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 * Digital Product Passport
 * Industrial applications
 * Regulations and standards
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 * Contact


It provides transparency throughout the entire product lifecycle, enabling
access to key information about sustainability, origin, and the product's
compliance with regulations.


A digital product passport (DPP) is a structured collection of data related to a
product, with a predefined scope and agreed-upon data management and access
rights, transmitted through a unique identifier and accessible electronically
via a data carrier. The intended scope of the DPP includes information related
to sustainability and the preservation of value for reuse, manufacturing, and


 1. Improvement of sustainable production
 2. Extension of product lifespan, optimization of product use, and providing
    new business opportunities for companies
 3. Supporting consumers in making sustainable decisions
 4. Facilitating the transition to a circular economy by increasing material and
    energy efficiency
 5. Supporting competent authorities in compliance verification (European


Data Identification

As the industry begins its journey toward DPP compliance, the basic data
protocol is still under development. The data protocol outlines everything a
company will need to disclose about a product via the DPP. And while we cannot
yet be certain of the final protocol’s contents, we know that it will (and
should) include many different types of information.

Companies need to analyze what data is available and begin determining how to
collect what is missing. We expect the DPP protocol to require data such as the
country of origin for materials and processes, information on product
composition and raw material sourcing, certification and compliance data, and
much more. It will be a challenge to collect some of this data, so it is crucial
to collaborate with suppliers now to fill in all the product information.

Tracking System

All data needs to be entered into a centralized tracking system. DPPs are still
under development, but it will be important to continuously collect data from
suppliers, including data before the product is manufactured, to ensure
compliance. The tracking system enables companies to collect and organize data
at different levels — model, batch, or item.

Data Standardization

Integrating data into the tracking system, and ultimately making it available on
the DPP system accessible to consumers, requires standardized data. Data exists
in various systems — both within companies and among suppliers in supply chains.

This is particularly important in the context of the DPP for two reasons. First,
many of the data related to the DPP will remain decentralized. Circularity will
influence information that is outside the direct control of companies, such as
data from groups involved in repair, reuse, or recycling. Second, as the DPP
becomes more widespread, it will be necessary to adapt to regional differences
in data. This requires a scalable architecture that facilitates the collection
and entry of an increasing amount of information. In both cases, standardized
data is a critical success factor.


Each product that requires a digital product passport (DPP) must have its unique
identifier. This unique QR code (identifier) plays a key role in linking all the
information collected and shared throughout the supply chain.

The unique identifier allows for the tracking of the product from the very
beginning, from production to the end user. This includes all relevant
information, such as material composition, production dates, maintenance data,
as well as any changes during the product's lifecycle. Additionally, the QR code
(identifier) facilitates integration with other systems and platforms, ensuring
data consistency and accuracy.


Creation of the digital product passport
The first step in creating a DPP is entering product data into the digital
system. This data can include information about material composition, place and
date of manufacture, serial number, manufacturer, and quality standards the
product meets. Each product is assigned a unique QR code (identifier) that is
linked to its digital passport.
Tracking through the supply chain
Throughout production and distribution, the DPP ensures the tracking of the
product across the entire supply chain. Every participant in the process
(suppliers, manufacturers, distributors) enters essential data into the
passport, including information on materials, compliance, transport, and
storage. This ensures transparency and reliability of data.
Consumer access to product info
When the product reaches the end user, the DPP enables consumers to easily
access all essential product information by scanning the QR code. Consumers can
view the origins of the ingredients, the entire production process, maintenance
details, and instructions for proper use and based on this information, make
sustainable choices.
Maintenance and updates
During the use of the product, the DPP can be updated with new information. For
example, if the product is sent for servicing or repair, data about the
interventions can be added to the passport. Additionally, information about
upgrades, product recalls, or instructions for safe disposal can be integrated
into the DPP.
End of life cycle and recycling
When the product reaches the end of its life cycle, the DPP provides information
on how to properly recycle or dispose of the product. This includes instructions
on waste separation, recycling procedures for specific materials, and disposal
locations. In this way, the DPP contributes to the circular economy.


Almeria Centar, Vukovarska 284/D, Zagreb



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