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* Join Us ATTN: Existing Business Leaders Looking To Do What They Do Even Better! Join The 5-Day Mindset Awareness Challenge A Premiere Virtual Experience For entrepreneurs and CEOs Where we Show you Exactly how To live life on all 12-cylinders and maximize daily output Watch This Video First! (Audio On!) Challenge Begins: November 14, 2022 @ 9:00am PST / 12:00pm EST JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be FREE For Much Longer!.. NEXT Challenge Starting Soon! * United States +1 * United Kingdom +44 * Canada +1 * Australia +61 * * Afghanistan +93 * Albania +355 * Algeria +213 * American Samoa +1 * Andorra +376 * Angola +244 * Anguilla +1 * Antigua and Barbuda +1 * Argentina +54 * Armenia +374 * Aruba +297 * Ascension Island +247 * Australia +61 * Austria +43 * Azerbaijan +994 * Bahamas +1 * Bahrain +973 * Bangladesh +880 * Barbados +1 * Belarus +375 * Belgium +32 * Belize +501 * Benin +229 * Bermuda +1 * Bhutan +975 * Bolivia +591 * Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 * Botswana +267 * Brazil +55 * British Indian Ocean Territory +246 * British Virgin Islands +1 * Brunei +673 * Bulgaria +359 * Burkina Faso +226 * Burundi +257 * Cambodia +855 * Cameroon +237 * Canada +1 * Cape Verde +238 * Caribbean Netherlands +599 * Cayman Islands +1 * Central African Republic +236 * Chad +235 * Chile +56 * China +86 * Christmas Island +61 * CocosIslands +61 * Colombia +57 * Comoros +269 * Congo +243 * Congo +242 * Cook Islands +682 * Costa Rica +506 * Côte d’Ivoire +225 * Croatia +385 * Cuba +53 * Curaçao +599 * Cyprus +357 * Czech Republic +420 * Denmark +45 * Djibouti +253 * Dominica +1 * Dominican Republic +1 * Ecuador +593 * Egypt +20 * El Salvador +503 * Equatorial Guinea +240 * Eritrea +291 * Estonia +372 * Eswatini +268 * Ethiopia +251 * Falkland Islands +500 * Faroe Islands +298 * Fiji +679 * Finland +358 * France +33 * French Guiana +594 * French Polynesia +689 * Gabon +241 * Gambia +220 * Georgia +995 * Germany +49 * Ghana +233 * Gibraltar +350 * Greece +30 * Greenland +299 * Grenada +1 * Guadeloupe +590 * Guam +1 * Guatemala +502 * Guernsey +44 * Guinea +224 * Guinea-Bissau +245 * Guyana +592 * Haiti +509 * Honduras +504 * Hong Kong +852 * Hungary +36 * Iceland +354 * India +91 * Indonesia +62 * Iran +98 * Iraq +964 * Ireland +353 * Isle of Man +44 * Israel +972 * Italy +39 * Jamaica +1 * Japan +81 * Jersey +44 * Jordan +962 * Kazakhstan +7 * Kenya +254 * Kiribati +686 * Kosovo +383 * Kuwait +965 * Kyrgyzstan +996 * Laos +856 * Latvia +371 * Lebanon +961 * Lesotho +266 * Liberia +231 * Libya +218 * Liechtenstein +423 * Lithuania +370 * Luxembourg +352 * Macau +853 * Macedonia +389 * Madagascar +261 * Malawi +265 * Malaysia +60 * Maldives +960 * Mali +223 * Malta +356 * Marshall Islands +692 * Martinique +596 * Mauritania +222 * Mauritius +230 * Mayotte +262 * Mexico +52 * Micronesia +691 * Moldova +373 * Monaco +377 * Mongolia +976 * Montenegro +382 * Montserrat +1 * Morocco +212 * Mozambique +258 * Myanmar +95 * Namibia +264 * Nauru +674 * Nepal +977 * Netherlands +31 * New Caledonia +687 * New Zealand +64 * Nicaragua +505 * Niger +227 * Nigeria +234 * Niue +683 * Norfolk Island +672 * North Korea +850 * Northern Mariana Islands +1 * Norway +47 * Oman +968 * Pakistan +92 * Palau +680 * Palestine +970 * Panama +507 * Papua New Guinea +675 * Paraguay +595 * Peru +51 * Philippines +63 * Poland +48 * Portugal +351 * Puerto Rico +1 * Qatar +974 * Réunion +262 * Romania +40 * Russia +7 * Rwanda +250 * Saint Barthélemy +590 * Saint Helena +290 * Saint Kitts and Nevis +1 * Saint Lucia +1 * Saint Martin) +590 * Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1 * Samoa +685 * San Marino +378 * São Tomé and Príncipe +239 * Saudi Arabia +966 * Senegal +221 * Serbia +381 * Seychelles +248 * Sierra Leone +232 * Singapore +65 * Sint Maarten +1 * Slovakia +421 * Slovenia +386 * Solomon Islands +677 * Somalia +252 * South Africa +27 * South Korea +82 * South Sudan +211 * Spain +34 * Sri Lanka +94 * Sudan +249 * Suriname +597 * Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47 * Sweden +46 * Switzerland +41 * Syria +963 * Taiwan +886 * Tajikistan +992 * Tanzania +255 * Thailand +66 * Timor-Leste +670 * Togo +228 * Tokelau +690 * Tonga +676 * Trinidad and Tobago +1 * Tunisia +216 * Turkey +90 * Turkmenistan +993 * Turks and Caicos Islands +1 * Tuvalu +688 * U.S. Virgin Islands +1 * Uganda +256 * Ukraine +380 * United Arab Emirates +971 * United Kingdom +44 * United States +1 * Uruguay +598 * Uzbekistan +998 * Vanuatu +678 * Vatican City +39 * Venezuela +58 * Vietnam +84 * Wallis and Futuna +681 * Western Sahara +212 * Yemen +967 * Zambia +260 * Zimbabwe +263 * Åland Islands +358 * United States +1 * United Kingdom +44 * Canada +1 * Australia +61 * * Afghanistan +93 * Albania +355 * Algeria +213 * American Samoa +1 * Andorra +376 * Angola +244 * Anguilla +1 * Antigua and Barbuda +1 * Argentina +54 * Armenia +374 * Aruba +297 * Ascension Island +247 * Australia +61 * Austria +43 * Azerbaijan +994 * Bahamas +1 * Bahrain +973 * Bangladesh +880 * Barbados +1 * Belarus +375 * Belgium +32 * Belize +501 * Benin +229 * Bermuda +1 * Bhutan +975 * Bolivia +591 * Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 * Botswana +267 * Brazil +55 * British Indian Ocean Territory +246 * British Virgin Islands +1 * Brunei +673 * Bulgaria +359 * Burkina Faso +226 * Burundi +257 * Cambodia +855 * Cameroon +237 * Canada +1 * Cape Verde +238 * Caribbean Netherlands +599 * Cayman Islands +1 * Central African Republic +236 * Chad +235 * Chile +56 * China +86 * Christmas Island +61 * CocosIslands +61 * Colombia +57 * Comoros +269 * Congo +243 * Congo +242 * Cook Islands +682 * Costa Rica +506 * Côte d’Ivoire +225 * Croatia +385 * Cuba +53 * Curaçao +599 * Cyprus +357 * Czech Republic +420 * Denmark +45 * Djibouti +253 * Dominica +1 * Dominican Republic +1 * Ecuador +593 * Egypt +20 * El Salvador +503 * Equatorial Guinea +240 * Eritrea +291 * Estonia +372 * Eswatini +268 * Ethiopia +251 * Falkland Islands +500 * Faroe Islands +298 * Fiji +679 * Finland +358 * France +33 * French Guiana +594 * French Polynesia +689 * Gabon +241 * Gambia +220 * Georgia +995 * Germany +49 * Ghana +233 * Gibraltar +350 * Greece +30 * Greenland +299 * Grenada +1 * Guadeloupe +590 * Guam +1 * Guatemala +502 * Guernsey +44 * Guinea +224 * Guinea-Bissau +245 * Guyana +592 * Haiti +509 * Honduras +504 * Hong Kong +852 * Hungary +36 * Iceland +354 * India +91 * Indonesia +62 * Iran +98 * Iraq +964 * Ireland +353 * Isle of Man +44 * Israel +972 * Italy +39 * Jamaica +1 * Japan +81 * Jersey +44 * Jordan +962 * Kazakhstan +7 * Kenya +254 * Kiribati +686 * Kosovo +383 * Kuwait +965 * Kyrgyzstan +996 * Laos +856 * Latvia +371 * Lebanon +961 * Lesotho +266 * Liberia +231 * Libya +218 * Liechtenstein +423 * Lithuania +370 * Luxembourg +352 * Macau +853 * Macedonia +389 * Madagascar +261 * Malawi +265 * Malaysia +60 * Maldives +960 * Mali +223 * Malta +356 * Marshall Islands +692 * Martinique +596 * Mauritania +222 * Mauritius +230 * Mayotte +262 * Mexico +52 * Micronesia +691 * Moldova +373 * Monaco +377 * Mongolia +976 * Montenegro +382 * Montserrat +1 * Morocco +212 * Mozambique +258 * Myanmar +95 * Namibia +264 * Nauru +674 * Nepal +977 * Netherlands +31 * New Caledonia +687 * New Zealand +64 * Nicaragua +505 * Niger +227 * Nigeria +234 * Niue +683 * Norfolk Island +672 * North Korea +850 * Northern Mariana Islands +1 * Norway +47 * Oman +968 * Pakistan +92 * Palau +680 * Palestine +970 * Panama +507 * Papua New Guinea +675 * Paraguay +595 * Peru +51 * Philippines +63 * Poland +48 * Portugal +351 * Puerto Rico +1 * Qatar +974 * Réunion +262 * Romania +40 * Russia +7 * Rwanda +250 * Saint Barthélemy +590 * Saint Helena +290 * Saint Kitts and Nevis +1 * Saint Lucia +1 * Saint Martin) +590 * Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1 * Samoa +685 * San Marino +378 * São Tomé and Príncipe +239 * Saudi Arabia +966 * Senegal +221 * Serbia +381 * Seychelles +248 * Sierra Leone +232 * Singapore +65 * Sint Maarten +1 * Slovakia +421 * Slovenia +386 * Solomon Islands +677 * Somalia +252 * South Africa +27 * South Korea +82 * South Sudan +211 * Spain +34 * Sri Lanka +94 * Sudan +249 * Suriname +597 * Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47 * Sweden +46 * Switzerland +41 * Syria +963 * Taiwan +886 * Tajikistan +992 * Tanzania +255 * Thailand +66 * Timor-Leste +670 * Togo +228 * Tokelau +690 * Tonga +676 * Trinidad and Tobago +1 * Tunisia +216 * Turkey +90 * Turkmenistan +993 * Turks and Caicos Islands +1 * Tuvalu +688 * U.S. Virgin Islands +1 * Uganda +256 * Ukraine +380 * United Arab Emirates +971 * United Kingdom +44 * United States +1 * Uruguay +598 * Uzbekistan +998 * Vanuatu +678 * Vatican City +39 * Venezuela +58 * Vietnam +84 * Wallis and Futuna +681 * Western Sahara +212 * Yemen +967 * Zambia +260 * Zimbabwe +263 * Åland Islands +358 >> YES, I WANT TO JOIN THE NEXT CHALLENGE! << JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... How much Different would your Mental Performance look this year if you could live life on all 12-cylinders and maximize daily output...? During The 5 Days, You'll Discover my proven High-Performance model That's Helped me Create a mission-driven life that runs on all 12-cylinders, Practice daily habits that help maintain high-performance on a daily, weekly, and yearly basis, and Maintain a sound mind full of creative, positive energy, and mental calmness... And Now I'm Revealing My Entire Playbook In Front Of A Live Audience! From The Desk of Shawn Clearwater, Florida If you’d like to go further faster when you are called to action in your health, wealth, and relationships, regardless if just getting into personal development or have been practicing for multiple years or having the ability to completely change every aspect of your life... Then this might be the most important opportunity you’ve come across to-date… And in a minute I will share why. But, before I do… I must warn you... What I'm About To Share ISN’T For Everyone... In fact, to-date I have only shared my proven High-Performance model with a small, select group of other entrepreneurs and CEOs. The TRUTH Is That... Most entrepreneurs and CEOs struggle with the same things over and over again, and perhaps you've even found yourself in the same position… * You know you’re capable of achieving higher levels of success but you’re not sure where to get started. * You’ve tried implementing new positive habits before in the past but have fallen back into old habits. * You wish there was an easier way to get faster results now. There’s a group of us taking advantage of a little-known “lost art” (which you'll discover during this 5-Day Challenge) that has allowed me to: * Create a mission-driven life that runs on all 12-cylinders * Practice daily habits that help maintain high-performance on a daily, weekly, and yearly basis * Maintain a sound mind full of creative, positive energy, and mental calmness Plus, we do this with a time-test proven system which means we’re not having to guess how achieve high-performance results. Multiple Failed Attempts Later... Imagine having a desire to achieve more in life… Working day in and day out… Feeling like you keep grinding hours upon hours, week after week… Then, not being able to understand why results are not coming to fruition as easy as I’d like. Sounds a little frustrating, doesn’t it? But if you’ve ever attempted to work smarter and not harder… Only to feel like you keep hitting a brick wall over and over again… I want you to know that it’s not your fault. In case you don’t know me… I'm Shawn… And I'm a Mental Mechanic that has been through the “failed Mental Performance ringer” a time or two. In fact, failed Performance Strategies were the consistent headache for quite some time... Even as I focused on personal development. A few decades ago while I was focused on taking my life to a new level... I would wake up at the dawn of day… Trying so hard to work smarter and not harder… Repeating this process over and over and feeling like I kept hitting a brick wall to no avail... It wasn’t until what seemed like 100 failed attempts that I realized... No Matter What I Tried, My Performance Strategies Wouldn’t Work It even got to the point I was ready to just give up... My frustration and overwhelm trying to get this mental performance thing to “click” was at an all-time high… But I just couldn’t figure out what was going on. Reading books? Check. Attending conferences? Check. Surrounding myself with winners? Check. “So why isn’t this darn thing working?!” ...I started questioning myself. It wasn’t until I went on a desperate mission… Paying close attention to what true high-performers were doing in ALL aspects of their lives… That I ended up realizing… That A “Strategy” Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg! Yeah, kind of a big shock when you geek out on your own Mental Performance as much as I do… But after dissecting our entire “Mental Performance building” process… And realizing that I was merely a small piece of the whole pie… I discovered what most entrepreneurs and CEOs fail to understand… Especially because their news feeds are filled with new opportunities everywhere they turn. What if I told you that you don’t have a "Reading books" problem… A "Attending conferences" problem… Or even a "Strategy" problem… Would you believe me? Better yet… What if the only thing holding you back from being able to: * Create a mission-driven life that runs on all 12-cylinders * Practice daily habits that help maintain high-performance on a daily, weekly, and yearly basis * Maintain a sound mind full of creative, positive energy, and mental calmness Came down to one simple strategy that shows entrepreneurs and CEOs how to Do What They Do Even Better!. If you want to learn how to my proven High-Performance model proven to help you to live life on all 12-cylinders and maximize daily output… Then I wanna invite you to join me for the 5-Day Mindset Awareness Challenge… JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer!... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... What People Are Saying About Shawn & Previous Challenges... "great coach" I started work with Shawn during a very tumultuous time in my life. I had just lost a parent, started a new job and opened a new business. There were many things in my life that needed balancing and optimization. With Shawn’s help I was able to prioritize my focus in work and business to make the most out of life. Shawn is a great coach who also brings creative ideas to the table. Every time we met I would be excited about the goals we were building towards and even some new ones! With Shawns support, I expanded my career, grew my business and launched a non-profit, all while improving my relationships and having more freedom to enjoy my success. Rob Royall "clarity to accomplish goals" Through Shawn’s program I have developed more clarity and confidence to accomplish my goals. I have developed solid habits that enable me to work more efficiently and effectively. Shawn has been a tremendous help in not only pointing me in the right direction but allowing me to see that the path before me is brighter than I ever knew possible. He knows when to pressure you to dig deeper at an issue but more importantly when to pull back so you arrive at the conclusion. The program he implements builds upon itself so by the end you are truly on top of your mountain. William Vangroll "Shawn is the coach for the job" I was done doing the things I believed would move the needle in my business, like the administrative work I hated. I was ready to throw in the towel as a coach and go back to working as a trainer in a gym, trading hours for dollars. I was referred to Shawn Huber and was advised to have at least one session before I chose to walk away for good. Shawn is a performance coach and a Hypnotherapist and I made an appointment. Well, I wondered what he could do for me that others had failed to do? We began. Shawn was like no other coach I had worked with. WHY? Because the sessions were just about ME, and my character. Shawn was genuinely interested in who I was. Not my business nor my programs to start with. The better handle I had on myself, the better my business and life would do. Shawn guided me with questions to look at myself honestly, see who I am and the reactions I had to people and situations. Where had I come from and what baggage had I brought along with me. Noticing and becoming aware of what needed to be disconnected or rewired from my life. The questions Shawn asked of me made me aware of my weaknesses, noticing my issues, and also noticing when ‘I was out of congruency with myself and my values. The sessions with Shawn have made me realize it’s time to take the excuses off the table, step up my game and be the expert I want to be that shows up and takes action more often. Shawn intertwines hypnosis into the months sessions which allows for a more intense focus on whatever we are working on. I am learning with confidence that my strength is who I am and my attitude is how I present my information. It is that simple. Working on my character with Shawn, has made me look at myself honestly, up level my confidence, posture myself differently in my person as well as my business. And my business is growing. Today, instead of making promises, I have learned that all I need do is put in the effort & energy so that I get to create my dream life and run a business that serves and generated joy and abundance and it is all up to me. And it is all possible! I am 100% responsible for my life. If you are ready to do the work and take yourself to the next level, Shawn is the coach for the job. This has been quite the ride! Sometimes we have to go against where we are to get to where we want to be. Ingrid Saenger "truly transformational for me" "BIG win for us today" "best Challenge I've been to" "truly transformational for me" "BIG win for us today" "best Challenge I've been to" 5-Day Mindset Awareness Challenge The Mindset Awareness Challenge is a virtual event from Monday, November 14, 2022 to Friday, November 18, 2022 where you’ll spend 5 days with me where we’ll teach you how to: * Introduction and Overview on High-Performance (Physical / Mental / Emotional) * Why Do You Do What You Do?! * How Is Doing What You Do Serving You And What Do You Need To Do To Make It Better * How To Effectively Incorporate These New Habits Into Your Daily Routine * Understanding Your Measure Stick Of Success & Taking Massive Action Plus, you’ll even get to connect and work with other like-minded, motivated people just like you to help hold you accountable! JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Now look… I get it. There’s a whole lotta moving parts to this whole mental performance game. There’s There’s IQ versus EQ… Inner Reflection… External Forces… Personal Responsibilities… Business Responsibilities… What seems like an endless amount of moving parts just to live life on all 12-cylinders and maximize daily output! But what if you didn’t have to mess with the headaches… And you could gain total clarity on how you could maximize your daily efficiency in all walks of life… Plus, feel a total sense of calm while you speed up at the same time this week! How would that change your Mental Performance? Better yet… How would that change your life? For me, learning the Art of High-Performance hasn’t only been responsible for creating the best version of life possible… But it’s also made me extremely confident that if I had to start from scratch… I would be able to use these same strategies to get my Mental Performance back up-and-running quickly… Without having to worry about all of the moving parts of making my Mental Performance work. The truth is that you don’t need a more hours in the day to live life on all 12-cylinders and maximize daily output… Because the real “game changer” is being able to leverage the time that you have and ensure that you’re focused on the RIGHT things to move the needle forward… Even if you feel like you’re already running at a high level of performance! What would creating mental clarity and establish new, powerful, more supportive habits do for you? Do you think you could finally breakthrough the glass ceiling of performance that you’ve been hitting? Maybe achieve all new levels of success that you didn’t even think were possible? These High-Performance Strategies Have Generated Total Mental Clarity You can get “insider access” to them… And spend 5 days with me... All for less than the price of that shiny new course that’s been following you around online. JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer!... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... When You Get A Seat To The 5-Day Mindset Awareness Challenge, You’ll Get: See What's Included Below 5-Day Challenge All Access Pass * 5 Days of Strategies * 5-Day Challenge Workbook for you to document your Challenge journey * Private access to our 5-Day Challenge Facebook Group * Daily homework to help you take massive action and keep you accountable * All trainings are recorded for you to rewatch so you don't miss anything And the best part? The admission cost to this Challenge is FREE! You just need to commit to showing up every day to get the best results possible. JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer!... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... Here’s The Day-By-Day Breakdown Of The Challenge: Take A Look At Everything You’re Going To Be Able To Experience With Us DAY 1: Monday, November 14, 2022 day 1: OVERVIEW "Introduction and Overview on High-Performance (Physical / Mental / Emotional)" Here's why I created Day 1... High-Performance is truly an art form that once mastered, can take every area of your life to the next level. Today we'll breakdown the overview of what high-performance looks like so you have a deeper understanding of how to implement it in your life immediately. If you are ready for a change, you won't want to miss this Challenge. JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... DAY 2: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 day 2: OVERVIEW "Why Do You Do What You Do?!" Here's why I created Day 2... We tend to get stuck in our habits, both positive and negative, which have profound effects on our lives over the long run. Today we'll understand why you do what you do, identify if and how those actions are serving you. Tired of getting the same results over and over?... Join the Challenge. JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... DAY 3: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 day 3: OVERVIEW "How Is Doing What You Do Serving You And What Do You Need To Do To Make It Better" Here's why I created Day 3... Now that we understand what you do and why you do it, today we're going to explore the minor tweaks you can implement that can make all the difference. High-performers are always willing to grow and take action, and today you'll find out exactly what growth and action you should take to boost your performance immensely. Stop Wishing Things Were Different. Join this Challenge. JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... DAY 4: Thursday, November 17, 2022 day 4: OVERVIEW "How To Effectively Incorporate These New Habits Into Your Daily Routine" Here's why I created Day 4... Most people fail to implement the habits that will best serve them because our brains naturally tend to stick with what's comfortable rather than utilize energy to change. Today, we'll show you exactly how implement your new habits effectively and stick with it so this doesn't become something you just try once, but rather turn it into a sustainable lifestyle. Great News... We Have a Seat For You! Join Us Now. JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... DAY 5: Friday, November 18, 2022 day 5: OVERVIEW "Understanding Your Measure Stick Of Success & Taking Massive Action" Here's why I created Day 5... The definition of success is different for everyone. Today, we'll figure out exactly what ultimate success looks like to you and the next KEY steps for you to take to help you add rocket fuel to your dreams and goals. This Challenge Is Designed To Be More Valuable Than The Event You Paid For. Let's Get Started! JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... HURRY! The 5-Day Mindset Awareness Challenge Starts Soon... JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free For Much Longer!... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Warning: This Challenge Isn’t For Everyone And here’s why: It takes work to live life on all 12-cylinders and maximize daily output… Which means if you’re looking for a “quick fix” to a deep-rooted problem in your Mental Performance… Then this 5-Day Challenge likely will cause more hurt than help. To be quite frank… There’s a reason that only the top entrepreneurs and CEOs use these proven strategies in their Mental Performance. They take work… A bit of finesse… And some good ol’ fashion persistence and determination. Which means if you are not willing to dedicate yourself to 5 days of High-Performance madness… Then this Challenge may be a waste of time. But if you’re a serious player… You’re someone who’s looking to get to the “next level” in your Mental Performance… And you want to flip the “next level” switch in your Mental Performance… Then this Challenge will help you go from “limited capacity” to “unlimited opportunities” faster than a bowling ball on a slip-n-slide. So if you’re ready to join us for the 5-Day Mindset Awareness Challenge… Click the button below right now to claim your seat: JOIN THE Challenge NOW! This Challenge Will Not Be Free Much Longer!... JOIN THE WAITING LIST! The Next Challenge Is Right Around The Corner!... Seats Are Limited - Get Yours Now! Challenge Ends In... Frequently Asked Questions Who is the 5-Day Mindset Awareness Challenge for? This Challenge is for entrepreneurs and CEOs who want to learn how to successfully live life on all 12-cylinders and maximize daily output. Regardless if you're just beginning or are a seasoned pro, this Challenge will walk you through the exact strategies that I have used to Create a mission-driven life that runs on all 12-cylinders, Practice daily habits that help maintain high-performance on a daily, weekly, and yearly basis, & Maintain a sound mind full of creative, positive energy, and mental calmness! * What are the dates and times for this Challenge? The Challenge dates are as follows: DAY 01: Monday - November 14, 2022 @ 9:00am PST / 12:00pm EST DAY 02: Tuesday - November 15, 2022 @ 9:00am PST / 12:00pm EST DAY 03: Wednesday - November 16, 2022 @ 9:00am PST / 12:00pm EST DAY 04: Thursday - November 17, 2022 @ 9:00am PST / 12:00pm EST DAY 05: Friday - November 18, 2022 @ 9:00am PST / 12:00pm EST * What do I need to bring? A smile, a good attitude, and a passion and willingness to learn. This Challenge will provide 5 days of jam-packed information, so we kindly ask that you show up ready to be an engaged Challenge member. It's recommended that you stock up on pens, paper, and something to keep you hydrated throughout each day's session so you don't miss anything. * What if I’m not able to complete the action steps during the Challenge? It would be best if you could accomplish each daily action each day because they all build on each other; however, it's completely fine if you can’t! You’ll still be able to carry on through the Challenge if you miss a day. (however, Thursday is HUGE so I wouldn’t be missing that one!) * How will I know when the videos go live? Don’t worry, we won’t let you miss a thing! You’ll receive an email when the Challenge is dropped and another 30 minutes before the lives start so you won’t forget. * Can I watch the live videos later if I miss them? Yes! Every video and piece of material will stay in the Facebook group throughout the Challenge so you can access them even if you miss it when we go live. * How can I win the awesome contest prize? Once you've experienced the 5-Day Mindset Awareness Challenge, all those who've completed their homework, played full out in the Challenge, and submit a testimonial video sharing their experience will be entered into a raffle. Once the Challenge is over and all videos are in, we'll draw from a hat, and the lucky winner will be chosen... more details to come. * Have other questions? Contact us at Structured Freedom, LLC © All Rights Reserved Terms & Disclaimers Privacy Policy