Open in urlscan Pro
2600:9000:2555:200:1f:a60b:9680:93a1  Public Scan

Submission: On September 19 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form action="/en/" autocomplete="off">
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      <div class="pointer-events-none absolute inset-y-0 start-0 flex items-center fill-header-color ps-5 peer-focus-visible:fill-black-45"><svg width="22" height="21" viewBox="0 0 22 21" xmlns="" class="fill-inherit">
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Security and Privacy

Grain Security and Privacy
Grain Security and Privacy

Security and Privacy Details

Written by Jake Adams
Updated over a week ago

We take privacy and security very seriously to ensure that your data is yours
alone, not ours. The security measures we have in place to protect user data
from unauthorized information access include:

 * Company security policies for all employees including: no password reuse, all
   password generated and stored in secure password management, use Google SSO
   whenever possible, 2FA enforced on all services

 * Only engineers with operational needs have access to production services

 * All metadata is stored in a database running in AWS with data encrypted at
   rest on AWS EBS and backups encrypted at rest in AWS S3

 * All recording files are stored encrypted at rest in AWS S3

 * All data between the client and server and between backend services is
   encrypted in transit using HTTPS.

 * All engineers are trained in privacy and security issues

During this early access phase, we will be utilizing Full-Story to analyze user
activity and actions but we have configured the software to ensure that we do
not capture or store any personally identifying information of non-registered
users or the information typed into Grain notes, displayed in transcripts, or
viewed/heard in recorded videos.

For more information about your security and privacy, please review our Privacy
Policy and Terms of Service.

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