)
 * Kuwait
 * Kyrgyzstan
 * Lao People's Democratic Republic
 * Latvia
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 * Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)
 * Madagascar
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 * Mali
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 * Mauritius
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 * Montserrat
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 * Myanmar
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 * Nauru
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 * Netherlands
 * New Caledonia
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 * Nicaragua
 * Niger
 * Nigeria
 * Niue
 * Norfolk Island
 * Northern Mariana Islands
 * Norway
 * Oman
 * Pakistan
 * Palau
 * Palestine, State of
 * Panama
 * Papua New Guinea
 * Paraguay
 * Peru
 * Philippines
 * Pitcairn
 * Poland
 * Portugal
 * Puerto Rico
 * Qatar
 * Réunion
 * Romania
 * Russian Federation
 * Rwanda
 * Saint Barthélemy
 * Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
 * Saint Kitts and Nevis
 * Saint Lucia
 * Saint Martin (French part)
 * Saint Pierre and Miquelon
 * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
 * Samoa
 * San Marino
 * Sao Tome and Principe
 * Saudi Arabia
 * Senegal
 * Serbia
 * Seychelles
 * Sierra Leone
 * Singapore
 * Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
 * Slovakia
 * Slovenia
 * Solomon Islands
 * Somalia
 * South Africa
 * South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
 * South Sudan
 * Spain
 * Sri Lanka
 * Sudan
 * Suriname
 * Svalbard and Jan Mayen
 * Sweden
 * Switzerland
 * Syrian Arab Republic
 * Taiwan
 * Tajikistan
 * Tanzania, United Republic of
 * Thailand
 * Timor-Leste
 * Togo
 * Tokelau
 * Tonga
 * Trinidad and Tobago
 * Tunisia
 * Turkey
 * Turkmenistan
 * Turks and Caicos Islands
 * Tuvalu
 * Uganda
 * Ukraine
 * United Arab Emirates
 * United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
 * United States of America
 * United States Minor Outlying Islands
 * Uruguay
 * Uzbekistan
 * Vanuatu
 * Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
 * Vietnam
 * Virgin Islands (British)
 * Virgin Islands (U.S.)
 * Wallis and Futuna
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Deepthi Nagarajan

Senior Manager, Product Marketing, Freshworks

Amanda Bourque Ribeiro

Senior Business Development Manager, Platform Partnerships, Slack

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