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Why You Should Embrace the Market Pullback | Cabot Street Check
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it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
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April 19, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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The Market’s Gold Rush and How to Profit from it | Cabot Street Check
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FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
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April 12, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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The ‘Everything Rally’ Hits a Snag; Tesla Hits a Pole | Cabot Street Check
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it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

April 5, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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Why You Shouldn’t Fear the Bull Market, with Mike Cintolo | Cabot Street Check
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

March 28, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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Magnificent Madness! Our 2024 Bracket of the 8 Largest Mega-Caps | Cabot Street
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it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

March 22, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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Buy These Hybrid Car Stocks; Avoid EVs & Boeing | Cabot Street Check
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

March 15, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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The First Annual Streeties! We Hand Out Stock Awards, Oscars-Style | Cabot
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This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

March 8, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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How to Profit from a Stock Spin-Off, with Rich Howe | Cabot Street Check
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

March 1, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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It’s Nvidia’s (NVDA) Market. Is that a Good Thing? | Cabot Street Check
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

February 23, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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3 Can’t-Miss Stocks that Failed, and the Reasons Why | Cabot Street Check
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

February 16, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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These 2 Sports Betting Stocks are the Real Super Bowl Winners | Cabot Street
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

February 9, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
Free Podcast
Is the AI Bubble about to Burst ... Or Expand? | Cabot Street Check
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

February 2, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
Free Podcast
EV Stocks, Cannabis Sector at a Crossroads; Bitcoin ETFs Flop | Cabot Street
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

January 26, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
Free Podcast
A Housing Market Deep Dive, with Nancy Zambell | Cabot Street Check
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

January 19, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
Free Podcast
Large vs. Small Caps, BYD vs. Rivian, Brad vs. Vegas | Cabot Street Check
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

January 12, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
Free Podcast
A Dry January for Stocks? Or a Temporary Hangover? | Cabot Street Check
This week Chris and Brad talk about the latest Chinese GDP numbers and whether
it’s safe to invest in China, Tesla’s earnings release, and what they’re seeing
with Regional banks now that they’re reporting. After that, they break down
FAANG stocks, their popular ascent as market shorthand, and whether Microsoft is
“sexy” enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.

January 5, 2024
Chris Preston & Brad Simmerman
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The Market’s Intermediate-Term Uptrend | Cabot Weekly Review
In this week’s video, Mike Cintolo talks about the market’s under-the-surface
improvement that he’s seeing; no indicators have changed, which will need to
happen for him to extend his line in a big way, but there’s no question most
stuff has seen improvement and more stocks are beginning to act properly. Mike
did a little buying this week and is hoping to add more should the market be
able to build on the recent action.

April 19, 2024
Mike Cintolo
Upcoming Event

2 High-Potential Little-Known Stocks Every Investor Should Own

FREE WEBINAR: Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 2:00 PM ET with expert Chris Preston,
Chief Analyst of Cabot Stock of the Week and Cabot’s Editor-in-Chief

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The 7 Best Places in the World to Retire on a Budget
5 Best Stocks to Buy in April
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