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Effective URL: https://www.linkedin.com/company/zerofox?mkt_tok=MTQzLURIVi0wMDcAAAGTy32hfMsntyM5IdBji2CKyxbyNxD3_2vDpYOqtkNDfl_jw5CFV_F5...
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On June 23 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.linkedin.com/company/zerofox?mkt_tok=MTQzLURIVi0wMDcAAAGTy32hfMsntyM5IdBji2CKyxbyNxD3_2vDpYOqtkNDfl_jw5CFV_F5...
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On June 23 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Akzeptieren Ablehnen Weiter zum Hauptinhalt LinkedIn * Artikel * Personen * E-Learning * Jobs * Spiele Mitglied werden Einloggen ZEROFOX COMPUTER- UND NETZWERKSICHERHEIT BALTIMORE, MD 24.403 FOLLOWER:INNEN EXTERNAL CYBERSECURITY Jobs anzeigen Folgen * alle 846 Mitarbeiter:innen anzeigen * Dieses Unternehmen melden * Übersicht * Stellen INFO ZeroFox delivers proactive external cybersecurity to outfox the adversary and disrupt, identify, and dismantle threats outside the traditional corporate perimeter. The ZeroFox Platform combines advanced AI-driven analysis to detect complex threats on the surface, Deep, and Dark Web with fully managed threat intelligence services and threat analysts who become an extension of your team – all while providing automated remediation to effectively disrupt threats. Website https://www.zerofox.com/ Externer Link zu ZeroFox Branche Computer- und Netzwerksicherheit Größe 501–1.000 Beschäftigte Hauptsitz Baltimore, MD Art Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.) Gegründet 2013 Spezialgebiete Digital Risk Protection, Threat Intelligence, Dark Web Monitoring, Brand Protection Software, Domain Monitoring Tools, Executive Protection Software, Anti-Phishing Software, External Cybersecurity, Physical Security Intelligence, Cybersecurity und Account-Takedowns ORTE * Primär 1834 S. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21230, US Wegbeschreibung * 5 Merchant Square London, England W2 1AS, GB Wegbeschreibung * Avenida Andrés Bello 2777 Office 1304 Las Condes, Metropolitan Region, Chile, CL Wegbeschreibung * 11091 Sunset Hills Rd #210 Reston, VA 20190, US Wegbeschreibung * 24,5th Floor, Tower C, Concorde Block Prestige UB City, Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore Bangalore, 560001, IN Wegbeschreibung * 4145 SW Watson Ave 400 Beaverton, Oregon 97005, US Wegbeschreibung Weitere Orte anzeigen Weniger Orte zeigen BESCHÄFTIGTE VON ZEROFOX * LARRY WOLTER STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS MARKETING, PRODUCT MARKETING AND DEMAND GENERATION EXECUTIVE * TOM KELLY * BEN RAND ENTERPRISE SALES ENGINEER | CYBERSECURITY L INTELLIGENCE | ATTACK SURFACE MANAGEMENT | ENDPOINT SECURITY * JAMES C. FOSTER EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN AT ZEROFOX Alle Beschäftigten anzeigen UPDATES * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 1 Tag * Diesen Beitrag melden "The app delivers continuous global physical threat awareness for on-the-go corporate security practitioners and allows for a rapid response to physical security incidents that could impact employee safety or disrupt critical business operations." 🔥🔥🔥 SiliconANGLE & theCUBE reports on our brand-new PSI Mobile app: https://ow.ly/SvyV50SmVtq ZEROFOX UNVEILS NEW MOBILE APP FOR REAL-TIME PHYSICAL SECURITY INTELLIGENCE - SILICONANGLE SILICONANGLE.COM 12 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 1 Tag * Diesen Beitrag melden It's time to LEVEL UP 🕺🪩👾🌟 The best party at Black Hat is back again in the Skyfall Lounge. Join us for an evening of classic video games, custom cocktails, 180-degree views, and a chance to win a new LEGO® model. We can't wait to see you there – get on the list now: https://ow.ly/ooHl50SmVyi #BHUSA #LevelUp2024 * 32 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 1 Tag * Diesen Beitrag melden ZeroFox + Four Inc. = protecting government agencies from external cyber threats 💪 Learn how we're working together to bring cyber threat intelligence, external attack surface management, and digital risk protection to the defense community. https://ow.ly/nFKN50SmVnL * 26 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 3 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden ZeroFox's US offices are closed today in honor of Juneteenth. Today, we celebrate freedom, resilience, and community while acknowledging the work that still needs to be done in the fight for racial justice. We stand in solidarity with our Black community members on this historic day. * 52 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 4 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Introducing: ZeroFox PSI Mobile 📲 Designed for on-the-go corporate security practitioners, our brand-new mobile app delivers 24x7x365 global physical threat awareness in the palm of your hand, enabling rapid response to physical security incidents that could impact the safety of key personnel or disrupt critical business operations. Available now for iOS and Android. Read the release: https://ow.ly/34xb50SkTMA … mehr anzeigen Play Video Video Player is loading. Loaded: 4.82% 0:00 PlayBack to start Stream Type LIVE Current Time 0:00 / Duration 1:00 1x Playback Rate Show Captions Mute Fullscreen 61 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 5 Tage Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden "When fraudulent activities erode public trust in government institutions, it undermines the foundation of democratic governance." 💯 For Federal News Network, ZeroFox's AJ Nash explores the impact of #impersonation scams affecting government agencies. He encourages agencies to adopt a more unified, proactive #externalcybersecurity approach to defend against the persistent growth of attacks originating from outside the perimeter: https://ow.ly/8NxZ50Sk6LQ FEDFAKES: SCAMMERS POSE AS FEDERAL AGENCIES ADDING COMPLEXITY TO DEFENSE STRATEGIES HTTPS://FEDERALNEWSNETWORK.COM 20 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 1 Woche Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden In the latest episode of Unspoken Security, Virgil C. discusses the importance of clarity in #insiderthreat programs. He emphasizes that definitions and executive buy-in are crucial for the foundation of a successful program, and explains the need for a balance that encourages transparency without compromising the integrity of investigations. Tune in to hear more about Virgil's insights on building a transparent security culture: https://ow.ly/IgIa50SjbGT * 14 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden "The omission of encrypting payloads from extortion attacks will likely become increasingly popular amongst established extortion collectives—and will likely facilitate a larger pool of threat actors not historically involved in extortion to enter the digital extortion space." #ZFIntel believes recent #ShinyHunters activity may provide threat actors with a blueprint for the development of digital extortion tactics: https://ow.ly/ToFZ50Sib6w SHINYHUNTERS: AN INSIGHT INTO FUTURE EXTORTION TACTICS? ZEROFOX.COM 14 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden Winner winner chicken dinner 🥳🥳 We're proud to share that we've won 4️⃣ coveted industry awards for external attack surface management, external cybersecurity for financial services, and our Unspoken Security podcast. Thank you Cyber Defense Magazine and Cybersecurity Excellence Awards for the recognition! * 134 5 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * ZeroFox 24.403 Follower:innen 1 Woche Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden DYK? The terminology used in security programs can significantly influence their success 💡 On the latest Unspoken Security, guest Virgil C. explores the often-overlooked distinction between 'risk' and 'threat,' highlighting the impact of words on the effectiveness of security programs. He emphasizes the need for precision in communication within insider threat programs. New episode out today, wherever you get your podcasts: https://ow.ly/xO3Y50SeQuB … mehr anzeigen Play Video Video Player is loading. 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Sept. 2022 Externer Crunchbase-Link für die letzte Finanzierungsrunde 170.000.000,00 $ Investor:innen Monarch Alternative Capital + 8 Weitere Investor:innen Weitere Informationen auf Crunchbase Weitere Suchen Weitere Suchen * * ZeroFox-Jobs * Fachkraft für Cybersicherheit-Jobs * Partner-Jobs * Analyst-Jobs * Tester-Jobs * Fachexperte-Jobs * Ingenieur-Jobs * Support-Jobs * CEO-Jobs * Mitarbeiter Geschäftsentwicklung-Jobs * Senior-Jobs * Leitender Unternehmenskundenbetreuer-Jobs * Sicherheitsmanager-Jobs * Leiter Kundenbetreuung-Jobs * Executive-Jobs * HR Director-Jobs * Supportmanager-Jobs * Supportpartner-Jobs * Senior Corporate Recruiter-Jobs * Sicherheitsberater-Jobs * Bedarfsmanager-Jobs * Sicherheitsanalyst-Jobs * Enterprise Sales Executive-Jobs * Kundenbetreuer Strategische Accounts-Jobs * Geheimdienstanalytiker-Jobs * Leiter Marketing-Jobs * Senior Systemingenieur-Jobs * Industriekaufmann-Jobs * Kundenbetreuung-Jobs * Kundenbetreuer-Jobs * Finanzdirektor-Jobs * Business Development-Jobs * Mitarbeiter Vertriebsentwicklung-Jobs * Systemadministrator-Jobs * Leiter Wartung und Instandhaltung-Jobs * Manager Ingenieurwesen-Jobs * Oberlehrer-Jobs * Wissenschaftler-Jobs * Account Director-Jobs * Java-Entwickler-Jobs * Director Business Development-Jobs * Vice President Vertrieb-Jobs * System Engineer-Jobs * Assistent der Geschäftsleitung-Jobs * Werksmanager-Jobs * CFO-Jobs * Digital Marketing Manager-Jobs * Marketingleiter-Jobs * Beschaffer-Jobs * Softwareingenieur-Jobs * Director-Jobs * Manager-Jobs * Talentanwerbung-Jobs * Vertriebsmanager-Jobs * Marketingmanager-Jobs * Projektleiter-Jobs * Director Personalvermittlung-Jobs * Technischer Recruiter-Jobs * Sicherheitsingenieur-Jobs * LinkedIn © 2024 * Info * Barrierefreiheit * Nutzervereinbarung * Datenschutzrichtlinie * Cookie-Richtlinie * Copyright-Richtlinie * Markenrichtlinine * Einstellungen für Nichtmitglieder * Community-Richtlinien * * العربية (Arabisch) * Čeština (Tschechisch) * Dansk (Dänisch) * Deutsch * English (Englisch) * Español (Spanisch) * Français (Französisch) * हिंदी (Hindi) * Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesisch) * Italiano (Italienisch) * 日本語 (Japanisch) * 한국어 (Koreanisch) * Bahasa Malaysia (Malaysisch) * Nederlands (Niederländisch) * Norsk (Norwegisch) * Polski (Polnisch) * Português (Portugiesisch) * Română (Rumänisch) * Русский (Russisch) * Svenska (Schwedisch) * ภาษาไทย (Thai) * Tagalog (Tagalog) * Türkçe (Türkisch) * Українська (Ukrainisch) * 简体中文 (Chinesisch vereinfacht) * 正體中文 (Chinesisch traditionell) Sprache Zustimmen und LinkedIn beitreten Wenn Sie auf „Weiter“ klicken, um Mitglied zu werden oder sich einzuloggen, stimmen Sie der Nutzervereinbarung, der Datenschutzrichtlinie und der Cookie-Richtlinie von LinkedIn zu. 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