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Let your senses be delighted with artful, enticing dishes that showcase fresh
Hawaiian seafood in a casual, yet sophisticated atmosphere.

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Focusing on natural, indigenous ingredients and personalized treatments, The Spa
at Ko`a Kea Resort eases each guest into pure bliss.

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The most Festive time of year is here, and we're celebrating around our Poipu
Beach resort. Join us for live acoustic music on the lawn, delicious dining
experiences and local activities this Festive season. 

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Get into your daily flow with laid-back sessions hosted each day on the lawn.

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Take to the deep blue any way you’d like, from surfing and snorkeling to paddle
boarding and beyond.

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word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
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