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          <h3>Please Donate</h3>
          <p class="caption">The Gymnosperm Database is a not-for-profit site. We receive no payments or support other than through the occasional sale of photographs. Please consider making a donation through Paypal. Give what you choose; we suggest
            a $50 annual donation for professionals living in western countries, with a proportionate reduction for less prosperous souls.</p>
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Text Content

The Gymnosperm Database
 * Species
 * Topics
 * Bookstore
 * Links
 * Contact

Say hi on our Facebook page!


The Gymnosperm Database is a not-for-profit site. We receive no payments or
support other than through the occasional sale of photographs. Please consider
making a donation through Paypal. Give what you choose; we suggest a $50 annual
donation for professionals living in western countries, with a proportionate
reduction for less prosperous souls.


Jan-2024: The Facebook Page has grown steadily in popularity, currently with 307
followers (a highly international group) and dozens of posts this past year. So,
check there for new developments.

Jan-2023: Started a Facebook Page to provide these updates on the Database and
to toss out other tidbits that come my way. Give it a "Like". Otherwise I have
been doing a deep dive into Podocarpus for the last several weeks, writing many
new species accounts and revising many old ones.

Some Other Links

Besides the Topics page, here are a couple of other links to get you started:

My curriculum vita (PDF file)

A personal note


Moto pages

Welcome to the Gymnosperm Database, the web's premier source of information on
conifers and their allies. Since we went online on 1997, the Database has
attracted worldwide attention as a readily accessible, scientifically accurate
source of information on the classification, description, ecology and uses of
this culturally and ecologically important group of plants. This home page gives
some hints about how to navigate the Database, as well as providing background
information for the curious.

There are three major sections of the site:

Species Descriptions of all the species and higher-rank taxa of gymnosperms. See
Example Species for more information on the format of these pages. For each
taxon I provide information on classification, description, ecology,
ethnobotany, and various other topics of interest.    Topics Things that are not
strictly tied to a particular species. For instance, pages on the gymnosperms of
Australia (and other regions), the largest and oldest trees in the world, why
trees have spiral grain, and conifers in musical instruments.    Bookstore Most
of the books sold here are linked through Amazon, and if you buy them through
this site, the price is the same to you but some of the proceeds come to me, to
help support the Database.   

Shade foliage of Abies procera.


The Gymnosperm Database was established as an online entity in the summer of
1997 and has since grown steadily, getting its own URL ( in the
summer of 1999. The Database provides information for all species and
higher-ranked taxa of the gymnosperms, i.e., conifers, cycads, ginkgo, and the
gnetophytes. You enter the taxonomic tree at the Family level and then navigate
to the Genus and Species. It's sort of like a blog that runs through a tree
instead of a straight line.


See the Description of Database Fields and the Example Species.

If you have a specific question, use the search box (top of page at right).
Otherwise, I suggest you start with the Topics page, or browse the family,
genus, and species accounts. The site covers conifers, ginkgo and gnetophytes
(Ephedra, Gnetum, and Welwitschia) in detail. Although they are gymnosperms, in
recent years I have neglected the cycads because an excellent site, the World
List of Cycads, exists to provide the same sort of information that I would
otherwise have to collect.


People sometimes write and say, "Who writes the database?" The answer is, I do.
I have assembled most of the database and done essentially all of the
computer-based work: typing, scanning images, writing code, etc. Any assistance
is welcome! To date I have received helpful advice from a variety of recognized
taxonomic authorities, as well as information on individual taxa from persons
scattered across the globe. Many visitors have sent photos or even fine art
drawings of gymnosperms. In fact, I have to say that running this website has
introduced me to new friends, provided opportunities to travel to memorable
places, and provided opportunities to share both my writing and photography. The
correspondence related to this site provides one of the greatest rewards of
maintaining this site. However, if you would like to increase those rewards, you
could buy some books (from via my gateway/bookstore located HERE.

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Copyright 2024 The Gymnosperm Database

Edited by Christopher J. Earle

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Last Modified 2024-01-01