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Submission: On May 27 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB
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OUR SMALL GROUP TOURS ARE THE ANSWER TO LAST-MINUTE PLANNING. CAPPED AT 10 TRAVELERS, THESE TOURS ARE AVAILABLE TO BOOK RIGHT UP UNTIL THE START TIME. DON'T MISS ANY SITES ON YOUR TRAVEL WISHLIST — ADD A SMALL GROUP TOUR TO YOUR ITINERARY NOW. See Upcoming Tours Private Tours Just you, an expert, and your travel companions Small Group Tours Connect with other travelers Excursions & Day Trips Venture out a little farther Tours for Kids Perfect for young, curious travelers Where will you learn next? Walking tours in over 60 cities around the world Rome Paris Mexico City Florence London Barcelona Venice New York Athens Lisbon Berlin Istanbul * 1 * 2 * 3 Previous Next IN CONTEXT Our insights for visiting the great cities of the world. May. 27, 2023 TOKYO'S SUBWAY AND TRAINS: HOW TO CONFIDENTLY NAVIGATE THE TOKYO METRO SYSTEM May. 25, 2023 WHAT TO DO IN KAMAKURA, JAPAN: EASY DAY-TRIP FROM TOKYO View more posts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE’RE RECOMMENDED BY: More Press -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT OUR GUESTS ARE SAYING 44,705 Reviews – (4.79) Reviews can only be left by Context customers after they have completed a tour. For more information about our reviews, please see our FAQ. Emmanuelle is a gifted guide with an extensive knowledge of modern art. We loved her tour. She was personable, answered our questions thoroughly and shared interesting anecdotes and stories about modern art. Would love her to be our guide in the future. 5 stars+. Steven May. 25, 2023 Alesia was knowledgeable. Sistine Chapel was ridiculously crowded. Impossible to enjoy it. Joseph May. 25, 2023 Estela’s tour was informative and interesting. A short refreshment break half way through would have been appreciated ! It was warm and we did a lot of walking up and down hills. Leslie l May. 25, 2023 View more reviews Company * Our Story * Our Experts * Working with Context * Press * View All Cities * Interests Programs * Sustainable Tourism * Refer a Friend for $50 Resources * Stories * Contact * FAQ * Gift Cards * Advisor Login * Expert Portal Newsletter Occasional travel insights and ideas delivered to your inbox. Subscribe to our Newsletter Weekly stories to bring context to your world and to your inbox Do not fill in this field * Privacy Statement & Security * Cancellation Policy * * * * * Our website uses cookies to personalize your experience, perform analytics, and tailor ads. By clicking accept, you consent to our use of cookies. To view our data privacy policy, click here. Our website uses cookies to personalize your experience, perform analytics, and tailor ads. By using our site, you consent to our use of cookies. To view our data privacy policy, click here. Sumo