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Read the news from all international angles and create your independent opinion


Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on A Message To The Jabbed – Dr
Vernon Coleman


Japan and South Korea have reportedly settled their differences once again over
recompense for Tokyo’s historic atrocities

Japan and South Korea reportedly plan to set up a youth scholarship program
under an agreement to move on from decades of conflict over Tokyo’s use of
Korean sex slaves and other forced labor during World War II.

The deal, which is expected to be announced on Monday, will likely be
controversial in South Korea because it won’t require Japan to directly
compensate its surviving victims or issue a new apology, according to media
reports. Japanese companies will pay into the youth fund, which will provide
scholarships and promote bilateral exchanges.

However, Tokyo won’t contribute to a foundation that’s expected to compensate
victims. Nor will it abide by a 2018 South Korean court ruling ordering Japan’s
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Nippon Steel to pay compensation to the forced
laborers who were mobilized during the 1910-1945 occupation of the Korean

Read more

Former lead activist for ‘comfort women’ charged with fraud & embezzlement in
South Korea

Japanese officials have argued that all issues of compensation were settled
under a 1965 treaty that normalized relations between the countries. That deal
included $800 million in aid and loans as a “reparation fee.” South Korea’s
government will now look to beneficiaries of that aid, such as steelmaker Posco
Holdings, to fund the foundation for slave labor victims.

The issue has flared up repeatedly in the ensuing decades, with South Koreans
decrying Japan’s alleged lack of contrition and its use of textbooks that fail
to teach Japanese children about their country’s colonialist atrocities. Past
settlements have failed to end the controversy. For instance, a 2015 agreement
that was billed as “irreversibly” resolving compensation claims unraveled amid
criticism from surviving victims.

Under the new deal, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is expected to state
his government’s intent to adopt a 1998 joint declaration in which then-PM Keizo
Obuchi expressed remorse for the “horrendous damage and pain” inflicted on the
Korean people during the occupation.

The new agreement calls for strengthening trade and diplomatic ties between the
countries. South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol has been under pressure from the
US to mend fences with Japan so the three countries can work more closely
together on responding to security threats posed by North Korea.

READ MORE: Japan politician condones WWII ‘comfort women’ sex slavery

Yoon is scheduled to make a state visit to Washington next month. His national
security adviser, Kim Sung-han, began a five-day trip to the US on Sunday, after
telling reporters that the agreement with Japan aimed to help future generations
as the countries enter “a new era in bilateral relations.”


Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on Asian countries reach agreement
on WWII forced labor – media


Two Azerbaijani servicemen and three Armenian officials killed in an exchange of
fire in the contested enclave.

Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on Five killed in new
Azerbaijan-Armenia clash in Nagorno-Karabakh


The UN’s nuclear agency says Iran has pledged to cooperate with the monitoring
of its sites.

Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on Is a new nuclear deal with Iran


The move is part of Rishi Sunak’s pledge to “tackle illegal migration”

Rishi Sunak’s Conservative government in the United Kingdom is set to announce a
new law that would stop people who enter the country on small boats from
claiming asylum. The legislation, which will be launched this week, comes as
part of the government’s pledge to “tackle illegal migration.”

“Illegal migration is not fair on British taxpayers, it is not fair on those who
come here legally and it is not right that criminal gangs should be allowed to
continue their immoral trade,” Sunak said in an interview with the Mail on
Sunday. “So, make no mistake, if you come here illegally, you will not be able
to stay.”

Provisionally titled the Illegal Migration Bill, the new law will seek to make
asylum claims by people who enter the country with the use of small vessels
inadmissible by British law. Such migrants would be removed from the UK “as soon
as reasonably practicable” to Rwanda or to a “safe third country.” Asylum
seekers who violate the law will also be banned from returning to the UK.

Read more

Dozens dead after migrant shipwreck off Italy

The UK and Rwanda agreed to a five-year ‘asylum partnership arrangement’ in
2022, under which asylum-seekers will be permitted to seek asylum in the African
country. However, the UK government’s attempts to deport people to Rwanda have
so far been blocked by courts. Human rights campaigners have also been heavily
critical of the plan.

Asylum-seekers looking to gain entry to the UK have rights protected by the UN’s
Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights. The Illegal
Migration Bill will have a “rights break,” which would effectively circumvent
the UN’s refugee convention, according to the Mail on Sunday.

Critics of the legislation say that the law will not prevent illegal entry, but
instead result in thousands of asylum seekers being detained at huge expense to
the UK taxpayer. “It’s unworkable, costly and won’t stop the boats,” Enver
Solomon of the Refugee Council said.

Last year, an estimated 45,755 migrants crossed the English Channel into
Britain, according to government statistics. It is the highest such number since
records began being kept in 2018. The UK Home Office says 2,950 have made the
crossing so far in 2023, with migrants arriving from a range of countries
including Albania, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on UK PM to launch anti-asylum


El Al has reportedly been unable to find any volunteers to staff Benjamin
Netanyahu’s flight to Rome amid judicial reform protests

Israel’s government has reportedly looked to find another airline to fly Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Rome after the country’s national air carrier, El
Al, was unable to find any pilots or flight attendants to staff this week’s
state visit to Italy.

Transportation Minister Miri Regev intends to open up bidding to other airlines,
such as Arkia and Israir, after El Al missed a 2pm Sunday deadline to confirm
Thursday’s flight, according to Israeli media outlets. The national carrier
couldn’t find any pilots or cabin crew members to volunteer for the mission amid
massive protests in the country over the ruling coalition’s proposed judicial
reforms, the Jerusalem Post said.

El Al blamed the staffing issue on a shortage of pilots who are qualified to fly
a Boeing 777, the aircraft requested by the prime minister, “among other
reasons.” Media reports suggested that airline employees were unwilling to
volunteer because of opposition to the government’s planned judicial overhaul.

Read more

Netanyahu offers himself as Russia-Ukraine mediator

Netanyahu is scheduled to fly on Thursday to Rome, where he will meet with
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and return to Israel on Saturday. Meloni
was quick to congratulate Netanyahu when he won a majority in Israel’s election
last November, returning to power as PM after an 18-month absence. He reportedly
plans to follow up his Italy trip with a visit to Germany next week.

All but three of the 40 reserve pilots in the Israeli Air Force’s 69th fighter
squadron announced on Sunday that they won’t attend a scheduled training session
on Wednesday, in protest against the proposed judicial reforms.

Protests against the plan have dragged on all year. Netanyahu said on Sunday
that the demonstration’s organizer is a “dangerous group” that only wants to
“burn down the house and create chaos in the country.”

El Al, which is dependent on loans and financing guarantees from the government,
could face punitive measures over its failure to staff Netanyahu’s trip, Regev
told public broadcaster Kan. The airline said later on Sunday that it “proudly
carries the Israeli flag” and will handle Netanyahu’s flight as scheduled, but
the Jerusalem Post claimed it still hadn’t found a co-pilot or cabin crew.

READ MORE: Netanyahu announces foreign policy change

Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on Israel’s national airline can’t
find pilots for PM’s trip – media


Liverpool beat their archrivals 7-0, their biggest-ever margin of victory in the

Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on Lethal Liverpool smash
Manchester United for seven in record win


Foreign ministry condemns surprise visit by Mark Milley, dubbing it ‘illegal’,
according to state media reports.

Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on Syria condemns US general’s
visit to Kurdish-held northeast


Duke and Duchess of Sussex will not say if they plan to attend after receiving
an email from the Palace.

Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on Harry and Meghan weigh up
coronation invite response


Eric Zuesse

The U.S. Government’s preferred way of forcing Russia or China to make a
first-use of nuclear weapons (after the two August 1945 A-bomb blasts on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki that the U.S. perpetrated to start its global empire or
“hegemony”) would be as follows:

1. Since it knows that invading Russia would make the planet uninhabitable,
whereas invading China might not, it wants an excuse to destroy China, and it
has settled upon the lie that if the local government in Taiwan declares
independence from China, then America’s 1972 signed commitment to a “one China”
policy that Taiwan is a province of China will have ended and America will then
‘legitimately’ invade China in response to China’s subsequent invasion of Taiwan
(to reassert that Taiwan is a part of China).

2. Based upon those lies, the U.S. Government will accuse China of “aggression”
against its former province, and will say that whereas even the U.S.
Government’s polls of Crimeans showed that both before and after the 16 March
2014 Crimean plebiscite on whether to join Russia had shown approximately 90%
support by Crimeans for that breakaway from Ukraine and yet the U.S. Government
nonetheless said that what Crimeans wanted was irrelevant and Crimea remains a
part of Ukraine regardless of what the residents there want; even a bare
majority of Taiwanese voting for independence from China would automatically
mean that Taiwan is no longer a part of China but instead an independent

3. Based upon that allegation by the U.S. Government, the U.S. Government would
then declare that China’s Government is an ‘aggressor’ against America’s ‘ally’
Taiwan, and will invade China with non-nuclear weapons.

4. At that point, China will have to decide whether the U.S. Government will
have already done enough to justify a launch by China of an all-out nuclear war
upon the United States, or, instead, for China to wait for yet further lies and
provocations from it before doing so.

5. If China decides to wait, and if it succeeds in destroying America’s invasion
forces without resorting to nuclear weapons, then the U.S. Government will have
to decide whether to accept that defeat and end its war against China, or,
instead, to itself release against China enough nuclear weapons so as to destroy
China and thereby declare victory over ’that aggressor nation’.

6. If China instead decides not to wait but instead to launch immediately a
nuclear invasion of America, then anything can happen up to and including
Russia’s joining that conflict on China’s side — especially because the biggest
fear that Russia’s Government has is that it will, itself, be forced into having
only two options: either destroying America, or else capitulating to America.
Russia has made clear that under no circumstances will it capitulate to America.
The only remaining option for Russia then would be to launch an all-out nuclear
invasion against the U.S. and its nuclearly-armed ‘allies’.

7. CONSEQUENTLY: At step #4 in the above, if China decides to wait for yet
further lies and provocations from the United States, then it will be doing so
with an understanding that a point-of-no-return has been reached, and a third
option for China’s Government would likely enter the situation, at least
temporarily: Calling a U.N. Security Council (UNSC) meeting in order to vote on
the matter. If China fails to get a favorable vote at that level, then still a
meeting can be called at the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) in order to vote on a
resolution that China will propose calling for America and its allies to become
formally declared to be “aggressors” and for reasserting that Taiwan remains as
being a province of China.

8. That UNGA vote would have no binding authority under international law, but
it wouldn’t need any. That vote would itself determine whether or not a majority
of the U.N.’s member-nations side with America on this matter, or instead with
China on it. The moral power and authority of that vote could determine whether
the future of the world will be led by America’s Government, or, instead, by
China’s Government.

9. I therefore would recommend, at step #4, that China will wait, in order to
get the vote first at the UNSC, and, then, if necessary, at the UNGA, on the
matter. That could transform the U.S. regime’s mega-strategy finally to attain
its goal (ever since 25 July 1945) to take control over the entire world, into —
instead, it would be — the end-point, or termination, of the U.S. empire, and
the start of a new world order.

On March 5th, two of the most reliable analysts of geopolitics, Alex
Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris, headlined at The Duran, “Lukashenko meets
Xi Jinping. Cold war lines are being drawn”, and they well-encapsulated, in
their 18-minute video-discussion, where things now are clearly — and at
breakneck speed — heading. A more long-term perspective, and one which is
documented by links to the data from which it’s derived, was presented by me in
an article on 28 August 2022, under the headline “Why RussChina Will Probably Be
the Dominant Nation Beyond the Year 2100”. But, of course, the individuals who
are controlling the U.S. Government might prevent that, by means of forcing
Russia and/or China into a world-ending nuclear war. Anyone who thinks that that
cannot happen ought to read the March 1st article from the U.S. Government’s own
Voice of America, headlined “US Army Secretary Lays Out Strategy for War with
China”. That’s the type of people who now (especially after 24 February 1990)
control the U.S. Government. They don’t represent the American public; they
represent fewer than one-in-ten-thousand Americans. But those are the very
richest Americans, and all of them are “neoconservatives” or U.S. hegemonists or
global-imperialists, and they control more than merely the U.S. Government. So:
they should be taken seriously. And an excellent description of how they do what
they do was given by Seymour Hersh, in a February 23rd interview under the
headline “Rising INTERVIEWS SEYMOUR HERSH: Journalist DEFENDS Reporting on US
DESTRUCTION of Nord Stream”. Only by deceiving the public can they do what they
do. And they’ve been doing it ever since 25 July 1945 — but even more so now
than at the beginning.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL:
Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is
about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it
to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by
control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the

Author Posted on March 5, 2023Leave a comment on What China Should Do if Taiwan
Declares Independence From China


Page 1 Page 2 … Page 5,545 Next page


 * A Message To The Jabbed – Dr Vernon Coleman
 * Asian countries reach agreement on WWII forced labor – media
 * Five killed in new Azerbaijan-Armenia clash in Nagorno-Karabakh
 * Is a new nuclear deal with Iran possible?
 * UK PM to launch anti-asylum bill

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