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 * What is Amazon EC2?
 * Get started tutorial
 * Best practices
 * Amazon Machine Images
    * AMI characteristics
       * Determine the AMI root device type
    * Find an AMI
    * Paid AMIs in the AWS Marketplace
       * Find a paid AMI
       * Purchase a paid AMI
       * Retrieve the product code
       * Use paid support
       * Manage your subscriptions
    * AMI lifecycle
       * Create an AMI
       * Create an instance store-backed AMI
          * Set up the AMI tools
          * AMI tools reference
          * Convert your instance store-backed AMI
       * Create an AMI using Windows Sysprep
       * Copy an AMI
          * Permissions
          * How AMI copy works
       * Store and restore an AMI
          * How AMI store and restore works
          * Create a store image task
       * Check when an AMI was last used
       * Deprecate an AMI
       * Disable an AMI
       * Deregister an AMI
          * Protect an AMI from deregistration
    * Boot modes
       * Requirements for UEFI boot mode
       * AMI boot mode parameter
       * Instance type boot mode
       * Instance boot mode
       * Operating system boot mode
       * Set AMI boot mode
       * UEFI variables
       * UEFI Secure Boot
          * How UEFI Secure Boot works
          * Launch an instance with UEFI Secure Boot
          * Verify if an instance is enabled for UEFI Secure Boot
          * Create a Linux AMI with custom keys
          * Create the AWS binary blob
    * AMI encryption
    * Shared AMIs
       * Find shared AMIs
       * Prepare to use shared AMIs for Linux
       * Make your AMI public
       * Understand block public access
          * Manage the block public access setting for AMIs
       * Shared AMI use with organizations and OUs
          * Get the ARN of an organization or organizational unit
          * Allow organizations and OUs to use a KMS key
          * Manage AMI sharing with an organization or OU
       * Share an AMI with specific AWS accounts
       * Cancel having an AMI shared with your account
       * Recommendations for creating shared Linux AMIs
    * Monitor AMI events
    * Understand AMI billing
       * AMI billing fields
       * Find AMI billing information
       * Verify AMI charges on your bill
    * AMI quotas

 * Instances
    * Instance types
       * Find an instance type
       * EC2 instance type finder
       * Compute Optimizer recommendations
       * Instance type changes
          * Compatibility
          * Change the instance type
          * Migrate to a new instance type
          * Troubleshoot
       * Burstable performance instances
          * Key concepts
          * Unlimited mode
             * Concepts
             * Examples
          * Standard mode
             * Concepts
             * Examples
          * Work with burstable performance instances
          * Monitor your CPU credits
       * GPU instances
          * Activate NVIDIA GRID Virtual Applications
          * Optimize GPU settings
          * Set up dual 4K displays on G4ad
          * Get started with GPU accelerated instances
       * Mac instances
          * Launch a Mac instance
          * Connect to your Mac instance
          * Update operating system and software
          * Increase size of EBS volume
          * Stop or terminate Mac instance
          * Find supported macOS versions
          * Subscribe to macOS AMI notifications
          * Retrieve macOS AMI IDs
          * macOS AMIs release notes
       * EBS optimization
          * Get maximum EBS performance
          * Find EBS-optimized instance types
          * Enable EBS optimization
       * CPU options
          * Rules for specifying CPU options for an Amazon EC2 instance
          * Supported CPU options
          * Specify CPU options
          * View CPU options
       * AMD SEV-SNP
          * Check AMD SEV-SNP support on Amazon EC2 instances
          * Attestation with AMD SEV-SNP
       * Processor state control
    * Billing and purchasing options
       * On-Demand Instances
       * Reserved Instances
          * Regional and zonal Reserved Instances (scope)
          * Types of Reserved Instances (offering classes)
          * How Reserved Instance discounts are applied
          * Use your Reserved Instances
          * How billing works with Reserved Instances
          * Buy Reserved Instances
          * Sell Reserved Instances
          * Modify Reserved Instances
          * Exchange Convertible Reserved Instances
          * Reserved Instance quotas
       * Spot Instances
          * Best practices
          * How Spot Instances work
          * View pricing history
          * View savings
          * Create a Spot Instance request
             * Example launch specifications
          * Get the status of a Spot Instance request
             * State changes for a Spot request
          * Tag Spot Instance requests
          * Cancel a Spot Instance request
          * Manage your Spot Instances
          * Spot Instance interruptions
             * Interruption behavior
             * Prepare for interruptions
             * Initiate an interruption
             * Spot Instance interruption notices
             * Find interrupted Spot Instances
             * Determine whether Amazon EC2 terminated a Spot Instance
             * Billing
          * Rebalance recommendations
          * Spot placement score
             * How Spot placement score works
             * Required permissions
             * Calculate the Spot placement score
          * Spot Instance data feed
          * Service-linked role for Spot Instance requests
          * Spot Instance quotas
       * Dedicated Hosts
          * Pricing and billing
          * Instance capacity configurations
          * Burstable instances on Dedicated Hosts
          * Bring your own licenses
          * Auto-placement and affinity
          * Allocate a Dedicated Host
          * Launch instances on a Dedicated Host
          * Launch instances into a host resource group
          * Modify Dedicated Host auto-placement
          * Modify supported instance types
          * Modify tenancy and affinity for an instance
          * Release Dedicated Host
          * Cross-account sharing
             * Share a Dedicated Host
             * Unshare a Dedicated Host
             * View shared Dedicated Hosts
          * Dedicated Hosts on Outposts
             * Allocate Dedicated Host on Outpost
          * Host recovery
             * How host recovery works
             * Manage host recovery
             * View host recovery setting
             * Manually recovery unsupported instances
          * Host maintenance
             * How host maintenance works
             * Configure host maintenance
          * Monitor Dedicated Hosts
          * Track configuration changes
       * Dedicated Instances
          * Launch Dedicated Instances into VPC
          * Change the tenancy of an instance
          * Change the tenancy of a VPC
       * Capacity Reservations
          * On-Demand Capacity Reservations
             * Pricing and billing
             * Create a Capacity Reservation
             * View the state of a Capacity Reservation
             * Launch instances into Capacity Reservation
             * Modify Capacity Reservation
             * Modify instance Capacity Reservation settings
             * Move capacity
             * Split off available capacity
             * Cancel a Capacity Reservation
             * Capacity Reservation groups
                * Create a group
                * Add Capacity Reservation to group
                * Remove Capacity Reservation from group
                * Delete group
             * Create Capacity Reservations in cluster placement groups
             * Capacity Reservations in Local Zones
             * Capacity Reservations in Wavelength Zones
             * Capacity Reservations on AWS Outposts
             * Shared Capacity Reservations
                * Share a Capacity Reservation
                * Stop sharing a Capacity Reservation
                * Billing assignment
                   * Assign billing
                   * View billing assignment requests
                   * Accept or reject billing
                   * Cancel or revoke requests
                   * Monitor requests
             * Capacity Reservation Fleets
                * Concepts and planning
                * Create
                * View
                * Modify
                * Cancel
                * Example configurations
                * Using service-linked roles
             * Monitor with CloudWatch metrics
             * Monitor using EventBridge
             * Utilization notifications
          * Capacity Blocks for ML
             * Pricing and billing
             * Work with Capacity Blocks
                * Find and purchase
                * Launch instances into Capacity Blocks
                * View
             * Monitor using EventBridge
             * Logging API calls with CloudTrail
    * Launch templates
       * Restrictions
       * Permissions
       * Control launching instances
       * Create
       * Modify (manage versions)
       * Delete
    * Launch an instance
       * Tutorials
          * Tutorial 1: Launch my first instance
          * Tutorial 2: Launch a test instance
       * Instance parameter reference
       * Launch using the launch instance wizard
       * Launch using a launch template
       * Launch from an existing instance
       * Launch from an AWS Marketplace AMI
    * Connect to your instance
       * General connection prerequisites
       * Connect to your Linux instance using SSH
          * Connect using an SSH client
          * Connect using PuTTY
          * Transfer files using SCP
          * Manage Linux system users
       * Connect to your Windows instance using RDP
          * Connect using an RDP client
          * Connect using Fleet Manager
          * Transfer files using RDP
       * Connect using Session Manager
       * Connect using EC2 Instance Connect
          * Tutorial
          * Prerequisites
          * Permissions
          * Install EC2 Instance Connect
          * Connect to an instance
          * Uninstall EC2 Instance Connect
       * Connect using EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint
          * Permissions
          * Security groups
          * Create an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint
          * Connect to an instance
          * Log connections
          * Delete an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint
          * Service-linked role
          * Quotas
    * Instance state changes
       * Stop and start
          * How it works
          * Enable stop protection
       * Hibernate
          * How it works
          * Prerequisites
          * Configure a Linux AMI to support hibernation
          * Enable instance hibernation
          * Disable KASLR on an instance (Ubuntu only)
          * Hibernate an instance
          * Start a hibernated instance
          * Troubleshoot
       * Reboot
       * Terminate
          * How it works
          * Enable termination protection
          * Change the instance initiated shutdown behavior
          * Preserve data when an instance is terminated
       * Retire
       * Instance resiliency
          * CloudWatch action based recovery
          * Simplified automatic recovery
    * Instance metadata
       * Access instance metadata
          * IMDS
          * Limit access to IMDS
       * Configure IMDS options
          * For new instances
          * For existing instances
       * Run commands at launch
       * Example: AMI launch index value
    * Detect whether a host is an EC2 instance
    * Instance identity documents
       * Retrieve the instance identity document
       * Verify instance identity document
       * Public certificates
    * Clock synchronization
       * Use the local Amazon Time Sync Service
       * Use the public Amazon Time Sync Service
       * Compare timestamps for your Linux instances
       * Change the time zone of your instance
    * Manage device drivers
       * AMD drivers
       * NVIDIA drivers
       * Install the ENA driver on Windows
          * ENA Windows driver releases
       * Windows PV drivers
          * Upgrade PV drivers
          * Troubleshoot PV drivers
       * AWS NVMe drivers
          * NVMe Windows driver releases
    * Configure Windows instances
       * Windows launch agents
          * Configure DNS Suffix
          * Subscribe to SNS notifications
          * Migrate to EC2Launch v2
          * Windows Service administration
          * EC2Launch v2
             * Install EC2Launch v2
             * Configure EC2Launch v2
             * Task definitions
             * Troubleshoot EC2Launch v2
             * Version histories
          * EC2Launch
             * Install EC2Launch
             * Configure EC2Launch
             * Version history
          * EC2Config service
             * Install EC2Config
             * Configure proxy settings
             * Set EC2Config service properties
             * Troubleshoot EC2Config
             * Version history
       * EC2 Fast Launch for Windows
          * EC2 Fast Launch prerequisites
          * Configure EC2 Fast Launch settings
          * View EC2 Fast Launch AMIs
          * Manage resource costs
          * Monitor EC2 Fast Launch
          * Service-linked role
       * Change the Windows Administrator password
       * Add Windows System components
       * Install WSL on Windows
       * Windows utilities
          * Windows Utility Driver releases
    * Upgrade Windows instances
       * Perform an in-place upgrade
       * Perform an automated upgrade
       * Migrate to a Nitro-based instance type
       * Troubleshoot an upgrade
    * Tutorial: Connect EC2 instance to RDS database
       * Option 1: Automatically connect using EC2 console
       * Option 2: Automatically connect using RDS console
       * Option 3: Manually connect

 * Fleets
    * Which fleet method to use?
    * Configuration options
       * Request types
          * EC2 Fleet 'instant' type
       * Spending limit
       * Attribute-based instance type selection
       * Instance weighting
       * Allocation strategies
       * Capacity Rebalancing
       * Capacity Reservations
    * Work with EC2 Fleet
       * EC2 Fleet request states
       * Create an EC2 Fleet
       * Tag an EC2 Fleet
       * Describe an EC2 Fleet
       * Modify an EC2 Fleet
       * Delete an EC2 Fleet
    * Work with Spot Fleet
       * Spot Fleet request states
       * Create a Spot Fleet
       * Tag a Spot Fleet
       * Describe a Spot Fleet
       * Modify a Spot Fleet request
       * Cancel (delete) a Spot Fleet request
       * Automatic scaling for Spot Fleet
          * IAM permissions
          * Target tracking scaling
          * Step scaling
          * Scheduled scaling
    * Monitor your fleet
       * Monitor your fleet using CloudWatch
       * Monitor your fleet using EventBridge
    * Tutorials
       * Tutorial: Configure EC2 Fleet to use instance weighting
       * Tutorial: Configure EC2 Fleet to use On-Demand Instances as the primary
       * Tutorial: Configure EC2 Fleet to launch On-Demand Instances using
         targeted Capacity Reservations
       * Tutorial: Configure your EC2 Fleet to launch instances into Capacity
    * Example CLI configurations for EC2 Fleet
    * Example CLI configurations Spot Fleet
    * Fleet quotas

 * Networking
    * Regions and Zones
    * Instance IP addressing
       * IPv4 addresses
       * IPv6 addresses
       * Multiple IP addresses
       * Multiple IPv4 addresses on Windows
    * Instance hostname types
       * Change resource based naming options
    * Bring your own IP addresses
       * Prerequisites
       * Onboard your address range
       * Use your address range
    * Elastic IP addresses
       * Associate an Elastic IP address
       * Transfer an Elastic IP address
       * Release an Elastic IP address
       * Use reverse DNS for email applications
    * Network interfaces
       * IP addresses per network interface
       * Create a network interface
       * Network interface attachments
       * Manage IP addresses
       * Modify network interface attributes
       * Multiple network interfaces
       * Requester-managed network interfaces
       * Prefix delegation
          * Manage prefixes
       * Delete a network interface
    * Network bandwidth
    * Enhanced networking
       * Elastic Network Adapter (ENA)
       * ENA Express
          * Review instance settings
          * Configure instance settings
       * Intel 82599 VF
       * Monitor network performance
       * Troubleshoot ENA on Linux
       * Troubleshoot ENA on Windows
       * Improve network latency on Linux
       * Nitro performance considerations
       * Optimize network performance on Windows
    * Elastic Fabric Adapter
       * Get started with EFA and MPI
       * Get started with EFA and NCCL
       * Maximize network bandwidth
       * Create and attach an EFA
       * Detach and delete an EFA
       * Monitor an EFA
       * Verify the EFA installer
    * Instance topology
       * How it works
       * Prerequisites
       * Examples
    * Placement groups
       * Placement strategies
       * Create a placement group
       * Change instance placement
       * Delete a placement group
       * Shared placement groups
       * Placement groups on AWS Outposts
    * Network MTU
       * Set the MTU for your instances
    * Virtual private clouds

 * Security
    * Data protection
    * Infrastructure security
    * Resilience
    * Compliance validation
    * Identity and access management
       * Identity-based policies
       * Example policies for the API
       * Example policies for the console
       * AWS managed policies
       * IAM roles
          * Retrieve security credentials
          * Permissions to attach a role to an instance
          * Attach a role to an instance
    * Update management
    * Best practices for Windows instances
    * Key pairs
       * Create a key pair
       * Tag a key pair
       * Describe your key pairs
       * Delete your key pair
       * Add or replace a public key on your Linux instance
       * Verify the fingerprint
    * Security groups
       * Create a security group
       * Change security groups for your instance
       * Delete a security group
       * Connection tracking
       * Security group rules for different use cases
    * NitroTPM
       * Requirements
       * Enable a Linux AMI for NitroTPM
       * Verify that an AMI is enabled for NitroTPM
       * Enable or stop using NitroTPM
       * Verify that an instance is enabled for NitroTPM
       * Retrieve the public endorsement key
    * Credential Guard for Windows instances
    * AWS PrivateLink

 * Storage
    * Amazon EBS
       * EBS volume limits
    * Amazon EC2 instance store
       * Data persistence
       * Instance store limits
       * SSD instance store volumes
       * Add instance store volumes
          * Add instance store volumes to an AMI
          * Add instance store volumes to an instance
          * Make instance store volumes available for use
       * Enable swap volume for M1 and C1 instances
       * Initialize instance store volumes
    * Root volumes
       * Keep root volume after instance termination
       * Replace a root volume
    * Device names for volumes
    * Block device mappings
       * Add block device mapping to AMI
       * Add block device mapping to instance
    * How volumes are attached and mapped for Windows instances
       * Map NVME disks to volumes
       * Map non-NVME disks to volumes
    * Torn write prevention
       * Supported block sizes
       * Requirements
       * Check instance support
       * Configure workload
    * Windows VSS EBS snapshots
       * VSS prerequisites
          * IAM permissions
          * VSS components
       * Create VSS snapshots
          * Use Systems Manager command documents
       * Troubleshoot VSS snapshots
       * Restore EBS volumes
       * Version history
    * Object storage, file storage, and file caching
       * Amazon S3
       * Amazon EFS
       * Amazon FSx
       * Amazon File Cache

 * Manage resources
    * Select a Region for your resources
    * Find your resources
    * Amazon EC2 Global View
    * Tag your resources
       * Tag resource permissions
       * Add and remove tags
       * Filter resources by tag
       * View tags using instance metadata
    * Service quotas

 * Monitor resources
    * Monitor the status of your instances
       * Status checks
          * View status checks
          * Create status check alarms
       * State change events
          * Create alarm for instance state changes
       * Scheduled events
          * Recommended actions for scheduled events
          * View scheduled events
          * Customize scheduled event notifications
          * Reschedule scheduled events
          * Create custom event windows
    * Monitor your instances using CloudWatch
       * Instance alarms
       * Manage detailed monitoring
       * CloudWatch metrics
       * Install and configure the CloudWatch agent
       * Statistics for metrics
          * Get statistics for a specific instance
          * Aggregate statistics across instances
          * Aggregate statistics by Auto Scaling group
          * Aggregate statistics by AMI
       * View monitoring graphs
       * Create an alarm
       * Create alarms that stop, terminate, reboot, or recover an instance
          * Amazon CloudWatch alarm action scenarios
    * Automate using EventBridge
    * Log API calls using CloudTrail
    * Monitor .NET and SQL Server applications
    * Track your Free Tier usage

 * Troubleshoot
    * Instance launch issues
    * Instance stop issues
    * Instance termination issues
    * Unreachable instances
       * Common screenshots for Windows instances
    * Linux instance SSH issues
    * Linux instance failed status checks
    * Linux instance boots from wrong volume
    * Windows instance RDP issues
    * Windows instance start issues
    * Windows instance issues
    * Reset Windows administrator password
       * Reset password using EC2Launch v2
       * Reset password using EC2Launch
       * Reset password using EC2Config
    * Troubleshoot Sysprep issues
    * EC2Rescue for Linux instances
       * Install EC2Rescue
       * Run EC2Rescue commands
       * Develop EC2Rescue modules
    * EC2Rescue for Windows instances
       * Troubleshoot using EC2Rescue GUI
       * Troubleshoot using EC2Rescue CLI
       * Troubleshoot using EC2Rescue and Systems Manager
    * EC2 Serial Console
       * Prerequisites
       * Configure access to the EC2 Serial Console
       * Connect to the EC2 Serial Console
       * Disconnect from the EC2 Serial Console
       * Troubleshoot your instance using the EC2 Serial Console
    * Send diagnostic interrupts

 * Document history

Elastic IP addresses - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
AWSDocumentationAmazon EC2User Guide
Elastic IP address pricingElastic IP address basicsElastic IP address quota



An Elastic IP address is a static IPv4 address designed for dynamic cloud
computing. An Elastic IP address is allocated to your AWS account, and is yours
until you release it. By using an Elastic IP address, you can mask the failure
of an instance or software by rapidly remapping the address to another instance
in your account. Alternatively, you can specify the Elastic IP address in a DNS
record for your domain, so that your domain points to your instance. For more
information, see the documentation for your domain registrar.

An Elastic IP address is a public IPv4 address, which is reachable from the
internet. If you need to connect to an instance that does not have a public IPv4
address, you can associate an Elastic IP address with your instance to enable
communication with the internet.


 * Elastic IP address pricing
 * Elastic IP address basics
 * Elastic IP address quota
 * Associate an Elastic IP address with an instance
 * Transfer an Elastic IP address between AWS accounts
 * Release an Elastic IP address
 * Create a reverse DNS record for email on Amazon EC2


AWS charges for all public IPv4 addresses, including public IPv4 addresses
associated with running instances and Elastic IP addresses. For more
information, see the Public IPv4 Address tab on the Amazon VPC pricing page.


The following are the basic characteristics of an Elastic IP address:

 * An Elastic IP address is static; it does not change over time.

 * An Elastic IP address is for use in a specific Region only, and cannot be
   moved to a different Region.

 * An Elastic IP address comes from Amazon's pool of IPv4 addresses, or from a
   custom IPv4 address pool that you have brought to your AWS account. We do not
   support Elastic IP addresses for IPv6.

 * To use an Elastic IP address, you first allocate one to your account, and
   then associate it with your instance or a network interface.

 * When you associate an Elastic IP address with an instance, it is also
   associated with the instance's primary network interface. When you associate
   an Elastic IP address with a network interface that is attached to an
   instance, it is also associated with the instance.

 * When you associate an Elastic IP address with an instance or its primary
   network interface, if the instance already has a public IPv4 address
   associated with it, that public IPv4 address is released back into Amazon's
   pool of public IPv4 addresses and the Elastic IP address is associated with
   the instance instead. You cannot reuse the public IPv4 address previously
   associated with the instance and you cannot convert that public IPv4 address
   to an Elastic IP address. For more information, see Public IPv4 addresses.

 * You can disassociate an Elastic IP address from a resource, and then
   associate it with a different resource. To avoid unexpected behavior, ensure
   that all active connections to the resource named in the existing association
   are closed before you make the change. After you have associated your Elastic
   IP address to a different resource, you can reopen your connections to the
   newly associated resource.

 * A disassociated Elastic IP address remains allocated to your account until
   you explicitly release it. You are charged for all Elastic IP addresses in
   your account, regardless of whether they are associated or disassociated with
   an instance. For more information, see the Public IPv4 Address tab on the
   Amazon VPC pricing page.

 * When you associate an Elastic IP address with an instance that previously had
   a public IPv4 address, the public DNS host name of the instance changes to
   match the Elastic IP address.

 * We resolve a public DNS host name to the public IPv4 address or the Elastic
   IP address of the instance outside the network of the instance, and to the
   private IPv4 address of the instance from within the network of the instance.

 * When you allocate an Elastic IP address from an IP address pool that you have
   brought to your AWS account, it does not count toward your Elastic IP address
   limits. For more information, see Elastic IP address quota.

 * When you allocate the Elastic IP addresses, you can associate the Elastic IP
   addresses with a network border group. This is the location from which we
   advertise the CIDR block. Setting the network border group limits the CIDR
   block to this group. If you do not specify the network border group, we set
   the border group containing all of the Availability Zones in the Region (for
   example, us-west-2).

 * An Elastic IP address is for use in a specific network border group only.


By default, all AWS accounts have a quota of five (5) Elastic IP addresses per
Region, because public (IPv4) internet addresses are a scarce public resource.
We strongly recommend that you use Elastic IP addresses primarily for their
ability to remap the address to another instance in the case of instance
failure, and to use DNS hostnames for all other inter-node communication.

If you think your architecture warrants additional Elastic IP addresses, you can
request a quota increase directly from the Service Quotas console. To request a
quota increase, choose Request increase at account-level. For more information,
see Amazon EC2 service quotas.

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Document Conventions
Use your address range
Associate an Elastic IP address
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Associate an Elastic IP address


Use your address range


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 * Elastic IP address pricing
 * Elastic IP address basics
 * Elastic IP address quota