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Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/How-Choose-Translation-Worth-Understanding-ebook/dp/B000SJWECK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=6FNBS65OENLI&dib=...
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          Claimed Applicable Promotions

          Expose a jQuery event trigger here that will show a message about
          what promotions will be applied to this purchase. Since the "You Save"
          message and price is calculated pre-promotion, we'll hide that message
          to avoid confusion.
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            <span>Füge ein </span><img alt="" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/01ToaAyiR3L.svg" id="audible-logo"> <span> </span> <span class="a-declarative" data-action="a-modal" data-csa-c-type="widget" data-csa-c-func-deps="aui-da-a-modal"
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              data-csa-c-id="qlaosw-ej09xi-husqzu-u2okkw"> <a class="a-link-normal" href="#" role="link"> <span>Hörbuch</span> </a> </span> <span> mit Audible-Erzählung hinzu für </span><span class="a-color-price">12,99&nbsp;$</span>
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Gordon D. FeeGordon D. Fee
Mark L. StraussMark L. Strauss
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von Gordon D. Fee (Author), Mark L. Strauss (Author) Format: Kindle Ausgabe
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With so many Bible translations available today, how can you find those that
will be most useful to you? What is the difference between a translation that
calls itself “literal” and one that is more “meaning-based”? And what difference
does it make for you as a reader of God’s Word? How to Choose a Translation for
All Its Worth brings clarity and insight to the current debate over translations
and translation theories. Written by two seasoned Bible translators, here is an
authoritative guide through the maze of translations issues, written in language
that everyday Bible readers can understand. Learn the truth about both the
word-for-word and meaning-for-meaning translations approaches. Find out what
goes into the whole process of translation, and what makes a translation
accurate and reliable. Discover the strengths and potential weaknesses of
different contemporary English Bible versions. In the midst of the present
confusion over translations, this authoritative book speaks with an objective,
fair-minded, and reassuring voice to help pastors, everyday Bible readers, and
students make wise, well-informed choices about which Bible translations they
can depend on and which will best meet their needs.

Mehr lesen


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    Zondervan Academic
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    26. Mai 2009
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 1. The Task of Translation - understand how it happens and why it continues to
    be necessary.
 2. Making Words Work - take a tour of some of the challenges that come with
    translating certain words and literary forms from ancient Hebrew or Greek.
 3. Translation and Culture - gain insight into the art of translating with an
    ear to modern cultural shifts and some of the challenges that comes with
 4. Text and Presentation - a translation isn't just the words. Learn more about
    the Bible-formatting process and why it matters.
 5. The Bible in English - A brief history of the English Bible and how we got
    some of major contemporary Bible versions.

Essential Bible Reading and Teaching Resources For Any Christian's Library.
Discover More...

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: Fourth Edition How to Read Theology for
All Its Worth How to Preach and Teach the Old Testament for All Its Worth How to
Read the Bible Book by Book How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens
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In den Einkaufswagen
In den Einkaufswagen
In den Einkaufswagen
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4,6 von 5 Sternen
Preis 11,87 $$11,87 8,99 $$8,99 12,79 $$12,79 14,30 $$14,30 13,99 $$13,99 About
the Book A companion to How to Read the Bible Book by Book. Helps you accurately
understand the different parts of the Bible — their meaning for ancient
audiences and their implications for you today. Introduces students to the basic
skills of intelligent reading, applied to theological works. Covering the
History, Law, Prophets, Psalms, and Wisdom Literature, interspersed with
practical checklists, exercises, and sermons, this book provides an essential
guide on how to preach the Old Testament responsibly. For each book of the
Bible, the authors start with a quick snapshot, then expand the view to help you
better understand its message and how it fits into the grand narrative of the
Bible. Presents Christ as the central focus of each biblical book and the
primary way the Bible relates to contemporary circumstances. Authors Gordon D.
Fee and Douglas Stuart Karin Spiecker Stetina Christopher J. H. Wright Gordon D.
Fee and Douglas Stuart Michael Williams



'This book is crammed with material that's understandable, theologically sound,
generationally balanced, and practical. I wish I had read one like it 50 years
ago. It's a must not only for Christian pastors and teachers but for the
everyday Bible reader who wants to be better equipped to understand God's Word
and share it's a classic.' -- Warren W. Wiersbe, Author and former Pastor of The
Moody Church


With so many Bible translations available today, how can you find those that
will be most useful to you? What is the difference between a translation that
calls itself 'literal' and one that is more 'meaning-based'? And what difference
does it make for you as a reader of God's Word? How to Choose a Translation for
All Its Worth brings clarity and insight to the current debate over translations
and translation theories. Written by two seasoned Bible translators, here is an
authoritative guide through the maze of translations issues, written in language
that everyday Bible readers can understand. Learn the truth about both the
word-for-word and meaning-for-meaning translations approaches. Find out what
goes into the whole process of translation, and what makes a translation
accurate and reliable. Discover the strengths and potential weaknesses of
different contemporary English Bible versions. In the midst of the present
confusion over translations, this authoritative book speaks with an objective,
fair-minded, and reassuring voice to help pastors, everyday Bible readers, and
students make wise, well-informed choices about which Bible translations they
can depend on and which will best meet their needs.


Mark Strauss (PhD, Aberdeen) is professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary in
San Diego. He has written The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts, Distorting
Scripture?, The Challenge of Bible Translation and Gender Accuracy, and Luke in
the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Background Commentary series. Forthcoming books
include The Gospels and Jesus, Mark in the revised Expositor's Bible Commentary
series, and Mark in the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary series.

Gordon D. Fee (PhD, University of Southern California) is Professor Emeritus of
New Testament Studies at Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia. SPANISH
BIO: Gordon D. Fee es profesor emerito de Nuevo Testamento en Regent College,
Vancouver, Canada, y ha escrito numerosos libros como 'La lectura eficaz de la
Biblia, Exegesis del Nuevo Testamento: manual para estudiantes y pastores, La
primera epistola a los Corintios, y los publicados por la Coleccion Teologica
Contemporanea: 'Comentario de la Epistola a los Filipenses y Comentario de las
Epistolas a 1 y 2 Timoteo y Tito.



A Guide to Understanding and Using Bible VersionsBy Gordon D. Fee Mark L.


Copyright © 2007 Gordon D. Fee and Mark L. Strauss
All right reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-310-27876-4


Abbreviations of English Bible
1: The Task of Translation1. The Need for
Translation...........................................................192. The
Meaning and Task of
Translation................................................25Part 2: Making
Words Work3. Translating
Translating Figurative Language: Idioms, Metaphors, and
Poetry.....................615. The Greek Genitive: A Problem of Its
Own...........................................77Part 3: Translation and
Culture6. Cultural Issues in
Translation.....................................................877. Gender and
4: Other Translation Issues: Text and Presentation8. The Question of the
Original Text..................................................1119. Issues of
Style and Format.........................................................119Part
5: The Bible in English10. A Brief History of the Bible in
English...........................................13511. Contemporary Bible


The Need for Translation

Many years ago a much-admired teacher of Greek stood before her first-year Greek
class. With uncharacteristic vigor, she held up her Greek New Testament and said
forcefully, "This is the New Testament; everything else is a translation." While
that statement itself needs some qualification (see chap. 8 below), the fact
that it is still remembered fifty-plus years later by a student in that class
says something about the impact that moment had in his own understanding of the
Bible. For the first time, and as yet without the tools to do much about it, he
was confronted both with the significance of the Greek New Testament and with
the need for a careful rendering of the Greek into truly equivalent-and
meaningful-English. And at that point in time he hadn't even attended his first
Hebrew (or Aramaic) class! Since the majority of people who read this book will
not know the biblical languages, our aim is to help readers of the Bible to
understand the why, the what, and the how of translating the Bible into English.
It will be clear in the pages that follow (esp. chap. 2) that we think the best
of all worlds is to be found in a translation that aims to be accurate regarding
meaning, while using language that is normal English. Nonetheless, our goal is
not to tell the reader which translation to use; in the end, that is a matter of
personal choice. And while we think that everyone should have a primary
translation of choice, we hope also, in light of the richness of available
options, to encourage the frequent use of more than one translation as an
enriching form of Bible study.

The Why of Bible Translation

The question of "why biblical translation" seems so self-evident that one might
legitimately ask "why talk about why?" The first answer, of course, is the
theological one. Along with the large number of believers who consider
themselves evangelicals, the authors of this book share the conviction that the
Bible is God's Word-his message to human beings. So why a book about translating
Scripture into English? Precisely because we believe so strongly that Scripture
is God's Word.

But we also believe that God in his grace has given us his Word in very real
historical contexts, and in none of those contexts was English the language of
divine communication. After all, when Scripture was first given, English did not
yet exist as a language. The divine Word rather came to us primarily in two
ancient languages-Hebrew (with some Aramaic) and Greek, primarily "Koine" Greek.
The latter was not a grandiose language of the elite, but "common" Greek, the
language of everyday life in the first-century Roman world.

Although modern Hebrew and Greek are descendants of these languages, the reality
is that the languages spoken in ancient Israel and in the first Christian
century are not the same languages spoken today. For contemporary Israelis and
Greeks, reading the Bible in their original languages is like our reading the
English of its early writers, such as the fourteenth-century Chaucer. We
recognize many of the words, but many we do not, and the grammar is especially
strange to our ears.

The third answer to "why do we need biblical translation" lies with a reality
that might seem obvious to all, but which is often misunderstood. This is the
reality that languages really do differ from one another-even cognate languages
(i.e., "related" languages such as Spanish and Italian, or German and Dutch).
The task of translation is to transfer the meaning of words and sentences from
one language (the original or source language = the language of the text being
translated) into meaningful words and sentences of a second language (known as
the receptor or target language), which in our case is English. At issue
ultimately is the need to be faithful to both languages-that is, to reproduce
faithfully the meaning of the original text, but to do so with language that is
comprehensible, clear, and natural.

As we will see, this means that a simple "word-for-word" transfer from one
language to the other is inadequate. If someone were to translate the French
phrase petit djeuner into "word-for-word" English, they would say "little
lunch"; but the phrase actually means "breakfast." Similarly, a pomme de terre
in French is not an "apple of earth," as a literal translation would suggest,
but a "potato." Since no one would think of translating word-for-word in these
cases, neither should they imagine that one can simply put English words above
the Hebrew words in the Old Testament or the Greek words in the New, and have
anything that is meaningful in the receptor language. After all, the majority of
words do not have "meaning" on their own, but only in the context of other

One might try in this case, as one of the authors has done regularly in
introductory classes, to present the word "bear" to a group of students and ask
them what it "means." In response one gets a large number of "meanings" for the
word (large furry animal, to give birth, to carry, to endure, to put up with,
etc.), but never the meaning that was actually in the mind of the professor. For
he and his family were from the American west coast and were now living in New
England. They had asked a service station attendant for directions to a high
school gym in a neighboring town so they could watch their son play basketball.
"Go down this (winding) street," we were told, "and when you come to the tree,
bear right." Although context gave us a fairly good idea of what was intended by
the word, this was a usage we had never before encountered.

In other words, knowing "words" is simply not enough; and anyone who uses an
"interlinear Bible," where a corresponding English word sits above the Greek
word, is by definition not using a translation, but is using a "crib" that can
have some interesting-and, frankly, some unfortunate-results.

Thus the why of biblical translation is self-evident. The Bible is God's Word,
given in human words at specific times in history. But the majority of
English-speaking people do not know Hebrew or Greek. To read and understand the
Bible they need the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words and sentences of the Bible
to be transferred into meaningful and equivalent English words and sentences.

The What of Bible Translation

The ultimate concern of translation is to put a Hebrew or Greek sentence into
meaningful English that is equivalent to its meaning in Hebrew or Greek. That
is, the goal of good translation is English, not Greeklish (or Biblish). Biblish
results when the translator simply replaces Hebrew or Greek words with English
ones, without sufficient concern for natural or idiomatic English. For example,
the very literal American Standard Version (ASV) translates Jesus' words in Mark
4:30 as, "How shall we liken the kingdom of God? or in what parable shall we set
it forth?" This is almost a word-for-word translation, but it is unnatural
English. No normal English speaker would say, "In what parable shall we set it
forth?" The TNIV translates, "What parable shall we use to describe it?" The
formal structure of the Greek must be changed to reproduce normal, idiomatic

At issue, therefore, in a good translation is where one puts the emphasis: (1)
on imitating as closely as possible the words and grammar of the Hebrew or Greek
text, or (2) on producing idiomatic, natural-sounding English. Or is there some
balance between these two? In the next chapter we will introduce technical terms
for, and a fuller explanation of, these approaches to translation.

While we believe that there is a place for different translation theories or
approaches, we think the best translation into English is one where the
translators have tried to be truly faithful to both languages-the source
language and the receptor language. In any case, the task of translating into
English requires expertise in both languages, since the translator must first
comprehend how the biblical text would have been understood by its original
readers, and must then determine how best to communicate this message to those
whose first language is English. At the same time, since English is now the most
commonly known second language throughout the world, at issue also must be how
well nonnative English speakers will be able to understand and use the
translation. Some of the versions we will examine in this book were developed
especially for remedial readers or those with limited English-language skills.

The How of Biblical Translation

The how question concerns the manner in which translators go about their task.
Here several issues come to the fore. First, has the translation been done by a
committee or by a single individual? While some translations by individuals have
found a permanent place on our shelves (the Living Bible being a case in point),
there is a kind of corrective that comes from work by a committee that tends to
produce a better final product.

Second, if the translation was produced by a committee, what kind of
representation did the committee have? Was there a broad enough diversity of
denominational and theological backgrounds so that pet points of view seldom won
the day? Did the committee have representation of both men and women? Was there
a broad range of ages and life experiences? Did the committee have members who
were recognized experts in each of the biblical languages and in the matters of
textual criticism regarding the transmission of both the Hebrew and Greek Bible?
Were there English stylists on the committee who could distinguish truly natural
English from archaic language?

Third, if translation decisions were made by a committee, what was the process
of deciding between competing points of view? Was the choice made by simple
majority, or did it require something closer to a two thirds or three-quarters
majority in order to become part of the final version of the translation?

While the majority of readers of this book will not have easy access to the
answers to these questions, most modern versions have a preface that gives some
of the information needed. It is good to read these prefaces, so as to have a
general idea of both the makeup of the committee and of the translational theory

We should note at the end of this introductory chapter that in recent years
there has emerged a great deal of debate over which of these kinds of
translation has the greater value-or in some cases, which is more "faithful" to
the inspired text. But "faithful" in this case is, as with "beauty," often in
the eye of the beholder. While we are convinced that a translation based on
"functional equivalence" is the best way to be fair to both the original and
receptor languages, we are also aware that at issue ultimately is which version
communicates God's eternal Word in language that is accessible to the majority
of English-speaking people. In this regard, almost all of them do. But some do
so for certain readers more adequately than others. Related to this is the need
for the translation to "read well in church."

While the authors of this book think the greater overall value lies with a
translation that attempts to be faithful both to the biblical languages and to
English, our ultimate goal is not to convince others of this. Rather, we hope to
help readers understand the how and the what that goes into any good translation
of the Bible.

In the chapters that follow, we will take up the issues of the what and how of
biblical translation, spelling out in more detail why and how certain kinds of
translations differ from others. We will also indicate the benefits and
limitations of each type of translation. We then offer examples of the kinds of
issues that all translators must face in order to render into both accurate and
understandable English something that was originally expressed in Hebrew or


Excerpted from How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worthby Gordon D. Fee
Mark L. Strauss Copyright © 2007 by Gordon D. Fee and Mark L. Strauss .
Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted
without permission in writing from the publisher.
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 * ASIN ‏ : ‎ B000SJWECK
 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Zondervan Academic; Illustrated Edition (26. Mai 2009)
 * Erscheinungstermin ‏ : ‎ 26. Mai 2009
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 2839 KB
 * Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten ‏ : ‎ Bis zu 5 Geräte gleichzeitig, je
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 * Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
 * Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
 * Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Haftnotizen ‏ : ‎ Auf Kindle Scribe
 * Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 225 Seiten

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 33.276 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in
    * Nr. 1 in Englisch lernen (Kindle-Shop)
    * Nr. 2 in Christliche Hermeneutik
    * Nr. 3 in Andere christliche Bibeln

 * Kundenrezensionen:
   4,6 4,6 von 5 Sternen 157 Sternebewertungen

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    Gordon D. Fee ist Professor für das Neue Testament am Regent College in
    Vancouver, Kanada und hat zahlreiche Bücher wie "Effektives Bibelstudium.
    Die Bibel verstehen und auslegen" veröffentlicht.
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    Mark L. Strauss (Ph.D., Aberdeen) is University Professor of New Testament
    at Bethel Seminary San Diego, where he has served since 1993. He is the
    author of various books and articles including commentaries on Mark’s Gospel
    in the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Series (2014) and Expositors Bible
    Commentary (2010); and a commentary on Luke in the Zondervan Illustrated
    Bible Background Commentary (Zondervan, 2002). He is also author of Jesus
    Behaving Badly: The Puzzling Paradoxes of the Man from Galilee (2015); How
    to Read the Bible in Changing Times (2011); Four Portraits, One Jesus: An
    Introduction to Jesus and the Gospels (Zondervan, 2007); How to Choose a
    Translation for All It's Worth (with Gordon D. Fee; 2007); The Essential
    Bible Companion (with John Walton; 2006); Truth and Error in the Da Vinci
    Code (2006); Distorting Scripture? The Challenge of Bible Translation and
    Gender Accuracy (InterVarsity, 1998); and The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts
    (Sheffield Press, 1996). He was co-editor and contributor to The Challenge
    of Bible Translation. Communicating God's Word to the World (Zondervan,
    2003), New Testament Editor of the Teach the Text Commentary Series, and
    Contributing Scholar for the Expanded Bible (Thomas Nelson, 2011). He serves
    as Vice-Chair on the Committee for Bible Translation for the New
    International Version and as an associate editor for the NIV Study Bible.
    Profession memberships include the Society of Biblical Literature, the
    Institute for Biblical Research and the Evangelical Theological Society.
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5 von 5 Sternen

Clear and understandable guide to the basics of Bible translation!
This is an outstanding handbook which explains the relevant basics of Bible
translation. It is practical but also gives a complete overview of the technical
processes of translation in terms that make it clear and understandable. Gives a
thorough analysis with everything needed to make a wise choice in choosing
translations. Dr. Fee and Dr. Strauss are reputable and knowledgeable in this
field. While earning a Master of Theological Studies, became very interested in
Hermeneutics. I have begun a study of Bible interpretation and translation and
am using this book as one of the resources. I also plan to do in-depth study of
the history and development of Bible translation. May God's blessings come your


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George P. Wood
5,0 von 5 Sternen In Defense of Functional Equivalence
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 21. März 2008
Verifizierter Kauf
Which Bible translation do you use?

In the early years of the Twentieth Century, the answer to that question was
simple and obvious: the King James Version. In the middle of the Twentieth
Century, however, readers had two major choices: the KJV and the Revised
Standard Version. By the early 1970s; they had four: KJV, RSV, the New American
Standard Bible, and the New International Version--not to mention Kenneth
Taylor's Living Bible paraphrase. Now we have such a proliferation of Bible
translations that choosing just one is a real chore.

In How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth, Gordon Fee and Mark Strauss
give us "a guide to understanding and using Bible versions," as the subtitle
puts it. Fee is a world-renowned New Testament scholar and Assemblies of God
minister. With Douglas Stuart he authored How to Read the Bible for All Its
Worth (now in its third edition) and How to Read the Bible Book by Book. Strauss
is professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary in San Diego, California. Both
are members of the Committee for Bible Translation that produced Today's New
International Version.

Let me explain why I am personally interested in this issue. For some time, I
have struggled with which translation to use. I grew up with the NIV, but it has
a number of features that bug me. One is its persistent translation of Paul's
concrete language with abstractions. "Flesh" becomes "sinful nature" in
Galatians. "Walk" becomes "live" in Ephesians. The meaning of "flesh" in
Galatians is "sinful nature," just as the meaning of "walk" is "live" in
Ephesians, but I prefer the concrete metaphor over the abstraction.

Recently, the English Standard Version (basically, a conservative update of the
RSV) has been gaining ground among evangelicals. (The preaching team of James
River Assembly of God uses it, for example, as does John Piper.) Leland Ryken,
my college English professor, has written an extended explanation and defense of
the translation theory underlying the ESV in his book, The Word of God in
English. For a time, I found his reasoning persuasive. But the ESV doesn't live
up to the hype, in my opinion. It retains the concrete images in Galatians and
Ephesians, but sometimes it uses clunky syntax and archaic vocabulary. (Instead
of "rainbow" in Genesis 9, for example, it uses "bow.")

The TNIV and NRSV follow the translation philosophies of the NIV and ESV,
respectively, but with one crucial difference. They are "gender inclusive,"
"gender neutral," or "gender accurate." So, instead of translating Psalm 1 as
"Blessed is the man...," for example, they translate it, "Blessed are they..."
Similarly, the New Testament vocative, "brothers" becomes "brothers and
sisters." And "man" becomes "human beings" or "mortals." This is either
political correctness run amok or accurate translation, depending on your
translation philosophy.

The difference between the NIV/TNIV and ESV/NRSV is the difference between
"formal equivalence" and "functional equivalence." Formal equivalence
translations seek to reproduce the form of the translation at the level of
vocabulary and syntax. Functional equivalence translations seek to reproduce the
meaning. So, while the ESV/NRSV both translate sarx as "flesh" in Galatians,"
which is the formally equivalent term, the NIV/TNIV both translate it as "sinful
nature," which is its approximate meaning.

Fee and Strauss offer a brief articulation and defense of the functional
equivalence theory of translation. They argue: "The goal of translation is to
reproduce the meaning of the text, not the form." Furthermore: "the best
translation is one that remains faithful to the original meaning of the text,
but uses language that sounds as clear and natural to the modern reader as the
Hebrew or Greek did to the original readers."

In the course of articulating and defending this theory, Fee and Strauss walk
the reader through the thicket of issues translators must face: picking the
right words, translating figurative language, dealing with the idiosyncrasies of
Greek grammar, bridging cultural gaps between then and now, accurately
translating gender, making correct text-critical decisions, and translating for
audiences with varying reading levels and vocabularies. I put down this book
with a lot more appreciation of what translators do, even if I don't always
agree with their specific translations of this or that verse.

While I basically agree with Fee and Strauss regarding the correctness of their
translation philosophy (i.e., meaning over form), I do wonder whether some of
the translation choices functional equivalence translations make are really
necessary. Fee and Stuart regularly write that modern readers just wouldn't
understand this or that idiom if it were translated in a formally equivalent
way. They have a right to their opinion, but I wonder if fair-minded readers of
Galatians are really so confused by "flesh" in Galatians and "walk" in
Ephesians. Even if functional equivalence is the right philosophy, in other
words, it doesn't always make the right translation. Sometimes, it
overinterprets the text for the reader and in doing so misses out on something
else the text is trying to communicate. By translating sarx as "sinful nature,"
for example, the NIV/TNIV misses Paul's word play about the circumcision party.
They cut the "flesh" (i.e., the foreskin) in pursuit of a form of justification
that is based on the "flesh" (i.e., sinful nature). This wordplay was present to
the original Greek readers but is totally absent to English readers today,
unless they're reading the ESV or NRSV.

Of course, some figurative language must be explained. Even the ESV flattens out
metaphors now and then. And it does not attempt to translate Paul's one-sentence
doxology in Ephesians 1:3-14 as one sentence in English. In other words,
translations make choices, and unless you expect every parishioner in your
church to know Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, you'll just have to live with these

The important thing is for all of us to realize that such choices need to be
made--trading off literalness here for intelligibility there--and to be gracious
when translations make choices different than our own. In pursuit of such grace,
Fee and Strauss's book is an excellent resource.

125 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen
Richard Robinett
5,0 von 5 Sternen Richard
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 31. Januar 2010
Verifizierter Kauf
After reading some negative reviews of this work, I couldn't help but add my own
comments. At first I couldn't understand what some of them were complaining
about. Then it dawned on me that they had one thing in common: a dislike of
dynamic equivalence,thought for thought, translations. As such I felt these
negative reviewers missed the point Fee and Strauss are trying to make. First of
all, of course they like dynamic equivalence translating. After all they worked
on the NIV and TNIV. However, the point of their book is not that dynamic
equivalence translations are the only ones to read.

Read what they say carefully and you will see that they find fault with both
word for word and thought for thought methods of translation. (See their chart
on page 34.)

One reviewer even commented that their preference for thought for thought was in
error and cited an example from Romans. He or she got that form a book by Leland
Ryken. The example is based on a metaphor where in that culture a sword stood
for the power and authority of the political office. One reference that I found
even stated that a sword or dagger could be presented to the "governor" when he
was officially assigned his office. Given that fact I suspect there is room to
translate the thought here. It should also be pointed out that a literal
translation could be either sword or dagger. Therefore, I'm not sure you could
argue that "sword" is the only translation that should be used in this case.
After all Trajan presented a dagger to his appointees, according the source I

Fee and Strauss are recommending that one not rely on only one translation or
type of translation. Their book provides excellent insight into what problems
exist for the translator as he or she attempt to convert Hebrew and Greek into
understandable English, and the key word is understandable. In the example
above, it is perfectly adequate to translate that word as sword. However,would
some miss the point and think Paul is referring to his own pending death
sentence? Is Paul even under arrest at the time he wrote Romans? Some scholars
think this letter represents an earlier desire to go there that was, ironically,
filled when he was arrested and taken before the Emperor. There is even debate
about whether or not he was released after the events detailed in Acts.

Besides the point of "How to Choose a Translation...." is that one method is not
the only one to use. All translations have their weaknesses. I read Ryken's book
too and the striking difference between it and this work is that Fee and Strauss
present examples of poor translating form both word for word and thought for
thought works. Read carefully and you will find that they even present examples
of thought for thought translating in those word for word works, while Ryken can
only praise word for word translating and criticize thought for thought work.

Martin Luther once wrote that: The words of the Hebrew tongue have a peculiar
energy. It is impossible to convey so much so briefly in any other language. To
render them intelligibly we must not attempt to give word for word, but only aim
at the sense and the idea.

Luther would have loved what Fee and Strauss are saying in this book.
Translating the Bible is a challenge and they have given us insight into that
challenge. I have read this book three times and will probably read it again. It
is the best work I have read on selecting a translation. It doesn't answer the
question about which one is the best one or which one is the word of God.
However, it clearly agrees with the translators of the KJV who state in the
preface to the 1611 edition:

Now to the latter we answer; that we do not deny, nay we affirm and avow, that
the very meanest translation of the Bible in English, set forth by men of our
profession, (for we have seen none of theirs of the whole Bible as yet)
containeth the word of God, nay, is the word of God.

They are all the word of God,even the "meanest" according to the KJV preface.
Which is the best to read? All of them. In fact, I remember reading a quote from
Billy Graham somewhere. Asked which one is the best to read, Graham is said to
have replied that the one you can understand was the best translation to read.

Fee and Strauss do a great job of defining the kinds of problems translators
encounter as they try to convert Hebrew and Greek into understandable English.
They explain the problem of deciding which words to pick in converting original
words into English, problems faced as translators try to deal with figures of
speech and problems in what to do in order to convey culturally bound terms into
modern English that will give the reader an idea about what the original authors
were talking about.

I highly recommend this book. I am sure some will not appreciate what Fee and
Strauss have done here. After all, it is like learning what actually goes into a
hot dog. Some never want to eat one again. Others will be delighted to know what
they are eating. However, if you want to understand why translation is such a
complex process that calls for decision making and interpretation on the part of
the translator, you will love this book.

41 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen
5,0 von 5 Sternen Very much worth the read, the author lays out ...
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 4. August 2014
Verifizierter Kauf
Very much worth the read, the author lays out the strengths and weaknesses of
Literal, and more thought for thought translations. He also goes on the
demonstrate how the common view that "the most literal is also the most accurate
with bible translation" is flawed. He gave the example of the french Phrase, "La
Pomme de terre." Literal Translation- "The Apple of the Earth." What it actually
means- Potato. Also he shows that literal translation is usually comprehensible,
but not very natural english. He shows the difference between translating the
meaning (thought for thought), and translating the words (Literal).

You get some history behind how many translations came to be what we have today
and you get the authors advice to have 1 main translation for reading from, and
then others as helpful study tools.
Also be aware of bias toward the NIV, one of the authors Mark L. Strauss admits
his bias toward the TNIV since he is on the Committee for Bible Translation that
is responsible for updating the NIV. You can find his profile and more details
at Biblica.com. This book was written before the NIV 2011 was released, so you
will see the author using examples with the TNIV from 2005.

Well worth the read if you want to learn some history behind Bible translations,
and also learn the strengths and weaknesses of Literal, and more thought for
thought translation.

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Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen
5,0 von 5 Sternen Traditional or dynamic translations
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 19. März 2023
Verifizierter Kauf
Fee, on the translation group of the NIV, explains clearly the difference
between dynamic and literal translations of the Bible. Also highlights the
inadequacies of the AV (KJV) and their sources.

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen plus which we will recommend to our students to purchase
Rezension aus Kanada am 5. Februar 2016
Verifizierter Kauf
I learned a lot, not just about the process of translation, but also the way in
which various translations are used in the Church. As a Bible College teacher,
and academic dean of our college, I will be involved in choosing the translation
which we will use for the foreseeable future, plus which we will recommend to
our students to purchase. This book was tremendously helpful. I highly recommend

David Hildebrandt

Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen
David Voogd
5,0 von 5 Sternen Helpful insight into Bible translation
Rezension aus Kanada am 4. Mai 2020
Verifizierter Kauf
A good read with a lot of insight into the methodology and challenges of Bible
translation. Helpful read when trying to decide which versions to read and
understand the philosophies behind them.

Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen
Mr. G. J. Maddison
5,0 von 5 Sternen Excellent book
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 2. März 2019
Verifizierter Kauf
Interesting & informative. Glad I bought it.

Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen
Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Biblereading - never the same again
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 22. März 2014
Verifizierter Kauf
Excellent account of the challenges and problems of translating the Bible. Very
interesting background material and most useful chart of the vario0us English
versions, categorised in a helpful way.

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