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Submitted URL: http://click.email.physiciansmutual.com/?qs=b4d4f07d57801740a088951b4125011e35540c7726ffe7f9edd475834017cc4b39052b6bc53e4d6ef4eb249518af...
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Submission: On November 18 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

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The Physicians Mutual family is here to help you with your needs for health,
life and retirement.

It’s what we’ve done for a long time. Since our humble beginnings around a
kitchen table in 1902, we’ve never lost sight of what is truly important. That
is, taking care of our customers like family. Empowering people like you — from
all walks of life — to enjoy the financial security they deserve. That’s what
Insurance for all of us is all about.


We empower people from all walks of life to enjoy the financial security they


Our customers

Find out what our customer, Judy R., did when she turned 65 to prepare for a
successful future.

See why customers Linda and Ron G. are feeling good about their retirement in

“Do you have a bucket list?” Our customers, Alan and Sue H., have some advice
for you.

Our employees

Meet our employee and talented artist Nick Rivers and hear the inspiring story
behind his “Stronger Together” mural.

Our employee, Sonya G., has a unique way of spreading joy and inspiring people
around her. Hear her story.

Watch as our employee, Sravanthi R., takes you on a tour of her traditional
Indian garden.

Our community

See how our Young Professionals Group filled an office with 14,699 donated art
supplies for Children’s Hospital.

When our employees volunteer at the Stephen Center, they serve more than just
meals. Watch this message of hope.

Find out why Assistant Vice President Aji George is passionate about serving on
the board of Outlook Enrichment.


We’re everywhere you need us, from coast-to-coast and everywhere in between.

While the heart of Physicians Mutual is where the majority of our employees work
— at our home office in Omaha, Nebraska — we truly are a national company. With
division offices and funeral home partners nationwide, and a personal presence
in communities across the country, we’re more than just a voice on the phone or
a letter in the mailbox. We’re where you need us, when you need us.


Every good name has a story behind it. Ours goes back to 1902, when our company
was founded to provide health insurance to physicians and surgeons across the
country who needed coverage. Over the decades, insurance needs for others began
to emerge. People from all walks of life needed protection for themselves and
their families.
We listened. The rest is history.



We consistently earn some of the strongest ratings in the nation from the
industry’s leading insurance analysts.

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© Physicians Mutual®, 2002-2022. All Rights Reserved.

Physicians Mutual Insurance Company offers reliable dental, supplemental health
and pet insurance.

Physicians Life Insurance Company provides important life insurance and Medicare
Supplement insurance policies.

2600 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131

