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Planning is done, the band is hired and the (open) bar is stocked. Now we're
just missing YOU! We can't wait to celebrate so soon. We ask that everyone be
safe and encourage getting a test before attending and stay home if you are
feeling sick at all.




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December 31, 2021


We have often wondered how many times we must have crossed paths before finally
meeting - we grew up just over a mile away from each other in the same small
town, frequented many of the same local places, and knew a lot of the same
people. One night a mutual friend introduced us, and the rest was...not
historically significant! Until one summer night a few months later, we ran into
one another again, literally. Erin, not wasting an opportunity to strike up a
conversation with a stranger, commented on the first thing that caught her eye,
Nate's 2012 London Olympics shirt. Thinking this girl was for sure hitting on
him, Nate gladly obliged. Only to figure out she wasn't... Either way, we ended
up going for tacos the next day, talking for so long Nate's boss called him
several times about missing his shift, and haven't stopped talking since.

Nate is always the first person to laugh at a joke, is calm and level headed,
and is SO adventurous (probably to a fault!). He's the kind of person that knows
a lot about everything, yet isn't a know-it-all about anything. He's a true and
loyal friend, the best dog dad, really really good at picking out thoughtful
gifts and cards, and also a really loud snorer. Nate is a gifted composer of
ridiculous songs he sings all day, and he's a great person to have around when
trying to navigate a new city or stick to accomplishing your goals because he is
consistent and thorough and also willing to go a littttle off track when it's
warranted. His best qualities have come to be tested time and time again when I
have come to him with crazy ideas I'm excited but unsure about (like moving to
Miami or later Bogota, hiking for days in the jungle, or adopting a dog off of
instagram), but he has never yet failed to bring out the best in me to take on
these challenges.

Erin is one of the most outgoing people I know. She's always willing to strike
up a conversation with anyone that looks interesting and being an avid reader,
never runs out of things to say (especially insurance related!). Erin values her
relationships with people above all else and it's reflected in her close-knit
family and numerous friends across the globe. She's a great gift giver (even if
she doesn't believe it) and only snores a little bit, sometimes. She'll doze off
on the couch the minute a movie a starts but is always game to binge watch a
series. She has a knack for choosing amazing places to visit and a gifted nose
for sniffing out the best places to eat and drink wherever we are. I admire
Erin's resolve to try new things because never in a million years would I have
imagined we'd be living in Bogota, Colombia with the cutest adopted instagram
dog in the world.

Nate popped the question in a truly high stakes environment - the Knapp family
Christmas Eve White Elephant drawing, 36 years to the day after Erin's parents
got engaged. Erin said yes, and one global pandemic later, we are finally
getting all of you, our family and dearest friends, together to help us tie the

No matter where we met you, we are so happy to welcome you back home to Normal,
IL to celebrate our wedding later this year (finally!!!)

Anastasia Makarova