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Mike Morgan

CEO at Preflight Technologies Incorporated

1 Woche
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Are you struggling to get your employees to adopt your new software? You're not
alone. Many companies face this challenge when introducing new technology. But
what's holding them back from loving the new software? Identifying the root
cause of the problem is key to finding a solution that works for everyone. One
approach is to involve employees in the process from the beginning. Solicit
feedback and suggestions about the new software and incorporate their ideas into
the implementation plan. This not only makes employees feel valued and heard,
but it also helps to address any concerns or issues they may have. In the end,
it's important to remember that solving your employees' problems while also
solving the problems of the company is not a zero-sum game. By taking a
collaborative and empathetic approach, you can find a solution that works for
everyone. #softwaredevelopment #softwaresolutions #employeeengagement

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Eytan Kurshan

Chief Operating Officer at Fly Louie

6 Tage
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When you work with Mike, you won't have software adoption issues because he
makes sure it's going to solve the root problem before he agrees to build it!

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 * CourseCareers
   17.264 Follower:innen
   1 Woche
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   Congratulations🎉Cheauviski W., for completing our Technology Sales course
   and landing a role as a Business Development Representative at NetSuite.
   Looking to grow your team with top talent? View students similar to
   Cheauviski here⬇️ https://lnkd.in/gd8hV8b9
   #tech #coursecareers #technology #sales #career #remotework #techsales #breakintotech #businessdevelopment #hiringtrends
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 * Johnny Thorsen
   Unbundling travel with Spotnana, enabling innovation with multiple startups -
   TravelTopia speaker, Copenhagen Goodwill Ambassador
   5 Tage
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   The news are coming fast from Spotnana at the moment as we accelerate our
   quest to modernise the travel tech stack and provide supplier, buyers, TMCs
   and other tech companies with access to an open cloud-native
   #travelasaservice platform designed to accelerate innovation Today we are
   proud to announce that we have integrated to the NDC API provided by the
   Lufthansa Group and now have access to all the digital services provided by
   their operating airlines Lufthansa, Swiss International Air Lines, Austrian
   Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Air Dolomiti and Eurowings So what ? - you might
   say - well, if you are a travel buyer with relevant business volumes in
   markets where the Lufthansa Group airlines operate then this means you get
   access to their lowest fares without the GDS surcharges which have been in
   place for quite a while - so there is an instant saving waiting for you to be
   realised Secondly, we can show you the Lufthansa Green Fares as a separate
   fare option which means you and your travelers can select the fare option
   with the lowest CO2 emission if you are prepared to pay the extra amount for
   this benefit - so your sustainable travel program becomes a little more
   focused on lowering CO2 emissions whenever possible Thirdly, we are now well
   positioned to work closely with our Lufthansa friends and start creating new
   fare bundles and offers which only can be provided via the NDC channel for
   the time being - exciting times ahead Finally, if you are one of the TMC's
   working with the Spotnana platform then you will now have direct access to
   the Lufthansa NDC content via our agent desktop designed to make life easy
   for the agents and eliminate the need to jump between multiple screens and
   perform repetitive data entry - so your operational costs goes down while
   agent productivity goes up That's it - you can either stay in the legacy
   world and miss out on the lowest fares or move to a modern digital servicing
   world and get access to everything in one place while saying #goodbyetothePNR
   at the same time Welcome to #traveltopia powered by #openinnovation and
   #travelmicroservices - with access to Green Fares because it is
   #timeforgreentravel Thabea Taeschner Johannes Walter Tamur Goudarzi Pour
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 * 🏳️🌈 Maril Vernon, CEH, MSCSIA
   Cyberjutsu Pentest Ninja of the Year | "One Woman Purple Team" | COO @ Teach
   Kids Tech | Co-founder/Co-host @ The Cyber Queens Podcast | Cybersecurity
   Woman of the Year Nom | Social Engineer | CTI | MSCSIA
   1 Woche Bearbeitet
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   Why am I proud to be on this panel? Let me tell you…. 5/4 women to men 3
   LGBTQIA+ members 4/5 female CEOs 2/4 female hackers All successful cyber pros
   and podcasting pros. Wanna be like the best? Come learn from the best.
   There’s still time to register and meet the Queens and our friends IRL. No,
   these literally are like my best friends. #cybersecurity #womenincyber
   Alissa Valentina Knight
   Award-winning Director and Executive Producer (RED Movie Awards, Cannes World
   Film Festival, Cannes Independent Film Festival Selection)
   1 Woche Bearbeitet
   🎙 Exciting Announcement: Knight Events to Produce Upcoming Cyberpodworld
   Podcast at Blackhat 2023! 🎉 📅 Date: August 09 ⏰ Time: 5:00 PM 🏛 Venue: The
   Palazzo at The Venetian Resort Knight Events is thrilled to share some
   incredible news with you! Knight Events will be producing and sponsoring the
   upcoming "Cyberpodworld Podcast," a groundbreaking event that will take place
   on August 09 at 5:00 PM at the prestigious Palazzo at The Venetian Resort.
   Panelists: Dani Woolf (She/Her) (Audience 1st), 🏳️🌈 Maril Vernon, CEH,
   MSCSIA (Cyber Queens), Erika E. (Cyber Queens), Amber DeVilbiss (Cyber
   Queens) Chris Cochran (HVM), Ron Eddings (HVM), George Kamide (BKBT), George
   A. (BKBT), Alissa Valentina Knight (Knight Group) 🎧 About the Podcast:
   "Imagine if some of the biggest names in cyber podcasting got together in a
   panel to deliver one major, concentrated dose of insights, strategies, and
   value from podcasting. Brought to you by the experts from Audience 1st,
   Hacker Valley Media, The Cyber Queens, Knight Studios, and Bare Knuckles and
   Brass Tacks (BKBT), we give you: Harnessing the Power of Cyber Podcasting:
   How to Build Stronger Relationships with Security Practitioners to Boost
   Visibility and Revenue." This unique podcasting experience promises to
   provide a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the
   dynamic world of cybersecurity and podcasting. Learn from industry
   trailblazers about leveraging podcasts to forge stronger connections with
   security practitioners, while simultaneously enhancing visibility and revenue
   streams. Join us for an engaging and enlightening evening as we delve deep
   into cyber podcasting and discover how it can drive meaningful impact for
   your business and professional journey. 📍 Event Details: Date: August 09
   Time: 5:00 PM Venue: Palazzo at The Venetian Resort For inquiries and
   registration, please visit www.cyberpodworld.com We can't wait to welcome you
   to the Cyberpodworld Podcast on August 09 at the Palazzo at The Venetian
   Resort! #CyberpodworldPodcast #Cybersecurity #Podcasting #Networking
   #Technology #Events #KnightEvents #blackhat #blackhat2023
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 * Everstream
   9.340 Follower:innen
   6 Tage
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   The month of August is widely considered as the Technology & Innovation
   month. In that spirit, we’d like to highlight our infrastructure executive
   brief, which examines the regulatory, geographic and economic factors
   inhibiting the modernization of legacy networks and how the enterprise is
   impacted as a result. Download below!
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 * Hitmarker | Gaming Jobs
   70.541 Follower:innen
   1 Woche Bearbeitet
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   Take a look at this unique upcoming indie title, developed in Unity. Set in a
   fantasy world, Valorous offers a unique blend of action and strategy
   gameplay. Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/ed4TZN7b #gamingindustry
   #gamesindustry #gamingcommunity #gaming #gamingnews #games #gamedev #indiedev
   #solodev #gamedevelopment #gamedev #unity
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 * Gartner
   1.616.389 Follower:innen
   5 Tage
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   Simply defining your employee value proposition (EVP) is not enough. The
   solution: Focus your efforts on delivering your EVP promises to attract and
   retain top talent. Learn how to effectively communicate your EVP in our
   upcoming #webinar: https://gtnr.it/3KC9f6K #Leadership #EVP #Talent
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 * MEI Real Estate Services
   102 Follower:innen
   1 Woche
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   Inflationary pressures and concerns about a potential U.S. recession are
   dimming the financial outlook of the country's largest owner of malls and
   shopping centers. #realestate #cre #commercialrealestate #retail #office
   #Industrial #multifamily #ecommerce #properties #brokerage #leasing
   #Investment https://lnkd.in/d-D3tKgP
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 * Spotnana
   7.861 Follower:innen
   5 Tage
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   We are excited to announce we have simultaneously delivered direct NDC
   integrations with Lufthansa Group airlines: Austrian Airlines, Brussels
   Airlines, Lufthansa, Swiss International Air Lines, Air Dolomiti, and
   Eurowings Discover! Our direct NDC integrations address the full traveler
   journey including booking, servicing, real-time global analytics, and
   self-service changes and cancellations. An industry first, Spotnana is the
   first Travel-as-a-Service platform to support Lufthansa Group Green Fares via
   a direct NDC integration. Lufthansa Group Green Fares reduce up to 20% of
   flight-related CO2 emissions by the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)
   and offset parts or all of the remaining 80% of the CO2 emissions by an
   equivalent contribution to high-quality climate protection projects. We are
   grateful for our partnership with Lufthansa Group and are also excited to
   share that they were an investor in our Series B round of funding, which we
   announced in 2022. Learn more in this blog from our Founder and CEO Sarosh
   Waghmar. #spotnana #businesstravel #travelasaservice
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 * Gartner
   1.616.389 Follower:innen
   5 Tage
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   Strategic planning is key to navigating disruption — these stats show you
   why.   Turn your strategic plans into reality with our exclusive template:
   https://gtnr.it/3q3CiZK   #StrategicPlanning #Leadership
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 * Matt Jones
   Lawyer for Entrepreneurs | Real Estate | Mergers & Acquisitions | Capital
   Raising | Investment Funds
   1 Woche
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   Have you ever struggled with just a few terms that don't fit into your
   standard contracts? Side letters might be the answer! These handy documents
   are perfect for defining 2-3 specific terms outside the realm of a
   traditional agreement. Picture it as an addendum that you append to your
   contract. For instance, in fundraising, where you don't want to meddle with
   the standard forms, a side letter is a smart way to insert additional,
   legally-binding terms without disrupting the established format. Think of
   side letters as your secret tool for straightforward contracting!
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   Mike Morgan 5 Monate

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