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Welcome to SL4!

The SL4 mailing list is a refuge for discussion of advanced topics in
transhumanism and the Singularity, including but not limited to topics such as
Friendly AI, strategies for handling the emergence of ultra-powerful
technologies, handling existential risks (planetary risks), strategies to
accelerate the Singularity or protect its integrity, avoiding the military use
of nanotechnology and grey goo accidents, methods of human intelligence
enhancement, self-improving Artificial Intelligence, contemporary AI projects
that are explicitly trying for genuine Artificial Intelligence or even a
Singularity, rapid Singularities versus slow Singularities, Singularitarian
activism, and more.

The SL4 list is moderated to maintain list quality (moderation takes place on a
poster-by-poster basis, rather than post-by-post).  As SL4 is intended to cover
new territory in advanced topics, new posters may wish to browse the archives
before making their first posts.  We explicitly aim to avoid endlessly rehashing
the basics.  We realize the importance of having forums where newcomers can ask
basic questions, but SL4 is not such a forum; some transhumanist lists that are
more newcomer-friendly include wta-talk and Extropians.  However, all list
readers are welcome (you don't have to be familiar with the topics to subscribe
- just to post).

The SL4 list maintains online archives, an IRC chat room, and a Wiki.

The phrase SL4 stands for "Shock Level Four", referring to a set of categories
for grouping technologies and ideas according to the amount of future shock they
generate.  (See the original essay on levels of future shock.)

The list moderator is Eliezer Yudkowsky.  The SL4 list is owned and moderated by
Eliezer Yudkowsky in his capacity as a private individual, and no other person
or organization should be held responsible for his actions in that capacity.

People interested in subscribing to SL4 may also be interested in subscribing to
wta-talk, Extropians, transhumantech, the Singularitarian list, or the Posthuman
Lounge.  (This is especially true since some topics are more appropriate to
these lists than SL4.  Political discussion is more appropriate to the 
Extropians or  wta-talk lists; the  transhumantech list is more appropriate for
posting technology news articles; et cetera.)


The SL4 list currently has around 200 members.  Usual volume is five to ten
messages per day, with occasional intervals of pleasant silence, and flurries of
high activity.

For more information, including directions on how to subscribe, please continue
to "An Introduction to SL4".

PRIVACY & TERMS (NEW 2015-04-09)