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Submission: On February 02 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
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Submission: On February 02 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
1 forms found in the DOMName: s — GET;_ylt=AwrJO1Zlv_phP24AaAFfCwx.
<form method="get" name="s" id="sf" role="search" action=";_ylt=AwrJO1Zlv_phP24AaAFfCwx." accept-charset="utf-8"><label for="yschsp" class="off-left">Suchbegriff</label>
<div id="sbq-wrap" class="sbq-w"><input type="text" class="sbq" id="yschsp" name="p" value="good questions to ask executive leadership" autocomplete="off" tabindex="1" role="combobox" aria-autocomplete="both"><button id="sbq-clear" type="button"
class="sbq-x"><span class="sprite"></span><span class="sep"></span></button><span class="sb-ico ico ico-modern mag-glass-16"></span></div><label class="sbb-wrap"><input type="submit" class="sbb" value="Suche" tabindex="2"></label><input
type="hidden" name="fr2" value="sb-top"><input type="hidden" name="hspart" value="iba"><input type="hidden" name="hsimp" value="yhs-syn"><input type="hidden" name="param1"
value="Af4+LvKQnATvwdZep6g/c4RtR7SpinZAXiNyXeLqb17zvnB4CM1F5opRTEWkW+Uv"><input type="hidden" name="param2"
type="hidden" name="param3"
type="hidden" name="param4" value="iJzGF8UG5IXW5q6S3PN/bUqqPKvGFFa8mh6rSorTYZI="><input type="hidden" name="type" value="asbw_8923_CHW_DE_tid30012">
<div class="voice-container"><input id="voice-btn" type="button"></div>
<div class="permission-guide hide" id="spchp">
<div class="close-button" id="spchpx"></div>
<div class="guide">
<div class="microphone">
<div class="sprite"></div>
<div class="guide-text">
<div class="title">Warten auf Genehmigung</div>
<div class="text">Zugriff auf Mikrofon erlauben, um Sprachsuche zu aktivieren</div>
<div class="spch s2tb-h" id="spch">
<div class="spch-overlay" id="spch-overlay"> </div>
<div class="close-button" id="spchx"></div>
<div class="spchc">
<div class="inner-container">
<div class="button-container spch-control" id="spchbc"><span class="button" id="spchbc-btn">
<div class="microphone"></div>
</span><span class="ripple"></span><span class="ripple"></span><span class="ripple"></span></div>
<div class="text-container spch-control">
<p><span class="spcht" id="spcht"></span><span> </span><span class="spcht hide" id="spcht-retry"></span></p>
<div class="spcho" id="spcho"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" nonce="">
! function(c, r) {
"use strict";
var a = {
enable_voice_trending: !0,
lang: "en-US",
text: {
start: "What would you like to search for?",
listening: "Listening...",
nomatch: "Didn't get that.",
error: "Please check your microphone and audio levels.",
retry: "Try again.",
or: "or"
trending: {
market: "en-us"
function e(e) {
var n = this;
if (n.speechResult = "", n.noSpeech = !0, n.isRecognitionStart = !1, n.recognition = null, n.voiceButton = r.getElementById("voice-btn"), n.searchBox = r.getElementsByClassName("sbx"), n.searchBoxForm = r.getElementById("sf"), n
.searchBoxQuery = r.getElementById("yschsp"), n.speechPanel = r.getElementById("spch"), n.speechButtonContainer = r.getElementById("spchbc"), n.speechButton = r.getElementById("spchbc-btn"), n.speechText = r.getElementById("spcht"), n
.speechOverlay = r.getElementById("spch-overlay"), n.retryLink = r.getElementById("spcht-retry"), n.trending = r.getElementById("spch-trending"), n.trendingTerms = r.getElementById("trending-terms"), n.trendingData = [], n.termSpans = r
.getElementsByClassName("trending-term"), n.closeButton = r.getElementById("spchx"), n.startAudio = new Audio(""), n.resultAudio = new Audio(
""), n.errorAudio = new Audio(""), n.closeAudio = new Audio(
""), n.permissionGuide = r.getElementById("spchp"), n.permissionGuideClose = r.getElementById("spchpx"), n.config = e || a, n.permissionGuideTimer = null, n.onEscKeyDown =
function(e) {
"Escape" === e.code && (n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("keybrd", "voicesearch_cancel_esc"), n.closePanel(n))
}, "SpeechRecognition" in c || "webkitSpeechRecognition" in c) {
var t = t || webkitSpeechRecognition,
i = i || webkitSpeechGrammarList,
o = o || webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent;
n.recognition = new t;
i = new i;
i.addFromString("#JSGF V1.0;", 1), n.recognition.grammars = i, n.recognition.continuous = !1, n.recognition.lang = n.config.lang, n.recognition.interimResults = !1, n.recognition.maxAlternatives = 1, n.voiceButton && (n.voiceButton
.onclick = function() {
n.recognition.start(), n.permissionGuideTimer && c.clearTimeout(n.permissionGuideTimer), n.permissionGuideTimer = c.setTimeout(function() {
n.isRecognitionStart || n.showPermissionGuide(n)
}, 300), r.addEventListener("keydown", n.onEscKeyDown), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch")
}), n.speechButton && (n.speechButton.onclick = function() {
n.isRecognitionStart ? (n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_panel_mic_close"), n.closePanel(n)) : (n.recognition.start(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_panel_mic_restart"))
}), n.retryLink && (n.retryLink.onclick = function() {
n.isRecognitionStart || (n.recognition.start(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_panel_retry"))
}), n.speechOverlay && (n.speechOverlay.onclick = function() {
n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_cancel_outside"), n.closePanel(n)
}), n.closeButton && (n.closeButton.onclick = function() {
n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_cancel"), n.closePanel(n)
}), n.permissionGuideClose && (n.permissionGuideClose.onclick = function() {
n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_permission_close"),, n.hidePermissionGuide(n)
}), n.recognition.onresult = function(e) {
n.speechResult = e.results[0][0].transcript, n.handlePunctuation(n), n.speechText && (n.speechText.innerText = n.speechResult), n.searchBoxQuery && (n.searchBoxQuery.value = n.speechResult),, c.setTimeout(
function() {
n.speechPanel && (n.speechPanel.classList.remove("s2tb"), n.speechPanel.classList.add("s2tb-h")), n.hideRetryLink(n), n.searchBoxForm && (n.setFr2(n), n.searchBoxForm.submit())
}, 1e3)
}, n.recognition.onspeechstart = function() {}, n.recognition.onspeechend = function() {
}, n.recognition.onerror = function() {
n.speechText && (n.speechText.innerText = n.config.text.error), n.hideTrending(n), n.showRetryLink(n),
}, n.recognition.onaudiostart = function() {
n.speechButtonContainer && n.speechButtonContainer.classList.add("listening")
}, n.recognition.onaudioend = function() {
n.speechButtonContainer && n.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("listening")
}, n.recognition.onsoundstart = function() {
n.hideTrending(n), n.noSpeech = !1, n.speechButtonContainer && (n.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("listening"), n.speechButtonContainer.classList.add("speaking"))
}, n.recognition.onsoundend = function() {
n.speechButtonContainer && n.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("speaking")
}, n.recognition.onstart = function() {
n.recognitionInit(n), n.startRecognition(n)
}, n.recognition.onend = function() {
n.isRecognitionStart = !1, 0 == n.noSpeech && "" == n.speechResult && (n.speechText && (n.speechText.innerText = n.config.text.nomatch), n.hideTrending(n), n.showRetryLink(n),
} else {
n.voiceButton && n.voiceButton.classList.add("hide");
for (var s = 0; s < n.searchBox.length; s++) n.searchBox[s].classList.remove("voice-search")
e.prototype.recognitionInit = function(e) {
e.speechResult = "", e.noSpeech = !0, e.isRecognitionStart = !0
}, e.prototype.showPermissionGuide = function(e) {
e.permissionGuide && e.permissionGuide.classList.remove("hide")
}, e.prototype.hidePermissionGuide = function(e) {
e.permissionGuide && e.permissionGuide.classList.add("hide")
}, e.prototype.getTrending = function(n) {
var e;
n.config.enable_voice_trending && n.trending && (e = "" + + "&features=trending.voice", n.ajaxReq(e, function(e) {
e && e.response && && &&["trending.voice"] && (n.trendingData =["trending.voice"].data, n.showTrending(n))
}, e.prototype.showTrending = function(e) {
var n, t = e.trendingData;
!Array.isArray(t) || t.length < 3 || e.trending && e.termSpans && e.termSpans[0] && (n = "", n += '"' + t[0].text + '", ', n += '"' + t[1].text + '" ', n += e.config.text.or + " ", n += '"' + t[2].text + '"', e.termSpans[0].innerText = n, e
}, e.prototype.hideTrending = function(e) {
e.trending && e.trending.classList.add("hide")
}, e.prototype.showRetryLink = function(e) {
e.retryLink && (e.retryLink.innerText = e.config.text.retry, e.retryLink.classList.remove("hide"))
}, e.prototype.hideRetryLink = function(e) {
e.retryLink && e.retryLink.classList.add("hide")
}, e.prototype.startRecognition = function(e) {
e.hidePermissionGuide(e), e.getTrending(e),, e.speechText && (e.speechText.innerText = e.config.text.start, c.setTimeout(function() {
e.speechText.innerText = e.config.text.listening
}, 2e3)), e.speechPanel && (e.speechPanel.classList.remove("s2tb-h"), e.speechPanel.classList.add("s2tb")), e.hideRetryLink(e)
}, e.prototype.closePanel = function(e) {, c.setTimeout(function() {
e.speechPanel && (e.speechPanel.classList.remove("s2tb"), e.speechPanel.classList.add("s2tb-h")), e.hideTrending(e), e.hideRetryLink(e), r.removeEventListener("keydown", e.onEscKeyDown)
}, 100)
}, e.prototype.handlePunctuation = function(e) {
var n;
0 < e.speechResult.length && ("." !== (n = e.speechResult.charAt(e.speechResult.length - 1)) && "?" !== n && "。" !== n && "?" !== n || (e.speechResult = e.speechResult.slice(0, -1)))
}, e.prototype.setFr2 = function(n) {
n.searchBoxForm && (n.searchBoxForm.fr2.value = "p:s,v:w,m:voice-search,ct:others", (!Array.isArray(n.trendingData) || n.trendingData.length < 3) && (n.trendingData = []), n.trendingData.forEach(function(e) {
new RegExp(n.speechResult, "gi").test(e.text) && (n.searchBoxForm.fr2.value = "p:s,v:w,m:voice-search,ct:trending")
}, e.prototype.sendBeacon = function(e, n) {
var t = c.YAHOO.ULT || {},
i = c.YAHOO.SB || {};
t.beacon_click && (n = {
_S: i.config.i13n.spaceid,
_I: i.config.i13n.pvid,
actn: e,
sec: "search",
slk: n
}, c.YAHOO.ULT.beacon_click(n))
}, e.prototype.ajaxReq = function(e, n) {
var t, i, o = XMLHttpRequest.DONE || 4,
s = new XMLHttpRequest;
if (r.documentMode && r.documentMode < 10) return (new c.XDomainRequest).onload = function() {
try {
i = JSON.parse(t), n(i)
} catch (e) {
},"GET", e), void s.send();
s.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (s.readyState === o)
if (200 === s.status) {
t = s.responseText;
try {
i = JSON.parse(t), n(i)
} catch (e) {
} else n(i)
},"GET", e, !0), s.timeout = 1e4, s.send()
}, c.YAHOO || (c.YAHOO = {}), c.YAHOO.Util || (c.YAHOO.Util = {}), c.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch = e
}(window, document);
if (window.YAHOO && window.YAHOO.Util && window.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch) {
window.YAHOO.voiceSearch = new window.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch({
"lang": "de-DE",
"text": {
"start": "Wonach suchen Sie?",
"listening": "H\u00f6rmodus ...",
"nomatch": "Eingabe wurde nicht verstanden.",
"error": "Bitte die Mikrofon- und Audiopegel \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen.",
"retry": "Bitte erneut versuchen.",
"or": "oder"
<div class="sa-tray-ctn">
Text Content
YAHOO SUCHE WEB SUCHE Yahoo Suche Suchbegriff Warten auf Genehmigung Zugriff auf Mikrofon erlauben, um Sprachsuche zu aktivieren 1. * Alle * Bilder * Videos 2. Alle Treffer * Alle Treffer * Letzter Tag * Letzte Woche * Letzen Monat 1. Etwa 141.000.000 Suchergebnisse 1. SUCHERGEBNISSE: 1. POWERFULPANELS.COM › LEADERSHIP-PANEL-QUESTIONSLEADERSHIP PANEL QUESTIONS - 45 INTRIGUING QUESTIONS TO ASK ANY... › leadership-panel-questions * Im Cache Strategic Leadership Panel Questions: What is your definition of “leadership” and how was it formed/has it transformed? Describe your leadership style and how you “lead” others. What would you classify as the most defining leadership behavior? What was your most satisfying leadership role? Why? What do you look for in a leadership role? 2. WWW.WORKVIVO.COM › BLOG › QUESTIONS-TO-ASK-A-CEOTHE BEST QUESTIONS TO ASK A CEO - ACCORDING TO THE CEO'S › blog › questions-to-ask-a-ceo * Im Cache 09.12.2019 · See what impressed the CEO’s when it comes to questions on this vitally important topic. Godard Abel, CEO of Why do you personally care about embedding inclusion and belonging in our culture? Dennis Fois, CEO of Copper What is most important to your organization—mission, vision or values? Kevin Lustig, CEO of 3. SYEDBALKHI.COM › 15-BRILLIANT-QUESTIONS-TO-ASK-OTHER-LEADERS15 BRILLIANT QUESTIONS TO ASK OTHER LEADERS › 15-brilliant-questions-to-ask-other-leaders * Im Cache 03.03.2016 · They will probably need to learn a little bit about you, and trust that you’re a sane and potentially useful contact, before introducing you to someone else in their network. 15. Can I pay you for an hour of your time? If you’d dearly love to consult with a particular leader, this is a great question to ask! 4. BUSINESS.LINKEDIN.COM › INTERVIEWING-TALENT › EXECUTIVETOP INTERVIEW QUESTIONS TO ASK EXECUTIVES › interviewing-talent › executive * Im Cache Use these questions to assess a candidate’s personal traits and cognitive skills Top hard skills interview questions for executives What do you think our company is doing well? What’s one thing you... 1. 12345 Weiter * Einstellungen * Hilfe * Datenschutz(Neu) * AGB(Neu) * Infos zu Anzeigen * Powered by Bing™