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Submitted URL: https://65ypmybm.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.startupindia.gov.in%2F/1/0100018b9ac67fe8-542b9202-7c80-4b59-af28-16ffa399d21...
Effective URL: https://www.startupindia.gov.in/
Submission: On November 24 via api from CA — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.startupindia.gov.in/
Submission: On November 24 via api from CA — Scanned from US
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Name: changeUsrForm — POST
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Name: changeUsrForm — POST
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<div class="help-text"> Password must contain 8 to 15 characters which contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one numeric digit, and one special character </div>
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Schemes & Policies * Schemes & Policies Startup India Regulatory Support Central Govt. Schemes & Policies Women Entrepreneurship Incubator Framework Know your State/UT Startup Policies * Market Access Programs & Challenges Host Programs Program Results India Go-to-Market Guide International Engagement Procurement by Government Partner with Us * Marquee Initiatives National Startup Awards 2023 States Startup Ranking National Startup Awards NSA 2022 Results Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Startup Forum Startup India Yatra Startup India Seed Fund Scheme MAARG Mentorship Platform Startup India Investor Connect * Resources Startup India Kit Online Learning Partnered Services for Registered Startups Market Research Reports List of Patent Facilitators List of Trademark Facilitators Startup Idea Bank Startup India Blogs Startup Guide Book Explore More * Get Featured Startup Showcase Explore Startup Programs & Challenges National Startup Awards * Network MAARG Mentorship Platform Startups Mentors Incubators Investors Corporate/Accelerators Government Bodies Discussion Forum * English * English * हिन्दी * मराठी * বাঙালি * ગુજરાતી * ਪੰਜਾਬੀ * ନୀୟ * தமிழ் * తెలుగు * മലയാളം * ಕನ್ನಡ * অসমীয়া * कोंकणी * ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ * मैथिली * संस्कृतम् * बड़ * सिन्धी * মণিপুরী * नेपाली * اردو * کشمیری * डोगरी * Azərbaycan * Беларус * Suomalainen * 日本語 * 한국어 * русский * Dutch * français * português * Қазақ * Кыргызча * Точик * O'zbek * Español * 简体中文 * 中國傳統的 * فارسی * New User * Logout * * Login * Register Know more Know more Know more Know more Know more 115,324 DPIIT Recognized Startups 673,642 Users on the Portal Previous Next 3 / 6 Scroll To * * * * * * * ‹› * 673,642 USERS ON THE PORTAL * 115,324 DPIIT RECOGNIZED STARTUPS DPIIT RECOGNITION Under the Startup India initiative, eligible companies can get recognised as Startups by DPIIT, in order to access a host of tax benefits, easier compliance, IPR fast-tracking & more. Learn more about eligibility & benefits below. CHECK YOUR ELIGIBILITY A startup must meet certain criteria to be considered eligible for DPIIT Recognition. Check Eligibility GET RECOGNISED Click here to know more about the recognition process & apply as a Startup. Know more NOTIFICATIONS Stay on top of Recognition & Tax Exemption updates. Know more VALIDATE CERTIFICATE Click here to verify your Recognition/Tax Exemption certificates. Verify your DPIIT Certification SELF CERTIFICATION PATENT APPLICATION & IPR PROTECTION INCOME TAX EXEMPTION EASIER PUBLIC PROCUREMENT NORMS EASY WINDING UP OF COMPANY Benefits of Startup Recognition KEY INITIATIVES The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) through the Startup India initiative has executed various projects & undertaken recurring models to propel the Indian Startup Ecosystem. * States Startup Ranking * National Startup Awards * Seed Fund Scheme * MAARG * SCO * STARTUP INDIA INVESTOR CONNECT STATES STARTUP RANKING The States’ Startup Ranking is an annual capacity building exercise which has been developed with the objective to build a conducive startup ecosystem across the country, through sustained efforts of States and Union Territories. Know More NATIONAL STARTUP AWARDS Each year, the awards seek to recognize & reward outstanding startups and ecosystem enablers building innovative products or solutions and scalable enterprises. The awards edition 2023 which is now live, aims to identify, support and connect top startups within the country. This year, the startups will be awarded in categories, which have been decided upon through deliberations on current Indian and global economic focus points. Apply for the 2023 Edition SEED FUND SCHEME The Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS) aims to provide financial assistance to startups for proof of concept, prototype development, product trials, market entry & commercialization. Know More MAARG The MAARG mentorship platform aims at facilitating intelligent matchmaking between mentors & startups across varied sectors at scale. Know More SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation, the creation of which was announced on 15 June 2001 in Shanghai (China). It comprises of 20+ nations from Asia and Europe. All Member States agreed to create a Special Working Group for Startups and Innovation (SWG) at the Summit of SCO Heads of State in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on 16th September 2022. This initiative was proposed by India in 2020 to create a new pillar of cooperation between the SCO Member States. Know More STARTUP INDIA INVESTOR CONNECT Startup India Investor Connect was launched in the sixth meeting of National Startup Advisory Council (NSAC), convened on 11th March 2023 to serve as a dedicated platform that connects startups to investors, and promote entrepreneurship and accelerate engagements across diverse sectors, functions, stages, geographies, and backgrounds, which is also the need of the ecosystem. Know More SCHEMES & POLICIES An insight into the schemes and policies landscape of the Indian Startup Ecosystem, including steps taken by Startup India to ease the regulatory burden. NOTIFICATIONS Stay on top of all policy and regulatory updates that are important for your next startup move. Know more CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SCHEMES An aggregation of all Startup focused schemes and policies by the Central Government of India. Know more KNOW YOUR STATE/UT Know about the States’ and UTs’ startup policies for Indian startups. Know more FUNDING Explore the Funding landscape with Startup India and tap into some of the models most relevant for your startup to grow. SEED FUND SCHEME Financial assistance to startups for proof of concept, prototype development, product trials, market entry, and commercialisation. Know more FUNDING GUIDE FOR STARTUPS Your virtual guide to startup funding. A startup might require funding for one, a few, or all of the following purposes. Click to know more. Know more STARTUP INDIA INVESTOR CONNECT Startup India Investor Connect is a platform that connects startups with investors to facilitate investment opportunities. Know more FUND OF FUNDS A corpus for contribution to various AIFs registered with SEBI for funding of startups. Click to know more. Know more STARTUP ECOSYSTEM Bringing together the entire Indian and Global Startup community through virtual connects, mentorship and showcase opportunities. MAARG MENTORSHIP Mentorship, Advisory, Assistance, Resilience and Growth Portal for startups is a one-stop platform for facilitation and guidance across all sectors, functions, stages, and geographies. Explore SHOWCASE Startup India Showcase is an online discovery platform for the most promising startups of the country chosen through various DPIIT and Startup India programs exhibited in a form of virtual profiles. Explore NETWORK A startup community that is registered with self-certified information and is 600K strong. Explore and connect! Explore EXPLORE STARTUP ECOSYSTEM ON MAP SOCIAL MEDIA * * * * * * * STARTUP TOOLKITS & FACILITIES A plethora of resources and information guides for you to propel in your entrepreneurial journey, basis your current stage. For some of these resources, you may be asked to register on the Startup India portal. * IDEATION * VALIDATION * EARLY TRACTION * SCALING IDEATION Where the entrepreneur has an interesting idea and is working on bringing it to life. * Online Courses * Market Research Reports * Idea Bank * Blog Posts VALIDATION Where the startup has been established and it is time to enter market to grasp the first ever set of customers. * MAARG Mentorship * Startup India Seed Fund Scheme * Partnered Services * Funding Guide * Programs and Challenges * Central Government Schemes and Initiatives EARLY TRACTION Where the startup has established a mark with the first wave of customers and KPIs take an important place in the growth model. * States’ and UTs’ Startup Policies * Procurement by Government * MAARG Mentorship * Startup India Seed Fund Scheme * Programs and Challenges * Startup India Investor Connect SCALING Where the startup has successfully achieved the product-market-fit and crossed the valley of death; for the startup to expand/raise capital. * Central Government Schemes and Initiatives * Fund of Funds * Programs and Challenges * International Bridges * Startup India Investor Connect DPIIT RECOGNITION Under the Startup India initiative, eligible companies can get recognised as Startups by DPIIT, in order to access a host of tax benefits, easier compliance, IPR fast-tracking & more. Learn more about eligibility and benefits below. CHECK YOUR ELIGIBILITY A startup must meet certain criteria to be considered eligible for DPIIT Recognition. Check Eligibility GET RECOGNISED Click here to know more about the recognition process and apply as a Startup. Know more NOTIFICATIONS Stay on top of Recognition and Tax Exemption updates. Know more VALIDATE CERTIFICATE Click here to verify your Recognition/Tax Exemption certificates. Verify your DPIIT Certification SELF CERTIFICATION PATENT APPLICATION & IPR PROTECTION INCOME TAX EXEMPTION EASIER PUBLIC PROCUREMENT NORMS EASY WINDING UP OF COMPANY Benefits of Startup Recognition KEY INITIATIVES The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) through the Startup India initiative has executed various projects and undertaken recurring models to propel the Indian Startup Ecosystem. * State Ranking Framework * National Startup Awards * Seed Fund Scheme * MAARG * SCO * Startup India Investor Connect STATE RANKING FRAMEWORK Startup Ranking Framework, an annual evaluation, has been developed as a more robust and outcome- oriented exercise, and aims to achieve large scale progress across each State and UT. Know More NATIONAL STARTUP AWARDS Each year, the awards seek to recognize and reward outstanding startups and ecosystem enablers building innovative products or solutions and scalable enterprises. Know More SEED FUND SCHEME The Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS) aims to provide financial assistance to startups for proof of concept, prototype development, product trials, market entry and commercialization. Know More MAARG The MAARG mentorship platform aims at facilitating intelligent matchmaking between mentors and startups across varied sectors at scale. Know More SC0 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation, the creation of which was announced on 15 June 2001 in Shanghai (China). It comprises of 20+ nations from Asia and Europe. All Member States agreed to create a Special Working Group for Startups and Innovation (SWG) at the Summit of SCO Heads of State in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on 16th September 2022. This initiative was proposed by India in 2020 to create a new pillar of cooperation between the SCO Member States. Know More STARTUP INDIA INVESTOR CONNECT Startup India Investor Connect was launched in the sixth meeting of National Startup Advisory Council (NSAC), convened on 11th March 2023 to serve as a dedicated platform that connects startups to investors, and promote entrepreneurship and accelerate engagements across diverse sectors, functions, stages, geographies, and backgrounds, which is also the need of the ecosystem. Know More SCHEMES AND POLICIES An insight into the Schemes and Policies landscape of the Indian Startup Ecosystem, including steps taken by Startup India to ease the regulatory burden. NOTIFICATIONS Stay on top of all policy and regulatory updates that are important for your next startup move. Know more CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SCHEMES An aggregation of all Startup focused schemes and policies by the Central Government of India. Know more KNOW YOUR STATE/UT Know about the States’ and UTs’ startup policies for Indian startups. Know more FUNDING Explore the Funding landscape with Startup India and tap into some of the models most relevant for your startup to grow. SEED FUND SCHEME Financial assistance to startups for proof of concept, prototype development, product trials, market entry, and commercialisation. Know more FUNDING GUIDE FOR STARTUPS Your virtual guide to startup funding. A startup might require funding for one, a few, or all of the following purposes. Click to know more Know more STARTUP INDIA INVESTOR CONNECT Startup India Investor Connect is a platform that connects startups with investors to facilitate investment opportunities. Know more FUND OF FUNDS A corpus for contribution to various AIFs registered with SEBI for funding of startups. Click to know more. Know more STARTUP ECOSYSTEM Bringing together the entire Indian and Global Startup community through virtual connects, mentorship and showcase opportunities. MAARG MENTORSHIP Mentorship, Advisory, assistance, Resilience and Growth Portal for startups is a one-stop platform to facilitation and guidance across all sectors, functions, stages, and geographies. Explore SHOWCASE Startup India Showcase is an online discovery platform for the most promising startups of the country chosen through various DPIIT and Startup India programs exhibited in a form of virtual profiles. Explore NETWORK A startup community that is registered with self-certified information and is 600K strong. Explore and connect! Explore EXPLORE STARTUPS ECOSYSTEM SOCIAL MEDIA * * * * * * * STARTUP TOOLKITS & FACILITIES A plethora of resources and information guides for you to propel in your entrepreneurial journey, basis your current stage. For some of these resources, you may be asked to register on the Startup India portal. * IDEATION * VALIDATION * EARLY TRACTION * SCALING IDEATION Where the entrepreneur has an interesting idea and is working on bringing it to life. * Online Courses * Market Research Reports * Idea Bank * Blog Posts VALIDATION Where the startup has been established and it is time to enter market to grasp the first ever set of customers. * MAARG Mentorship * Startup India Seed Fund Scheme * Partnered Services * Funding Guide * Programs and Challenges * Central Government Schemes and Initiatives EARLY TRACTION Where the startup has established a mark with the first wave of customers and KPIs take an important place in the growth model. * States’ and UTs’ Startup Policies * Procurement by Government * MAARG Mentorship * Startup India Seed Fund Scheme * Programs and Challenges * Startup India Investor Connect SCALING Where the startup has successfully achieved the product-market-fit and crossed the valley of death; for the startup to expand/raise capital. * Central Government Schemes and Initiatives * Fund of Funds * Programs and Challenges * International Bridges * Startup India Investor Connect 27 Jul, 2023 Manthan: India's Platform for Research & Innovation 20 Mar, 2023 Inviting Applications for LEAPS(Logistics Excellence, Advancement and Performance Shield) 24 Feb, 2023 Winners of Transport4All Challenge Stage 2 ANNOUNCEMENT_LIST OF SHORTLISTED STARTUP APPLICATIONS 27 Jan, 2023 Aakriti 2023 Result AAKRITI'23 IS A STARTUP FESTIVAL HOSTED IN COLLABORATION WITH STARTUP INDIA, FOCUSING ON BUILDING THE STARTUP ECOSYSTEM COMPRISING OF STARTUPS, INVESTORS, MENTORS, INCUBATORS, INSTITUTIONS, AND STATE GOVERNMENTS OF INDIA. THE FESTIVAL IS CURATED AS A 3 DAY MEGA STARTUP CARNIVAL WITH TECHNOLOGY, FUNDING, MENTORSHIP, SCALEUP, AND EXPANSION OPPORTUNITIES THIS EVENT IS SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE IN BITS PILANI POWAI, MUMBAI, INDIA FROM FEBRUARY 24-26, 2023. AKRITI’23 IN COLLABORATION WITH STARTUP INDIA IS BEING ANNOUNCED AS AN ANNUAL GLOBAL STARTUP EVENT WITH OVER 1500+ PARTICIPANTS, 750+ STARTUPS, 150+ INVESTORS, 50+ VC'S, 100+ INCUBATORS & ACCELERATORS AND 15+ STATE STARTUP MISSIONS. THE PROGRAM IS ORGANIZED WITH THE PURPOSE OF : 1. PROVIDING STARTUP INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH LISTED AND REGISTERED ANGELS, SYNDICATES AND PARTNERED VC'S 2. PROVIDING MENTORSHIP 3. ECOSYSTEM SUPPORT IN THE FORM OF MENTORING, TECHNOLOGY, INCUBATION AND SCALE UP TO ALL THE REGISTERED STARTUPS 30 STARTUPS WILL BE SELECTED AS A PART OF SUPER 30 AND WILL BE AWARDED WITH FISCAL AND NON-FISCAL INCENTIVES 3 Jan, 2023 Winners Announcement FISHERIES STARTUP GRAND CHALLENGE 22 Dec, 2022 Innofys Energy Transition Challenge WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT 16 Jun, 2022 ITC Sustainability Challenge WINNERS OF PROBLEM STATEMENT 2 3 Jun, 2022 ITC Sustainability Challenge WINNERS OF PROBLEM STATEMENT 1 26 May, 2022 Animal Husbandry Startup Grand Challenge 2.0 RESULTS 24 Mar, 2022 Creating Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) KNOW MORE 8 Jan, 2022 Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) Hackathon - LogiXtics KNOW MORE 16 Aug, 2021 Technology Development Fund MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 5 Aug, 2021 Jal Jeevan Mission RESULTS FOR INNOVATION CHALLENGE TO DEVELOP PORTABLE DEVICE FOR WATER QUALITY TESTING 2 Aug, 2021 Startup India At Vivatech IMPACT REPORT | JUNE'21 13 Jul, 2021 Startup India Int'l Summit COFFEE TABLE BOOK 5 Jul, 2021 Guidelines for Recognition of Startups 2 Jul, 2021 NSA 2020 Handholding Support 21 Jun, 2021 Indian Startups at Vivatech'21 CATCH OUR STARTUPS AT THE INNOVATION ARENA! 27 May, 2021 Startup India Int'l Summit SESSION OVERVIEWS & KEY TAKEAWAYS 27 May, 2021 Startup India Int'l Summit SESSION OVERVIEW & KEY TAKEAWAYS: COFFEE TABLE BOOK 16 Mar, 2021 Office Memorandum CONSTITUION OF EAC FOR STARTUP INDIA SEED FUND 29 Jan, 2021 Gazette Notification | Startup India Seed Fund GAZETTE NOTIFICATION | STARTUP INDIA SEED FUND 29 Jan, 2021 Guidelines | Startup India Seed Fund-Hindi GUIDELINES | STARTUP INDIA SEED FUND-HINDI 29 Jan, 2021 Guidelines | Startup India Seed Fund-English GUIDELINES | STARTUP INDIA SEED FUND-ENGLISH 18 Jan, 2021 Startup India's 5-Year Report EVOLUTION OF STARTUP INDIA | 5-YEAR REPORT 18 Jan, 2021 Startup India THE WAY AHEAD REPORT 5 Jan, 2021 Inaugural Mentoring Program BY USISPF & DPIIT × × × × × PLEASE LOGIN/REGISTER TO PROCEED FURTHER. × × ERROR There are some errors in registration form. 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