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Text Content

( ESNUG 584 Item 6 ) ---------------------------------------------- [07/24/18]

Subject: send cards for Stu Sutherland's funeral, and Stu stories to Cliff

  Editor's Note: many of the DeepChip readers will know Stu Sutherland


    as their Verilog, SystemVerilog, UVM, Verilog PLI trainer.  - John

          ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----   ----

From: [ Don Mills of LCDM Engineering ]

Hi, John,

At the request of Stu Sutherland's wife, LeeAnn Sutherland, it is with great
sadness that I make known the passing of my good friend, Stu Sutherland, on
Thursday, 19 July 2018.   Stu had a sudden cardiac arrest (V Fib) on the
evening of July 7 and had been in ICU since then.  Stu lost consciousness
when the attack occurred, and he never recovered.

At LeeAnn's request, there will be no memorial service, only a viewing.  The
viewing will be held this week on Thurs, July 26 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at:

    Jenkins-Soffe Funeral Chapel
    4760 S State Street
    Murray, Utah 84107
    (801) 266-0222

If anyone would like to come to town and needs a place to stay, Cliff Cummings
has a few guest rooms in his home that he will gladly make available.  Contact
Cliff at cliffc@sunburst-design.com if interested.

When I mentioned to LeeAnn about the outpouring of love and concern for Stu and
his family from the Chip Community and their desire to remember Stu, LeeAnn
requested that members of the community share their thoughts with her through
a card rather than attending the memorial service.

LeeAnn's address is (flowers not necessary, cards much appreciated):

    LeeAnn Sutherland
    22805 SW 92nd Place
    Tualatin, OR 97062

Stu was loved and respected by all who interacted with him and he will be
greatly missed in our industry.

    - Don Mills
      LCDM Engineering

P.S. If you have any Stu stories, please feel free to email them directly to
     Cliff Cummings so he can compile them.  cliffc@sunburst-design.com

        ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----   ----

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