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Additive Manufacturing

Precision Machining

Metal Additive

Injection Molding

Polymer 3D

 * Services
   * Capabilities Overview
   * Metal Additive Manufacturing
   * Polymer 3D Printing
   * CNC Machining
   * Injection Molding
   * Material Services
 * Expertise
   * Industries Overview
   * Aerospace & Defense
   * Space
   * Medical
   * Energy
   * Industrial
 * Applications
   * Applications Overview
   * Castheon Hypersonics
   * Digital Anatomy Printing
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Processes & Materials


Our domestic injection molding capabilities are fueled by the dedicated team at
our HARBEC business. With more than 45 years of experience, we offer superior
strength and product durability, fast production speeds, and the capacity to
meet the need for high production volumes.

Learn about HARBEC Request a Quote
The process


Injection molding refers to the process of shaping a material (usually
thermoplastic) by injecting it into a mold. The material is processed to a
molten state, at which point it’s injected into the mold under pressure. The
mold remains closed, and the material is allowed to solidify and cool to the
desired shape.

Injection molding is a versatile process and can be used to create a wide range
of products, from toys and household goods to automotive parts and medical
devices. One of the benefits of injection molding is that it can be used to
create products with highly intricate features; in some cases, the only limit is
the imagination of the designer. Additional key benefits include:

 * Precision and details: The injection molding process allows for a high degree
   of precision and detail, making it ideal for products that require intricate
 * Repeatability: Injection molding produces parts that are identical to each
   other, making it easy to create large quantities of the same product.
 * Cost-effectiveness: Injection molding is a relatively fast and efficient
   process, which helps to keep component costs down.
 * Speed: Injection molding is a fast process, which means products can be
   created and delivered in a timely manner


With plastic, we can produce results in volume with remarkable certainty and
economy. When creating repeatable products, injection molding machines can use
pre-designed molds or those that meet specific specifications.

 * 2 Transfer molding machine
 * 26 Electric injection machines
   (clamping pressure range of 55 to 585 tons)
 * Scientific molding
 * SPC control
 * End of arm automation & vision system
 * Prototype to production quality molds

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With quick-turn Injection Molding, you can explore a realm where creativity
meets efficiency, enabling you to bring prototypes to life in record time.
Discover the secrets of this cutting-edge manufacturing process, delve into the
intricacies of design optimization, and witness how a single mold can generate
countless possibilities.

Case Study Learn More


Materials should be selected based on their properties, manufacturing
characteristics, cosmetic appearance, and cost. We have 300 engineered
thermoplastic grades of materials in-house:

 * ABS, Nylon, Polycarbonate, TPU
 * Bioresins: reclaimed, biodegradable
 * Chemical-resistant: Isoplast™
 * Filled: carbon, glass, metal, mineral
 * High-density: EcoMass™
 * High-heat: PEEK, Radel™, Stanyl™, Ultem™
 * Thermally-conductive: Electric and dielectric


Injection molding is used in several different industries to create parts,
equipment, and other components. Injection molding is extremely versatile since
it can be used to adjust molds to meet various manufacturing needs. Injection
molding is utilized in a variety of industries, such as:

Aerospace & Defense

The aerospace, defense, and security industries are known for how quickly their
technology evolves. Injection molding allows for the speedy production of
various equipment frequently used by these industries. Among many other
injection molded components, we can produce the following components for the
aerospace, defense, and security industries:

 * Battery housings
 * Robotic components
 * Space components
 * Valve housings and covers

Electromagnetic Components

Due to their specialized nature, producing high-performance electromagnetic
components can be a difficult task. Injection molding allows for the production
of specialized and complex parts such as testing equipment related to retention
force, continuity and impedance, and AC/DC HI-POT. This process can also be used
to create custom electrical verification equipment. Our services include:

 * Solenoid manufacturing
 * Hand soldering
 * Pin crimping
 * Coil winding


Injection molding offers a way to produce important medical tools and devices at
a low cost. We are able to produce components such as blood pressure cuffs and
hoses, IV components, dialysis components, reagent closures, and spinal
implants. Among many other injection molded components, we can create components
for the following medical products:

 * Patient monitoring systems
 * Microfluidics
 * Orthopedics (Implants)
 * Robotics
 * Surgical Instrumentation


Our HARBEC company has a long history of making and maintaining high-precision
production tooling, and lower-volume prototype tooling, to meet our customer’s
needs.  Our fully equipped mold shop partnered with our engineering team can
take your product from design to production. Our mold maintenance team is fully
outfitted with its own CNC machine, Bridgeport, and manual lathe to perform tool
repairs when needed, as well as ultrasonic cleaning and polishing equipment to
keep tools running like new.  Our in-house micro laser welder also helps reduce
downtime on tool repairs since we can keep the work in-house and turn around
repairs in hours instead of days.

Learn about Scientific Molding


ADDMAN’s quality process includes the most advanced technology and internal
controls to ensure products meet all specifications. Our cleanrooms at our
HARBEC facility are ISO Class 8 certified. In a controlled environment, the
cleanroom offers customers high-quality, tight-tolerance, sustainable
manufacturing solutions.


 * Laminar flow clean room
 * Daily particle monitoring
 * Optimized for production, & prototype, clean room molding
 * 55-400 ton electric injection molding machine options with a 1.95-38oz. shot
   size depending on the application
 * Cleanroom secondary services are offered based on customer requirements

Learn More


Secondary Operations for Injection Molding

ADDMAN offers a range of in-house secondary operations that are necessary to
meet specific appearance specifications, performance requirements, and
dimensional tolerances that may not be achievable with plastic parts produced
directly from an injection-molding press. These secondary operations include
gate trimming, CNC-machining (such as drilling, reaming, and surfacing),
annealing, and water treating.

Assembly Capabilities

ADDMAN provides top-quality assembly services across a wide range of
applications, from simple part joining to the production of complex
electro-mechanical devices. Our tool-making expertise allows us to design and
build fixtures that minimize costs for our customers.

Additionally, we frequently produce all the necessary components for assemblies
that require plastic and metal parts. Our skilled team of experts utilizes
various assembly processes such as manual assembly, ultra-sonic and heat
welding, heat staking, bonding, taping, and labeling to deliver high-quality
finished products that meet our clients’ exacting standards.

Decorating Options

ADDMAN’s decorating capabilities offer our clients the ability to achieve the
desired cosmetic appearance or surface performance of their parts beyond what is
achievable with natural plastic or metal finishes. Whether it’s the visual
demands of consumer sporting goods or the electro-chemical requirements of
industrial products, we have established subcontractor relationships for
painting, plating, hot stamping, and pad printing. With our expertise and
attention to detail, we ensure that the end result meets our clients’ exacting


ADDMAN provides comprehensive logistics services to complement our part and
assembly manufacturing capabilities, including reusable packaging, kitting,
inventory management, and distribution and fulfillment.

Our logistics services cover all aspects of the supply chain, from package
design and shipment-return loop management to component manufacture and
ordering, production planning, and order fulfillment.

By leveraging our expertise in logistics management, we ensure that our clients
receive their parts and assemblies on time and in optimal condition.

Sustainable Innovation


The 120,000-square-foot injection molding facility operates three shifts, six
days a week, and includes CNC machining and 3D printing capabilities. The use of
energy-efficient equipment and green energy sources on-site reduces greenhouse
gas emissions, minimizes our carbon footprint, and minimizes the impact on our
natural resources. As a carbon-neutral facility since 2013, we provide a
blueprint for a healthier future, proving it is possible to meet the needs of
today without compromising the quality of tomorrow.

Learn More


The only limitation is our own imagination for what we can jointly develop. And
it all begins with your story.

Contact Us Career Opportunities
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 * Services
   * Capabilities Overview
   * Metal Additive Manufacturing
   * Polymer 3D Printing
   * CNC Machining
   * Injection Molding
   * Material Services
 * Expertise
   * Industries Overview
   * Aerospace & Defense
   * Space
   * Medical
   * Energy
   * Industrial
 * Applications
   * Applications Overview
   * Castheon Hypersonics
   * Digital Anatomy Printing
   * Solenoid Coils
   * Thermal Management
   * Thrusters, Nozzles, & Injectors
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