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Submission: On September 10 via manual from KR — Scanned from DE

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A Powerful web scraper powered by LLM | OpenAI, Gemini & Ollama


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docker issue fixed
Sep 9, 2024
1008610Β Β·Β Sep 9, 2024


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Sep 3, 2024
current browser + gemini support added
Sep 3, 2024
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Sep 3, 2024
Google Sheets Upload + Ollama Fix
Aug 23, 2024
Aug 24, 2024
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Sep 9, 2024
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Aug 18, 2024
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current browser + gemini support added
Sep 3, 2024
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> Rip data from the net, leaving no trace. Welcome to the future of web
> scraping.


CyberScraper 2077 is not just another web scraping tool – it's a glimpse into
the future of data extraction. Born from the neon-lit streets of a cyberpunk
world, this AI-powered scraper uses OpenAI, Gemini and LocalLLM Models to slice
through the web's defenses, extracting the data you need with unparalleled
precision and style.

Whether you're a corpo data analyst, a street-smart netrunner, or just someone
looking to pull information from the digital realm, CyberScraper 2077 has got
you covered.


 * πŸ€– AI-Powered Extraction: Utilizes cutting-edge AI models to understand and
   parse web content intelligently.
 * πŸ–₯️ Sleek Streamlit Interface: User-friendly GUI that even a chrome-armed
   street samurai could navigate.
 * πŸ”„ Multi-Format Support: Export your data in JSON, CSV, HTML, SQL or Excel –
   whatever fits your cyberdeck.
 * πŸ•΅οΈ Stealth Mode: Implemented stealth mode parameters that help avoid
   detection as a bot.
 * πŸ¦™ Ollama Support: Use a huge library of open source LLMs.
 * ⚑ Async Operations: Lightning-fast scraping that would make a Trauma Team
 * 🧠 Smart Parsing: Structures scraped content as if it was extracted straight
   from the engram of a master netrunner.
 * πŸ’Ύ Caching: Implemented content-based and query-based caching using LRU cache
   and a custom dictionary to reduce redundant API calls.
 * πŸ“Š Upload to Google Sheets: Now you can easily upload your extracted CSV data
   to Google Sheets with one click.
 * πŸ›‘οΈ Bypass Captcha: Bypass captcha by using the -captcha at the end of the
   URL. (Currently only works natively, doesn't work on Docker)
 * 🌐 Current Browser: The current browser feature uses your local browser
   instance which will help you bypass 99% of bot detections. (Only use when
 * πŸ”’ Proxy Mode (Coming Soon): Built-in proxy support to keep you ghosting
   through the net.
 * 🧭 Navigate through the Pages (BETA): Navigate through the webpage and scrape
   data from different pages.


Check out our Redesigned and Improved Version of CyberScraper-2077 with more
functionality YouTube video for a full walkthrough of CyberScraper 2077's

Check out our first build (Old Video) YouTube video


Please follow the Docker Container Guide given below, as I won't be able to
maintain another version for Windows systems.


Note: CyberScraper 2077 requires Python 3.10 or higher.

 1. Clone this repository:
    git clone
    cd CyberScraper-2077

 2. Create and activate a virtual environment:
    virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # Optional

 3. Install the required packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

 4. Install the playwright:
    playwright install

 5. Set OpenAI & Gemini Key in your environment:
    export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-api-key-here"
    export GOOGLE_API_KEY="your-api-key-here"

 6. If you want to use Ollama:

Note: I only recommend using OpenAI and Gemini API as these models are really
good at following instructions. If you are using open-source LLMs, make sure you
have a good system as the speed of the data generation/presentation depends on
how well your system can run the LLM. You may also have to fine-tune the prompt
and add some additional filters yourself.

1. Setup Ollama using `pip install ollama`
2. Download Ollama from the official website:
3. Now type: ollama pull llama3.1 or whatever LLM you want to use.
4. Now follow the rest of the steps below.


If you prefer to use Docker, follow these steps to set up and run CyberScraper

 1. Ensure you have Docker installed on your system.

 2. Clone this repository:
    git clone
    cd CyberScraper-2077

 3. Build the Docker image:
    docker build -t cyberscraper-2077 .

 4. Run the container:
    * Without API key:
      docker run -p 8501:8501 cyberscraper-2077
    * With OpenAI API key:
      docker run -p 8501:8501 -e OPENAI_API_KEY="your-actual-api-key" cyberscraper-2077
    * With Gemini API key:
      docker run -p 8501:8501 -e GOOGLE_API_KEY="your-actual-api-key" cyberscraper-2077

 5. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8501.


If you want to use Ollama with the Docker setup:

 1. Install Ollama on your host machine following the instructions at

 2. Run Ollama on your host machine:
    ollama pull llama3.1

 3. Find your host machine's IP address:
    * On Linux/Mac: ifconfig or ip addr show
    * On Windows: ipconfig

 4. Run the Docker container with the host network and set the Ollama URL:
    docker run -e OLLAMA_BASE_URL=http://host.docker.internal:11434 -p 8501:8501 cyberscraper-2077
    On Linux you might need to use this below:
    docker run -e OLLAMA_BASE_URL=http://<your-host-ip>:11434 -p 8501:8501 cyberscraper-2077
    Replace <your-host-ip> with your actual host machine IP address.

 5. In the Streamlit interface, select the Ollama model you want to use (e.g.,

Note: Ensure that your firewall allows connections to port 11434 for Ollama.


 1. Fire up the Streamlit app:
    streamlit run

 2. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8501.

 3. Enter the URL of the site you want to scrape or ask a question about the
    data you need.

 4. Ask the chatbot to extract the data in any format. Select whatever data you
    want to export or even everything from the webpage.

 5. Watch as CyberScraper 2077 tears through the net, extracting your data
    faster than you can say "flatline"!


> Note: The multi-page scraping feature is currently in beta. While functional,
> you may encounter occasional issues or unexpected behavior. We appreciate your
> feedback and patience as we continue to improve this feature.

CyberScraper 2077 now supports multi-page scraping, allowing you to extract data
from multiple pages of a website in one go. This feature is perfect for scraping
paginated content, search results, or any site with data spread across multiple


I suggest you enter the URL structure every time if you want to scrape multiple
pages so it can detect the URL structure easily. It detects nearly all URL

 1. Basic Usage: To scrape multiple pages, use the following format when
    entering the URL: 1-5 1-6 1-3
    This will scrape pages 1 through 5 of the website.

 2. Custom Page Ranges: You can specify custom page ranges: 1-5,7,9-12 1,7,8,9
    This will scrape pages 1 to 5, page 7, and pages 9 to 12.

 3. URL Patterns: For websites with different URL structures, you can specify a
    pattern:{page} 1-5
    Replace {page} with where the page number should be in the URL.

 4. Automatic Pattern Detection: If you don't specify a pattern, CyberScraper
    2077 will attempt to detect the URL pattern automatically. However, for best
    results, specifying the pattern is recommended.


 * Start with a small range of pages to test before scraping a large number.
 * Be mindful of the website's load and your scraping speed to avoid overloading
 * Use the simulate_human option for more natural scraping behavior on sites
   with anti-bot measures.
 * Regularly check the website's robots.txt file and terms of service to ensure


URL Example : " 1-3 or 1,2,3,4"

If you want to scrape a specific page, just enter the query "please scrape page
number 1 or 2". If you want to scrape all pages, simply give a query like
"scrape all pages in csv" or whatever format you want.


If you encounter errors during multi-page scraping:

 * Check your internet connection
 * Verify the URL pattern is correct
 * Ensure the website allows scraping
 * Try reducing the number of pages or increasing the delay between requests


As this feature is in beta, we highly value your feedback. If you encounter any
issues or have suggestions for improvement, please:

 1. Open an issue on our GitHub repository
 2. Provide detailed information about the problem, including the URL structure
    and number of pages you were attempting to scrape
 3. Share any error messages or unexpected behaviors you observed

Your input is crucial in helping us refine and stabilize this feature for future


 1.  Go to the Google Cloud Console (
 2.  Select your project.
 3.  Navigate to "APIs & Services" > "Credentials".
 4.  Find your existing OAuth 2.0 Client ID and delete it.
 5.  Click "Create Credentials" > "OAuth client ID".
 6.  Choose "Web application" as the application type.
 7.  Name your client (e.g., "CyberScraper 2077 Web Client").
 8.  Under "Authorized JavaScript origins", add:
     * http://localhost:8501
     * http://localhost:8502
 9.  Under "Authorized redirect URIs", add:
     * http://localhost:8501/
     * http://localhost:8502/
 10. Click "Create" to generate the new client ID.
 11. Download the new client configuration JSON file and rename it to


Customize the PlaywrightScraper settings to fit your scraping needs. If some
websites are giving you issues, you might want to check the behavior of the

use_stealth: bool = True,
simulate_human: bool = False,
use_custom_headers: bool = True,
hide_webdriver: bool = True,
bypass_cloudflare: bool = True:

Adjust these settings based on your target website and environment for optimal

You can also bypass the captcha using the -captcha parameter at the end of the
URL. The browser window will pop up, complete the captcha, and go back to your
terminal window. Press enter and the bot will complete its task.


We welcome all cyberpunks, netrunners, and code samurais to contribute to
CyberScraper 2077!


Ran into a glitch in the matrix? Let me know by adding the issue to this repo so
that we can fix it together.


Q: Is CyberScraper 2077 legal to use? A: CyberScraper 2077 is designed for
ethical web scraping. Always ensure you have the right to scrape a website and
respect their robots.txt file.

Q: Can I use this for commercial purposes? A: Yes, under the terms of the MIT
License. But remember, in Night City, there's always a price to pay. Just


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for
details. Use it, mod it, sell it – just don't blame us if you end up flatlined.


Got questions? Need support? Want to hire me for a gig?

 * πŸ“§ Email:
 * 🐦 Twitter: @owensingh_
 * πŸ’¬ Website: Portfolio


Listen up, choombas! Before you jack into this code, you better understand the

 1. This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or

 2. The authors are not liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use
    of this software.

 3. This tool is intended for educational and research purposes only. Any
    illegal use is strictly prohibited.

 4. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any data
    obtained through this tool.

 5. By using this software, you acknowledge that you are doing so at your own

 6. You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations
    in your use of this software.

 7. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue the software at any time
    without notice.

Remember, samurai: In the dark future of the NET, knowledge is power, but it's
also a double-edged sword. Use this tool wisely, and may your connection always
be strong and your firewalls impenetrable. Stay frosty out there in the digital


CyberScraper 2077 – Because in 2077, what makes someone a criminal? Getting

Built with ❀️ and chrome by the streets of Night City | © 2077 Owen Singh


A Powerful web scraper powered by LLM | OpenAI, Gemini & Ollama


scraper web-scraper openai webscraping gemini-api llm llm-scraper ai-scraping




MIT license


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CyberScraper-2077 Latest
Sep 9, 2024
+ 1 release


itsOwen Owen Singh
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 * Dockerfile 1.5%


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