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Text Content

Joe Kuster

Cybersecurity Inventions
Books Quantum Beginnings Quantum Proliferation Quantum Escape Quantum Decay
Lightfoot Facebook Group Patreon Newsletter

Cybersecurity, Best-Selling Author, Inventor

Joe Kuster
BooksQuantum BeginningsQuantum ProliferationQuantum EscapeQuantum
DecayLightfootFacebook GroupPatreonNewsletter


 * July 15, 2021 Lightfoot 2 released!

 * June 4, 2021 Lightfoot 1 Audiobook released.

 * December 8, 2020 Quantum Escape Audiobook released.

 * November 8, 2020 - Lightfoot launched and quickly hit the top 20 Best Seller!

 * July 21, 2020 Quantum Decay (Entangled Fates - Book 4) released!

Writing Calendar (prone to change without notice)

 * Nexus Traders - Sci-Fi Portal story

 * Entangled Fates - Carla’s side story

 * Entangled Fates - DoP

Lightfoot 2

TJ wanted a quiet life spent with his women and wine, but such idyllic dreams
remain out of reach. The New Order’s revolt in Ardsville has been quelled, but
that doesn’t mean his enemies are gone for good.

Freshly minted as Count Skyridge, TJ is ordered to head north and embark upon
the King’s quest. Knowing only that it’s likely to be deceptively challenging
and time consuming, TJ enlists the help of his ladies and everyone’s favorite
murder kitty to meet the King’s demands. Between getting Serina’s new religion
off the ground, getting his house in order, mastering his magic, missteps with
the local nobility, and managing the fallout from the revolt, he’s got his hands


Lightfoot 2 is available on Amazon now


 Life as a plaything of the divines is harder than it sounds.

As one of the downtrodden in Eden’s Meadow, TJ has led a life of scraping by as
best he could. With little more to his name than a winning smile, his life takes
a turn for the interesting as he befriends Serina, a rebellious young woman
among the god-like Devas that control his realm. Being a test subject for her
magic seems innocent enough, even if she occasionally tinkers with things she

Unfortunately, her experiments on him don’t go unnoticed and as soon as her
family finds out, he’s as good as dead. About to be pulped by dozens of angry
higher powers, Serina saves him the only way she can: by binding his soul to
hers and flinging him through a portal to another world.

Landing in the realm full of dangerous creatures and sinister adversaries, he
finds that the pact has changed him in more ways than claiming his soul. The
newly minted adventurer has his work cut out for him, especially since he
doesn’t have any idea how to use the magic that’s been stuffed into him, much
less what to do about the oaths that require him to love freely and spend his
nights carousing.

Join TJ on this riveting adventure that spans multiple worlds and help him
discover the secrets of the Devas as he struggles to survive and fulfill his

Print & E-Book

Lightfoot #1 is available on Amazon


Lightfoot 1 Audiobook - Buy Direct Via BookFunnel $9.99

Exhausted, beaten down, and bloodied, the Black Flags gear up for a recovery
mission. Pressed between two vastly larger forces, they are no longer able to
sit on the sidelines and build up power. The hunt is on, but the game has
Bringing new high-tech toys to the party, Alex and Sophie launch their offensive
campaign against both Amp and Chiwen’s forces. Desperate to protect those they
love, and no longer held back by ghosts of the past, they put their carefully
crafted plans of revenge into motion.
Blood will be spilled. Lives will be ended.
The only certainty is that the world will never be the same.

Quantum Decay completes the first of the Entangled Fates story arcs and sets the
stage for what comes next. New team members, new tech, and new threats abound.

Print & E-Book

Quantum Decay - Entangled Fates 4 is Available on Amazon



Covalent Technology’s unveiling of the next generation of Mesh caused ripples
felt worldwide. In one move, Alex and Sophie not only launched their latest
money-making scheme but also their opening salvo in their war against the rogue
AI that stands to destroy all those that might oppose it.

Such a thing was always bound to attract attention. Months of careful moves had
been taken to prepare, but when one stray phone call blows their cover, the
response is immediate and lethal. Plans come crashing down as Homeland Security,
Chiwen, and a betrayal that will shake Alex to his core converge.

With a ticking clock, Alex and the Black Flags are thrown into their deadliest
battle yet in a desperate bid to keep Sophie online as they fight for their very

There are deals to be made, and lives to be taken. The blood gods are hungry.

Print & E-Book

Quantum Escapes - Entangled Fates 3 is Available on Amazon



Quantum Escape Audiobook - Buy Direct Via BookFunnel $9.99


Artificial intelligence was nearly mankind’s last invention. AI took off like a
rocket, then when it racked up an impressive death toll, it crashed before it
could blossom and took most high-tech industries with it. Resistance and fears
became deep-set.
Two decades after the infamous Rev. 4.6 incidents, humanity hasn’t quit dreaming
of the wealth and power that could be at their fingertips. A new generation of
mega-corporations rose from the ashes. When one melds a quantum computer to a
barely functional mental patient as a PR move, there are those who seek to
profit, those who want to destroy it, and Alex.

Alex Sage is a typical college student trying to keep up his grades and maybe
find a meaningful connection with the fairer sex. Then, an automated semi
crashes into his home, killing his family and turning his head into a pin
cushion in the process.

Alex awakens to find most of his memories gone and an illegal AI hidden in his
brain implant. Now the pet project of a tech billionaire and heavily in debt,
Alex struggles to stay valuable enough to be kept online. Still grappling with
the repercussions of his injuries, and threats from a dangerous
anti-augmentation political movement, there are no easy answers and threats loom
around every corner. Alex must use whatever resources he can to escape from
under the thumb of a ruthless corporation, while keeping those he comes to love

Entangle Fates uses a hard sci-fi approach to explore the early part of the
journey from how we move from today's technology to the neon-soaked cyberpunk of
tomorrow, as well as some of the early, but likely, missteps around artificial

Print & E-Book

Quantum Beginnings - Entangled Fates One is Available on Amazon


Quantum Proliferations Audiobook - Buy Direct via BookFunnel $9.99 USD


Quantum Proliferation on Audible

Quantum Proliferation on Bandcamp

Quantum Proliferation on Google

Also on iTunes, Overdrive, Scribd, & more.

Artificial intelligence was nearly mankind’s last invention. AI took off like a
rocket, then when it racked up an impressive death toll, it crashed before it
could blossom and took most high-tech industries with it. Resistance and fears
became deep-set.
Two decades after the infamous Rev. 4.6 incidents, humanity hasn’t quit dreaming
of the wealth and power that could be at their fingertips. A new generation of
mega-corporations rose from the ashes. When one melds a quantum computer to a
barely functional mental patient as a PR move, there are those who seek to
profit, those who want to destroy it, and Alex.

Alex Sage is a typical college student trying to keep up his grades and maybe
find a meaningful connection with the fairer sex. Then, an automated semi
crashes into his home, killing his family and turning his head into a pin
cushion in the process.

Alex awakens to find most of his memories gone and an illegal AI hidden in his
brain implant. Now the pet project of a tech billionaire and heavily in debt,
Alex struggles to stay valuable enough to be kept online. Still grappling with
the repercussions of his injuries, and threats from a dangerous
anti-augmentation political movement, there are no easy answers and threats loom
around every corner. Alex must use whatever resources he can to escape from
under the thumb of a ruthless corporation, while keeping those he comes to love

This series features an anti-hero protagonist, does not shy away from
complicated relationships (multiple partners), and is not fade to black (18+).

Entangle Fates uses a hard sci-fi approach to explore the early part of the
journey from how we move from today's technology to the neon-soaked cyberpunk of
tomorrow, as well as some of the early, but likely, missteps around artificial

Print & E-Book

Quantum Beginnings - Entangled Fates One is Available on Amazon


Quantum Beginnings Audiobook - Buy Direct via BookFunnel $9.99 USD


Quantum Beginnings on Audible

Quantum Beginnings on Bandcamp

Quantum Beginnings on Google Play

Quantum Beginnings on Overdrive - See your local library


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Quantum Decay

Quantum Escape

Quantum Proliferation

Quantum Beginnings


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