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Submitted URL: https://www.archiproducts.com/Advertising/IncService.ashx?sid=829025&goto=https%3a%2f%2fwww.archiproducts.com%2ffb%2fprodotti%...
Effective URL: https://www.archiproducts.com/de/produkte/hay/gartenstuhl-aus-kiefer-mit-armlehnen-crate-stuhl_627261
Submission: On July 06 via manual from EE — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.archiproducts.com/de/produkte/hay/gartenstuhl-aus-kiefer-mit-armlehnen-crate-stuhl_627261
Submission: On July 06 via manual from EE — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
5 forms found in the DOMPOST /de/search/parse
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Name: purchaseForm —
<form name="purchaseForm" data-purchase-form-id="627261" id="purchaseForm" ng-show="isEcommerce" ng-controller="purchaseCtrl"
ng-init="load({'productId':627261, 'outletGuid':null,'manufacturerId':108715,'sellerId':0,'quantity':1,'culture':'de-de','country':'de','isEU':true,'noCode':false,'appKey':'584f5fd3-d76a-44b7-ab7e-01d4b8a1b8b7','serverHost':'//www.archiproducts.com','apiHost':'//www.archiproducts.com/store','mode':0,'userToken':'','attrId':'','isHub':false, 'zipcode': ''})"
ng-submit="addCart()" class="ng-pristine ng-scope ng-valid-min ng-valid-max ng-invalid ng-invalid-required">
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<section class="container-flex-price">
<div class="price-distance price-group is-hub">
<div class="text-info size-m through old-price ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="model.discountLabel.value > 0" ng-bind="(model.unit!=null && model.unit.uomType == 'mq')?model.unit.totalPrice:model.price.text">€ 290,12</div>
<div class="title size-m text-price price float-left ng-binding" ng-bind="(model.unit!=null && model.unit.uomType == 'mq')?model.unit.discountedPrice:model.discountedPrice.text">€ 290,12</div>
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<div class="title size-s text-price-uom float-left ng-binding" ng-bind="'('+model.unit.discountedPrice+')'">()</div>
<span class="energy-label float-right ng-binding" ng-bind-html="model.energyType.energyHtml" ng-click="onEnergyLabelClick()"></span>
<div class="vat-label">
<div class="text-info size-s vat ng-binding" ng-bind="model.vat.text" style="clear:both;">inkl. MwSt</div>
<span class="energy-label float-right ng-binding" ng-bind-html="model.energyType.energyHtml" ng-click="onEnergyLabelClick()"></span>
<div ng-show="(model.unit!=null && model.unit.uomType != 'mq')" style="clear:both;" class="ng-hide">
<small class="title size-xs"> Dieser Artikel ist in Packungen von <span ng-bind="model.unit.uoMq" class="ng-binding"></span><span ng-bind="model.unit.uoM" class="ng-binding"></span> verkauft </small>
<div ng-bind="model.labelPrice" class="priceLabel ng-binding"></div>
<div id="purchaseBoxAsyncContainer" class="" ng-class="{'hide':isFirstApiCall}">
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<div class="option">
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cod. {{optc.cod}}
<span ng-if="optc.has3d" class="has-3d"></span>
<div ng-switch-default>
<div class="select-image _select-image" id="select-{{opt.$$hashKey}}" data-toggler=".optionSelected" ng-class="{'optionSelected':opt.isOpen,'is-invalid-input':purchaseForm.$dirty&&!opt.selected&&purchaseForm.$submitted}">
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<div class="option">
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<span ng-if="optc.imgType == 0">
<img ng-if="optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined" alt="" /> <span ng-if="optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined">
<span ng-show="optc.cod != null" class="product-code">
cod. {{optc.cod}}
<span ng-if="optc.has3d" class="has-3d"></span>
<ul ng-if="opt.selected.opts" style="list-style:none">
<li ng-repeat="opt in opt.selected.opts" ng-include="'purchaseMenu'">
<div class="callout alert ng-hide" ng-show="purchaseForm.$dirty&&purchaseForm.$invalid&&purchaseForm.$submitted"> Bitte wählen Sie eine der folgenden Optionen </div>
<ul id="articles-menu-container" style="list-style:none" ng-hide="model.menu.opts == null" class="">
<!-- ngRepeat: opt in model.menu.opts --><!-- ngInclude: 'purchaseMenu' -->
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<!-- ngSwitchWhen: 0 -->
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<div class="options">
<div class="option">
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<label for="option-object:41" data-toggle="select-object:41" ng-click="onOptionClick(opt,$event)" class="ng-binding" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="select-object:41"> Oberfläche </label>
<!-- ngRepeat: optc in opt.opts -->
<div class="option ng-scope" ng-repeat="optc in opt.opts">
<input required="" type="radio" name="option-object:41" ng-change="onChanged(opt)" ng-value="optc" ng-model="opt.selected" id="option-object:46" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required"
value="[object Object]">
<label for="option-object:46" data-toggle="select-object:41" ng-click="onOptionClick(opt,$event)" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="select-object:41">
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 --><img ng-if="optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1"
ng-src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_0be6e3fa-cfdc-4cc6-b83b-ec05b5f3e14c.png" alt="" width="30" height="30" class="ng-scope"
src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_0be6e3fa-cfdc-4cc6-b83b-ec05b5f3e14c.png"><!-- end ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 --><span ng-if="optc.imgType == 1" class="ng-binding ng-scope"> Water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) </span><!-- end ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined --> <!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined -->
<span ng-show="optc.cod != null" class="product-code ng-binding ng-hide"> cod. </span>
<!-- ngIf: optc.has3d -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: optc in opt.opts -->
<div class="option ng-scope" ng-repeat="optc in opt.opts">
<input required="" type="radio" name="option-object:41" ng-change="onChanged(opt)" ng-value="optc" ng-model="opt.selected" id="option-object:47" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required"
value="[object Object]">
<label for="option-object:47" data-toggle="select-object:41" ng-click="onOptionClick(opt,$event)" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="select-object:41">
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 --><img ng-if="optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1"
ng-src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_cc46a4c6-cd03-4e73-8c8f-862e6a27413d.png" alt="" width="30" height="30" class="ng-scope"
src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_cc46a4c6-cd03-4e73-8c8f-862e6a27413d.png"><!-- end ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 --><span ng-if="optc.imgType == 1" class="ng-binding ng-scope"> Black water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) </span><!-- end ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined --> <!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined -->
<span ng-show="optc.cod != null" class="product-code ng-binding ng-hide"> cod. </span>
<!-- ngIf: optc.has3d -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: optc in opt.opts -->
<div class="option ng-scope" ng-repeat="optc in opt.opts">
<input required="" type="radio" name="option-object:41" ng-change="onChanged(opt)" ng-value="optc" ng-model="opt.selected" id="option-object:48" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required"
value="[object Object]">
<label for="option-object:48" data-toggle="select-object:41" ng-click="onOptionClick(opt,$event)" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="select-object:41">
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 --><img ng-if="optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1"
ng-src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_d8c77347-beaf-4345-87aa-5ddcbdc9c85e.png" alt="" width="30" height="30" class="ng-scope"
src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_d8c77347-beaf-4345-87aa-5ddcbdc9c85e.png"><!-- end ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 --><span ng-if="optc.imgType == 1" class="ng-binding ng-scope"> White water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) </span><!-- end ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined --> <!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined -->
<span ng-show="optc.cod != null" class="product-code ng-binding ng-hide"> cod. </span>
<!-- ngIf: optc.has3d -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: optc in opt.opts -->
<div class="option ng-scope" ng-repeat="optc in opt.opts">
<input required="" type="radio" name="option-object:41" ng-change="onChanged(opt)" ng-value="optc" ng-model="opt.selected" id="option-object:49" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required"
value="[object Object]">
<label for="option-object:49" data-toggle="select-object:41" ng-click="onOptionClick(opt,$event)" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="select-object:41">
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 --><img ng-if="optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1"
ng-src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_a64455a7-62dc-47aa-9c2e-5da1f404e46f.png" alt="" width="30" height="30" class="ng-scope"
src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_a64455a7-62dc-47aa-9c2e-5da1f404e46f.png"><!-- end ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 --><span ng-if="optc.imgType == 1" class="ng-binding ng-scope"> London fog water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) </span><!-- end ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined --> <!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined -->
<span ng-show="optc.cod != null" class="product-code ng-binding ng-hide"> cod. </span>
<!-- ngIf: optc.has3d -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: optc in opt.opts -->
<div class="option ng-scope" ng-repeat="optc in opt.opts">
<input required="" type="radio" name="option-object:41" ng-change="onChanged(opt)" ng-value="optc" ng-model="opt.selected" id="option-object:50" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required"
value="[object Object]">
<label for="option-object:50" data-toggle="select-object:41" ng-click="onOptionClick(opt,$event)" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="select-object:41">
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 --><img ng-if="optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1"
ng-src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_734711a1-5e89-4504-8621-fbebb4533fc8.png" alt="" width="30" height="30" class="ng-scope"
src="//img.edilportale.com/matt-thumbs/matt_734711a1-5e89-4504-8621-fbebb4533fc8.png"><!-- end ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 --><span ng-if="optc.imgType == 1" class="ng-binding ng-scope"> Iron red water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) </span><!-- end ngIf: optc.imgType == 1 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img != null && optc.img != undefined && optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.imgType == 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined --> <!-- ngIf: optc.img == null || optc.img == undefined -->
<span ng-show="optc.cod != null" class="product-code ng-binding ng-hide"> cod. </span>
<!-- ngIf: optc.has3d -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: optc in opt.opts -->
</div><!-- end ngSwitchWhen: -->
<!-- ngIf: opt.selected.opts -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: opt in model.menu.opts -->
<div class="wrapper-purchase-options ng-hide" ng-hide="model.unit == null || model.unit.uomType != 'mq'">
<div class="grid-x purchase-options-mq purchase-options-highight">
<div class="cell small-12 small-italic">
<small class="options-highlight"> Dieser Artikel ist in Packungen von <span ng-bind="model.unit.uoMq" class="ng-binding"></span><span ng-bind="model.unit.uoM" class="ng-binding"></span> verkauft </small>
<small class="options-highlight"> Preis pro Paket <span ng-bind="model.discountedPrice.text" class="ng-binding">€ 290,12</span>
<div class="cell small-12">
<div class="textfield large active no-margin" style="width:100px;margin-right:2%;float:left;">
<input ng-model="quantityToBuy" id="UoMCalc" ng-change="onUoMCalcChange()" ng-class="{active:quantityToBuy}" type="text" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty">
<label ng-bind="model.unit.uoM" class="ng-binding"></label>
<div class="textfield-fake label-up" style="float: left;">
<span ng-bind="numOfPacks" class="ng-binding"></span>
<span> Packung </span>
<div class="textfield-fake" style="float:left;">
<span ng-bind="realQuantity" style="float:left;" class="ng-binding">0</span>
<label ng-bind="model.unit.uoM" style="float: left;line-height: 46px;margin-left: 3px;color: #777;" class="ng-binding"></label>
<!-- ngIf: model.unit.uoM == 'm' || model.unit.uomType == 'mq' -->
<div class="content-price ng-hide" ng-hide="model.unit == null">
<div class="price-distance price-group" style="margin-top:1rem;">
<div class="text-info size-s pfTotalLabel" style="display:block;"> Gesamtsumme </div>
<span ng-bind="currencySymbol + ' '" class="title size-m text-price price ng-binding" style="float:left;">€ </span>
<span ng-bind="(model.discountedPrice.value*numOfPacks).toFixed(2).replace('.',',')" class="title size-m text-price price ng-binding" style="float:left;">0,00</span>
<div ng-bind="model.vat.text" class="text-info size-s vat ng-binding" style="display:block;clear:both;">inkl. MwSt</div>
<div class="grid-x grid-margin-y">
<div class="cell small-3" ng-hide="(model.availability.value != null&&model.availability.value <=1)|| (model.unit != null && model.unit.uomType == 'mq')">
<div ng-class="{'is-invalid-input':purchaseForm.$dirty&&purchaseForm.quantity.$invalid}" class="medium-margin-right-1 customSelect quantitySelect">
<div ng-show="model.quantity.value < 10" class="select large" id="selectField">
<select ng-change="changeQuantity(model.quantity.value)" ng-model="model.quantity.value" convert-to-number="" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-not-empty">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="6">6</option>
<option value="7">7</option>
<option value="8">8</option>
<option value="9">9</option>
<option value="10">10+</option>
<label class="label-text"> Stk. </label>
<div class="textfield large qtyUpDown ng-hide" ng-show="model.quantity.value >= 10">
<input type="number" min="0" max="1000" ng-model-options="{ debounce: 1000 }" ng-change="changeQuantity(model.quantity.value)" ng-model="model.quantity.value"
class="textfield large label-up ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-valid-min ng-valid-max ng-not-empty">
<label> Stk. </label>
<button type="button" class="up" ng-click="changeQuantity(params.quantity + 1)" ng-disabled="(model.quantity.value == (model.availability.value != null?model.availability.value:1000))"></button>
<button type="button" class="down" ng-click="changeQuantity(params.quantity - 1)" ng-disabled="(model.Quantity.value <= 1)||(model.quantity.value <= model.minQuantity.value)" disabled="disabled"></button>
<div class="cell auto">
<button class="button large secondary shop expanded button-icon-left ellipsis iconized flat button-font-weight icon-button-medium edl-primary" id="button-add-cart" type="submit"
ng-disabled="(model.availability.value != null&&model.availability.value <1)">
<svg class="icon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<use xlink:href="#icon-Cart"></use>
</svg> In den Warenkorb </button>
<div class="grid-x grid-margin-y">
<div class="cell small-12">
<span class="add-to-wishlist-lbl" style="margin-top: 20px;"> Zur Wunschliste oder einem Projekt hinzufügen </span>
<div class="cell small-12">
<div ng-click="addProjectLists()" class="light border button secondary expanded iconized">
<svg class="icon icon-small" id="icon-plus" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="10px" height="10px">
<path d="M24 10.5h-10.5v-10.5h-3v10.5h-10.5v3h10.5v10.5h3v-10.5h10.5v-3z"></path>
</svg> Speichern
<ul class="no-bullet promo-list text size-s lh-m margin-top-1 margin-bottom-2 margin-top-2 list-icon list-info purchase-info">
<li ng-show="model.availability.text" ng-class="{'text-error':model.availability.value == 0,'text-success':model.availability.value==null || model.availability.value> 0}" class="text-success">
<svg class="icon micro" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<use xlink:href="#icon-Check"></use>
<strong ng-bind="model.availability.text" class="ng-binding">Verfügbar</strong>
<li ng-show="model.shippingInfoOk && model.shippingPrice.value == 0 && model.shippingPrice.text != 'none' && model.shippingPrice.text != 'empty'" class="text-success">
<svg class="icon micro" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<use xlink:href="#icon-Check"></use>
<strong>Lieferung nach Deutschland: </strong>
<strong ng-show="model.shippingInfoOk" ng-class="model.shippingPrice.value != null && model.shippingPrice.value == 0?'free':''" ng-bind-html="model.shippingPrice.text" class="ng-binding free">Kostenlos</strong>
<li ng-show="model.articleCode != null" class="ng-hide">
<svg class="icon micro" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<use xlink:href="#icon-Check"></use>
</svg> Cod. <span ng-bind="model.articleCode" class="ng-binding"></span>
<!-- ngRepeat: t in model.deliveryTime.text -->
<li ng-show="model.deliveryTime.text != null" ng-repeat="t in model.deliveryTime.text" ng-class="{'hide': t === null || t.length === 0}" class="ng-scope">
<svg class="icon micro" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<use xlink:href="#icon-Check"></use>
<span ng-bind-html="t" class="ng-binding">Lieferbar in 27 Werktagen</span>
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: t in model.deliveryTime.text -->
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MwSt Dieser Artikel ist in Packungen von verkauft Bitte wählen Sie eine der folgenden Optionen * Oberfläche Water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) cod. Black water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) cod. White water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) cod. London fog water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) cod. Iron red water-based lacquered pinewood (€ 290,12) cod. QUANTITY Dieser Artikel ist in Packungen von verkauft Preis pro Paket € 290,12 Packung 0 Gesamtsumme € 0,00 inkl. MwSt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Stk. Stk. In den Warenkorb Zur Wunschliste oder einem Projekt hinzufügen Speichern * Verfügbar * Lieferung nach Deutschland: Kostenlos * Cod. * Lieferbar in 27 Werktagen * Verkauft und geliefert von Archiproducts * Mindestbestellmenge 1 * Das Widerrufsrecht gilt nicht für diesen Artikel. * Warum? Das Widerrufsrecht gilt nicht für Build-to-Order oder maßgeschneiderte Produkte. BESTELLE PER TELEFON ODER SCHREIBE UNS EINE NACHRICHT +39 080 554 3553 +39 080 554 3553 WhatsApp Schreiben Sie uns auf WhatsApp unter +39 080 995 5388 oder folgen Sie dem Link, um den Chat zu starten KOSTENVORANSCHLAG ANFORDERN Du hast spezielle Wünsche oder Vorstellung bzgl. Stückzahl, Abmessungen, Ausstattung, Versandt usw.? Kontakt KONTAKTIERE HAY Informationen anfragen Kataloge anfordern BIM/CAD Dateien anfragen Liste Vertriebspartner Überblick CRATE | STUHL BY HAY Kollektion CRATE Typ GARTENSTUHL AUS KIEFER MIT ARMLEHNEN Herstellungsjahr 2023 Designer GERRIT THOMAS RIETVELD Crate is an outdoor chair equipped with armerests, entirely made of pinewood, and also qualified for outdoor use. Initially designed to make use of surplus wooden shipping crates by Dutch architect and designer Gerrit Rietveld in 1934, the iconic Crate Collection has been relaunched in a Rietveld Originals x HAY collaboration. Rietveld’s ambition to create modern, functional, and affordable furniture for the masses echoes HAY’s core values, making the Crate Collection an ideal fit for HAY. The collection comprises a lounge chair, dining chair, low table, and side table, all made with respect for the original design, and sharing the same precisely balanced proportions and transparent construction to minimise production costs and optimise the assembly process. Made of solid pine, with a water-based lacquered finish suitable for outdoor use, the collection’s simplicity, and spatial design mirrors the designer’s architectural style – providing functionality and comfort without absorbing space. The water-based coating and different colour options make the furniture suitable for a wealth of indoor and outdoor settings, and can be supplemented with optional seat cushions in selected textiles for extra comfort Weitere Informationen des Herstellers über CRATE | Stuhl Hay Mehr lesen Abmessungen Produktvarianten Technische Anhänge DOWNLOAD Crate Chair - Instruction Manual (en) PDF Kataloge PDF DOWNLOAD HAY Outdoor 2023 (en) PDF DOWNLOAD Crate Collection - Product fact sheet (en) PDF DOWNLOAD Crate Collection - Presentation (en) PDF DOWNLOAD Hay Brandbook 2023 (en) PDF DOWNLOAD HAY Contract Home Office 2022 (en) PDF DOWNLOAD Contract Accessories 2021 (en) PDF DOWNLOAD HAY Outdoor 2021 (en) PDF DOWNLOAD Accessories News - Autumn 2021 (en) PDF DOWNLOAD Accessories news - Spring 2021 (en) PDF DOWNLOAD HAY Lighting Collection 2020 (en) PDF DOWNLOAD Furniture News 2021 Presentation (en) PDF DOWNLOAD HAY Furniture News 2020 (en) PDF DOWNLOAD HAY Brand Book (en) PDF DOWNLOAD HAY About A Collection 2020 (en) PDF Bim und Cad 3D Studio MAX Herunterladen 1 AutoCAD Herunterladen 2 Tags Hay Gerrit Thomas Rietveld Crate Garten- und Terrassenmöbel Stühle Einrichtung Tische und Stühle Gartenstühle Outdoor Stuhl Gartenstuhl Stühle Moderner Stil Alle Stühle aus Holz Stühle aus Kiefer Stühle mit Armlehnen Gartenstühle Moderner Stil Gartenstühle aus Holz Gartenstühle aus Kiefer Weniger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOLLEKTION CRATE VON HAY DAS KÖNNTE DICH AUCH INTERESSIEREN... KÜRZLICH ANGESEHEN Thu Jul 06 2023 10:35:45 GMT+0000 (GMT) https://www.archiproducts.com/de/produkte/hay/gartenstuhl-aus-kiefer-mit-armlehnen-crate-stuhl_627261 × Produkt speichern: * {{wishlist.Name}} {{wishlist.Name}} Speichern {{sublist.Name}} Speichern {{wishlist.Name}} Speichern * Login in order to save a new project Abonniere unseren Newsletter! Halte dich stets auf dem Laufenden in Bezug auf die neuesten Neuigkeiten von Unternehmen und Architektur- und Designprodukten und hol dir sofort >15% Rabatt auf deinen ersten Einkauf. Registrieren Ich akzeptiere die Datenschutzrichtlinie und stimme der Verarbeitung meiner Daten für Marketingzwecke durch Archiproducts zu. 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