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Be the first one to write a review. 372 Views 12 Favorites DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file H.264 download download 1 file ITEM TILE download download 1 file MATROSKA download download 1 file TORRENT download download 112 Files download 7 Original SHOW ALL IN COLLECTIONS Community Video Uploaded by My Film Archive on March 14, 2024 SIMILAR ITEMS (BASED ON METADATA) PLAY PLAY ALL New Zealand Censorship Database 41 41 The Work Of Director Jonathan Glazer Jul 4, 2019 07/19 by office of film and literature classification texts EYE 41 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 This is a New Zealand classification of The Work Of Director Jonathan Glazer . Title The Work Of Director Jonathan Glazer Other known titles Jonathan Glazer Publication number 602802 Application number 60101278 Medium DVD Current decision R16 Objectionable except if the availability of the publication is restricted to persons who have attained the age of 16 years. Descriptive note Violence and offensive language Associated documents 49796_18_4_41957.pdf (Register Page) Registration date... Topics: New Zealand, censorship Books for People with Print Disabilities 1,758 1.8K The zone of interest Jun 13, 2020 06/20 by amis, martin, author texts EYE 1,758 FAVORITE 20 COMMENT 0 310 pages : 20 cm "There was an old story about a king who asked his favourite wizard to create a magic mirror. This mirror didn't show you your refelection. Instead, m it showed you your soul - it showed you who you really were. But the king could't look into the mirror without turning away, and nor could his courtiers. No one could. What happens when we discover who we really are? And how do we come to terms with it? Fearless and original, The Zone Interest is a violently dark love story... Topics: Auschwitz (Concentration camp) -- Fiction, Auschwitz (Concentration camp), Concentration camp... Books for People with Print Disabilities 121 121 The zone of interest Dec 5, 2020 12/20 by amis, martin, author texts EYE 121 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 310 pages : 20 cm "There was an old story about a king who asked his favourite wizard to create a magic mirror. This mirror didn't show you your refelection. Instead, m it showed you your soul - it showed you who you really were. But the king could't look into the mirror without turning away, and nor could his courtiers. No one could. What happens when we discover who we really are? And how do we come to terms with it? Fearless and original, The Zone Interest is a violently dark love story... Topics: Auschwitz (Concentration camp) -- Fiction, Auschwitz (Concentration camp), Concentration camp... Podcasts Mirror (administered by bobarchives) 0 0.0 Review: The Zone of Interest Jan 18, 2024 01/24 by insession film podcast audio EYE 0 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 On this episode, JD and Brendan discuss Jonathan Glazer's haunting new film THE ZONE OF INTEREST!Visit for merch and more!Visit this episode's sponsor: - Get 15% OFF with the code: ISFThanks for listening and be sure to subscribe on your podcast app of choice! us on Twitter! @InSessionFilm | @RealJDDuran | @BrendanJCassidy Topics: Podcast, film, filmpodcast, filmreviews, movienews, movies, podcast, reviews Adjust Your Tracking 27 27 AYT #87: Cinema Crawling Under Our Skin Jun 21, 2016 06/16 by erik mcclanahan & joe von appen audio EYE 27 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 This week, Joe and Erik pack in three reviews of films out in theaters well worth your time and definitely worth talking about: The Raid 2 (our episode on the first film is here ), Under the Skin and Jodorowsky’s Dune (check out our talk on Jodorosky’s three most famous features in this episode ). Topics: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Gareth Evans, Jodorowsky's Dune, Jonathan Glazer, Scarlett Johansson, The... Miscellaneous Podcasts 169 169 The Movie Breakdown Episode 166 Nov 27, 2016 11/16 by christopher spicer audio EYE 169 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 November is turning out to be a necessary rise in movie quality for 2016 as the Breakdown is set to praise a few more movies as we review new releases in Disney's latest animated princess adventure 'Moana' and the World War two spy thriller romance, 'Allied'. We also look at a cult hit for 2000 in Jonathan Glazer's crime movie, 'Sexy Beast.' Topics: Podcast, Movies, Review, Breakdown, Moana, Disney, Allied, Robert Zemeckis, Brad Pitt, Sexy Beast,... Miscellaneous Podcasts 537 537 Surreal Sci-Fi Jul 28, 2018 07/18 by raiders of the podcast audio EYE 537 FAVORITE 3 COMMENT 0 This week RotP takes a swim in the Big Cauliflower money bin with films insidiously disguised as surreal science fiction. For an antipasto we nibble Tarkovsky's epic about a casual walk to a room full of cauliflower, Stalker . Followed by a light serving of Zardoz , in the distant future mankind has fractured into the barbaric mortal Brutals and the civilized immortal Eternals thanks to an advanced AI, cloning vats, magic, books and the vitamins found in multiple daily servings of cauliflower.... Topics: Stalker, Andrei Tarkovsky, Boris and Arkady Strugatsky, Alexander Kaidanovsky, Anatoli Solonitsyn,... Oral Arguments from U.S. State and Federal Courts 30 30 In the interest of Jonathan F. Dec 11, 2019 12/19 audio EYE 30 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 This item represents an oral argument audio file as scraped from a U.S. Government website by Free Law Project. Books for People with Print Disabilities 509 509 The zone of interest : a novel Jun 4, 2020 06/20 by amis, martin texts EYE 509 FAVORITE 13 COMMENT 0 310 pages ; 24 cm "From one of England's most renowned authors, an unforgettable new novel that provides a searing portrait of life-and, shockingly, love-in a concentration camp. Once upon a time there was a king, and the king commissioned his favorite wizard to create a magic mirror. This mirror didn't show you your reflection. It showed you your soul-it showed you who you really were. The wizard couldn't look at it without turning away. The king couldn't look at it. The courtiers... Topics: Auschwitz (Concentration camp) -- Fiction, Auschwitz (Concentration camp), Concentration camp... Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014)