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                d="M24 30C29.3333 30 34.6667 30.6667 40 32C36.6667 37.3333 31.3333 40 24 40C16.6667 40 11.3333 37.3333 8 32C13.3333 30.6667 18.6667 30 24 30ZM24 32C19.8242 32 15.6471 32.4219 11.4669 33.2664C14.4031 36.4291 18.5331 38 24 38C29.3061 38 33.3528 36.5202 36.271 33.5413L36.5331 33.2664L35.5685 33.079C31.7103 32.3595 27.8546 32 24 32ZM24 8C32 8 44 17 44 20C44 22 42.6667 25.3333 40 30C34.6667 28.6667 29.3333 28 24 28C18.6667 28 13.3333 28.6667 8 30C5.33333 26.6667 4 23.3333 4 20C4 15 16 8 24 8ZM24 10C16.8548 10 6 16.445 6 20C6 22.5279 6.91745 25.1036 8.80456 27.7499C13.8663 26.5837 18.9323 26 24 26C28.9999 26 33.9982 26.5682 38.9923 27.7035L39.3855 26.9717C41.0294 23.8637 41.8931 21.5787 41.9907 20.2437L41.9985 20.0939L41.9646 20.0164C41.9245 19.932 41.8656 19.8274 41.7878 19.7067C41.5296 19.3063 41.1176 18.8121 40.577 18.2648C39.412 17.0852 37.7606 15.7663 35.9027 14.5471C31.6788 11.7752 27.1941 10 24 10ZM24 13C24.5128 13 24.9355 13.386 24.9933 13.8834L25 14V15H26C26.5128 15 26.9355 15.386 26.9933 15.8834L27 16C27 16.5128 26.614 16.9355 26.1166 16.9933L26 17H25V21C26.0544 21 26.9182 20.1841 26.9945 19.1493L27 19L27.0067 18.8834C27.0645 18.386 27.4872 18 28 18C28.5523 18 29 18.4477 29 19C29 21.1422 27.316 22.8911 25.1996 22.9951L25 23H23C20.7909 23 19 21.2091 19 19L19.0067 18.8834C19.0645 18.386 19.4872 18 20 18C20.5128 18 20.9355 18.386 20.9933 18.8834L21 19C21 20.1046 21.8954 21 23 21V17H22L21.8834 16.9933C21.386 16.9355 21 16.5128 21 16C21 15.4872 21.386 15.0645 21.8834 15.0067L22 15H23V14L23.0067 13.8834C23.0645 13.386 23.4872 13 24 13Z">
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                d="M21.3536 3.35355C21.5488 3.15829 21.5488 2.84171 21.3536 2.64645C21.1583 2.45118 20.8417 2.45118 20.6464 2.64645L2.64645 20.6464C2.45118 20.8417 2.45118 21.1583 2.64645 21.3536C2.84171 21.5488 3.15829 21.5488 3.35355 21.3536L21.3536 3.35355Z">
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                d="M20 15C17.3737 14.3434 14.7474 14.0102 12.1211 14.0002L13.1029 13.0184C15.235 13.0897 17.3663 13.3676 19.4962 13.8517L19.6928 13.4858C20.5147 11.9318 20.9465 10.7893 20.9953 10.1218L20.9993 10.0469L20.9823 10.0082C20.9622 9.96602 20.9328 9.9137 20.8939 9.85337C20.7648 9.65315 20.5588 9.40606 20.2885 9.13239C19.8202 8.65817 19.1946 8.13894 18.4845 7.63679L19.2014 6.9199C20.8406 8.10159 22 9.34064 22 10C22 11 21.3333 12.6667 20 15Z">
                d="M12 20C10.1274 20 8.51559 19.6522 7.16463 18.9567L7.91237 18.2089C9.06033 18.737 10.4183 19 12 19C14.653 19 16.6764 18.2601 18.1355 16.7706L18.2666 16.6332L17.7843 16.5395C15.8552 16.1797 13.9273 16 12 16C11.3536 16 10.7072 16.0202 10.0607 16.0607L11.1089 15.0124C11.4059 15.0041 11.703 15 12 15C14.6667 15 17.3333 15.3333 20 16C18.3333 18.6667 15.6667 20 12 20Z">
                d="M12.5 8.5V9.37867L11.5 10.3787V8.5H11L10.9417 8.49664C10.693 8.46775 10.5 8.25642 10.5 8C10.5 7.74358 10.693 7.53225 10.9417 7.50336L11 7.5H11.5V7L11.5034 6.94169C11.5322 6.69302 11.7436 6.5 12 6.5C12.2564 6.5 12.4678 6.69302 12.4966 6.94169L12.5 7V7.5H13C13.2564 7.5 13.4678 7.69302 13.4966 7.94169L13.5 8C13.5 8.25642 13.307 8.46775 13.0583 8.49664L13 8.5H12.5Z">
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Private yacht charters with Click&Boat
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Private yacht charters with Click&Boat

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Ending date

Boat type
Sailboat, motorboat,...
 * Motorboat
 * RIB
 * Sailboat
 * Catamaran
 * Gulet
 * Jet ski
 * Houseboat
 * Boat without licence
 * Yacht

Rental type

With skipper With

Without skipper Without


Sailing boat





Also discover:Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Canal du Midi, Cannes, Como, Corfu,
Corsica, Dubrovnik, France, Malta, Monaco, Sardinia, Turkey, Zadar


Apr 2024 Rent a boat in Crownline 264CR in Dénia

Using the boat rental service in Denia, Spain, we had an unforgettable
experience. The four-hour trip without a captain offered us a unique chance to
enjoy solitude with our family, exploring the scenic spots in the area. The
service provided by the boat owner was impeccable: the boat was in perfect
condition — clean and well-maintained, indicating careful upkeep and attention
to technical status. We were thoroughly delighted with the services provided and
confidently state that this was just the beginning of our many journeys with
this company.

Read more
Apr 2024 Charter sailboat Etap 21i in Cannes

Very friendly and experienced sailor, who owns a boat in Brazil. Very well
organised, boat was handled with care and left in pristine condition. Definitely

Read more
Apr 2024 Charter catamaran AVENTURA CRUISER in Barcelona

Justin and his family were a delight to have on board. They accepted all our
recommendations and made very good use of all the features of our experience.
Their children were polite and cheerful and they took care of the yacht as if it
was their own. They will always be welcome on our catamaran.

Read more
Apr 2024 Charter boat without licence Compass Boats Compass 150 in Chalkidiki

Georg is a good captain and gains more experience by renting a boat. He treats
the boat and the crew with care and respect. We recommend Georg for renting a
small motorboat.

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Apr 2024 Charter catamaran Lagoon lagoon 46 in Le Marin

We had a 13 day cruise through the Tobago Cays (Martinique, St Lucia, St
Vincent, Mayreau, Horseshoe Reef, Union Island, Carriacou and backwards). The
boat is fantastic. Most import equipment such as Chartplotter, Osmosis (to
produce freshwater) and 8 kW Generator. The 1000ltr Diesel tank is more than
enough to make 3 weeks every day under engine. The handover and return of the
boat is super easy and flexible. David the boat owner is very nice and open

Read more
Mar 2024 Charter sailboat Etap 21i in Cannes

Very friendly and knowledgeable sailor. Elliot lives and works on sailing boats,
so he is very experienced and also responsible at the sea. Definitely recommend
and with pleasure will welcome on board again.

Read more
M. Hakan
Mar 2024 Charter gulet Custom Built Custom in Bodrum

Thanks for joined our yacht cruise today. Hope you enjoied with our team and had
a good day with us. You always welcome anytime you want. Wish to see you again.
Have a great holiday. Thanks!

Read more
Mar 2024 Charter motor yacht Pacific Mariner 70 in Puerto Plata

First about Sharon - She is an incredibly pleasant and kind person. This Charter
was mainly for her to celebrate her 6 year old son's birthday. Not only is
Sharon pleasant and kind, she is adaptable! Her original charter date was 03/30
but about 4 days out the weather forecast was horrible that day. So she agreed
to make it 03/29. The trip was perfect. Sharon's family is a beautiful family
and they all enjoyed the boat, snorkeling and the chef. We look foward to see
the photographer's drone footage and still shots. Oh, did I mention that Sharon
arranged with a party planner to have banners and balloons for her son's party
as well? Sharon is a classy person and any charterer would be pleased to have
her on board.

Read more

Split Croatian Paradise DISCOVER


French Riviera
Are you a yacht owner? Estimate the chartering value of your yacht Estimate your
Our owner of the week
JUAN is 58 and charters his Capelli CAPELLI TEMPEST 770 in Palma de Mallorca

I discovered Click&Boat surfing the Internet. I am a naturally curious person,
and your website caught my attention right away. I started reading about your
general terms and conditions, where I quickly found a phone number. After
talking to the client service, which was very pleasing, I decided to try out the

At the age of 16, I was volunteering for the Red Cross of the Sea, where our
goal was to assure sailing regattas. It is during that period that I learned to
navigate on small boats for the first time. After 30 years, I finally got to own
my first fishing boat bigger than 8 meters in length. Five years ago, a friend
of mine who made his fishing boat available for charter, invited me to come
aboard with him and some clients. It is then that I saw how much people
appreciated the sea. So, I decided to pass my professional license to be able to
take people out on the water in Mallorca.

The service that I offer is simple charters without skipper, because many people
own a boat license, and our vessels are easy to handle. We are starting private
excursions where we can take people on the boats to places they could not go to
by themselves.

Most of the profits we make are spent on fleet upgrades. I always like to
remember how thankful renters are when they are satisfied with our service. 

Maribel and I would like to thank Click & Boat for their trust and service.

Regards to the entire Click & Boat team,



Get inspiration for your next trip
What to bring on board: your boating checklist

Sailing is one of the most relaxing types of holiday, where you can forget about
waiting at airports, checking in and out of hotels and the chaos of the city.…
View Post

March 20, 2024
Our tips for a family sailing holiday on a catamaran

Are you apprehensive to go on a catamaran trip with your family and children?
Think again, because this type of boat is a great way to have a unique and…
View Post

March 15, 2024
Sailboat or Catamaran: which one to choose?

Sailboat or catamaran? The killer question! ⛵ Embarking on a sailing adventure
is a shared dream, but the decision between a sailboat and a catamaran can be
discouraging. As you…
View Post

March 13, 2024

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 * Contact yacht owners free of charge and ask them all your practical questions
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   Click&Boat messenger.
 * Book directly and safely online in just a few clicks and charter the yacht of
   your dreams. You will only be charged if your charter request is accepted by
   the owner of the yacht. 100% secured payment. Click&Boat is your trustworthy
   third party.

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 * Create a free listing to make your boat available for charter to other
   people. Yachts, sailboats, RIBs, motorboats, catamarans - all are welcome on
 * Charter to whoever you want, whenever you want and at the price you want.
   Click&Boat allows you to monetise your yacht and to help cover the costs
   related to its maintenance and use.
 * Optional comprehensive insurance plan covering up to 8 million euros and a
   security deposit. Entrust the chartering of your yacht, sailboat, motorboat
   or catamaran to us.

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Catamaran charter Croatia Sailboat charter Mallorca Catamaran charter Greece
Sailboat charter Italy Catamaran charter Mallorca Sailboat charter Greece
Catamaran charter Ibiza Sailboat charter Croatia Catamaran charter BVI Catamaran
charter Sardinia Sailing Greece Catamaran charter Seychelles Luxury Yacht
Charter Gulet Charter Cruise sailboat & catamaran
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earn extra income.

Click&Boat offers you the chance to charter yachts, sailboats, motorboats, RIBs,
barges, catamarans and jet skis near me or around the world. Choose your type of
boat, duration of charter period and contact the owner directly through our

Customer reviews

Rating: 4.9 / 5 calculated on 434367 reviews

 * Malta
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Leader in boat charters

With more than 50,000 privately owned yachts available for hire with or without
a skipper (yachts, sailboats, motorboats, catamarans, RIBs, etc.), Click&Boat is
the French leader in peer-to-peer yacht charters. Book your boating trip the
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