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Before germ theory and today’s scientific understanding of medicine, infections ran rampant and took many …read more THE CONNECTOR ZOO: I2C ECOSYSTEMS I2C is a wonderful interface. With four wires and only two GPIOs, you can connect a whole lot of sensors and devices – in parallel, at that! You will see …read more LINUX FU: THE INFINITE SERIAL PORT Ok, the title is a bit misleading. Like most things in life, it really isn’t infinite. But I’m going to show you how you can use a very interesting Linux …read more WILL WE EVER SHAKE THE POLAROID PICTURE? Today, most of us carry supercomputers in our pockets that happen to also take instantly-viewable pictures.This is something that even the dumbest phones do, meaning that we can reasonably draw …read more * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 FROM THE BLOG See all blog entries * 3D PRINT FINISHING BY SPRAYING GLAZING PUTTY 2 Comments By Dave Rowntree | May 10, 2022 Finishing off 3D prints is a labour-intensive process, and getting a good looking, smooth surface suitable for painting takes a lot of time and plenty of practice. Deeper printing layer …read more * BECKY STERN, DAVID CRANOR, AND A CT SCANNER VS THE OURA RING 1 Comment By Elliot Williams | May 10, 2022 If you wonder how it’s possible to fit a fitness tracker into a ring, well, you’re not alone. [Becky Stern] sent one off to get CT scanned, went at it …read more * WILL MISTER FOOL YOU INTO LEARNING FPGAS? 19 Comments By Elliot Williams | May 9, 2022 What’s the killer app for FPGAs? For some people, the allure is the ultra-high data throughput for parallelizable tasks, which can enable some pretty gnarly projects. But what if you’re …read more * AVX-512: WHEN THE BITS REALLY COUNT 8 Comments By Matthew Carlson | May 9, 2022 For the majority of workloads, fiddling with assembly instructions isn’t worth it. The added complexity and code obfuscation generally outweigh the relatively modest gains. Mainly because compilers have become quite …read more * ALL THE STICKY LABELS YOU COULD EVER NEED: NO DRM, JUST MASKING TAPE 39 Comments By Jenny List | May 9, 2022 Printable sticky labels are a marvelous innovation, but sadly also one beset by a variety of competing offerings, and more recently attempts by manufacturers to impose DRM on their media. …read more * A RASPBERRY PI AS AN OFFBOARD DISPLAY ADAPTER 5 Comments By Jenny List | May 9, 2022 The humble USB-C port has brought us so many advantages over its USB ancestors, one of which is as a handy display output for laptops. Simply add an inexpensive adapter …read more * AUTOGYRO MODELS ARE HARD — EVEN FOR [PETER SRIPOL] 11 Comments By Adam Fabio | May 9, 2022 Aviation consists of two major groups. Airplane enthusiasts, and helicopter enthusiasts. The two groups rarely get along, each extolling the virtues of their chosen craft. Somewhere in between are autogyro …read more ← Older posts SEARCH Search for: NEVER MISS A HACK Follow on facebook Follow on twitter Follow on youtube Follow on rss Contact us SUBSCRIBE IF YOU MISSED IT * WILL WE EVER SHAKE THE POLAROID PICTURE? 23 Comments * ABOUT AS COLD AS IT GETS: THE WEBB TELESCOPE’S CRYOCOOLER 26 Comments * THE CONNECTOR ZOO: I2C ECOSYSTEMS 49 Comments * ASK HACKADAY: REPAIR CAFÉ OR NOT? 75 Comments * VINTAGE COMPUTER FESTIVAL EAST RAISES THE BAR AGAIN 33 Comments More from this category OUR COLUMNS * HOW A SMARTPHONE IS MADE, IN EIGHT “EASY” BLOCKS 13 Comments * HACKADAY LINKS: MAY 8, 2022 13 Comments * LEARNING OBSOLETE TECHNOLOGY 27 Comments * RETROTECHTACULAR: HOW TELEVISION WORKED IN THE 1950S 26 Comments * HACKADAY PODCAST 167: DEADLY ART PROJECTS, ROBOT LOCK PICKERS, LED HORTICULTURE, AND GOOD SAMARITAN REPAIRS 2 Comments More from this category FEATURED PROJECTS See all projects JANKTOP IV by slightlylessstripeysnake CISTERCIAN WOODEN KEYBOARD by Tauno Erik POPULAR ON TINDIE See all products NANOVNA V2 PLUS4 by HCXQS group $199.00 4.35 NESESSITY V1.4 REPLACEMENT PCB FOR NES CONSOLE by Low Budget $44.00 4.54 PDP-8 REPLICA KIT: THE PIDP-8 by Obsolescence Guaranteed $195.00 4.88 ALTAIR-DUINO PRO by Adwater & Stir $259.95 4.97 MOOLTIPASS MINI BLE AUTHENTICATOR by Stephan Electronics $125.00 4.72 ZIGSTAR LILYZIG POE by ZigStar $64.50 TRENDING PROJECTS See all projects PEWPEW LCD by deʃhipu RAVE IN A BRIEFCASE by Tillo A SPRING-LOADED DIGITAL MOVIE CAMERA by AIRPOCKET@rastaman vibration SATRAN - SATELLITE TRACKING ANTENNA by Daniel Nikolajsen GEIGER COUNTER WITH Z1A OR SBM-20 TUBE by Florian Wilhelm Dirnberger PORTABLE AIR QUALITY MONITORING STATION BASED by kamaluddin Khan SEARCH Search for: NEVER MISS A HACK Follow on facebook Follow on twitter Follow on youtube Follow on rss Contact us SUBSCRIBE IF YOU MISSED IT * WILL WE EVER SHAKE THE POLAROID PICTURE? 23 Comments * ABOUT AS COLD AS IT GETS: THE WEBB TELESCOPE’S CRYOCOOLER 26 Comments * THE CONNECTOR ZOO: I2C ECOSYSTEMS 49 Comments * ASK HACKADAY: REPAIR CAFÉ OR NOT? 75 Comments * VINTAGE COMPUTER FESTIVAL EAST RAISES THE BAR AGAIN 33 Comments More from this category CATEGORIES Categories Select Category 3d Printer hacks Android Hacks Arduino Hacks ARM Art Artificial Intelligence Ask Hackaday ATtiny Hacks Beer Hacks Biography blackberry hacks Business car hacks Cellphone Hacks chemistry hacks classic hacks clock hacks cnc hacks computer hacks cons contests cooking hacks Crowd Funding Curated Current Events Cyberdecks digital audio hacks digital cameras hacks downloads hacks drone hacks Engine Hacks Engineering Fail of the Week Featured Fiction firefox hacks FPGA g1 hacks Games google hacks gps hacks green hacks Hackaday Columns Hackaday links Hackaday Store Hackerspaces HackIt handhelds hacks hardware High Voltage History Holiday Hacks home entertainment hacks home hacks how-to Interest internet hacks Interviews iphone hacks ipod hacks Kindle hacks Kinect hacks laptops hacks Laser Hacks LED Hacks Lifehacks Linux Hacks lockpicking hacks Mac Hacks Machine Learning Major Tom Medical Hacks Microcontrollers Misc Hacks Multitouch Hacks Musical Hacks Netbook Hacks Network Hacks News Nintendo DS Hacks Nintendo Game Boy Hacks Nintendo Hacks Nintendo Wii Hacks Nook Hacks Original Art Palm Pre Hacks Parts Peripherals Hacks Phone Hacks Playstation Hacks Podcasts Portable Audio Hacks Portable Video Hacks PSP Hacks Radio Hacks Rants Raspberry Pi Repair Hacks Retrocomputing Retrotechtacular Reverse Engineering Reviews Robots Hacks Roundup Science Security Hacks Skills Slider Software Development Software Hacks Solar Hacks Space Tablet Hacks Teardown Tech Hacks The Hackaday Prize Tool Hacks Toy Hacks Transportation Hacks Uncategorized Video Hacks Virtual Reality Weapons Hacks Wearable Hacks Weekly Roundup Wireless Hacks Xbox Hacks OUR COLUMNS * HOW A SMARTPHONE IS MADE, IN EIGHT “EASY” BLOCKS 13 Comments * HACKADAY LINKS: MAY 8, 2022 13 Comments * LEARNING OBSOLETE TECHNOLOGY 27 Comments * RETROTECHTACULAR: HOW TELEVISION WORKED IN THE 1950S 26 Comments * HACKADAY PODCAST 167: DEADLY ART PROJECTS, ROBOT LOCK PICKERS, LED HORTICULTURE, AND GOOD SAMARITAN REPAIRS 2 Comments More from this category RECENT COMMENTS * Daniel Dunn on 3D Print Finishing By Spraying Glazing Putty * DeuxVis on Becky Stern, David Cranor, And A CT Scanner Vs The Oura Ring * John on All The Sticky Labels You Could Ever Need: No DRM, Just Masking Tape * rasz_pl on AVX-512: When The Bits Really Count * rasz_pl on AVX-512: When The Bits Really Count * Conor Stewart on Will MiSTer Fool You Into Learning FPGAs? * bstriggo on Nanoparticles Make Mega Difference For “Unweldable” Aluminum * Bastet on Will MiSTer Fool You Into Learning FPGAs? * Aaron Jaufenthaler on Will MiSTer Fool You Into Learning FPGAs? * Daid on Will MiSTer Fool You Into Learning FPGAs? 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