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   More robot and robotic system deployments expected across industries
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Robots have moved off the assembly line and into warehouses, offices, hospitals,
retail shops, and even our homes. How are robots affecting industries and
impacting issues such as IT support and workplace safety?

TechRepublic Premium conducted an online survey of IT professionals to find out.

The survey asked the following questions:

 * Do robots and robotic systems play a significant role in your industry right
 * How are robotic systems currently used within your industry?
 * How do you see the use of robotic systems changing within your industry
   during the next 2-3 years?
 * Do robots and robotic systems play a significant role in your company right
 * What role does the IT department play in the planning, deployment, or support
   of robotic systems at your company?
 * Compared to other systems supported by IT, how much time do robotic systems
   require to support?
 * Based on your experience, which of the following industries will increase
   their use of robotic systems during the next 2-3 years?
 * What effect will the use of robotic systems have on jobs in your industry
   over the next 2-3 years?
 * How concerned are you about robots working alongside humans safely within
   your company?
 * How concerned are you about robots working alongside humans safely in

According to the majority of survey respondents (65%), robots and robotic
systems do not play a significant role in their industry right now. However,
during the next two to three years, 66% believe this will increase significantly
or slightly. About a quarter of respondents report their robotic system usage
will not change, 9% are unsure, and only 1% report their robotic systems usage
will decrease.

The main industries, according to respondents, that will increase their robotics
usage in the next few years include: Manufacturing (75%), logistics and delivery
(69%), healthcare (58%), agriculture (57%), transportation (49%), mining (47%),
telecommunications (47%), and military and public safety (46%).

As far as physically working alongside robots, 57% or respondents have little to
no concerns, while 32% have some safety concerns. Just 11% of respondents are
extremely concerned to work side-by-side with robots.

To read all of the results from the survey, plus analysis, download the full
report: More robot and robotic system deployments expected across industries.


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