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Sunday, October 27, 2024 19:04

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Inflammation is at the root of many medical conditions, including cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, many neurological disorders, and even cancer.

Sadly, most folks are unaware of this, not realizing that finding a healthy way
to guard against inflammation early on may have either prevented the disease,
chronic problem, or may have even improved their condition.

Inflammation can be destructive, attacking everything in its path. Let’s take a
real-life application in daily life to make it easy to explain- take a look at
fire itself.

Grilling out with an old-fashioned grill means that you take some charcoal, dump
a little lighter fluid on it and light the match.

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The lighter fluid is just the beginning, but if you throw that one specific
trigger on it, that match…the fire has now been struck.

Initially, it’s a slow burn but over time the fire gets hotter and it begins to
burn more area on the bricks of charcoal.

The same is true with your body.

When an imbalance of some kind occurs, it’s similar to lighter fluid. It sets
the stage for something more to come that can be destructive to the body.

At this point, in the lighter fluid stage, you may not feel any pain.

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Once the match has been struck, tissue damage ensues, more cellular damage takes
place, the fire is on the loose.

This is what happens with gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, cancer,
necrosis of various tissues in the body, and even in cardiovascular disease.

Inflammation grows and spreads, destroying other healthy tissue around it.

Remember, the cell is where it all starts, so at the cellular level you won’t
feel much. Once it hits the tissue it’s up and running the marathon.

Tissues begin to become inflamed, then joints, muscles, and it could even spread
further into your skin.

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It all depends on the type of disease you are discussing, and while there is no
crystal ball, we know that research has proven the efficacy of how PEMF therapy
reduces post-surgical inflammation.

Inflammation has been reduced time and again with the help of PEMF, and the only
logical conclusion at this time is that it works best because it actually gets
to the true “root of the problem”.

That is a damaged cell or damaged cluster of cells.

So, what causes inflammation after the surgery?

There are a number of reasons, some of which are obvious including:
     >The surgical site and incision
     >The tissue and muscle involved in the surgical procedure
     >Scar tissue, damaged tissues or nerves 
     >Swelling, which is normal, and a sign that blood flow has increased to the
surgical site to bring healing to it.

Research on PEMF has also shown that this therapy is able to increase blood
flow, reducing swelling over time.

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Increased blood flow also means that swelling goes down in the appropriate
time-frame, the entire body is beginning to come back into balance, and that
a sense of overall well-being will ensue.

Knowing this, it is now more important to share with you how PEMF reduces
inflammation from day one, and how it can aid in keeping inflammation at bay in
the days, weeks, months, and years to come.

Eating a diet rich in foods that fight inflammation are important, and used in
conjunction with a consistent dose of PEMF therapy, you should find you feel
better and recover faster in your post-operative condition.

PEMF can aid in the following ways to reduce inflammation at the core:

1. Stimulate cells and repair them. It is not possible for anything to happen in
the body without an electromagnetic exchange. When inflammation is present,
there is cellular     breakdown, damage, and the result is impaired chemistry.
Healthy cells have numerous processes that they are responsible for, and one of
them is to eliminate waste. When cells are not healthy, they cannot eliminate
waste and stay healthy. The unhealthy cells keep the cycle of inflammation

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2. Blood and tissue oxygenation. When blood flow has increased with PEMF therapy
healing can begin. PEMF therapy reduces post-surgical inflammation when blood
flow is carried through and delivered on time to the surgical site.
Additionally, tissues become healthier as they are fed the proper nutrients
through the bloodstream. With the proper level of oxygen in the tissues,
inflammation cannot be present. There is a lot to this, but for the purpose of
post-surgical inflammation, these two key points are so vital to the
understanding of both the doctor and the patient.

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