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Submitted URL: http://better-follow.com/
Effective URL: https://www.better-follow.com/
Submission: On October 26 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.better-follow.com/
Submission: On October 26 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Shop Now TOP CATEGORIES COFFEE TABLES TV STANDS DRESSERS DINING TABLES DINING CHAIRS SIDE TABLES * THE PERFECT TABLE, MADE FOR YOU * Living Room * Dining Room * SET THE TABLE TO WELCOME SUMMER MODERN MODERN Clean lines, a spacious layout and luxurious materials. The modern style is anything but cold. Different fabrics, striking colors and elements are used that make the interior truly fascinating. Discover this style SCANDINAVIAN SCANDINAVIAN Minimalist and mostly natural tones. The Scandi look is a very accessible style, where less is definitely more. Discover this style QUIET LUXURY QUIET LUXURY Minimal luxury based on high-end materials and designs. Discover this style JAPANDI JAPANDI A soothing interplay between two styles, namely: Scandinavian and Japanese Discover this style INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL Industrial living is the atmosphere of a New York loft. It's tough, robust and edgy. Statement pieces with a calm base are the pillars of this style. Discover this style SHOP BY STYLE * MODERN MEETS SIMPLICITY Sleek lines and effortless charm redefine sophistication in your living space. Redefine elegance with our modern furniture collection. SHOP NOW * MID-CENTURY MARVELS AWAIT Reveal the Elegance: Medieval Inspiration, Modern Designs. SHOP NOW LABOR DAY SALE: UP TO $300 OFF SITEWIDE $889.00 Seb Extendable Dining Table59"~78.7" $889.00 $469.00 Seb Dining Table 59" $469.00 $179.00 Seb Bench $179.00 $359.00 Andre Walnut and White Coffee Table $359.00 $819.00 Harper Sideboard $819.00 $289.00 Vincent Chair,Walnut (Set of 2) $289.00 $269.00 Vincent Coffee Table Set, Walnut $269.00 $629.00 Vincent Dining Table, Oak 71" $629.00 $889.00 Seb Extendable Dining Table59"~78.7" $889.00 $469.00 Seb Dining Table 59" $469.00 $179.00 Seb Bench $179.00 $359.00 Andre Walnut and White Coffee Table $359.00 View more Be the first to know about our best deals! 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Subscribe Thanks for subscribing Optional button 111 GIFTS POINTS Item has been added ${(function(){ const products = data.products; const getDefaultVariant = function(product){ if (product.min_price_variant.available){ return product.min_price_variant; }else { const avail_variants = product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); if (avail_variants.length) { return avail_variants[0]; } } }; const toQuery = obj => Object.keys(obj) .map(k => Array.isArray(obj[k]) ? obj[k].map(v => `${k}[]=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`).join('&') : `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[k])}` ) .join('&'); const getDefaultTrackParams = function(product, index){ const variant = getDefaultVariant(product); const params = { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + data.id, scm: product.scm || data.scm || '', spm: data.spmBase + '.' + index, ssp: data.ssp || '', }; const trackParams = Object.keys(params).map(function(key){ return params[key]; }).join('__'); return trackParams; }; const hasMore = (data.products.length - data.target_top_product_num - data.page * data.limit) === 0; 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"checked": ""; return ` ${value} ` }).join("") } ` })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return ` `; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return ` ${ variant.options.map(function(option){ return option.value; }).join("/") || 'Not exist' } `; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.data && data.data.variant; const defaultText = data.defaultText || 'Add To Cart'; const text = (!variant || variant.available) ? defaultText: data.soldOutText; return ` ${text} `; })()} ${(function(){ let cart = data; if(data.data) { cart = data.data; } return ` ${cart.item_count >=0 ? cart.item_count : '..'} `; })()} ${(function(){ return ` ${data.i18n.checkout} `; })()} UP TO 50% OFF On Your First Order NEW10 NEW10 Click to copy SHOP NOW ×