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<div class="question__text">Based on the text, the most psychologically safe workplaces include which of the following?</div>
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class="custom-control-label" for="article-question-0-0">a. freedom from harassment and discrimination</label></div>
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class="custom-control-label" for="article-question-0-2">c. freedom to make all your own decisions</label></div>
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Skip to main content Home Library Language If you are having trouble accessing these lessons or have any questions/feedback about this tool, please contact support@blueoceanbrain.com. Do not respond to this email. VIDEO: WHAT DOES PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY MEAN? VIDEO: WHAT DOES PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY MEAN? Print You probably have a pretty good idea what it feels like to be physically safe. You are comfortable, can relax, and simply be yourself in a physically safe setting. But what does it mean to be psychologically safe? And why does that matter, especially in the workplace? Psychological Safety Defined The term psychological safety was first coined and defined by Harvard Business School professor, Amy Edmondson, in 1999. The idea is that in addition to physical needs, human beings have psychological needs that must be met in order for us to survive. And much like when we are physically safe, we can feel confident and comfortable when we are psychologically safe. In the context of the workplace, it means team members are willing and able to say what is on their minds, take some creative risks, and most importantly, own up to their mistakes. As Edmondson puts it, psychological safety is a “shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.’’ When we are willing to take supported risks, we are eager to share novel ideas or challenge the status quo to innovate and improve organizational performance. “What [psychological safety] is about is candor; what it’s about is being direct, taking risks, being willing to say, ‘I screwed that up.’ Being willing to ask for help when you’re in over your head.” - Amy Edmondson Elements of a Psychologically Safe Workplace Creating a psychologically safe workplace may seem little more than just a zero-tolerance policy on harassment, bullying, or discrimination. While such policies are essential elements, they are merely a base from which a culture of psychological safety can be built. According to Edmondson, “building a culture of psychological safety starts with being open and explicit about the challenges that lie ahead." Shifting a corporate culture is never easy. It takes time and a leader relentlessly committed to seeing the change implemented. But it can be done. Watch: Edmondson talks about the one thing it takes to make or break psychological safety in the workplace: a good leader. Need help with this video? Click Here Psychological safety was found to be the biggest success factor behind Google’s high-performing teams, according to their study, Project Aristotle. Take Away: If you want high-performing teams, build a culture of psychological safety that allows every team member to feel comfortable speaking up and taking risks. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it. What you will get in return is a fearless workplace where every member feels valued, accepted, and comfortable with their successes and failures. That should translate into improved performance, lower turnover, and innovation. SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW Based on the text, the most psychologically safe workplaces include which of the following? Please provide an answer a. freedom from harassment and discrimination b. freedom to openly express ideas c. freedom to make all your own decisions d. both a and b Submit Answers FEATURE TOPIC VIDEO: WHAT DOES PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY MEAN? You probably have a pretty good idea what it feels like to be ... read more Current A LACK OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY CAN KILL DIVERSITY Diversity in the workplace is commonly considered a smart ... read more WHEN LEADERS PROVIDE SAFETY In her book, Amy Edmondson talks about two of her favorite examples of ... read more 1 2 3 × ×