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Submitted URL: http://marketing.usbfund.com/e/890883/free-quote/c6z3w/714045425?h=uR5q6gblCurscuq983JyZm-oPX9zS-cFwnuvFCFNRws
Effective URL: https://www.usbfund.com/free-quote/
Submission: On April 27 via manual from NL — Scanned from NL

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GET https://www.usbfund.com/free-quote/

<form method="get" action="https://www.usbfund.com/free-quote/">
  <div class="section-title"> Need a Fast<strong>Business Loan?</strong> </div>
  <div class="section-content">
    <label>How much do you need?</label>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="medium-5 columns" data-role="fieldcontain">
        <input type="text" id="loan_price_text" class="price-output" readonly="" value="$10,000">
      <div class="medium-7 columns range_col">
        <div id="loan_price_range" class="noUi-target noUi-ltr noUi-horizontal noUi-background">
          <div class="noUi-base">
            <div class="noUi-origin" style="left: 0%;">
              <div class="noUi-handle noUi-handle-lower"></div>
    <label class="select">
      <select id="finance-options" name="finance-options">
        <!--                            	<option value="1">I want to buy new or used business equipment</option>				
                                                        	<option value="2">I want to Refinance debt</option>				
                                                        	<option value="3">I want to buy inventory to sell</option>				
                                                        	<option value="4">I want to hire new employees</option>				
                                                        	<option value="5">I need money for business taxes</option>				
                                                        	<option value="6">I want to create a bridge loan for a construction project</option>				
                                                        	<option value="7">I have another business expense</option>				
                                                        	<option value="8">Working Capital</option>				
        <option value="I want to buy new or used business equipment">I want to buy new or used business equipment</option>
        <option value="I want to Refinance debt">I want to Refinance debt</option>
        <option value="I want to buy inventory to sell">I want to buy inventory to sell</option>
        <option value="I want to hire new employees">I want to hire new employees</option>
        <option value="I need money for business taxes">I need money for business taxes</option>
        <option value="I want to create a bridge loan for a construction project">I want to create a bridge loan for a construction project</option>
        <option value="I have another business expense">I have another business expense</option>
    <h3>Estimated Payment</h3>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="medium-6 columns">
        <div class="price" id="estimated_payment_month"><strong>$198</strong> / month <span>for 60 months</span> </div>
        <div class="price hide" id="estimated_payment_week"><strong>$20</strong> / weekly <span>for 52 weeks</span> </div>
      <div class="medium-6 columns">
        <div class="estimate"> <!--<span>Estimate Details</span> --><sup>*</sup>Example only. Assumes strong credit. </div>
    <input type="hidden" value="10000.00" name="loan_value" id="loan_value">
    <input type="submit" class="button" value="Free Quote">

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      <li id="field_13_1" class="gfield gf_left_half gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_1">Total to be Financed<span
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_1" id="input_13_1" type="text" value="" class="medium" tabindex="1" placeholder="(please enter $ dollar value)" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"
      <li id="field_13_12" class="gfield gf_right_half gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_12">Gross Annual Sales<span
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_select"><select name="input_12" id="input_13_12" class="medium gfield_select" tabindex="2" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" data-parsley-group="block-0">
            <option value="" selected="selected">Select Gross Annual Sales Range</option>
            <option value="Less than 200k">Less than 200k</option>
            <option value="$200K - $500K">$200K - $500K</option>
            <option value="$500K - $850k">$500K - $850k</option>
            <option value="$850k - $2mm">$850k - $2mm</option>
            <option value="> $2mm">&gt; $2mm</option>
      <li id="field_13_11" class="gfield gf_left_half gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_11">Years in Business<span
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_select"><select name="input_11" id="input_13_11" class="medium gfield_select" tabindex="3" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" data-parsley-group="block-0">
            <option value="" selected="selected">Select number of years</option>
            <option value="Start up">Start up</option>
            <option value="1 - 2 Years">1 - 2 Years</option>
            <option value="3 - 4 Years">3 - 4 Years</option>
            <option value="5 - 6 Years">5 - 6 Years</option>
            <option value="7 - 8 Years">7 - 8 Years</option>
            <option value="9 - 10 Years">9 - 10 Years</option>
            <option value="10+ Years">10+ Years</option>
      <li id="field_13_16" class="gfield gf_right_half gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_16">Industry<span
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_select"><select name="input_16" id="input_13_16" class="medium gfield_select" tabindex="4" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" data-parsley-group="block-0">
            <option value="">(please select industry)</option>
            <option value="Accounting / Tax Prep">Accounting / Tax Prep</option>
            <option value="Agriculture">Agriculture</option>
            <option value="Apparel">Apparel</option>
            <option value="Automotive - Repair">Automotive - Repair</option>
            <option value="Automotive - Sales">Automotive - Sales</option>
            <option value="Biotechnology">Biotechnology</option>
            <option value="Chemicals">Chemicals</option>
            <option value="Communications">Communications</option>
            <option value="Construction">Construction</option>
            <option value="Consulting">Consulting</option>
            <option value="E-Commerce">E-Commerce</option>
            <option value="Education">Education</option>
            <option value="Electronics">Electronics</option>
            <option value="Energy">Energy</option>
            <option value="Engineering">Engineering</option>
            <option value="Entertainment">Entertainment</option>
            <option value="Environmental">Environmental</option>
            <option value="Finance">Finance</option>
            <option value="Financial Services">Financial Services</option>
            <option value="Food &amp; Beverage - Beer, Wine &amp; Spirits">Food &amp; Beverage - Beer, Wine &amp; Spirits</option>
            <option value="Food &amp; Beverage - Convenience Store">Food &amp; Beverage - Convenience Store</option>
            <option value="Food &amp; Beverage - Grocery">Food &amp; Beverage - Grocery</option>
            <option value="Food &amp; Beverage - Restaurant">Food &amp; Beverage - Restaurant</option>
            <option value="Food &amp; Beverage">Food &amp; Beverage</option>
            <option value="Healthcare – Provider">Healthcare – Provider</option>
            <option value="Healthcare – Supplier">Healthcare – Supplier</option>
            <option value="Healthcare - Other">Healthcare - Other</option>
            <option value="Home Repair">Home Repair</option>
            <option value="Hospitality">Hospitality</option>
            <option value="HVAC">HVAC</option>
            <option value="Insurance">Insurance</option>
            <option value="Landscaping">Landscaping</option>
            <option value="Laundry/ Dry Cleaning">Laundry/ Dry Cleaning</option>
            <option value="Machinery">Machinery</option>
            <option value="Manufacturing">Manufacturing</option>
            <option value="Media">Media</option>
            <option value="Not For Profit">Not For Profit</option>
            <option value="Professional Services">Professional Services</option>
            <option value="Recreation">Recreation</option>
            <option value="Retail">Retail</option>
            <option value="Shipping">Shipping</option>
            <option value="Sub-Contracting">Sub-Contracting</option>
            <option value="Technology">Technology</option>
            <option value="Telecommunications">Telecommunications</option>
            <option value="Transportation">Transportation</option>
            <option value="Utilities">Utilities</option>
            <option value="Veterinary">Veterinary</option>
            <option value="Wholesale">Wholesale</option>
            <option value="Other">Other</option>
      <li id="field_13_2" class="gfield gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_2">Intended Use<span class="gfield_required">*</span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_select"><select name="input_2" id="input_13_2" class="large gfield_select" tabindex="5" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" data-parsley-group="block-0">
            <option value="" selected="selected">(please select use)</option>
            <option value="Equipment Financing">Equipment Financing</option>
            <option value="I want to buy new or used business equipment">I want to buy new or used business equipment</option>
            <option value="I want to Refinance debt">I want to Refinance debt</option>
            <option value="I want to buy inventory to sell">I want to buy inventory to sell</option>
            <option value="I want to hire new employees">I want to hire new employees</option>
            <option value="I need money for business taxes">I need money for business taxes</option>
            <option value="I want to create a bridge loan for a construction project">I want to create a bridge loan for a construction project</option>
            <option value="I have another business expense">I have another business expense</option>
      <li id="field_13_3" class="gfield gf_left_half gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_3">First Name<span
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_3" id="input_13_3" type="text" value="" class="medium" tabindex="6" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" data-parsley-group="block-0"></div>
      <li id="field_13_4" class="gfield gf_right_half gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_4">Last Name<span
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_4" id="input_13_4" type="text" value="" class="medium" tabindex="7" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" data-parsley-group="block-0"></div>
      <li id="field_13_5" class="gfield gf_left_half gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_5">Phone<span class="gfield_required">*</span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_5" id="input_13_5" type="text" value="" class="medium" tabindex="8" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" data-parsley-group="block-0"></div>
      <li id="field_13_6" class="gfield gf_right_half gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_6">Email<span class="gfield_required">*</span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_6" id="input_13_6" type="text" value="" class="medium" tabindex="9" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" data-parsley-group="block-0"></div>
      <li id="field_13_7" class="gfield gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_13_7">Legal Business Name<span class="gfield_required">*</span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_7" id="input_13_7" type="text" value="" class="large" tabindex="10" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" data-parsley-group="block-0"></div>
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  <section id="step_1" class="steps-content-wrapper">
    <h4 style="margin:5px 0;">SMALL BUSINESS FINANCING</h4>
    <h2 style="font-size:3rem;margin:10px 0 10px;">Instant Application</h2>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="medium-4 columns">
          <h3>Total to be Financed</h3>
          <input type="text" class="dollar-sign" name="equipment_cost" id="equipment_cost" placeholder="(please enter $ dollar value)" value="" required="" data-parsley-group="block-1">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="columns">
          <h3>Intended Use</h3>
          <select name="intended_use" id="intended_use" class="placeholder" required="" data-parsley-group="block-1">
            <option value="">(please select use)</option>
            <option value="Equipment Financing">Equipment Financing</option>
            <option value="I want to buy new or used business equipment">I want to buy new or used business equipment</option>
            <option value="I want to Refinance debt">I want to Refinance debt</option>
            <option value="I want to buy inventory to sell">I want to buy inventory to sell</option>
            <option value="I want to hire new employees">I want to hire new employees</option>
            <option value="I need money for business taxes">I need money for business taxes</option>
            <option value="I want to create a bridge loan for a construction project">I want to create a bridge loan for a construction project</option>
            <option value="I have another business expense">I have another business expense</option>
            <option value="Working Captial">Working Captial</option>
      <div class="row hide" id="row_equipment_description">
        <div class="medium-12 columns">
          <h3>Equipment Description</h3>
          <input type="text" name="equipment_description" id="equipment_description" value="" data-parsley-group="block-1">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="medium-6 columns">
          <h3>First Name</h3>
          <input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" value="" required="" data-parsley-group="block-1">
        <div class="medium-6 columns">
          <h3>Last Name</h3>
          <input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" value="" required="" data-parsley-group="block-1">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="medium-6 columns">
          <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" value="" required="" data-parsley-group="block-1">
        <div class="medium-6 columns">
          <input type="email" name="email" id="email" value="" required="" data-parsley-group="block-1">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="medium-12 columns">
          <h3>Legal Business Name</h3>
          <input type="text" name="business_name" id="business_name" value="" required="" data-parsley-group="block-1">
      <hr class="m-t20">
  <section class="form-navigation" style="display:none;">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="medium-12 columns text-right">
        <div class="medium-9 columns">&nbsp;</div>
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          <input type="submit" class="hs-button" value="Submit" style="width:100%">
        <span class="clearfix"></span>

  <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Your Email">

Text Content

 * Home
 * About Us
 * Careers
 * Equipment Financing
   * Overview
   * Industries
   * Types Of Leases
   * Tax Calculator
   * FAQ
 * Working Capital
   * Working Capital Application
   * FAQ
 * Small Business Loans
 * Vendor Program
   * Get Started Now
   * Marketing Support
   * Revenue Sharing
   * FAQ
 * Blog
 * Apply Here
 * FAQ
 * Contact
 * Privacy Policy
 * Terms & Conditions
 * Equipment Financing
 * Email and Website Disclamer

Looking for a quick Business loan? Apply Here
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Need a FastBusiness Loan?
How much do you need?

I want to buy new or used business equipment I want to Refinance debt I want to
buy inventory to sell I want to hire new employees I need money for business
taxes I want to create a bridge loan for a construction project I have another
business expense


$198 / month for 60 months
$20 / weekly for 52 weeks
*Example only. Assumes strong credit.

 * 1.11 %
 * 24 Hour
 * 60 Second
 * $1 Billion




 * Total to be Financed*
 * Gross Annual Sales*
   Select Gross Annual Sales RangeLess than 200k$200K - $500K$500K - $850k$850k
   - $2mm> $2mm
 * Years in Business*
   Select number of yearsStart up1 - 2 Years3 - 4 Years5 - 6 Years7 - 8 Years9 -
   10 Years10+ Years
 * Industry*
   (please select industry)Accounting / Tax PrepAgricultureApparelAutomotive -
   RepairAutomotive -
   ServicesFood & Beverage - Beer, Wine & SpiritsFood & Beverage - Convenience
   StoreFood & Beverage - GroceryFood & Beverage - RestaurantFood &
   BeverageHealthcare – ProviderHealthcare – SupplierHealthcare - OtherHome
   RepairHospitalityHVACInsuranceLandscapingLaundry/ Dry
   CleaningMachineryManufacturingMediaNot For ProfitProfessional
 * Intended Use*
   (please select use)Equipment FinancingI want to buy new or used business
   equipmentI want to Refinance debtI want to buy inventory to sellI want to
   hire new employeesI need money for business taxesI want to create a bridge
   loan for a construction projectI have another business expense
 * First Name*
 * Last Name*
 * Phone*
 * Email*
 * Legal Business Name*
 * Español
    * Para Español, oprima aquí



*business. Only US based companies





(please select use) Equipment Financing I want to buy new or used business
equipment I want to Refinance debt I want to buy inventory to sell I want to
hire new employees I need money for business taxes I want to create a bridge
loan for a construction project I have another business expense Working Captial










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 * Terms & Conditions
 * Privacy Policy
 * Email and Website Disclamer
 * Do Not Sell My Personal Information
 * Short Term Financing
 * Working Capital Loans
 * Commercial Loans

Address: 1 MacArthur Place, suite #350
Santa Ana,
CA 92707

Phone: 1-800-475-9149

Email: info@usbfund.com

Landing Page Business Loans


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*Bank partners featured in these sites.

© 2022 US Business Funding
 * Allergy Principles and Practice, 2nd ed.
 * Children 5 to 11 years of age�50 mcg once a day.
 * It is not known whether trientine will harm an unborn baby.
 * The Complete Story of the Benzodiazepines (seventh ed.
 * The suspension should be whitish-gray in color.
 * This leaflet answers some common questions about Apidra.
 * This medicine can make you sunburn more easily.
 * Transactions of the American Neurological Association.
 * What Side Effects Are Associated with Adzenys XR-ODT?

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