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[TUTORIAL] MAKING FLASHABLE ZIPS, EDIFY SCRIPT, ZIP SIGNING & KEY CREATION [19.01.13] * Thread starter wilskywalker * Start date Apr 21, 2012 * Tags edify flashable permissions themes and apps tutorial zip * Home * Forums * Samsung * Samsung Galaxy Nexus ••• BREADCRUMB Home Forums Samsung Samsung Galaxy Nexus * 1 * 2 * 3 * … GO TO PAGE Go * 16 Next 1 of 16 GO TO PAGE Go Next Last Search This thread This thread Search titles only By: Search Advanced… WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * Apr 21, 2012 * * #1 [TUTORIAL] Making Flashable ZIPs, EDIFY Script, ZIP Signing & Key Creation [19.01.13] Recent Updates: Command Line Edify Script Tester, Further 'update-binary' info clarification, helpful links, additional credits. post#1 Hi all, In the process of creating my [BOOTANIMATIONS - LINKS & INFO] thread I realised I needed to know more about how boot animations worked, as by default people tend to ask questions in that type of thread, so I wanted to be able to help. This meant I came across the problem of creating flash-able ZIP files and Edify scripting and in the interests of sharing and helping this great community I would like to share what I have found and hopefully learn more through discussion, I certainly am no expert and am always willing to learn. I have checked xda and various other websites whilst reseraching for this post and there is nothing that really explains all the basic concepts to just get up and running, also a lot of threads are quite old and focus on the old Amend scripting syntax or are a confusing mixture of the two. I hope this helps people get started and that we can all collaborate to make this a thread a source of valuable information. Contents: Post #1: Tutorials Post #2: Edify Commands ***Please, if there are any mistakes on this thread then let me know what I have done incorrectly in reply to this post and I will update the thread to correct it*** ***As always, I accept no responsibiltiy for your handset, you modify it at your own risk, nobody is forcing you...be aware you can seriously bork your phone by flashing its internal partitions! Always make a nandroid back-up and think before you flash!*** ***Have you made a nandroid back-up...no? Then make one!!*** You will need the following: Android SDK, ADB & Fastboot set up for your handset. Notepad++ [LINK] 7zip [LINK] Setting up your zip directories: you will need to create the following folder structure (these are case sensitive): Code: /META-INF/com/google/android All flash-able zips include this file structure, the final folder 'android' will contain two files: Code: update-binary updater-script update-binary: I have been unable to find much information on the update-binary file other than they seem to be chip set specific (if anyone can shed further light on these I will include it here). For the sake of compatibility I have attached the update binary from the latest CyanogenMod Nightlies for the maguro at the bottom of this thread - You can of course download the latest nightly and extract the update-binary file yourself as the attached one will obviously begin to date (all credit to the great devs at CyanogenMod for this, many thanks). Update: For more detailed info on the update binary you can find the sources in the bootable/recovery/updater directory at AndroidXRef here: [ xref: /bootable/recovery/updater/ ]. There is also an edify directory which looks like it handles the parsing of the script. Obviously with the sources there's nothing to stop you extending syntax/functionality should you wish given the fact the each zip comes with its own version. It will also help you understand how signature checking is handled. Update II: For anybody having problems flashing it is worth ensuring you have an up to date version of the update-binary (obviously the one attached to this thread will gradually become out of date). It is advisable to use the update-binary from the latest OTA image for your device, these images can be found in the following link: Official Google OTA update URLs - efrant updater-script: This we can create ourselves, to ensure it works properly we will use Notepad++. Open Notepad++ and start a new file, with the following settings: Format: Unix Encoding: ANSI Default Language: Normal Text Save this file as: File name: updater-script File type: All types (*.*) You can now edit this file, add the following text: Code: [COLOR="Red"]assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "maguro" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "maguro");[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("confirming device maguro");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("success");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("mounting system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("updating system files");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]package_extract_dir("system", "/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("unmounting system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]unmount("/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("by yourusername");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] ***EMPTY LINE*** Ok, I've colour coded this so we can break it down, the lines of code in RED are the actual commands, everything else is cosmetic. assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "maguro" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "maguro"); This is checking you are flashing the correct handset, this is not a requirement, but is best practice. Just insert another device name in the place of "maguro" if you so wish, or remove the command all together. mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system"); This is the specific mount point for the maguro system partition, if you wish to flash a different partition, data for instance you can get the mount points for your device by entering the following code over ADB: Code: adb shell "mount > /sdcard/PHONENAME_mountinfo.txt" This will place a text file on your sdcard with the mount points for your specific device (remember to swap 'PHONENAME' with your device name e.g. 'maguro') package_extract_dir("system", "/system"); This command extracts the files you wish to flash from the zip and flashes them to the phone, it is formatted as follows ("package-path", "/destination-path"). So for this example you are telling it to flash everything from the 'system' folder in your zip to the /system partition of your handset. You can obviously change these values for different partitions. unmount("/system"); This simply unmounts whatever partition you previously mounted. ui_print(" "); Shows text in the recovery whilst the flash is ongoing, you can put whatever you please between the speech marks, you must leave a space if you wish to have a blank line. show_progress(0.200000, 5); Controls what the progress bar in the background is displaying, it is formatted as follows (fragment, seconds). ***EMPTY LINE*** This is not actually text, you simply need to leave a blank line at the end of your script before you save it for it to work. FYI, this means in fact your script could look like this and still work: Code: [COLOR="Green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(1.000000, 30);[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]package_extract_dir("system", "/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]unmount("/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] ***EMPTY LINE*** But that just isn't that pretty, or as deceptively complicated lol! Make sure you save your edify script. Files to flash: You now need to create a further folder, this needs to be named based on where within the system you are flashing, for the sake of this example we are flashing to the system partition, so: Code: /META-INF/com/google/android /system/app Place whatever files you wish to flash within this file e.g: Code: /META-INF/com/google/android /system/app/nameofapp.apk Creating your .zip file: Select both of your top directories and their contents 'META-INF' and 'system' and package them into a .zip file with 7zip using the following settings: Archive: name_of_your_file Archive Format: zip Compression level: Store Update mode: Add and replace files And there you have it, your very own flash-able .zip file. I have attached an example flashable .zip file that includes this updater-script and the above mentioned CM update-binary. How to sign your update.zip: You don't actually need to sign your zip file for it to work as most custom recoveries now support unsigned zips, for aspiring developers and the more cautious among us though, here is how. You will need to download the following files: SignApk [LINK] Java JDK (Java Development Kit) & JRE (Java Runtime Environment) [LINK] Install Java JRE and JDK and restart your PC. You then need to create a folder in the root of your c:\ drive named 'signapk' and extract the contents of the SignApk download (signapk.jar, key.pk8, certificate.pem) to this folder. Place your .zip file into the same folder and then open cmd line. Input the following commands (remeber to change the name of 'myupdate.zip' to the name of your file and 'myupdate-signed.zip' to whatever you want your resulting .zip to be named): Code: cd\signapk\ java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 c:\signapk\myupdate.zip myupdate-signed.zip You should find that you now have the the following files in your 'META-INF' folder: CERT.RSA, CERT.SF, MANIFEST.MF This can also to be used to sign .apk files using the below command (same stipulations for file name changing applies as above): Code: java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 c:\signapk\myapplication.apk myapplication-signed.apk How to create your own private signing key & certificate: You will need the following download: OpenSSL [LINK] The above signapk file includes test keys, if you want to create your own private keys for signing, here's what you need to do. As before extract the OpenSSL files to a folder in the root of your c:\ drive, preferably named 'openssl' for ease of cmd line navigation. Then input the following: Code: cd\openssl\ openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024 openssl req -new -key key.pem -out request.pem openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in request.pem -signkey key.pem -out certificate.pem openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in key.pem -inform PEM -out key.pk8 -nocrypt You can then replace 'key.pk8' & 'certificate.pem' with your own files. I really hope this has helped folks out, if so please consider hitting the 'Thanks' button! Happy flashing! Testing your script before you flash: If you would like to test if your script commands are valid and will run properly on your PC first before you use them on your handset, therefore removing the fear of borking your current install/handset in the process then head to this post: Command Line Edify Script Tester by: trevd This great tool developed by trevd currently has the following features: Validates function name. Validates function parameter count. It is available for Linux and Windows, so head over and check it out. Be sure to click trevd's thanks button if you find this useful. Other helpful links & threads: xda-developers: Edify script language wiki Edify scripts in CWM recovery by: NFHimself Phandroid - Edify Script Language Reference by: Koumajutsu Introduction to edify updater script by: kurotsugi Intelligent EDIFY updater-script - (Decides things during flash) by: lotherius Credits: CyanogenMod for (update-binary) Lorenz's Blog for (SignAPK & Info) JoeSyr for (Help with File Permissions) efrant for (Help with various commands) trevd for (further update-binary clarification and source links) osm0sis for (Helpful info & forum links & help with update-binary info) ATTACHMENTS * maguroupdate.zip 153.9 KB · Views: 3,595 Last edited: Jan 19, 2013 * Reactions: DefyCM, DrXperience, nextheart and 120 others WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * Apr 21, 2012 * * #2 Edify Scripting Commands I would like to try and put together a guide to Edify scripting commands and what their function is to compliment my above tutorial, I hope again we can all collaborate to make this a helpful source of information to all budding devs...we all have to start somewhere right!? ***Please, if there are any mistakes in this post or if you can help by adding further info please post below, thanks*** Ok... Check you are flashing the correct device: Code: assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "maguro" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "maguro" || getprop("ro.product.board") == "maguro"); This will check your device is showing the correct name in the build.prop, in this case "maguro", you can obviously replace this with your device name. To explain this a little further, you have told the script to check certain properties within your 'build.prop' file located in your /system folder. The above command ensures the following categories have the correct definitions before proceeding with the flash: Code: ro.product.device= ro.build.product= ro.product.board= Here are the main build properties within your build.prop: Code: ro.build.id= ro.build.display.id= ro.build.version.incremental= ro.build.version.sdk= ro.build.version.codename= ro.build.version.release= ro.build.date= ro.build.date.utc= ro.build.type= ro.build.user= ro.build.host= ro.build.tags= ro.product.model= ro.product.brand= ro.product.name= ro.product.device= ro.product.board= ro.product.cpu.abi= ro.product.cpu.abi2= ro.product.manufacturer= ro.product.locale.language= ro.product.locale.region= ro.wifi.channels= ro.board.platform= ro.build.description= ro.build.fingerprint= ro.build.characteristics= ro.cm.device= Print text in the recovery during flashing process: Code: ui_print("Your text here"); Code: ui_print(" "); This simply prints a line of text in the recovery, it has no actual effect on the flashing process, if you want a blank line just leave a blank space as the second example. Controlling the progress bar: I believe I understand this correctly, if not please do post below with further clarification. Code: show_progress(0.000000, 0); or Code: set_progress(0.000000); You have two choices when controlling the progress bar, the first example allows you to define fractions of the progress bar and how long they will take to fill. The second example just allows you to specify that the bar fills to a certain fraction at whatever point during the flashing process. The command is defined as: (progress bar fraction, duration in seconds to fill defined fraction); For example the following code lines interspersed with your other commands would fill a fifth of the progress bar every five seconds: Code: show_progress(0.200000, 5); ui_print(" "); show_progress(0.200000, 5); ui_print(" "); show_progress(0.200000, 5); ui_print(" "); show_progress(0.200000, 5); ui_print(" "); show_progress(0.200000, 5); This process will only complete if the script takes long enough to flash, therefore you need to be aware of what you are actually flashing and how long it will take when defining these values. If you wish to just define a fraction without fill without a time scale you can use the following command: Code: set_progress(0.000000); It is also best practice to include this element in your scripts as it will reassure people that their handset hasn't frozen during a flash. Mount/Unmount a partition: To mount a partition you need to use the following syntax: Code: mount("filesystem-type", "partition-type", "device-specific-location", "mount-point"); filesystem-type: "ext4" or "yaffs2" (maguro is ext4) partition-type: "EMMC" or "MTD" (maguro is EMMC) location: Device specific address mount-point: /system etc So far I have managed to define the following Maguro specific mount points: Code: "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/userdata", "/data" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/cache", "/cache" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/efs" "/factory" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/userdata", "/mnt/sdcard" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot" Example command would be: Code: mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system"); I have taken these mount points from the file output by the maguro when you enter the following adb command: Code: adb shell "mount > /sdcard/maguro_mountinfo.txt" I have to admit I am a little in the dark about the "/factory" partition, any info would be greatly appreciated! To unmount a partition you need to input the following command: Code: unmount("/system"); Obviously replace the mount partition with whatever partition you are working in. Format a partition: To format a partition you need to use the following syntax: Code: format("filesystem-type", "partition-type", "device-specific-location", "0"); Example: Code: format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "0"); Some scripts include the "0" and some do not, not sure exactly on the function difference when included or not, again clarification would be great. Flashing the contents of your ZIP file: To flash an entire directory: Code: package_extract_dir("system", "/system"); To flash a single file: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot"); These commands are structured as follows: Entire directory: ("zipfileSource", "destination-partition"); Single File: ("file", "device-specific-mountpoint"); Deleting folders & files: You can delete multiple folders or files using just one command, as follows: To delete files: Code: delete("file-path-1", "file-path-2", "file-path-3); To delete folders/directories: Code: delete_recursive("directory-path-1", "directory-path-2", "directory-path-3"); Setting Permissions Here are the basics for setting permissions. If you want to research the reasons behind this, there is some useful information on Linux permissions here: chmod wiki, linuxquestions.org linux wiki. Thanks to JoeSyr for his input and help understanding this section of the tutorial. Set permissions of a file or set of files: Code: set_perm(uid, gid, mode, "filepath1", "filepath2") Example: Code: set_perm(0, 0, 06755, "/system/xbin/su"); uid - user id gid - group id mode - permission mode filepath... - file to set permission on Set permissions of a directory or set of directories and all files and folders within them: Code: set_perm_recursive(uid, gid, dirmode, filemode, "dirpath1", "dirpath2") Example: Code: set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system"); uid - user id gid - group id dirmode - permission to set to directories contained within the specified directory filemode - permission to set to files contained within the specified directory dirpath... - directory to set permission on Permissions syntax explained...so I can understand it lol (if I do then anyone can!): The following are the pre-defined Android UID's & GID's. Taken from the following link: Android UIDs and GIDs Code: AID_ROOT 0 /* traditional unix root user */ AID_SYSTEM 1000 /* system server */ AID_RADIO 1001 /* telephony subsystem, RIL */ AID_BLUETOOTH 1002 /* bluetooth subsystem */ AID_GRAPHICS 1003 /* graphics devices */ AID_INPUT 1004 /* input devices */ AID_AUDIO 1005 /* audio devices */ AID_CAMERA 1006 /* camera devices */ AID_LOG 1007 /* log devices */ AID_COMPASS 1008 /* compass device */ AID_MOUNT 1009 /* mountd socket */ AID_WIFI 1010 /* wifi subsystem */ AID_ADB 1011 /* android debug bridge (adbd) */ AID_INSTALL 1012 /* group for installing packages */ AID_MEDIA 1013 /* mediaserver process */ AID_DHCP 1014 /* dhcp client */ AID_SHELL 2000 /* adb and debug shell user */ AID_CACHE 2001 /* cache access */ AID_DIAG 2002 /* access to diagnostic resources */ /* The 3000 series are intended for use as supplemental group id's only. */ /* They indicate special Android capabilities that the kernel is aware of. */ AID_NET_BT_ADMIN 3001 /* bluetooth: create any socket */ AID_NET_BT 3002 /* bluetooth: create sco, rfcomm or l2cap sockets */ AID_INET 3003 /* can create AF_INET and AF_INET6 sockets */ AID_NET_RAW 3004 /* can create raw INET sockets */ AID_MISC 9998 /* access to misc storage */ AID_NOBODY 9999 AID_APP 10000 /* first app user */ "root", AID_ROOT "system", AID_SYSTEM "radio", AID_RADIO "bluetooth", AID_BLUETOOTH "graphics", AID_GRAPHICS "input", AID_INPUT "audio", AID_AUDIO "camera", AID_CAMERA "log", AID_LOG "compass", AID_COMPASS "mount", AID_MOUNT "wifi", AID_WIFI "dhcp", AID_DHCP "adb", AID_ADB "install", AID_INSTALL "media", AID_MEDIA "shell", AID_SHELL "cache", AID_CACHE "diag", AID_DIAG "net_bt_admin", AID_NET_BT_ADMIN "net_bt", AID_NET_BT "inet", AID_INET "net_raw", AID_NET_RAW "misc", AID_MISC "nobody", AID_NOBODY You will need to also understand the way file permissions are represented: Example = drwxrwxrwx -Use Root Explorer to find the UID, GID, and permissions for a file. Permissions are the string that looks like some variation on 'rwxr-xr--' next to each file. Long press and choose "change owner" to get the UID and GID. You just want the number next to "owner" and "group", respectively. -If you're replacing a file, look up these settings for the existing copy and use them. If you're adding a file, just find a file that does the same functions and copy what it has (for example, installing an app to /system/app? Just look at these settings for any other app in that directory). -MODE is technically a 4-bit string, but the first character can be omitted. There doesn't seem to be any android file permissions with the first character set. For good practice, I think it's safe to assume you can always use a leading 0 unless you know otherwise for something specific. Or, just use a 3-digit MODE, which says to leave those settings as they are (disabled by default). (I.e. 0644=644). The next 9 characters define the file permissions. These permissions are given in groups of 3 each. The first 3 characters are the permissions for the owner of the file or directory. Example = -rwx------ The next 3 are permissions for the group that the file is owned by. Example = ----rwx--- The final 3 characters define the access permissions for everyone not part of the group. Example = -------rwx There are 3 possible attributes that make up file access permissions. r - Read permission. Whether the file may be read. In the case of a directory* this would mean the ability to list the contents of the directory. w - Write permission. Whether the file may be written to or modified. For a directory* this defines whether you can make any changes to the contents of the directory. If write permission is not set then you will not be able to delete* rename or create a file. x - Execute permission. Whether the file may be executed. In the case of a directory* this attribute decides whether you have permission to enter* run a search through that directory or execute some program from that directory You set these permissions using the following binary based numerical system: Code: 0: --- No Permissions (the user(s) cannot do anything) 1: --x Execute Only (the user(s) can only execute the file) 2: -w- Write Only (the user(s) can only write to the file) 3: -wx Write and Execute Permissions 4: r-- Read Only 5: r-x Read and Execute Permissions 6: rw- Read and Write Permissions 7: rwx Read, Write and Execute Permissions Default Linux permissions: For Files: "Read" means to be able to open and view the file "Write" means to overwrite or modify the file "eXecute" means to run the file as a binary For Directories: "Read" means to be able to view the contents of the directory "Write" means to be able to create new files/directories within the directory "eXecute" means to be able to "Change Directory" (cd) into the directory Most of the time you set "Read" and "eXecute" together on directories (kind of useless when set by themselves) Interestingly through further research it seems this system is based on the Octal Binary system...I may be wrong... Code: Octal Binary is also easily converted to the octal numeral system, since octal uses a radix of 8, which is a power of two (namely, 23, so it takes exactly three binary digits to represent an octal digit). The correspondence between octal and binary numerals is the same as for the first eight digits of hexadecimal in the table above. Binary 000 is equivalent to the octal digit 0, binary 111 is equivalent to octal 7, and so forth. Octal Binary 0 000 1 001 2 010 3 011 4 100 5 101 6 110 7 111 Converting from octal to binary proceeds in the same fashion as it does for hexadecimal: 658 = 110 1012 178 = 001 1112 And from binary to octal: 1011002 = 101 1002 grouped = 548 100112 = 010 0112 grouped with padding = 238 And from octal to decimal: 658 = (6 × 81) + (5 × 80) = (6 × 8) + (5 × 1) = 5310 1278 = (1 × 82) + (2 × 81) + (7 × 80) = (1 × 64) + (2 × 8) + (7 × 1) = 8710 Flash boot partition This uses the following command but with some caveats: Code: write_raw_image("path to boot.img", "boot"); An example of this commands use would be to flash a custom kernel, as far as I can tell though you need to place the boot.img in a temp file before the actual flash (clarification on this would be helpful). You would therefore use the following commands as part of your edify script: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img","/tmp/boot.img"); write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "device-specific-boot-partition-mount-point"); delete("/tmp/boot.img"); It seems this may only be for specific handsets though e.g HTC, having looked through quite a few updater-script files from maguro zips it seems this can just be flashed directly with the following command: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot"); Many thanks for further clarification on this particular command from efrant below: I feel more comfortable using something like this: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img", "/tmp/boot.img"); run_program("/sbin/busybox", "dd", "if=/tmp/radio.img", "of=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot"); delete("/tmp/boot.img") The second line is using the "dd" command to flash the image. The dd command (included in busybox) is: Code: dd if=xxx of=yyy where xxx is the source image/partition and yyy is the target image/partition. So, for example, to flash a radio image stored in /sdcard called xxlf1.img to a GNex, it would be: Code: busybox dd if=/sdcard/xxlf1.img of=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/radio (I've added "busybox" the the beginning, just to be explicit.) So, to put it in edify format, it becomes: Code: run_program("/sbin/busybox", "dd", "if=/sdcard/xxlf1.img", "of=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/radio"); However, as I said, I believe your one line: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot"); would work. Further Commands: In progress... So, this is by no means an exhaustive list and I would appreciate it that if I have made any mistakes people make me aware in this thread and I can update this tutorial. I would also like to add further commands and their uses, if people can provide more I will add them too. I hope this helps people out! Many thanks! Last edited: Aug 18, 2012 * Reactions: DefyCM, AsifKhan22, rajatgupta1998 and 70 others ROADY85 MEMBER Jun 26, 2009 38 9 Goslar * Apr 21, 2012 * * #3 Thx for your work. Will try it when I back @ home. Mfg Daniel Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk 2 * Reactions: wilskywalker and Raijynn SERT00 SENIOR MEMBER May 28, 2011 1,091 496 cesena,IT * Apr 22, 2012 * * #4 very interesting 3ad.i'm learning right now how to make these,yours guide resolve me a lot of questions!thanks mate!+1 * Reactions: wilskywalker ARMANUV SENIOR MEMBER Jan 26, 2012 839 220 * Apr 22, 2012 * * #5 Awesome. Thank you! * Reactions: wilskywalker WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * Apr 23, 2012 * * #6 Thanks for the feedback folks! Top post updated with guides for: Signing ZIP files Creating private ZIP signing keys * Reactions: waheem and ArmanUV WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * May 4, 2012 * * #7 I have updated the second post with edify commands: Contents: Post #1: Tutorials Post #2: Edify Commands I would like to expand and update this information to help both others and myself learn, if people can help with more commands or any corrections this would be much appreciated! GRAFFITIWRITER SENIOR MEMBER Oct 21, 2010 57 11 Macon Ga Google Pixel 6 Pro * May 5, 2012 * * #8 Thanx a lot . Ive been looking into editing apks and themeing and this answers a lot of my questions. Exactly what I've been looking for. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA * Reactions: wilskywalker WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * May 5, 2012 * * #9 > graffitiwriter said: > Thanx a lot . Ive been looking into editing apks and themeing and this answers > a lot of my questions. Exactly what I've been looking for. > Click to expand... > Click to collapse Many thanks for the feedback. Everything I know about Android has been learned from internet research and tutorials. So as far as I can I like to then re-share the things I have learned in way that I understand in the hope it will in turn help others! * Reactions: Crostantin D DSMRYDER SENIOR MEMBER Jan 26, 2012 101 17 * May 5, 2012 * * #10 > wilskywalker said: > Many thanks for the feedback. > > Everything I know about Android has been learned from internet research and > tutorials. So as far as I can I like to then re-share the things I have > learned in way that I understand in the hope it will in turn help others! > > > Click to expand... > Click to collapse Me too. What I've been doing is opening other people's flashable .zips and making changes that I needed to make so I can flash what I wanted to flash. I have something that I want to change in a ROM I've been helping to work on, and your guide will help in the setup process. WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * May 7, 2012 * * #11 > dsmryder said: > Me too. What I've been doing is opening other people's flashable .zips and > making changes that I needed to make so I can flash what I wanted to flash. I > have something that I want to change in a ROM I've been helping to work on, > and your guide will help in the setup process. > Click to expand... > Click to collapse Glad my guide helped out buddy! This community has helped me to learn so much, it's nice to give something back. * Reactions: efrant CMNEIN SENIOR MEMBER Apr 23, 2012 3,181 1,483 Calgary * May 8, 2012 * * #12 I'm looking to create a script that deletes system apps/sounds I don't want upon updating CM9 (nightly). I've taken a script from a different device and modified, what I hope is, accordingly. I only edited the mounts to: ext4 /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name /system and of course the apps I want to delete upon first boot. Edit removed the detailed path as per someone's advice. Does this look like it will accomplish my objective? Edit: Annnnnnnd it doesn't. Code: #!/system/bin/sh #mount system rw mount -o remount, rw -t /system #apps to delete #send installed apps to /data/packages pm list packages -f > /data/packages for i in HoloSpiralWallpaper LiveWallpapers LiveWallpapersPicker MagicSmokeWallpapers Music PhaseBeam RomManager VisualizationWallpapers do if [ -e /system/app/$i.apk ] then rm -f /system/app/$i.apk grep $i.apk /data/packages > /data/pname pname2=$(sed 's/\(.*=\)\(.*\)/\2/' /data/pname) pm uninstall $pname2 fi done rm -f /data/packages rm -f /data/pname #delete camera_click sound if [ -e /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg ] then rm -f /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg fi #delete camera_focus sound if [ -e /system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg ] then rm -f /system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg fi #mount system ro mount -o remount,ro -t /system Source: http://xdaforums.com/showthread.php?t=1050288 Last edited: May 8, 2012 WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * May 9, 2012 * * #13 > CMNein said: > I'm looking to create a script that deletes system apps/sounds I don't want > upon updating CM9 (nightly). I've taken a script from a different device and > modified, what I hope is, accordingly. I only edited the mounts to: ext4 > /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name /system and of course the apps I > want to delete upon first boot. Edit removed the detailed path as per > someone's advice. > > Does this look like it will accomplish my objective? > > Edit: Annnnnnnd it doesn't. > > > Code: > > #!/system/bin/sh > > #mount system rw > mount -o remount, rw -t /system > > #apps to delete > #send installed apps to /data/packages > pm list packages -f > /data/packages > > for i in HoloSpiralWallpaper LiveWallpapers LiveWallpapersPicker MagicSmokeWallpapers Music PhaseBeam RomManager VisualizationWallpapers > do > if [ -e /system/app/$i.apk ] > then > rm -f /system/app/$i.apk > grep $i.apk /data/packages > /data/pname > pname2=$(sed 's/\(.*=\)\(.*\)/\2/' /data/pname) > pm uninstall $pname2 > fi > done > rm -f /data/packages > rm -f /data/pname > > #delete camera_click sound > if [ -e /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg ] > then > rm -f /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg > fi > > #delete camera_focus sound > if [ -e /system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg ] > then > rm -f /system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg > fi > > #mount system ro > mount -o remount,ro -t /system > > > Source: http://xdaforums.com/showthread.php?t=1050288 > Click to expand... > Click to collapse Hey buddy, This looks like an init.d script to me, this is different to Edify. init.d scripts are placed in the /system/etc/init.d folder and performs actions when you boot the phone. Your post has piqued my interest in init.d scripting though, might have to make it my next thing to learn! * Reactions: CMNein CMNEIN SENIOR MEMBER Apr 23, 2012 3,181 1,483 Calgary * May 9, 2012 * * #14 > wilskywalker said: > Hey buddy, > > This looks like an init.d script to me, this is different to Edify. init.d > scripts are placed in the /system/etc/init.d folder and performs actions when > you boot the phone. > > Your post has piqued my interest in init.d scripting though, might have to > make it my next thing to learn! > > > Click to expand... > Click to collapse Yes init.d, wasn't sure if you'd have insight or not, but glad to have piqued your interest Sent from my Galaxy Nexus WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * May 11, 2012 * * #15 > CMNein said: > Yes init.d, wasn't sure if you'd have insight or not, but glad to have piqued > your interest > Click to expand... > Click to collapse Sorry I couldn't help more buddy. Interest definitely piqued though...only problem is that I am currently trying to teach myself HTML5, C++ and Edify as well...lol! Whenever I am working on a particular project I always get sidetracked and end up trying to learn a whole new language...the only reason I started investigating Edify was so I could flash bootanimations and that led to this tutorial! J JOESYR SENIOR MEMBER Feb 7, 2012 242 86 * May 11, 2012 * * #16 Hi, I just recently set out to teach myself making flashable zips and this was one of the more helpful guides that I found. Especially helps that it's for my phone, which eliminates a good chunk of confusion, and that it's recent, since a lot of guides that I've found seem to be a bit outdated. However, you don't say anything about setting permissions and that's the topic that I've had the most trouble finding clear documentation for. I see it included enough that I figure that it's good practice to cover any time you're pushing files with a flash, instead of just assuming that you can run fix permissions afterwards out of habit. Without a background working with linux permissions this was all a lot to absorb, and googling terms was frustratingly unhelpful, but hopefully this goes on to help someone else. Syntax: Code: set_perm (UID, GID, MODE, "PATH"); set_perm_recursive(UID, GID, DIRMODE, FILEMODE, "PATH"); So, I think I get this, but the UID and GID aspects, and the leading digit of mode still leaves me feeling like I can do this right, but not fully understand why. Here's what I'm working with: -UID and GID set the ownership of the file/directory. List of options in android found here: http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=Android_UIDs_and_GIDs I've only ever seen this specified as 0 (root access) or 1000 (system access) in examples I've opened to look at. I'm not sure I entirely understand when to use 1000, but it seems like a good rule of thumb that pushing anything to a dir that usually requires root to access, set to 0. -MODE is summed up nicely here, and it seems like for the most part you want to use a leading 0, or omit it (leave settings as is). -And then path is just the file or directory in question. Multiple paths can be specified in the same command if desired. So in general, a zip that pushes a file to an existing directory should include a line in the installer-script that sets the right permissions. Android seems to keep things pretty simple, so chances are you can browse to the directory and just check the permissions for anything there and use them. For example, everything in /system/app is set to rw-r--r--, which is 644. So if you wanted to push a file to /system/app, you'd use this: Code: set_perm (0, 0, 0644, "/system/app/[filename]"); . If you are pushing multiple files to /system/app, you could use this: Code: set_perm (0, 0, 0644 "/system/app/[filename1]", "system/app/[filename2]"); Edit: I'm not sure I see an easy way to use set_perm_recursive to just cover all bases unless you're dealing with a folder that you know has only one uniform permission setting across the board (such as /system/app or /data/app). But if you're pushing a bunch of system apps, for example, you could use this: Code: set_perm_recursive (0, 0, 0755, 0644 "/system/app"); and it should have the same effect on the /system/app folder as just running fix permissions in recovery would do. If I have anything wrong here please let me know. Gonna go tinker with it and try to make a working zip now as a test. Last edited: May 12, 2012 * Reactions: Diliban and wilskywalker WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * May 12, 2012 * * #17 > JoeSyr said: > Hi, I just recently set out to teach myself making flashable zips and this was > one of the more helpful guides that I found. Especially helps that it's for my > phone, which eliminates a good chunk of confusion, and that it's recent, since > a lot of guides that I've found seem to be a bit outdated. > > However, you don't say anything about setting permissions and that's the topic > that I've had the most trouble finding clear documentation for... > > ...If I have anything wrong here please let me know. Gonna go tinker with it > and try to make a working zip now as a test. > Click to expand... > Click to collapse Ahh, permissions, this is my next set of commands in post #2. I really don't understand the whole permissions thing currently, so was having trouble writing it in simple terms for all to understand...if that makes sense!? If you are happy, I would like to include your findings in the second post with all the commands (I may re-word/re-order etc for clarity as we learn more) I will of course credit you for all your help!? I am literally trying to learn about setting permissions currently as well so its great to collaborate, this was what I was hoping for when I started this tutorial. WILSKYWALKER SENIOR MEMBER Dec 30, 2009 319 413 * May 12, 2012 * * #18 Ok, I have been researching Android file permissions and commands all afternoon, there really is not much documentation to be found. I have found the info I think I need to add this to my tutorial, just need to make sense of it myself first and put it in some sort of understandable order! Big update coming soon... J JOESYR SENIOR MEMBER Feb 7, 2012 242 86 * May 12, 2012 * * #19 > wilskywalker said: > Ahh, permissions, this is my next set of commands in post #2. I really don't > understand the whole permissions thing currently, so was having trouble > writing it in simple terms for all to understand...if that makes sense!? > > If you are happy, I would like to include your findings in the second post > with all the commands (I may re-word/re-order etc for clarity as we learn > more) I will of course credit you for all your help!? > > I am literally trying to learn about setting permissions currently as well so > its great to collaborate, this was what I was hoping for when I started this > tutorial. > > > Click to expand... > Click to collapse Yes by all means feel copy and/or adapt anything I've written, and if I give the impression that I know what I'm talking about I'm happy to try and explain things as well. I'll let you decide for yourself how much of an explanation you want to include in your guide, personally I'm going through and teaching myself a lot here, but I think I've just about figured out what you *need to know* to use the set_perm function in edify. You basically need one tool and the ability to do basic math in your head: -Use Root Explorer to find the UID, GID, and permissions for a file. Permissions are the string that looks like some variation on 'rwxr-xr--' next to each file. Long press and choose "change owner" to get the UID and GID. You just want the number next to "owner" and "group", respectively. -If you're replacing a file, look up these settings for the existing copy and use them. If you're adding a file, just find a file that does the same functions and copy what it has (for example, installing an app to /system/app? Just look at these settings for any other app in that directory). -The permission string is a nine-character string. It is rwx repeated three times, each of which stands for one number. Within each rwx block, read r as 4, w as 2, and x as 1. A dash indicates 0 instead of whichever number. So, learn to read rwxrwxrwx as (4+2+1)|(4+2+1)|(4+2+1)=777; rwxr-xr-- is (4+2+1)|(4+0+1)|(4+0+0)=754, etc. This is what you enter for MODE, with one additional note: -MODE is technically a 4-bit string, but the first bit is special and can be omitted. I've looked around, and have yet to find a single file on my phone that has anything set for the first bit. For good practice, I think it's safe to assume you can always use a leading 0 unless you know otherwise for something specific. Or, just use a 3-digit MODE, which says to leave those settings as they are (disabled by default). (I.e. 0644=644). As another note, I personally use ES File Explorer w/ root access in my day-to-day tasks because I like the interface, but it will not give you UID or GID, or let you chance these settings. For really understanding why this is all done this way, I think it helps to really get a grasp for why linux permissions work the way that they do (read this page) and how they are manipulated (this page). Then, consider that a lot of that is built on the assumption that there are multiple humans in the same environment, but android is built on the premise of one person and their phone. Security is largely reduced to limiting the abilities of apps (which all get their own user id, as though apps are a bunch of people signing into computers and trying to look at each others' files). Groups are pre-defined here, and the usual setup is that apps get to effectively request group permissions when installed, otherwise most things in userland don't get access to much other than writing and reading the sdcard. Sort of makes you appreciate the work done to get phones rooted and turn them from a pallet of pre-defined actions set by OEMs into real computers. * Reactions: espeon, strumcat, Diliban and 1 other person NEXUS.PRIME SENIOR MEMBER Mar 14, 2012 360 120 * May 14, 2012 * * #20 > wilskywalker said: > ... > > Format a partition: > > To format a partition you need to use the following syntax: > > > Code: > > format("filesystem-type", "partition-type", "device-specific-location", "0"); > > > Example: > > > Code: > > format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "0"); > > > Some scripts include the "0" and some do not, not sure exactly on the function > difference when included or not, again clarification would be great. > > ... > Click to expand... > Click to collapse How to format boot? There is no that menu in CWM and TWRP * 1 * 2 * 3 * … GO TO PAGE Go * 16 Next 1 of 16 GO TO PAGE Go Next Last You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit WhatsApp Email Share Link SIMILAR THREADS L Post your Galaxy Nexus home screens * leafkicker * Nov 18, 2011 716 717 718 Replies 14K Views 4M O Nov 2, 2015 ohussain * Locked [RECOVERY] [GN] [maguro] ClockworkMod Recovery + Nightlies [Flashable Zip] * osm0sis * Jul 7, 2012 77 78 79 Replies 2K Views 636K Jan 5, 2015 osm0sis [KERNEL] [TUNA] [3.0.80+] [4.2.x] [SKL v256 - KUBO r50^] [30/05] AK * ak * Sep 12, 2012 1576 1577 1578 Replies 32K Views 3M S Feb 25, 2015 Sik-1 [KERNEL] [GPL] [GN] franco.Kernel r398 * franciscofranco * Nov 29, 2011 2262 2263 2264 Replies 45K Views 8M C Feb 24, 2020 Ctzokas [SOFTKEYS] Zenyth Keys v3 - The SEXIEST keys EVER! [FLASHABLE ZIP+ZIPTHEMER][ICS/JB] * arzbhatia * May 23, 2012 42 43 44 Replies 870 Views 252K Jan 30, 2015 condor97 * Home * Forums * Samsung * Samsung Galaxy Nexus ••• BREADCRUMB Home Forums Samsung Samsung Galaxy Nexus TOP LIKED POSTS 24 Hours All time * There are no posts matching your filters. * 123 wilskywalker [TUTORIAL] Making Flashable ZIPs, EDIFY Script, ZIP Signing & Key Creation [19.01.13] Recent Updates: Command Line Edify Script Tester, Further 'update-binary' info clarification, helpful links, additional credits. post#1 Hi all, In the process of creating my [BOOTANIMATIONS - LINKS & INFO] thread I realised I needed to know more about how boot animations worked, as by default people tend to ask questions in that type of thread, so I wanted to be able to help. This meant I came across the problem of creating flash-able ZIP files and Edify scripting and in the interests of sharing and helping this great community I would like to share what I have found and hopefully learn more through discussion, I certainly am no expert and am always willing to learn. I have checked xda and various other websites whilst reseraching for this post and there is nothing that really explains all the basic concepts to just get up and running, also a lot of threads are quite old and focus on the old Amend scripting syntax or are a confusing mixture of the two. I hope this helps people get started and that we can all collaborate to make this a thread a source of valuable information. Contents: Post #1: Tutorials Post #2: Edify Commands ***Please, if there are any mistakes on this thread then let me know what I have done incorrectly in reply to this post and I will update the thread to correct it*** ***As always, I accept no responsibiltiy for your handset, you modify it at your own risk, nobody is forcing you...be aware you can seriously bork your phone by flashing its internal partitions! Always make a nandroid back-up and think before you flash!*** ***Have you made a nandroid back-up...no? Then make one!!*** You will need the following: Android SDK, ADB & Fastboot set up for your handset. Notepad++ [LINK] 7zip [LINK] Setting up your zip directories: you will need to create the following folder structure (these are case sensitive): Code: /META-INF/com/google/android All flash-able zips include this file structure, the final folder 'android' will contain two files: Code: update-binary updater-script update-binary: I have been unable to find much information on the update-binary file other than they seem to be chip set specific (if anyone can shed further light on these I will include it here). For the sake of compatibility I have attached the update binary from the latest CyanogenMod Nightlies for the maguro at the bottom of this thread - You can of course download the latest nightly and extract the update-binary file yourself as the attached one will obviously begin to date (all credit to the great devs at CyanogenMod for this, many thanks). Update: For more detailed info on the update binary you can find the sources in the bootable/recovery/updater directory at AndroidXRef here: [ xref: /bootable/recovery/updater/ ]. There is also an edify directory which looks like it handles the parsing of the script. Obviously with the sources there's nothing to stop you extending syntax/functionality should you wish given the fact the each zip comes with its own version. It will also help you understand how signature checking is handled. Update II: For anybody having problems flashing it is worth ensuring you have an up to date version of the update-binary (obviously the one attached to this thread will gradually become out of date). It is advisable to use the update-binary from the latest OTA image for your device, these images can be found in the following link: Official Google OTA update URLs - efrant updater-script: This we can create ourselves, to ensure it works properly we will use Notepad++. Open Notepad++ and start a new file, with the following settings: Format: Unix Encoding: ANSI Default Language: Normal Text Save this file as: File name: updater-script File type: All types (*.*) You can now edit this file, add the following text: Code: [COLOR="Red"]assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "maguro" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "maguro");[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("confirming device maguro");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("success");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("mounting system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("updating system files");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]package_extract_dir("system", "/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("unmounting system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]unmount("/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print("by yourusername");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(0.200000, 5);[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] ***EMPTY LINE*** Ok, I've colour coded this so we can break it down, the lines of code in RED are the actual commands, everything else is cosmetic. assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "maguro" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "maguro"); This is checking you are flashing the correct handset, this is not a requirement, but is best practice. Just insert another device name in the place of "maguro" if you so wish, or remove the command all together. mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system"); This is the specific mount point for the maguro system partition, if you wish to flash a different partition, data for instance you can get the mount points for your device by entering the following code over ADB: Code: adb shell "mount > /sdcard/PHONENAME_mountinfo.txt" This will place a text file on your sdcard with the mount points for your specific device (remember to swap 'PHONENAME' with your device name e.g. 'maguro') package_extract_dir("system", "/system"); This command extracts the files you wish to flash from the zip and flashes them to the phone, it is formatted as follows ("package-path", "/destination-path"). So for this example you are telling it to flash everything from the 'system' folder in your zip to the /system partition of your handset. You can obviously change these values for different partitions. unmount("/system"); This simply unmounts whatever partition you previously mounted. ui_print(" "); Shows text in the recovery whilst the flash is ongoing, you can put whatever you please between the speech marks, you must leave a space if you wish to have a blank line. show_progress(0.200000, 5); Controls what the progress bar in the background is displaying, it is formatted as follows (fragment, seconds). ***EMPTY LINE*** This is not actually text, you simply need to leave a blank line at the end of your script before you save it for it to work. FYI, this means in fact your script could look like this and still work: Code: [COLOR="Green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]show_progress(1.000000, 30);[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]package_extract_dir("system", "/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]unmount("/system");[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]ui_print(" ");[/COLOR] ***EMPTY LINE*** But that just isn't that pretty, or as deceptively complicated lol! Make sure you save your edify script. Files to flash: You now need to create a further folder, this needs to be named based on where within the system you are flashing, for the sake of this example we are flashing to the system partition, so: Code: /META-INF/com/google/android /system/app Place whatever files you wish to flash within this file e.g: Code: /META-INF/com/google/android /system/app/nameofapp.apk Creating your .zip file: Select both of your top directories and their contents 'META-INF' and 'system' and package them into a .zip file with 7zip using the following settings: Archive: name_of_your_file Archive Format: zip Compression level: Store Update mode: Add and replace files And there you have it, your very own flash-able .zip file. I have attached an example flashable .zip file that includes this updater-script and the above mentioned CM update-binary. How to sign your update.zip: You don't actually need to sign your zip file for it to work as most custom recoveries now support unsigned zips, for aspiring developers and the more cautious among us though, here is how. You will need to download the following files: SignApk [LINK] Java JDK (Java Development Kit) & JRE (Java Runtime Environment) [LINK] Install Java JRE and JDK and restart your PC. You then need to create a folder in the root of your c:\ drive named 'signapk' and extract the contents of the SignApk download (signapk.jar, key.pk8, certificate.pem) to this folder. Place your .zip file into the same folder and then open cmd line. Input the following commands (remeber to change the name of 'myupdate.zip' to the name of your file and 'myupdate-signed.zip' to whatever you want your resulting .zip to be named): Code: cd\signapk\ java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 c:\signapk\myupdate.zip myupdate-signed.zip You should find that you now have the the following files in your 'META-INF' folder: CERT.RSA, CERT.SF, MANIFEST.MF This can also to be used to sign .apk files using the below command (same stipulations for file name changing applies as above): Code: java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 c:\signapk\myapplication.apk myapplication-signed.apk How to create your own private signing key & certificate: You will need the following download: OpenSSL [LINK] The above signapk file includes test keys, if you want to create your own private keys for signing, here's what you need to do. As before extract the OpenSSL files to a folder in the root of your c:\ drive, preferably named 'openssl' for ease of cmd line navigation. Then input the following: Code: cd\openssl\ openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024 openssl req -new -key key.pem -out request.pem openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in request.pem -signkey key.pem -out certificate.pem openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in key.pem -inform PEM -out key.pk8 -nocrypt You can then replace 'key.pk8' & 'certificate.pem' with your own files. I really hope this has helped folks out, if so please consider hitting the 'Thanks' button! Happy flashing! Testing your script before you flash: If you would like to test if your script commands are valid and will run properly on your PC first before you use them on your handset, therefore removing the fear of borking your current install/handset in the process then head to this post: Command Line Edify Script Tester by: trevd This great tool developed by trevd currently has the following features: Validates function name. Validates function parameter count. It is available for Linux and Windows, so head over and check it out. Be sure to click trevd's thanks button if you find this useful. Other helpful links & threads: xda-developers: Edify script language wiki Edify scripts in CWM recovery by: NFHimself Phandroid - Edify Script Language Reference by: Koumajutsu Introduction to edify updater script by: kurotsugi Intelligent EDIFY updater-script - (Decides things during flash) by: lotherius Credits: CyanogenMod for (update-binary) Lorenz's Blog for (SignAPK & Info) JoeSyr for (Help with File Permissions) efrant for (Help with various commands) trevd for (further update-binary clarification and source links) osm0sis for (Helpful info & forum links & help with update-binary info) Apr 21, 2012 View 73 wilskywalker Edify Scripting Commands I would like to try and put together a guide to Edify scripting commands and what their function is to compliment my above tutorial, I hope again we can all collaborate to make this a helpful source of information to all budding devs...we all have to start somewhere right!? ***Please, if there are any mistakes in this post or if you can help by adding further info please post below, thanks*** Ok... Check you are flashing the correct device: Code: assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "maguro" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "maguro" || getprop("ro.product.board") == "maguro"); This will check your device is showing the correct name in the build.prop, in this case "maguro", you can obviously replace this with your device name. To explain this a little further, you have told the script to check certain properties within your 'build.prop' file located in your /system folder. The above command ensures the following categories have the correct definitions before proceeding with the flash: Code: ro.product.device= ro.build.product= ro.product.board= Here are the main build properties within your build.prop: Code: ro.build.id= ro.build.display.id= ro.build.version.incremental= ro.build.version.sdk= ro.build.version.codename= ro.build.version.release= ro.build.date= ro.build.date.utc= ro.build.type= ro.build.user= ro.build.host= ro.build.tags= ro.product.model= ro.product.brand= ro.product.name= ro.product.device= ro.product.board= ro.product.cpu.abi= ro.product.cpu.abi2= ro.product.manufacturer= ro.product.locale.language= ro.product.locale.region= ro.wifi.channels= ro.board.platform= ro.build.description= ro.build.fingerprint= ro.build.characteristics= ro.cm.device= Print text in the recovery during flashing process: Code: ui_print("Your text here"); Code: ui_print(" "); This simply prints a line of text in the recovery, it has no actual effect on the flashing process, if you want a blank line just leave a blank space as the second example. Controlling the progress bar: I believe I understand this correctly, if not please do post below with further clarification. Code: show_progress(0.000000, 0); or Code: set_progress(0.000000); You have two choices when controlling the progress bar, the first example allows you to define fractions of the progress bar and how long they will take to fill. The second example just allows you to specify that the bar fills to a certain fraction at whatever point during the flashing process. The command is defined as: (progress bar fraction, duration in seconds to fill defined fraction); For example the following code lines interspersed with your other commands would fill a fifth of the progress bar every five seconds: Code: show_progress(0.200000, 5); ui_print(" "); show_progress(0.200000, 5); ui_print(" "); show_progress(0.200000, 5); ui_print(" "); show_progress(0.200000, 5); ui_print(" "); show_progress(0.200000, 5); This process will only complete if the script takes long enough to flash, therefore you need to be aware of what you are actually flashing and how long it will take when defining these values. If you wish to just define a fraction without fill without a time scale you can use the following command: Code: set_progress(0.000000); It is also best practice to include this element in your scripts as it will reassure people that their handset hasn't frozen during a flash. Mount/Unmount a partition: To mount a partition you need to use the following syntax: Code: mount("filesystem-type", "partition-type", "device-specific-location", "mount-point"); filesystem-type: "ext4" or "yaffs2" (maguro is ext4) partition-type: "EMMC" or "MTD" (maguro is EMMC) location: Device specific address mount-point: /system etc So far I have managed to define the following Maguro specific mount points: Code: "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/userdata", "/data" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/cache", "/cache" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/efs" "/factory" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/userdata", "/mnt/sdcard" "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot" Example command would be: Code: mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system"); I have taken these mount points from the file output by the maguro when you enter the following adb command: Code: adb shell "mount > /sdcard/maguro_mountinfo.txt" I have to admit I am a little in the dark about the "/factory" partition, any info would be greatly appreciated! To unmount a partition you need to input the following command: Code: unmount("/system"); Obviously replace the mount partition with whatever partition you are working in. Format a partition: To format a partition you need to use the following syntax: Code: format("filesystem-type", "partition-type", "device-specific-location", "0"); Example: Code: format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "0"); Some scripts include the "0" and some do not, not sure exactly on the function difference when included or not, again clarification would be great. Flashing the contents of your ZIP file: To flash an entire directory: Code: package_extract_dir("system", "/system"); To flash a single file: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot"); These commands are structured as follows: Entire directory: ("zipfileSource", "destination-partition"); Single File: ("file", "device-specific-mountpoint"); Deleting folders & files: You can delete multiple folders or files using just one command, as follows: To delete files: Code: delete("file-path-1", "file-path-2", "file-path-3); To delete folders/directories: Code: delete_recursive("directory-path-1", "directory-path-2", "directory-path-3"); Setting Permissions Here are the basics for setting permissions. If you want to research the reasons behind this, there is some useful information on Linux permissions here: chmod wiki, linuxquestions.org linux wiki. Thanks to JoeSyr for his input and help understanding this section of the tutorial. Set permissions of a file or set of files: Code: set_perm(uid, gid, mode, "filepath1", "filepath2") Example: Code: set_perm(0, 0, 06755, "/system/xbin/su"); uid - user id gid - group id mode - permission mode filepath... - file to set permission on Set permissions of a directory or set of directories and all files and folders within them: Code: set_perm_recursive(uid, gid, dirmode, filemode, "dirpath1", "dirpath2") Example: Code: set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system"); uid - user id gid - group id dirmode - permission to set to directories contained within the specified directory filemode - permission to set to files contained within the specified directory dirpath... - directory to set permission on Permissions syntax explained...so I can understand it lol (if I do then anyone can!): The following are the pre-defined Android UID's & GID's. Taken from the following link: Android UIDs and GIDs Code: AID_ROOT 0 /* traditional unix root user */ AID_SYSTEM 1000 /* system server */ AID_RADIO 1001 /* telephony subsystem, RIL */ AID_BLUETOOTH 1002 /* bluetooth subsystem */ AID_GRAPHICS 1003 /* graphics devices */ AID_INPUT 1004 /* input devices */ AID_AUDIO 1005 /* audio devices */ AID_CAMERA 1006 /* camera devices */ AID_LOG 1007 /* log devices */ AID_COMPASS 1008 /* compass device */ AID_MOUNT 1009 /* mountd socket */ AID_WIFI 1010 /* wifi subsystem */ AID_ADB 1011 /* android debug bridge (adbd) */ AID_INSTALL 1012 /* group for installing packages */ AID_MEDIA 1013 /* mediaserver process */ AID_DHCP 1014 /* dhcp client */ AID_SHELL 2000 /* adb and debug shell user */ AID_CACHE 2001 /* cache access */ AID_DIAG 2002 /* access to diagnostic resources */ /* The 3000 series are intended for use as supplemental group id's only. */ /* They indicate special Android capabilities that the kernel is aware of. */ AID_NET_BT_ADMIN 3001 /* bluetooth: create any socket */ AID_NET_BT 3002 /* bluetooth: create sco, rfcomm or l2cap sockets */ AID_INET 3003 /* can create AF_INET and AF_INET6 sockets */ AID_NET_RAW 3004 /* can create raw INET sockets */ AID_MISC 9998 /* access to misc storage */ AID_NOBODY 9999 AID_APP 10000 /* first app user */ "root", AID_ROOT "system", AID_SYSTEM "radio", AID_RADIO "bluetooth", AID_BLUETOOTH "graphics", AID_GRAPHICS "input", AID_INPUT "audio", AID_AUDIO "camera", AID_CAMERA "log", AID_LOG "compass", AID_COMPASS "mount", AID_MOUNT "wifi", AID_WIFI "dhcp", AID_DHCP "adb", AID_ADB "install", AID_INSTALL "media", AID_MEDIA "shell", AID_SHELL "cache", AID_CACHE "diag", AID_DIAG "net_bt_admin", AID_NET_BT_ADMIN "net_bt", AID_NET_BT "inet", AID_INET "net_raw", AID_NET_RAW "misc", AID_MISC "nobody", AID_NOBODY You will need to also understand the way file permissions are represented: Example = drwxrwxrwx -Use Root Explorer to find the UID, GID, and permissions for a file. Permissions are the string that looks like some variation on 'rwxr-xr--' next to each file. Long press and choose "change owner" to get the UID and GID. You just want the number next to "owner" and "group", respectively. -If you're replacing a file, look up these settings for the existing copy and use them. If you're adding a file, just find a file that does the same functions and copy what it has (for example, installing an app to /system/app? Just look at these settings for any other app in that directory). -MODE is technically a 4-bit string, but the first character can be omitted. There doesn't seem to be any android file permissions with the first character set. For good practice, I think it's safe to assume you can always use a leading 0 unless you know otherwise for something specific. Or, just use a 3-digit MODE, which says to leave those settings as they are (disabled by default). (I.e. 0644=644). The next 9 characters define the file permissions. These permissions are given in groups of 3 each. The first 3 characters are the permissions for the owner of the file or directory. Example = -rwx------ The next 3 are permissions for the group that the file is owned by. Example = ----rwx--- The final 3 characters define the access permissions for everyone not part of the group. Example = -------rwx There are 3 possible attributes that make up file access permissions. r - Read permission. Whether the file may be read. In the case of a directory* this would mean the ability to list the contents of the directory. w - Write permission. Whether the file may be written to or modified. For a directory* this defines whether you can make any changes to the contents of the directory. If write permission is not set then you will not be able to delete* rename or create a file. x - Execute permission. Whether the file may be executed. In the case of a directory* this attribute decides whether you have permission to enter* run a search through that directory or execute some program from that directory You set these permissions using the following binary based numerical system: Code: 0: --- No Permissions (the user(s) cannot do anything) 1: --x Execute Only (the user(s) can only execute the file) 2: -w- Write Only (the user(s) can only write to the file) 3: -wx Write and Execute Permissions 4: r-- Read Only 5: r-x Read and Execute Permissions 6: rw- Read and Write Permissions 7: rwx Read, Write and Execute Permissions Default Linux permissions: For Files: "Read" means to be able to open and view the file "Write" means to overwrite or modify the file "eXecute" means to run the file as a binary For Directories: "Read" means to be able to view the contents of the directory "Write" means to be able to create new files/directories within the directory "eXecute" means to be able to "Change Directory" (cd) into the directory Most of the time you set "Read" and "eXecute" together on directories (kind of useless when set by themselves) Interestingly through further research it seems this system is based on the Octal Binary system...I may be wrong... Code: Octal Binary is also easily converted to the octal numeral system, since octal uses a radix of 8, which is a power of two (namely, 23, so it takes exactly three binary digits to represent an octal digit). The correspondence between octal and binary numerals is the same as for the first eight digits of hexadecimal in the table above. Binary 000 is equivalent to the octal digit 0, binary 111 is equivalent to octal 7, and so forth. Octal Binary 0 000 1 001 2 010 3 011 4 100 5 101 6 110 7 111 Converting from octal to binary proceeds in the same fashion as it does for hexadecimal: 658 = 110 1012 178 = 001 1112 And from binary to octal: 1011002 = 101 1002 grouped = 548 100112 = 010 0112 grouped with padding = 238 And from octal to decimal: 658 = (6 × 81) + (5 × 80) = (6 × 8) + (5 × 1) = 5310 1278 = (1 × 82) + (2 × 81) + (7 × 80) = (1 × 64) + (2 × 8) + (7 × 1) = 8710 Flash boot partition This uses the following command but with some caveats: Code: write_raw_image("path to boot.img", "boot"); An example of this commands use would be to flash a custom kernel, as far as I can tell though you need to place the boot.img in a temp file before the actual flash (clarification on this would be helpful). You would therefore use the following commands as part of your edify script: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img","/tmp/boot.img"); write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "device-specific-boot-partition-mount-point"); delete("/tmp/boot.img"); It seems this may only be for specific handsets though e.g HTC, having looked through quite a few updater-script files from maguro zips it seems this can just be flashed directly with the following command: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot"); Many thanks for further clarification on this particular command from efrant below: I feel more comfortable using something like this: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img", "/tmp/boot.img"); run_program("/sbin/busybox", "dd", "if=/tmp/radio.img", "of=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot"); delete("/tmp/boot.img") The second line is using the "dd" command to flash the image. The dd command (included in busybox) is: Code: dd if=xxx of=yyy where xxx is the source image/partition and yyy is the target image/partition. So, for example, to flash a radio image stored in /sdcard called xxlf1.img to a GNex, it would be: Code: busybox dd if=/sdcard/xxlf1.img of=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/radio (I've added "busybox" the the beginning, just to be explicit.) So, to put it in edify format, it becomes: Code: run_program("/sbin/busybox", "dd", "if=/sdcard/xxlf1.img", "of=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/radio"); However, as I said, I believe your one line: Code: package_extract_file("boot.img", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot"); would work. Further Commands: In progress... So, this is by no means an exhaustive list and I would appreciate it that if I have made any mistakes people make me aware in this thread and I can update this tutorial. I would also like to add further commands and their uses, if people can provide more I will add them too. I hope this helps people out! Many thanks! Apr 21, 2012 View 28 T trevd Hi Folks ( Again ) I figured that I just couldn't throw the idea of a test app out there and not do anything about it , So I did a little hacking around with the updater-binary code and stripped everything out apart from the script-parsing and validation and I like to introduce the edify_checker v0.1 ( Not Even Close To BETA ). Feature's: Validates function name. Validates function parameter count. And that's it, for the moment but I figured it was something to be going on with..... I've built a windows version and linux version, I tested the windows one on a win7 vm. It's a command line app, so windows users, do whatever you do to run command line applications! Usage : edify_checker <path_to_updater-script> Example outputs: 1 Invalid Argument Code Code: C:\Users\test>edify_checker.exe c:\users\test\updater-script edify syntax checker v0.1 Opening Script File:c:\users\test\updater-script File size:1711 bytes validating function names validating function parameters script aborted: ui_print() expects at least 1 arg, got 0 2 Unknown Function Name Code: test@test:/home/test $ ./edify_checker /home/test/scripts/updater-script edify syntax checker v0.1 Opening Script File:upater-script File size:1887 bytes validating function names line 3 col 35: unknown function "uiprint" 1 parse errors 3. Parsed Successfully Code: edify syntax checker v0.1 Opening Script File:upater-script File size:1887 bytes validating function names validating function parameters script result was [] As I mentioned this is still a very early build, I've got a couple of ideas of where I can take this to feature wise but I'd be open to suggestion, feature ideas etc. I think being able to simulate different device environments would be useful, i.e mount points, build properties , disk sizes etc, basically any variables which affect how an update executes....... Finally Here's the link to the github source tree, https://github.com/trevd/android_external_edify_checker, if anyone wants to get involved. Dec 30, 2012 View 7 T trevd Hi Folks. Figure I may as well share this cheeky little number I was playing around with Code: package_extract_dir("bin","/tmp"); package_extract_dir("patches","/tmp"); set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/tmp/busybox"); set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/tmp/unpack-bootimg"); set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/tmp/mkbootimg"); set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/tmp/cpio-ramdisk.sh"); set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/tmp/cpio-pack-ramdisk.sh"); run_program("/tmp/busybox", "dd", "if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2", "of=/tmp/boot.img"); run_program("/tmp/unpack-bootimg", "-i","/tmp/boot.img","-o","/tmp"); run_program("/tmp/busybox", "gunzip","-d", "/tmp/ramdisk.cpio.gz"); run_program("/tmp/busybox", "mkdir","/tmp/ramdisk"); run_program("/tmp/cpio-ramdisk.sh", "/tmp/ramdisk","/tmp/ramdisk.cpio"); run_program("/tmp/busybox", "patch","-p1","-i","/tmp/default.prop.patch","/tmp/ramdisk/default.prop"); run_program("/tmp/busybox", "patch","-p1","-i","/tmp/ueventd.grouper.rc.patch","/tmp/ramdisk/ueventd.grouper.rc"); run_program("/tmp/cpio-pack-ramdisk.sh", "/tmp/ramdisk","/tmp/new-ramdisk.cpio.gz"); run_program("/tmp/mkbootimg", "--ramdisk","/tmp/new-ramdisk.cpio.gz","--kernel","/tmp/kernel","-o","/tmp/newboot.img"); run_program("/tmp/busybox", "dd", "of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2", "if=/tmp/newboot.img"); This script demonstrates an on device method of updating the boot image ramdisk' while leave the kernel untouched, it uses standard patch files. The main gain here is if folks are using custom kernels they can still apply the update without too much fuss. [ devhost ] | [goo.im] Here is an example which applies the insecure boot image patch to the nexus-7 grouper ramdisk , feel free to reuse the binaries for you own evil deeds! :laugh: This being said I wouldn't be surprised if the apply_patch edify function is doing something similar with the .p files It's probably something we should get an handle on because that may well do in one line what I've demonstrated here, I think there some code and tools in the AOSP source tree which create will create ota's given 2 update zips, I see if I can find some documentation on it. :good: Jan 19, 2013 View 5 T trevd > wilskywalker said: > That seems like a great idea, it would be a really useful tool for people > learning what all the commands do without worrying about borking their > phone in the test process!! > Click to expand... > Click to collapse Well I did make a little progress as I had an impending need to test an update script. so I set myself up a cheeky schroot on my linux install and hacked it a bit to run the android sh command ( compiled for x86, obviously) as it's login shell. This gave me a clean root tree to test with on my desktop.... Obviously this is a Linux only solution, but It does the job of testing pretty well. Somewhat bizzarely, given my contributions to this thread, I rarely do anything with edify and update zips so my personal motivation to go any further isn't that great, I'm not seeking any glory ( or support burden ) that goes with releasing and maintaining these sort of tools. I'm just not that dev. , this was more just something I thought about while having a cig under the stars LOL If you're using window, however , I'll look into a windows compatible version of the updater binary, just let me know, although I make no promises. It could probably be combined with cygwin or someone could take the reins with a .Net UI wrapper or whatever. As a little christmas treat I've attached the contents recovery based ramdisk for x86, contains busybox, a statically linked version of androids toolbox, the updater and cwm recovery. The contents can be used in combination with an x86 android kernel and grub2, The binaries are also good to go on any linux installation that supports executing 32bit binaries. Just for sh*ts and giggles you can even run full cwm from within linux :laugh: Basically you just need to make the framebuffer device in the right location > sudo mkdir /dev/graphics > sudo mknod /dev/graphics/fb0 c 29 0 # makes a framebuffer that cwm wants > sudo <path to recovery> > Click to expand... > Click to collapse You need the /res directory in your rootfs and this will wipeout your /etc/fstab ( it back's it up to /etc/fstab~ ), which is not good if you've not chroot'd Anyway I digress, but I thought I share this bit a hackery nonesense. :good: Dec 25, 2012 View NEW POSTS * UPDATE ROM AC8227L - Android JCAC10003-OC2-V1.0.04R7-211119_1742 * Latest: AmboJx1 * 1 minute ago Android Head-Units * Oneui port salvo thanks to @corsicanu * Latest: salvo_port * 2 minutes ago Xiaomi Redmi S2 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other * N Question Poco F5 Pro Serious Error * Latest: Nos430s * 2 minutes ago Poco F5 Pro / Redmi K60 (China) * A General Nothing Phone (1) [ ROM ][ OTA ][ Nothing OS ] Repo of Nothing OS * Latest: AnotherM1m * 2 minutes ago Nothing Phone 1 * i have LG velvet Lm-G900W i need androd 13 * Latest: babar989 * 3 minutes ago LG Velvet ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other Devel XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. 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