www.datingchemistry.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://datingchemistry.com/
Effective URL: https://www.datingchemistry.com/
Submission: On October 18 via manual from PH — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM

POST /user/register

<form class="register-hidden-form" action="/user/register" autocomplete="off" method="post" data-orientation="hetero" data-page-type="multistep"> <input type="hidden" name="UserForm[gender]" data-type="gender" data-error-name="UserForm_gender"
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Name: UserForm /user/register

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            <option value="hetero" data-gender-value="male" selected="">a man looking for a woman</option>
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            <option value="ladyboy-male">a ladyboy looking for a man</option>
            <option value="ladyboy-female">a ladyboy looking for a woman</option>
            <option value="ladyboy-ladyboy">a ladyboy looking for a ladyboy</option>
            <option value="female-ladyboy">a woman looking for a ladyboy</option>
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            <option value="female-female">a woman looking for a woman</option>
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Text Content

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I am:
a man looking for a woman a woman looking for a man a man looking for a man a
woman looking for a woman
a man looking for a woman
a man looking for a woman
a woman looking for a man
a man looking for a man
a woman looking for a woman

I am:
a man looking for a man
I am:
a woman looking for a woman
I am
a man looking for a ladyboy a man looking for a woman a man looking for a man a
ladyboy looking for a man a ladyboy looking for a woman a ladyboy looking for a
ladyboy a woman looking for a ladyboy a woman looking for a man a woman looking
for a woman
a man looking for a ladyboy
a man looking for a ladyboy
a man looking for a woman
a man looking for a man
a ladyboy looking for a man
a ladyboy looking for a woman
a ladyboy looking for a ladyboy
a woman looking for a ladyboy
a woman looking for a man
a woman looking for a woman

My age:
Select your age
Select your age
Select your age

My location:
E.g. Spring Hill or 34610
We don’t use postal addresses to contact members directly!

My email:

My password (min. 6 chars):

By clicking the submit button above you expressly consent to our Privacy Policy
including processing of personal data and use of profiling to find you matches.
You also agree to our Terms of Use, and to receive newsletters, account updates
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expressly consent to our Privacy Policy including use of profiling to find you
matches and you agree to our Terms of Use, and to receive newsletters, account
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Plenty of Singles Online

This popular dating site boasts thousands of personals from genuine singles.
Various daters seek like-minded locals o who want a committed, serious
relationship away from the mayhem and disappointment that comes with barhopping
and clubbing on DatingChemistry.com. Each single you see online is a real
person; read their profiles to make sure of it.

Dedicated Matchmaking

This user-friendly online dating platform has a simple matchmaking system with a
single goal – to match partners who’ll have instant chemistry.Its key principle
based on encouraging users to create a fully detailed profile, list their dating
preferences, and be mindful of location details. These details get members
connected online with nearby matches.

Easily Attainable Chemistry

After you pass an easy registration, finding locals seeking serious
relationships will not be a problem anymore. Since DatingChemistry.com is a
secure dating service, the list of profiles you’ll go through will consist of
real people looking for love, dates, and affection. Want to achieve the best
results? Use the search function and apply filters to facilitate sound dating


Jane Foster, MD

“This site feels modern and is nice to use, but the best thing about it is that
I met my fiance here! I recommend it to anyone seeking a true connection away
from hoodlums in bars and dingy clubs. It is perfect for people genuinely
seeking love and companionship. Finding love online is profoundly more

Larry Barnes, NJ

“I signed up to talk to girls, only to find a real connection and love instead
of simple conversations. I must say I am far from disappointed as it seems that
the girlfriend I met here happens to be the love of my life. If you hope to meet
a match online, you are on the right website.”

Mary Miller, CA

“The best thing about this online dating service is the attention many users
provide to crafting out their profiles. As a potential boyfriend, I need to know
a fair amount before approaching a girl, and when it’s here, it means that her
profile will list her preferences, thoughts, ideas, and interests. Perfect for
starting a conversation!”

Lisa Carter, CA

“I never meant to join online dating until a member, who happens to be a friend,
invited me online. It took less than a day to begin chatting and flirting, and
though I haven’t found a boyfriend yet, I find new friends every day. Also, I
find some of the men here quite captivating and have them bookmarked.”


We implemented several modern and top-notch technical solutions to make
DatingChemistry.com an ideal online platform to meet singles seeking serious and
long-term relationships. After signup, each user is urged to use location
settings to find the perfect match in close proximity, but you may choose to
look for a love interest anywhere in the world! Seek instant chemistry? Go
through all the available fields in your profile and fill them with relevant
information so your potential matches get to know you and come up with an
amazing introduction that’ll instantly ignite the spark between you. We also
have the algorithmic system in place; it connects like-minded locals nearby,
marking them as men and women who’ll have a potential for chemistry, encouraging
them to flirt with each other. Find a boyfriend or girlfriend with ease using
our online dating agency’s top services!


A few other dating platforms provide services with the same precise matchmaking
after such an easy registration. With DatingChemistry.com, a member simply needs
to create a profile, browse potential boyfriends and girlfriends, and use
multiple communication features to contact them. Our matchmaking agency promises
genuine dating and chemistry, away from worries and miscommunications
less-focused platforms provide you with. Additionally, safety is of paramount
importance here. When singles join this website, they want to be sure it
eliminates the risks they may face when looking for genuine girlfriends and
boyfriends offline or anywhere else. It is what DatingChemistry.com provides
with strict profile verification, SSL encryption, and safe dating options.


DatingChemistry.com is renowned for connecting like-minded men and women for
genuine dating. Stating your intentions clearly is crucial, though. For
instance, if a lady seeks to find boyfriend material, a custom here is that she
states that unequivocally. This makes singles joining this site waste less time
and find better chemistry with ease.

Connect with Compatible Partners Online with Ease

Finding true chemistry and partner with similar interests is a challenge few
embrace with open arms. If you have tried going after a connection in bars or
clubs, you know how underwhelming the results can be. Here, on
DatingChemistry.com, singles use an online dating search function for perfect
connection with men and women nearby. Using search filters allows you to locate
people based on age, gender, ethnicity, body type, zodiac signs, and habits,
such as smoking. If the result does not match you with the perfect partner (or,
at least, the one with the potential to become a significant other or a spouse),
limit your search to find local singles based on height, status (married,
single, etc.), and the number of children.


The absolute majority of singles here seek commitment and want to find a serious
partner. A respectable decision! There are serious singles in your area looking
for someone like you, but how to connect with them? This is where our online
matchmaking platform comes in handy. Focusing on matching people who seek
boyfriends, girlfriends, or even marriage partners together is what
DatingChemistry.com does! Thus, genuine chemistry can be found online. When you
know everyone is after the same thing, a tender connection is easily attainable,
and you have a huge selection of people worldwide seeking romance, love, and
flirting with future partners.


Creating an environment for safe and genuine dating is our top priority.
Verifying the integrity of each user is vital for dating safety, but you can be
sure you’ll only find serious singles here – if they seek relationships at
DatingChemistry, they know what they want and what needs to be done to ensure
everyone knows they are a real person. Thus, members hoping to find the love of
their lives and serious relationships will be happy to know that a profile
verification procedure takes place before a member can sign up for our services,
and it is the best way to identify a genuine potential partner. Another feature
our online dating platform facilitates is fully encrypted chats and flirts, so
rest assured that SSL encryption keeps all your data private.


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Over 40S Dating
Interracial Dating
 * Rich Singles
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 * Christian Dating
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 * Fitness Dating
 * Florida Dating
 * New York Dating
 * Texas Dating
 * California Dating
 * Older Dating
 * Over 50S Dating

 * Privacy Policy
 * Terms of Use
 * Safe Dating
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is operated by Antheia Services Limited.Registration number - HE422200.

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