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Submitted URL: http://elcomercio.pe/economia/dia-1/aerolineas-y-vuelos-vuelve-avianca-y-llega-jetsmart-al-peru-la-guerra-que-se-vien...
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Submission: On October 23 via manual from RW — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://elcomercio.pe/economia/dia-1/aerolineas-y-vuelos-vuelve-avianca-y-llega-jetsmart-al-peru-la-guerra-que-se-vien...
Submission: On October 23 via manual from RW — Scanned from DE
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Cuadro de búsquedaMenú SuscríbeteIniciar Cuadro de búsqueda * Portada * Lo último * Coronavirus * Elecciones 2021 * Saltar Intro * Opinión * Política * Economía * Lima * Perú * Mundo * DT * Luces * TV+ * Gastronomía * Tecnología y Ciencias * Respuestas * Somos * Viù * Vamos * Casa y Más * Ruedas y Tuercas * El Dominical * Horóscopo * Desde la redacción * Videos * Archivo El Comercio * Blogs * E-Sports * WUF * Menú Perú * Tienda * Notas contratadas * Colecciones El Comercio * Las más leídas * Club El Comercio * Edición Impresa elcomercio.peTÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE USOOFICINAS CONCESIONARIASPRINCIPIOS RECTORESBUENAS PRÁCTICASPOLÍTICAS DE PRIVACIDADPOLÍTICA INTEGRADA DE GESTIÓNDERECHOS ARCOPOLÍTICA DE COOKIES SÉTIMO VACUNAFEST ESTE 23 Y 24: TODO LO QUE DEBES SABER DÍA 1 | NoticiasInformación basada en hechos y verificada de primera mano por el reportero, o reportada y verificada por fuentes expertas. Síguenos en Google News VUELVE AVIANCA Y LLEGA JETSMART AL PERÚ: LA GUERRA QUE SE VIENE EN EL MERCADO AEROCOMERCIAL | INFORME INFLUENCIADA POR LA COMPETENCIA Y EL GRAVE IMPACTO DE LA CRISIS SANITARIA, LA INDUSTRIA AÉREA LOCAL MUESTRA UNA DINÁMICA SUI GENERIS, CON CONSTANTES CAMBIOS EN EL RÁNKING DE LAS AEROLÍNEAS QUE MÁS PASAJEROS TRANSPORTAN A NIVEL DOMÉSTICO. ¿CUÁLES PERMANECERÁN Y QUÉ OTRAS DESAPARECERÁN? Suscriptor Digital La recuperación total de la industria aérea local está prevista para el 2023, según cálculos de la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA, por sus siglas en inglés). Hasta entonces, el top cinco de las aerolíneas líderes en el Perú, puede cambiar. Carlos Hurtado de Mendoza Periodista churtado@comercio.com.pe Lima, 22 de octubre de 2021Actualizado el 22/10/2021 04:01 p.m. Conforme a los criterios de Saber más A pesar de que requiere más de un ajuste para impulsarla, la reactivación del mercado aerocomercial peruano avanza este 2021, luego de 17 meses críticos para la industria debido a la pandemia del coronavirus. Las esperanzas del sector están puestas, sobre todo, en el ámbito doméstico (el de los vuelos nacionales), donde se ha alcanzado una recuperación del 35% respecto al 2019 (el último año de normalidad que tuvimos), según la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA, por sus siglas en inglés). > LEE TAMBIÉN | Latam: ¿Cómo avanza la recuperación de la aerolínea en el Perú y > su reestructuración financiera? Su CEO lo explica En esa línea, lo que veremos de cara al 2023, año en que IATA estima una recuperación plena a nivel local, será un constante reacomodo del ránking de las aerolíneas que más pasajeros transportan dentro de nuestras fronteras. Así lo cree Miguel Mena, quien es experto en el rubro y socio del estudio CMS Grau. “Ya hemos visto algo de ese reacomodo desde el 2020, con la salida de Avianca y el fortalecimiento de Sky, pero seguiremos notando reubicaciones, a medida que pasen los meses”, explica el ejecutivo. Para comprender su proyección hace falta un poco de contexto, es necesario repasar lo que ha ocurrido en el último quinquenio. Y lo cierto es que, si bien la crisis del COVID-19 ha provocado una serie de cambios en la industria, en el Perú ya el mercado venía movido desde antes, con una competencia que se avivaba frecuentemente. Por ejemplo, la foto del top 5 de las aerolíneas con mayor tráfico doméstico en el 2017 tiene jugadores que hoy ya no están, si uno toma como referencia el reporte histórico de la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (DGAC). En detalle, aunque Latam sigue siendo la primera hoy, hace cinco años la segunda en importancia era la desaparecida Peruvian (que nos dejó en el 2019), y la tercera, Avianca, que se fue del Perú el año pasado (aunque es preciso aclarar que ha anunciado su retorno, con un vuelo diario entre Lima y Bogotá, a partir de diciembre próximo). Cuarta era LC Perú, también extinta (en el 2018), y quinta, Star Perú, que a la fecha se mantiene volando (en la misma posición). En resumen, del top 5 del 2017, ahora sólo quedan en la ‘batalla’ dos líneas aéreas. ¿Por qué no pensar que, de aquí al 2023, y con la peor crisis de la historia aerocomercial de por medio, nuevos cambios se avecinan? La evolución del mercado aerocomercial peruano ha sido notable en la última década, y su nivel de competencia, muy fuerte, incluso en medio de la pandemia del coronavirus. [INFOGRAFÍA: LUIS HUAITÁN]. ‘LOW COST’ Y ‘ULTRA LOW COST’ Para hacer algo de prospectiva, primero es preciso analizar el desempeño durante la crisis de las aerolíneas que hoy vuelan en el país. En ese escenario, toca decir que Latam ha sabido lidiar muy bien con la turbulencia, de acuerdo con el gerente general de la Asociación de Empresas de Transporte Aéreo Internacional (AETAI), Carlos Gutiérrez. No sólo se suscribió a la Ley de Quiebras de Estados Unidos para salvaguardar sus finanzas, sino que actualmente tiene más participación de mercado que antes de la pandemia: 64,6% este año versus 62% en el 2019. > MÁS EN DÍA 1 | El adiós definitivo de Alitalia, la aerolínea estatal italiana, > ¿qué falló y por qué nos hace mirar al Perú? | INFORME “A Latam le ha funcionado muy bien ampliar su escala tarifaria con precios ‘low cost’, pero también aprovechó la salida de Avianca y la retracción de, precisamente, la ‘low cost’ Viva”, anota a Día1 Gutiérrez. En efecto, como ya confirmó a nuestro suplemento Félix Antelo, CEO de Viva para el Perú y Colombia, la firma está soltando el acelerador en nuestro país para aprovechar mejor su avance en Colombia, lo cual deja un espacio valioso para crecer aquí, el cual, a su turno, ha sabido captar con rapidez la ‘low cost’ Sky, que se hizo del segundo lugar desde el año pasado, consolidando su posición este 2021. Hoy, Sky (con 17,7% de ‘market share’) más que duplica la presencia de Viva (que tiene el 8,5%). Todo lo dicho augura no pocos cismas en el ránking doméstico peruano, y esto sin contar dos situaciones que podrían influir –todavía más– en ese top 5. Primero, la posible fusión, a nivel Sudamérica, de Sky y Avianca, de lo que se habla cada vez con más fuerza en la industria. Según el diario colombiano La República, el matrimonio se anunciaría en los próximos días. Y lo segundo, el ingreso al Perú de la ‘ultra low cost’ JetSmart, que estaría finiquitando su entrada usando como ‘hub’ a Arequipa. Siendo así, ‘guerra comercial’ va a haber. LATAM Airlines ha fortalecido su liderazgo en los últimos dos años, lo mismo que Sky Airline. Viva, por el contrario, ha decidido apostar por crecer en Colombia, más que en el Perú. [INFOGRAFÍA: LUIS HUAITÁN]. BONUS TRACK: RECUPERACIÓN LOCAL PARA EL 2023 Avance lento Para que el mercado doméstico alcance sus niveles prepandemia (2019), IATA pronostica que tendremos que esperar hasta finales del 2023, por lo menos. Liberar aeropuertos El gremio sugiere que, para agilizar esa recuperación, una buena medida sería buscar mayores eficiencias en los aeropuertos, como reducir la frecuencia entre los vuelos. TE PUEDE INTERESAR: * Hoja de coca: ¿Cuál es la situación de la industria formal de este recurso? * ¿Un nuevo paquete laboral?: Los 6 proyectos de ley propuestos por la presidenta del Congreso * Newcastle: entre un nuevo caso de “sportswashing” y una oportunidad de renacer * Guido Bellido: ¿Cómo es que la comunicación de un político hizo subir el dólar? * Negrita ahora es Umsha: qué estuvo detrás de este cambio de la marca VIDEO RECOMENDADO Richard Rojas fue designado como nuevo embajador de Perú en Venezuela, pero no puede ejercer el cargo después de que el Poder Judicial ordenara seis meses de impedimento de salida del país por el caso de presunto financiamiento ilícito a la campaña de PL. El Estado peruano tendría que cumplir el mandato judicial. TAGS RELACIONADOS MERCADO AEROCOMERCIAL |LATAM AIRLINES |LATAM AIRLINES PERÚ |AVIANCA |VIVA AIR PERÚ |SKY AIRLINE PERÚ |STAR PERÚ |JETSMART |DÍA 1 ÚLTIMAS NOTICIAS VUELVE AVIANCA Y LLEGA JETSMART AL PERÚ: LA GUERRA QUE SE VIENE EN EL MERCADO AEROCOMERCIAL | INFORME SIN CONFIANZA NO HABRÁ INVERSIONES, ADVIERTEN LOS GRANDES OPERADORES ELÉCTRICOS LATAM: ¿CÓMO AVANZA LA RECUPERACIÓN DE LA AEROLÍNEA EN EL PERÚ Y SU REESTRUCTURACIÓN FINANCIERA? SU CEO LO EXPLICA Sigue a El Comercio en Google News Director General: Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias Director periodístico: Juan Aurelio Arévalo Miró Quesada Términos y condiciones de usoPolíticas de PrivacidadPoliticas de Cookies Empresa Editora El Comercio Jr. Santa Rosa #300 Lima 1 Perú Copyright © Elcomercio.pe Grupo El Comercio - Todos los derechos reservados Para acceder a este contenido exclusivo, adquiere tu PLAN DIGITAL * Acceso sin límites a información exclusiva: reportajes, informes y la mejor selección de historias elaboradas por El Comercio. * Navegación ilimitada a elcomercio.pe desde todos tus dispositivos. * Descuentos especiales del Club de beneficios s/5 al mes durante 3 meses Luego S/ 20 al mes CONTINUAR ¿ESTÁS SUSCRITO AL DIARIO IMPRESO? disfruta 1 mes GRATIS y luego S/ 10 soles al mes. Ads help us run this site When you visit our site, pre-selected companies may access and use certain information on your device to serve relevant ads or personalized content. Information that may be used. Information that may be used: * Type of browser and its settings * Information about the device's operating system * Cookie information * Information about other identifiers assigned to the device * The IP address from which the device accesses a client's website or mobile application * Information about the user's activity on that device, including web pages and mobile apps visited or used * Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application Purposes for storing information. How information may be used: * Storage and access of information * Ad selection and delivery * Content selection and delivery * Personalization * Measurement Learn MoreContinue to site Cookies policy This privacy policy (the "Policy") is intended to inform the manner in which the COMPANY EDITORA EL COMERCIO S.A., with R.U.C. N ° 20143229816, with address in Jirón Santa Rosa No. 300, Cercado de Lima, province and department of Lima, together with the companies that make up its Economic Group (the "El Comercio Group"), treat the information and personal data of its users who collect through Cookies and other technologies. The Policy describes all the type of information that is collected from Users through the previously detailed forms, and all the treatments that are carried out with said information. The User declares to have read and previously accepted and expresses the Policy subject to its provisions. Who gets the Policy? For purposes of this Policy, any reference to "us", "we" or "our" refers to the El Comercio Group, and when it refers to "the User" or "the Users", it will be understood all those other than the Group The Commerce that navigate within the Websites and the Applications of the El Comercio Group. This Policy does not apply to third-party websites, services, products or applications, even if they can be accessed through our services. What are Cookies? Cookies are files that the website or application installs in the browser or device (Smartphone, tablet, connected TV) when accessing or during the tour in certain web pages or applications, and serve to store information about your visit. Cookies allow you to store certain data about the User's device or its navigation, that is, it collects statistical information, provides certain technical features, see which pages have been visited, the time of connection, the city to which the user is assigned. IP address from which it is accessed, the number of new Users, the frequency and recidivism of the visits, the visit time, the browser or the operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made, analyzes the operation of a page , detects technical problems, among others; and depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize the user. The majority of cookies are associated with a user, computer and non-identifiable device in the sense that they do not provide references that allow knowing personal data. A browser only allows a website to access the cookies it establishes, not those established by other websites. What type of cookies do we use? El Comercio Group uses the following types of cookies: * 1. By purpose * - Technical Cookies.- They allow the user to navigate on the web page, platform or application, as well as the use of the different options that exist in them. * - Geolocation cookies.- Identify the place of the user. * - Personalization Cookies.- They allow access to a service depending on the characteristics of the user, such as language, type of browser, among others. * - Analytical Cookies.- It measures the activity of the website to create navigation profiles to incorporate improvements. * - Advertising Cookies.- It helps to manage the advertising offer, adapting the content to the service requested by the user. * 2. By duration * - Session Cookies.- They collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are not stored on the computer and are deleted when the user closes the browser or its assignment expires. * - Permanent Cookies.- The data is kept stored on the user's computer as a history. They are treated when the user leaves the web page and can be deleted by it. * 3. By management * - Cookies of the El Comercio Group.- They are sent from a terminal of the El Comercio Group to the user's computer. * - Third Party Cookies.- They are sent from a computer or domain of a third party to the user's computer or the information collected is managed by a third party. It should be noted that third-party cookies could be found within the websites and applications of the GEC; However, since they are not administered by us, we do not guarantee that their policies comply with the current legal regulations. On the other hand, third-party cookies found on our websites and applications are the following: CHARTBEAThttps://static.chartbeat.com/opt-out.htmlGOOGLE ANALYTICShttps://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptoutCXENSEhttps://www.cxense.com/preferences?optOutStatus=falseONESIGNALhttps://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/opt-out-of-web-pushFACEBOOKhttps://www.facebook.com/policy/cookies/DFP/ADXhttps://adssettings.google.com/APPNEXUShttps://www.appnexus.com/platform-privacy-policySMARTADSERVERhttp://www.smartadserver.com/diffx/optout/IABOptout.aspxCRITEOhttps://www.criteo.com/privacy/OPENXhttps://docs.openx.com/Content/publishers/aud_segment_optout_howitworks.htmlOUTBRAINhttps://www.outbrain.com/legal/SPOTIMhttps://www.spot.im/cookies/SPARKFLOWhttps://sparkflow.co/privacy/OOYALAhttps://www.ooyala.com/privacy For what do we use the information that is collected through "Cookies"? Grupo el Comercio may use the information collected through "Cookies" for the following purposes: * 1. Operability and System Security * - Operativity.- Use of "Cookies" or other technologies to access the websites, services, applications, tools, among others, of Grupo el Comercio. * - Security.- The "Cookies" or other technologies will identify and analyze the behaviors of the Users in the websites and applications of the El Comercio Group, in order to identify irregular acts, prevent fraudulent activity and improve the security of our services. * 2. System Functionality Through cookies, Websites and Applications may use the information of your visit to perform evaluations, statistical calculations on anonymous data and count of visits to the websites, in order to ensure the continuity of the service and make improvements. * 3. Sending Personalized Content The Websites and Applications will also use the information obtained through the cookies or other technologies to analyze the browsing habits of the User and the searches made by the User, in order to improve their commercial and promotional initiatives, showing advertising that may be of your interest, and personalizing the contents. Control of "Cookies" and other technologies Cookies can be deleted from the hard disk if the User so wishes. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but allow the user to change the configuration of their browser to refuse the installation of cookies, without affecting their access and browsing the Websites and Applications. It is important to emphasize that, in some cases, preventing the generation of some specific "Cookies"; it could generate that several functions stop being available or that parts of the website do not load. In the event that the Websites and Applications provide links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites owned by third parties that use cookies, Grupo El Comercio is not responsible for or controls the use of cookies by such third parties. Consent The El Comercio Group may treat the information collected through "Cookies", provided that the User provides their consent to access any of our websites and applications, except in cases where "Cookies" are necessary for the operation and navigation of them. In the event that the User gives their consent, the El Comercio Group may use "Cookies" to obtain information about their preferences, in order to personalize our websites and applications, according to their interests. Review and Modification of the Cookies Policy Grupo El Comercio expressly reserves the right to modify, update or complete this Policy at any time. Any modification, update or extension produced in this Policy will be immediately published on the Websites and Applications. SettingContinue Using Site Ads help us run this site When you visit our site, pre-selected companies may access and use certain information on your device to serve relevant ads or personalized content. Information that may be used. Information that may be used: * Type of browser and its settings * Information about the device's operating system * Cookie information * Information about other identifiers assigned to the device * The IP address from which the device accesses a client's website or mobile application * Information about the user's activity on that device, including web pages and mobile apps visited or used * Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application Purposes for storing information. How information may be used: * Storage and access of information * Ad selection and delivery * Content selection and delivery * Personalization * Measurement Learn MoreContinue to site Cookies policy This privacy policy (the "Policy") is intended to inform the manner in which the COMPANY EDITORA EL COMERCIO S.A., with R.U.C. N ° 20143229816, with address in Jirón Santa Rosa No. 300, Cercado de Lima, province and department of Lima, together with the companies that make up its Economic Group (the "El Comercio Group"), treat the information and personal data of its users who collect through Cookies and other technologies. The Policy describes all the type of information that is collected from Users through the previously detailed forms, and all the treatments that are carried out with said information. The User declares to have read and previously accepted and expresses the Policy subject to its provisions. Who gets the Policy? For purposes of this Policy, any reference to "us", "we" or "our" refers to the El Comercio Group, and when it refers to "the User" or "the Users", it will be understood all those other than the Group The Commerce that navigate within the Websites and the Applications of the El Comercio Group. This Policy does not apply to third-party websites, services, products or applications, even if they can be accessed through our services. What are Cookies? Cookies are files that the website or application installs in the browser or device (Smartphone, tablet, connected TV) when accessing or during the tour in certain web pages or applications, and serve to store information about your visit. Cookies allow you to store certain data about the User's device or its navigation, that is, it collects statistical information, provides certain technical features, see which pages have been visited, the time of connection, the city to which the user is assigned. IP address from which it is accessed, the number of new Users, the frequency and recidivism of the visits, the visit time, the browser or the operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made, analyzes the operation of a page , detects technical problems, among others; and depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize the user. The majority of cookies are associated with a user, computer and non-identifiable device in the sense that they do not provide references that allow knowing personal data. A browser only allows a website to access the cookies it establishes, not those established by other websites. What type of cookies do we use? El Comercio Group uses the following types of cookies: * 1. By purpose * - Technical Cookies.- They allow the user to navigate on the web page, platform or application, as well as the use of the different options that exist in them. * - Geolocation cookies.- Identify the place of the user. * - Personalization Cookies.- They allow access to a service depending on the characteristics of the user, such as language, type of browser, among others. * - Analytical Cookies.- It measures the activity of the website to create navigation profiles to incorporate improvements. * - Advertising Cookies.- It helps to manage the advertising offer, adapting the content to the service requested by the user. * 2. By duration * - Session Cookies.- They collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are not stored on the computer and are deleted when the user closes the browser or its assignment expires. * - Permanent Cookies.- The data is kept stored on the user's computer as a history. They are treated when the user leaves the web page and can be deleted by it. * 3. By management * - Cookies of the El Comercio Group.- They are sent from a terminal of the El Comercio Group to the user's computer. * - Third Party Cookies.- They are sent from a computer or domain of a third party to the user's computer or the information collected is managed by a third party. It should be noted that third-party cookies could be found within the websites and applications of the GEC; However, since they are not administered by us, we do not guarantee that their policies comply with the current legal regulations. On the other hand, third-party cookies found on our websites and applications are the following: CHARTBEAThttps://static.chartbeat.com/opt-out.htmlGOOGLE ANALYTICShttps://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptoutCXENSEhttps://www.cxense.com/preferences?optOutStatus=falseONESIGNALhttps://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/opt-out-of-web-pushFACEBOOKhttps://www.facebook.com/policy/cookies/DFP/ADXhttps://adssettings.google.com/APPNEXUShttps://www.appnexus.com/platform-privacy-policySMARTADSERVERhttp://www.smartadserver.com/diffx/optout/IABOptout.aspxCRITEOhttps://www.criteo.com/privacy/OPENXhttps://docs.openx.com/Content/publishers/aud_segment_optout_howitworks.htmlOUTBRAINhttps://www.outbrain.com/legal/SPOTIMhttps://www.spot.im/cookies/SPARKFLOWhttps://sparkflow.co/privacy/OOYALAhttps://www.ooyala.com/privacy For what do we use the information that is collected through "Cookies"? Grupo el Comercio may use the information collected through "Cookies" for the following purposes: * 1. Operability and System Security * - Operativity.- Use of "Cookies" or other technologies to access the websites, services, applications, tools, among others, of Grupo el Comercio. * - Security.- The "Cookies" or other technologies will identify and analyze the behaviors of the Users in the websites and applications of the El Comercio Group, in order to identify irregular acts, prevent fraudulent activity and improve the security of our services. * 2. System Functionality Through cookies, Websites and Applications may use the information of your visit to perform evaluations, statistical calculations on anonymous data and count of visits to the websites, in order to ensure the continuity of the service and make improvements. * 3. Sending Personalized Content The Websites and Applications will also use the information obtained through the cookies or other technologies to analyze the browsing habits of the User and the searches made by the User, in order to improve their commercial and promotional initiatives, showing advertising that may be of your interest, and personalizing the contents. Control of "Cookies" and other technologies Cookies can be deleted from the hard disk if the User so wishes. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but allow the user to change the configuration of their browser to refuse the installation of cookies, without affecting their access and browsing the Websites and Applications. It is important to emphasize that, in some cases, preventing the generation of some specific "Cookies"; it could generate that several functions stop being available or that parts of the website do not load. In the event that the Websites and Applications provide links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites owned by third parties that use cookies, Grupo El Comercio is not responsible for or controls the use of cookies by such third parties. Consent The El Comercio Group may treat the information collected through "Cookies", provided that the User provides their consent to access any of our websites and applications, except in cases where "Cookies" are necessary for the operation and navigation of them. In the event that the User gives their consent, the El Comercio Group may use "Cookies" to obtain information about their preferences, in order to personalize our websites and applications, according to their interests. Review and Modification of the Cookies Policy Grupo El Comercio expressly reserves the right to modify, update or complete this Policy at any time. Any modification, update or extension produced in this Policy will be immediately published on the Websites and Applications. SettingContinue Using Site Ads help us run this site When you visit our site, pre-selected companies may access and use certain information on your device to serve relevant ads or personalized content. Information that may be used. Information that may be used: * Type of browser and its settings * Information about the device's operating system * Cookie information * Information about other identifiers assigned to the device * The IP address from which the device accesses a client's website or mobile application * Information about the user's activity on that device, including web pages and mobile apps visited or used * Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application Purposes for storing information. How information may be used: * Storage and access of information * Ad selection and delivery * Content selection and delivery * Personalization * Measurement Learn MoreContinue to site Cookies policy This privacy policy (the "Policy") is intended to inform the manner in which the COMPANY EDITORA EL COMERCIO S.A., with R.U.C. N ° 20143229816, with address in Jirón Santa Rosa No. 300, Cercado de Lima, province and department of Lima, together with the companies that make up its Economic Group (the "El Comercio Group"), treat the information and personal data of its users who collect through Cookies and other technologies. The Policy describes all the type of information that is collected from Users through the previously detailed forms, and all the treatments that are carried out with said information. The User declares to have read and previously accepted and expresses the Policy subject to its provisions. Who gets the Policy? For purposes of this Policy, any reference to "us", "we" or "our" refers to the El Comercio Group, and when it refers to "the User" or "the Users", it will be understood all those other than the Group The Commerce that navigate within the Websites and the Applications of the El Comercio Group. This Policy does not apply to third-party websites, services, products or applications, even if they can be accessed through our services. What are Cookies? Cookies are files that the website or application installs in the browser or device (Smartphone, tablet, connected TV) when accessing or during the tour in certain web pages or applications, and serve to store information about your visit. Cookies allow you to store certain data about the User's device or its navigation, that is, it collects statistical information, provides certain technical features, see which pages have been visited, the time of connection, the city to which the user is assigned. IP address from which it is accessed, the number of new Users, the frequency and recidivism of the visits, the visit time, the browser or the operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made, analyzes the operation of a page , detects technical problems, among others; and depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize the user. The majority of cookies are associated with a user, computer and non-identifiable device in the sense that they do not provide references that allow knowing personal data. A browser only allows a website to access the cookies it establishes, not those established by other websites. What type of cookies do we use? El Comercio Group uses the following types of cookies: * 1. By purpose * - Technical Cookies.- They allow the user to navigate on the web page, platform or application, as well as the use of the different options that exist in them. * - Geolocation cookies.- Identify the place of the user. * - Personalization Cookies.- They allow access to a service depending on the characteristics of the user, such as language, type of browser, among others. * - Analytical Cookies.- It measures the activity of the website to create navigation profiles to incorporate improvements. * - Advertising Cookies.- It helps to manage the advertising offer, adapting the content to the service requested by the user. * 2. By duration * - Session Cookies.- They collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are not stored on the computer and are deleted when the user closes the browser or its assignment expires. * - Permanent Cookies.- The data is kept stored on the user's computer as a history. They are treated when the user leaves the web page and can be deleted by it. * 3. By management * - Cookies of the El Comercio Group.- They are sent from a terminal of the El Comercio Group to the user's computer. * - Third Party Cookies.- They are sent from a computer or domain of a third party to the user's computer or the information collected is managed by a third party. It should be noted that third-party cookies could be found within the websites and applications of the GEC; However, since they are not administered by us, we do not guarantee that their policies comply with the current legal regulations. On the other hand, third-party cookies found on our websites and applications are the following: CHARTBEAThttps://static.chartbeat.com/opt-out.htmlGOOGLE ANALYTICShttps://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptoutCXENSEhttps://www.cxense.com/preferences?optOutStatus=falseONESIGNALhttps://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/opt-out-of-web-pushFACEBOOKhttps://www.facebook.com/policy/cookies/DFP/ADXhttps://adssettings.google.com/APPNEXUShttps://www.appnexus.com/platform-privacy-policySMARTADSERVERhttp://www.smartadserver.com/diffx/optout/IABOptout.aspxCRITEOhttps://www.criteo.com/privacy/OPENXhttps://docs.openx.com/Content/publishers/aud_segment_optout_howitworks.htmlOUTBRAINhttps://www.outbrain.com/legal/SPOTIMhttps://www.spot.im/cookies/SPARKFLOWhttps://sparkflow.co/privacy/OOYALAhttps://www.ooyala.com/privacy For what do we use the information that is collected through "Cookies"? Grupo el Comercio may use the information collected through "Cookies" for the following purposes: * 1. Operability and System Security * - Operativity.- Use of "Cookies" or other technologies to access the websites, services, applications, tools, among others, of Grupo el Comercio. * - Security.- The "Cookies" or other technologies will identify and analyze the behaviors of the Users in the websites and applications of the El Comercio Group, in order to identify irregular acts, prevent fraudulent activity and improve the security of our services. * 2. System Functionality Through cookies, Websites and Applications may use the information of your visit to perform evaluations, statistical calculations on anonymous data and count of visits to the websites, in order to ensure the continuity of the service and make improvements. * 3. Sending Personalized Content The Websites and Applications will also use the information obtained through the cookies or other technologies to analyze the browsing habits of the User and the searches made by the User, in order to improve their commercial and promotional initiatives, showing advertising that may be of your interest, and personalizing the contents. Control of "Cookies" and other technologies Cookies can be deleted from the hard disk if the User so wishes. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but allow the user to change the configuration of their browser to refuse the installation of cookies, without affecting their access and browsing the Websites and Applications. It is important to emphasize that, in some cases, preventing the generation of some specific "Cookies"; it could generate that several functions stop being available or that parts of the website do not load. In the event that the Websites and Applications provide links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites owned by third parties that use cookies, Grupo El Comercio is not responsible for or controls the use of cookies by such third parties. Consent The El Comercio Group may treat the information collected through "Cookies", provided that the User provides their consent to access any of our websites and applications, except in cases where "Cookies" are necessary for the operation and navigation of them. In the event that the User gives their consent, the El Comercio Group may use "Cookies" to obtain information about their preferences, in order to personalize our websites and applications, according to their interests. Review and Modification of the Cookies Policy Grupo El Comercio expressly reserves the right to modify, update or complete this Policy at any time. Any modification, update or extension produced in this Policy will be immediately published on the Websites and Applications. 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