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 * Welcome
 * Groups
 * Membership
 * Meetings/Events
 * News/ Bulletins
 * Contact Us
 * u3a


The u3a is an organisation intended to provide interest, entertainment and
education to those of the 'third age', principally those who are no longer in
work, although there is no limit on age.

Seaton u3a meets every 4th Tuesday of the month at 2pm in 'The GATEWAY', Seaton
, where we are entertained by a guest speaker (See the EVENTS page for more
information), followed by tea and biscuits, and a chance to meet and greet other

Visitors are always welcome at the monthly meetings and we hope you like us
enough to join us permanently.

Look at our GROUPS and EVENTS  pages to see the opportunities we provide when
you join us.

Nestling between Haven Cliffs in the east (shown opposite) and Beer Cliffs in
the West, Seaton is a quiet seaside town of around 7,000 residents.

Seaton offers a beach, the River Axe and an estuary for those interested in
water activities and a historic tram line operating from Seaton to Colyford and
Colyton along the estuary. Other attractions include a golf course, a wild life
reserve on the estuary and access to many walks nearby.

Click the link below for more information

More on Seatonu3a History & Structure

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