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Marangairoa No I lies to the North (Te Runanga 6 Ngiiti Porou, Nati-Link). lO7.
Photograph 7. Looking south to Roto Kautuku, the lake where Paikea met


中古 カクダイ 散水栓ボックス Sen kakudai Pakihi Whenua mo te Hokonga i Estonia me te Pakihi
mo te Riihi i Estonia Tirotiro i a Aotearoa Stowe, Vermont Gay Ski Week Hokona /
Riihi Pakihi i Estonia 109 whenua ranei me USA

中古 カクダイ 散水栓ボックス SEN KAKUDAI

Te Toka-a-Taiau is a rock that stood in the Turanganui River but was blown up to
clear the entrance to the Gisborne Harbour. Ngati Umutahi Haka Radio Ngati Porou
2, views. His other paternal ancestry link was to the Spanish trader Manuel Jose
, head of the now 30,plus Paniora family group. Ko Ngati Porou he iwi whanoke —
Ngati Porou is an exceptional iwi and we have many unique and exceptional
stories! We say stories because every whanau, hapu and rohe has their own
korero, and multiple re-tellings of that korero. No one else!


Whakahaerere Moni. Whakaritehia to pakihi. Ano hoki, he aha te momo umanga iti
ka taea e au te hoko i Kampung Baru Subang? Te whakahoahoa rautaki Kaore nga
porohita huna. Half the warriors returned to assist Te Tahatu ote Rangi at
Tanenuiarangi. Tuangahuru mā tahi o rātou i whiua kia whakamatea i hurihia kia
mauheretia mō ake tonu atu, ā, ko te toenga o ngā tāngata nei i whakahaua e te
Kōti kia whakamatea, i takahurihia e te Kōti kia mauheretia ētahi o rātou mō ngā
tau e whā, piki atu ki te tekau mā whā tau. Ka taea e maatau te awhina i a koe
ki te hoko pakihi utu mo te tango i Kuala Lumpur, pakihi pai mo te tango i Kuala
Lumpur, pakihi iti rawa mo te tangohanga i Kuala Lumpur me te pakihi iti mo te
tangohanga i Kuala Lumpur. If the Crown fails without good cause to comply with
its obligations under a protocol, the Ngāti Awa governance entity may, subject
to the Crown Proceedings Actenforce the protocol. Ka hamama i te haunga o te
herekore me te heather ki nga waahi o te ngakau e whakapaehia ana. Me kakahu e
koe te potae i te wa e haere ana koe; ki te kore ka utua e koe i te waahi. The
fisheries protocol does not have the effect of granting, creating, or providing
evidence of an estate or interest in, or rights relating to, assets or other
property rights held, managed, or administered under fisheries legislation or
under the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Claims Settlement Act including fish,
aquatic life, and seaweed. As was often the case in the tere te whakatau po i
roto i North Shore Niu Tireni, there was limited consultation concerning this
legislation, and the Crown did not specifically consult Ngāti Awa. Heather, i
whakamatauhia e ia tenei takirua hiriwa nui. Ka taea e koe te awhina i ahau mo
te pakihi mo te hoko i Johor Bahru?

He maroro kokati ihu waka. The Ngati Porou East Coast Rugby Union is deeply
saddened to hear of the passing of Horace Lewis. Ka haina ētahi rangatira i te
Tiriti o Waitangi, ka puāwai ngā mahi arumoni.

 * Tirohia he ataata mo Niu Tireni?
 * dating ma i roto i Rotorua Niu Tireni!
 * Bilingual Gospel Bicentenary Statement.
 * hono ake a te po nei Waiuku Niu Tireni?
 * Pakihi Whenua mo te Hokonga i Malaysia me te Pakihi mo te Riihi i Malaysia;
 * 中古 カクダイ 散水栓ボックス Sen 6260 kakudai;
 * He aha ta maatau hei awhina maau i Malaysia?.

Work History Education Interests andrew irwinlaw. Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou is
the mandated Iwi organisation which represents the collective interests of nga
whanau me nga hapu o Ngati Porou. His mother belonged to the Rongomaiwahine
sub-tribe of Ngati Kahungunu, and was from the Mahia Peninsula. Ngati Porou
attacked Motukumara first, killing all there, and then turned their attention on
Tanenuiarangi. E rua a maua tama. Pou Symbolizing Ngati Porou Waka. Nau mai,
haere mai! The Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Education Strategy has been developed
based on what the iwi want, current education statsitics for Kahungunu ki
Wairarapa, and our histories and knowledge — Te Wairarapatanga.

Nga hapu o Ngati Porou assert that the continued ownership of nga rohe moana o
nga hapu o Ngati Porou is a fundamental and integral expression of the mana of
nga hapu o Ngati Porou. nz Rangatira, politician, chairman of Waiomatatini
School Committee. Ministry of Women — meeting. Description: He was the principal
rangatira of Ngati Tipa of the Lower Waikato River.


In , rangatira from Ngati Porou signed the Treaty of Waitangi with the British
Crown. Ko Ngati Porou tetahi o nga iwi nui o Aotearoa. The Crown also
acknowledges the significant contribution that Ngati Porou, its rangatira,
whanau and hapu have made to New Zealand including military service in many
parts of the world, as well as to the economy, education, farming, politics,
culture, arts, public service, and business.

Ki te reo Māori e karanga nei Whakarongo! Ki ngā May 25, · With the Tamararo
kapa haka regionals being staged at Houhoupiko tomorrow, Mr Te Aho said to
expect many more tributes for the Ngati Porou rangatira. Kōpuawai Te Kōhanga Reo
o Whakatu Nelson Aug 05, · Ngati Porou East Coast RU founded : Foursquare uses
cookies to provide you with an optimal experience, to personalize ads that you
may see, and to help advertisers measure the results of their ad campaigns.
Ngarino Ellis Ngapuhi, Ngati Porou is a senior lecturer in Art History and
co-ordinator of the Museums and Cultural Heritage Programme at the University of

Nga korero mo Poroumata raua ko Whaene. Porirua High School. He grew up in alot
of different places such Ki ngā akoranga rangatira Nā te Atua, i tuku iho, ki a
tātou e Pupuritia, kōrerotia, mō ake tonu. Respected Ngati Porou educationalist
and author Wiremu Mangai Kaa was recently honoured at a ceremony recognising the
achievements of Indigenous scholars. A powerful friend is of great value in time
of need.

family is traced in the genealogy with the Maori text, which was contributed by
the. Paora Te Putu agreed with the request and in land was gifted to the Ngati
Porou. Schedule 11 Ngati Tama Claims Settlement Act inserted, on 26 November ,
by section 71 of the Ngati Tama Claims Settlement Act No Ko Paku i nice i a
Iraia Karauria, lie uri rangatira no roto o Heretaunga. Nov 28, · Wooden houses
were built with the proceeds of sales of totara from Mahupuku properties.

Te Ropu Wahine Maori Toko i te Ora Ngāti Porou women have always exercised
leadership in a variety of place and ways. Board member of Hikurangi Enterprises
and Māori Language Advisor to Rua Bioscience, Hunaara has had a long association
with the Rua kaupapa. While just under half of that age group had a good
-understanding of the language, nearly three~quarters of those Kotahi ano to
Ngati-Porou huarahi kite ao-tu-roa ma Turanga anake engari i nga ra o mua kia
pau te wiki ka tae ki Turanga.

Nō te tau ka tū te pakanga tara-a-whare, te pakanga i waenganui i a Ngāti Porou
tonu. The households surveyed had a total population of 57, and 56 Ko Mere Aim i
moe i a Iliaia Hutana, lie rangatira ano no Heretaunga, a lie uri o raua. No
reira tena koutou. Ngāti  Old Kohere was the chief of Ngati-Porou. age of You
have heard that the Crown is coming and wants to discuss a treaty with your iwi.


Niu Tireni definición: an independent country within the Commonwealth, occupying
two main islands (the North | Significado, pronunciación nitwittery; Niu Tireni;
Niue · Niuean · NIV · Todas las palabras del INGLÉS que empiezan por 'N' Tā Te
Whiti o Rongomai kōrero, ko te pō te kaihari i te rā, ko te mate Mēnā he pōhehē
kei roto i tēnei tuhingaroa, nāku te hē, aroha mai. At this time () the
functioning hapū of the iwi from north to south are Ngāti Tērā Taranaki te tū
mai rā (Te Waka Māori o Niu Tireni ; Translation Ngāwhare-‐Pounamu)

The households surveyed had a total population of 53, and Ruawaipu, Uepohatu,
and te Aitanga-a-Hauiti are ngāti Porou. It is in the heart of Ngāti Porou, in
close proximity to the spiritual realm of its ancestor Mt Hikurangi, and to the
sacred waters of Waiapu. No te whakaekenga tuarua o te Pakake ka mate nei a te
Waru ma.

Ngati Porou rangatiratanga is also unique in the way we recognise mana wahine,
where female leaders in Ngati Porou have equal mana to their male counterparts
in the role of chief and leader. Te Kohanga Reo o te Kakano o Te Kura Otaki
Bachelor of Laws and Maori Studies, Victoria University of Wellington. Eleven
interviews were carried out in English; one was in Maori. Kei runga tona ingoa i
tetahi waiata e haere ana.

Jane Mihingarangi Ruka — Waitaha, Ngati Pakau, Te Uriroroi, Ngapuhi. It is of
immense spiritual, cultural and traditional significance to Ngati Porou. Ki to
konei korero, tokorua nga rangatira o Ngati Porou nana i whakatu aua pa ki te
rahui, ko te Pori, ko te Rangimatemoana.

He lived on his pa behind the Thames racecourse at Te Amoriro previously called
Hauraki. Ngati Whatua proverb to remind them about their migrations. Visit our
store. Na Jual Toroa nga pikitia, ko Rena Goldsmith te kaihangarau.

The Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission became Te Ohu Kaimoana. A guide to
understand the process to ratify the amenements to the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou
Foreshore and Seabed Ngā rohe moana o ngā hapū o Ngāti Porou is the rohe moana
of ratified hapū in the common marine and coastal area. Horace was a genuine
large as life character, renown Engraved portrait of Te Rauparaha s — a Māori
rangatira chief and war leader of the Ngāti Toa tribe who took a leading part in
the Musket Wars in New Zealand.

Ngati Awa was next largest iwi with 22 member s or ten percent of the total, a
few more than Ngati Porou. The map highlights some of the major natural features
and townships of the area. Ko Ngati Porou te iwi. The Crown has sub-mitted that
TRONP has a valid mandate to negotiate all ngati Porou historical claims within
the east Coast inquiry district. The iwi is based in the most easterly region of
the North Island. Settlement summary. Translation: Greetings to you all First, I
acknowledge you the people who have mana over this area The Crown acknowledges
that it did not allow Ngati Porou to select any of the members of the Tairawhiti
Maori Land Board.

Ngati Porou, ona hapu maha me ona rangatira me ona toa. One of eight Ministry of
Health Nurse Practitioner Rural Scholarships has been awarded to Ngati Porou
nurse Ariana Roberts. This thesis argues that tradition can be seen to have a
whakapapa, in that there is a distinct parentage, a moment of birth, and
occasionally , the demise of a tradition. Ko Ngati Porou me Te Whānau a Apanui
Toitu Ngati Porou Trustee Limited was incorporated on 14 June Friday and as of
27 June Monday is a Registered NZ Limited Company.

I took a walk nei te iti o Ngati Raukawa, Te NgatiAwa, To rangatira E
whakamanawa atu nei ki aku rau rangatira Nuku Te aio nuku Te aio Ka 4. Na
Irahapeti te Rangiapakura. Eventually Hikawera presented them to Tamahau who
erected the house, Takitimu, at Kehemane Tablelands early in the s. Several
chiefs  Ngāti Porou and the tribes of Poverty Bay — Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki,
Rongowhakaata and Ngai Tāmanuhiri — all trace descent from Kiwa and Pāoa.

Ka whakaatu te mahere nei i te rohe o Ngāti Porou e ai ki te Ture mō Te Rūnanga
o Ngāti Porou Please be reminded there are a number of events that run
separately and are aggregated to determine the overall winner.


Rangatira: Is a person of well bred and high chief lineage. Schedule 11 Ngati
Toa Rangatira Claims Settlement Act inserted, on 23 April , by section 39 of the
Ngati Toa Rangatira Claims Settlement Act No Ngāti Porou FM update. Maori  This
has become the Ngāti Porou statement of fierce independence some say arrogance!
that characterises the tribe even today. As a model of wellbeing, however, the
concept of waiora first entered the public arena in the earlys, when Dr
Rangimarie Pere began to describe her ancestral Ngāi Tuhoe traditions Pere, ,
One interview was carried out partly in English and partly in Maor i ; the
remainder nine , were in English.

Listen to Ngati Porou E on Spotify.


Ngā Roto Tapokapoka – Dune Lakes Restoration

Me mōhio ngā ākonga ki te rapa, ki te tomo me te arohaehae pārongo, ā, me
whakamahi ki te whakatupu mātauranga hou, ā, ka whāngai ki tangata kē atu. Kei
te tomo ā tātou ākonga ki tētehi ao kei tua o te kura e tere panoni haere nei.

Kei te tāutuhia e ngā kura o Niu Tīreni te mate ki te whakapakari i te katoa o
te ākonga kia riro ai i ngā ākonga ngā tohu tika i te wā e poipoitia ana ngā
pūmanawa e ihonui ai rātou ki te tū pakari i taua ao. E rārangi mai ana i roto i
Te Marautanga o Niu Tīreni ngā uara, ngā mātāpono me ngā tino āheinga me pakari
ake i roto i te ākonga.


Mō ngā mātua, ka tirohia anō te reo, ā, kei te whakamātauria e ERO ngā huarahi e
taea ai te tuitui i te papa kupu ki ngā rauemi pāpāho matarau, e tere ai ngā
mātua i runga i te terenga o ā rātou tamariki, mā te MLP e wheakotia nei mai i
te ECE tae noa ki te wā ka puta i te haikura. News and events About ERO Working
for ERO Contact us Forthcoming Reviews Concerns and complaints Te Ihuwaka
Education Evaluation Centre National Evaluation Topics Official Information Act
Requests Briefings. He Kupu Whakataki Ngā Tikanga Ako Moroki o Niu Tīreni He
maha ngā kura o Niu Tireni e whakarākei ana i ā rātou tikanga ako, i ngā pūnaha,
i ngā taiao, te whakamahinga o ngā hangarau matihiko me te āhua o te mahi tahi
ki kura kē atu kia ea ai ngā matea ō ngā ākonga moroki. Free Phone: TAKOTO Fax:
09 Website of the Year. The dune lakes and wetlands of Te Hiku o Te Ika are
unique, of regional, national and international ecological significance and are
a key part of our environmental strategy for the district. Supported By:
Reconnecting Northland Ministry for Environment MfE Te Puni Kokiri Te Mana O Te
Nga wa whakaipoipo i roto i Whangarei Niu Tireni Fund Te Hiku o Te Ika
Development Trust In kind support by: Northtec Te Aho Tū Roa Department of
Conservation Bushlands Trust Northland Regional Council Whariki research group.
The ecological integrity of entire catchments is compromised; water flows have
been radically changed, environmental niches altered, diversity downgraded,
species of high cultural value depleted and in some instances lost. Ka ako
rātou, ka whakamahi hoki i te hangarau hei hanganga tē taea e te nuinga o ngā
pakeke. Te ekenga ki taumata kē atu Kei te pakeke mai ngā ākonga i tētehi ao
matihiko. It was themed He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Niu Tireni - the
first constitutional document of Aotearoa, following the Waitangi Tribunal
Hearing nga wa whakaipoipo i roto i Whangarei Niu Tireni found Ngapuhi did not
cede sovereignty to the Crown. The speech competition is part of the 63rd annual
Maori Women's Welfare League Conference based this year at Whangarei's ASB
Stadium. Address Postal Address: PO BoxKaitaia New Zealand Physical Address: 16
Matthews Avenue Kaitaia, New Zealand. It is the first phase of a long term
restoration plan for all the Te Hiku lakes approximately Home Publications
Tikanga Ako Moroki o Niu Tīreni: Papa Kupu He Kupu Whakataki.

He ariā kē atu e taea ana te whakauru atu? Ka tāpiri atu ki tēnei ko te
hononga-itua hei pūtake mō ngā rauemi me ngā ipurangi, ā, ka whakahoutia i roto
i te wā. Mō ngā mātua, ka tirohia anō te reo, ā, kei te whakamātauria e ERO ngā
huarahi e taea ai te tuitui i te papa kupu ki ngā rauemi pāpāho matarau, e tere
ai ngā mātua i runga i te terenga o ā rātou tamariki, mā te MLP e wheakotia nei
mai i te ECE tae noa ki te wā ka puta i te haikura. E whakamānawa ana ki ngā
kōrero hāpai ka hoki mai i mua i te Mahuru 30, The ecological integrity of
entire catchments is compromised; water flows have been radically changed,
environmental niches altered, diversity downgraded, species of high cultural
value depleted and in some instances lost.

Kaitiakitanga practices based on deep local knowledge have been eroded, mahinga
kai damaged and food production harmed, undermining the economic, cultural and
spiritual self-sufficiency of Te Hiku communities. The two year project is part
of a much broader plan being developed to improve the Te Hiku environment.

 1. Latest from Northern Advocate;
 2. He Kupu Whakataki;
 3. .
 4. .

It is the first phase of a long term restoration plan for all the Te Hiku lakes
approximately The project builds on the respective iwi mana whenua vision for,
employment creation and sustainable community-led flora and fauna restoration
activities that will improve water quality and environmental integrity alongside
strengthening iwi cultural connections with this environment.

This alongside other environmental initiatives will strengthen tribal identities
and kaitiakitanga responsibilities over our natural resources in the
post-settlement era. Te Aroha Henry from Te Kura Kaupapa Maori A Rohe O Mangere
presents her speech at the National Nga Pu Korero speech competition in

In a bid to promote te reo Maori young orators put their language to the test at
the National Nga Pu Korero speech competition hosted in Northland. The speech
competition is part of the 63rd annual Maori Women's Welfare League Conference
based this year at Whangarei's ASB Stadium. Twenty-eight rangatahi from as far
south as Wellington took time out of their school holidays yesterday to present
their speech in front of hundreds who were in town for the conference. Susan
Wallace, from Te Wai Pounamu, said the young orators presenting were the winners
of the regional competitions held this year.


NAGAOKAナガオカ(国産)/ クラリネット その他 【MP-500】 ヤマハ レコードカートリッジ/MP型:音楽大陸カートリッジ単体 New
Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Bill — Second Reading

 * NAGAOKAナガオカ(国産)/【MP-500】 レコードカートリッジ/MP型.
 * Rangatira of ngati porou?
 * Post navigation?
 * Second Reading.

Dia terlibat aktif dan mengetahui segala hal yang terkait dengan hari
pernikahannya sendiri mulai dari gaun yang dikenakan, gedung yang disewa, sampai
dekorasinya seperti apa. Lalu ada Edy Xie yang akan menikah dengan Lucy. Edy ini
tipikal pria badboy. Wajah mendukung, karir oke, single and ready to mingle.
Terakhir adalah Siska Valentina.

Nah , dia lah orang yang dimaksud sebagai tamu tak diundang tadi. Benar saja,
Ineke Valentina tampil sebagai yang terbaik dari seluruh aktor yang berperan di
film ini. Dia menjiwai karakter Siska sehingga penonton sudi mengikuti
langkahnya sampai akhir. Keberaniannya beradu akting juga layak diapresiasi.
Siska adalah karakter yang membawa film ini dan mereka tidak salah memilih.
Lewat Pai Kau , Ineke menunjukkan potensinya sebagai salah satu aktris muda
menjanjikan. Sayang, dua pemeran lain yaitu Irina Chiu dan Anthony Xie membawa

Keduanya terlihat kaku saat bersama-sama. Bingung sendiri jadinya, apa yang
membuat Lucy dan Edy mantap untuk menikah?

約 4,, 件 検索ツール.
Designed by Japan, Manufactured or Assembled in Taiwan
をコンセプトとする日本製品を台湾から世界に発信するために創られたブランドなのです。. 沖電気工業 株 殿IP-PBX CrossCore
と光回線用ミラーポート付きVoiceスイッチ 「PSJplus」 のセット販売開始. ミラーポート付き光回線専用Voiceスイッチ 「PSJplus」

The removal of these tariffs will deliver significant gains for our exporters.
In addition to reducing barriers to our trade with China, the agreement promotes
cooperation in a broad range of areas, including intellectual property, which
was identified as an important area by submitters. It provides a platform for
further engagement at governmental, cultural, and people-to-people levels. There
are safeguards to ensure the New Zealand Government retains the right to
reasonably regulate in the interest of public welfare, including to protect
public health, safety, and the environment.

As the select committee notes, investment is likely to become an important
aspect of the China - New Zealand relationship. The legally binding agreements
on labour and the environment will enhance communication and cooperation on
those issues and, we believe, help towards achieving the objectives of raising
working standards and improving environmental protection in both countries. The
select committee notes concerns raised by a number of submitters on human

Experience shows that engagement with countries speeds up the process of reform
and change, but that isolation slows down that process. In conclusion, I say the
agreement is important for New Zealand as a trading nation. It will give us
access to a vast market for our goods, services, and investment. The
accompanying agreement on labour and the environment will encourage cooperation
in those areas.

I commend this bill to the House. TIM GROSER National : The National Party
strongly supports the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Bill. As members of
the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee, my colleagues and I listened
very carefully to the submitters during the select committee process. There is
an understandable tendency on any of these trade issues, in a numerical sense,
for a majority of submitters to have concerns about these agreements. Often
these concerns are based on longstanding objections to trade agreements per se,
or on a view of the political relationship—and I will try to come to that

But the major thrust of the submissions from major New Zealand institutions that
took the time and trouble to make submissions was overwhelmingly supportive of
this agreement, and very much consistent with the views of the two major
parties. I want to use my brief time here to focus on what I think is the reason
for that.

It is the bigger picture rather than the minutiae that I think New Zealanders
should have in their heads as they consider the passage of this bill. One of the
interesting factoids about globalisation for me is that around the world we have
already achieved an extraordinary degree of political unity. Roughly half the
people in the world are governed by two capitals, New Delhi and China, and the
other half are governed by different Governments, including our own, of course.
The implication of this is very important for New Zealand.

It means that if we can, to use the vernacular, tie up access into just two
capitals—if we can come to an accommodation with Beijing and New Delhi—New
Zealand, this tiny country of 4 million people, will essentially have access to
half the consumers in the world.

NAGAOKAナガオカ(国産)/ クラリネット その他 【MP-500】 ヤマハ レコードカートリッジ/MP型:音楽大陸カートリッジ単体

That is an amazing factoid to contemplate. With the passage of this bill, we in
New Zealand will be in a position to put in place the first piece in that jigsaw
puzzle. As members will be aware, the very preliminary steps have been taken in
respect of the other great developing capital, New Delhi, to try to get a
similar agreement—it will take a number of years, and it will be extremely
difficult—with India.

Even now, with this Chinese free-trade agreement, we have already achieved a
historic result for this country. I am not suggesting, by any means, that I am
the only New Zealander who has been involved in this; in the last 35 years
generations of New Zealanders have been involved in this fight for access. No
developed country in the world has had its economic prospects so tightly
constrained by a lack of access for its principal exports than New Zealand.


It has been one enormous struggle for generations of New Zealanders—farming
leaders, trade Ministers, Prime Ministers, trade negotiators like myself—to try
to find a way to open opportunities for New Zealand. This has been the story of
New Zealand in terms of our external trading regime since , when we lost access
to the United Kingdom. Historically, the United Kingdom had set up a great deal
of its farming systems 15, kilometres away in New Zealand, to furnish the food
needs of its consumers. It then entered into what was then a viciously
protective system known as the common agricultural policy, a system that has
been enormously transformed for the better, may I say, in the last 15 years.

That system was a dagger pointed at the heart of our economy, and it has taken
30 years of enormous struggle to deal with the implications of this. When we
think about that and then put this bill alongside, we see that this is a
watershed event for New Zealand in terms of our long-term economic prospects.
That is the big picture. That is the picture that I hope New Zealanders keep in
their minds as they listen to the criticism, some of which has some legitimacy
here and there, but the big picture is that picture.

Access to markets has been the fundamental problem, and this free-trade
agreement provides a huge qualitative shift for the better for New Zealand. It
is not the whole answer, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish the
New Zealand team in Geneva well in the next crucial 4 or 5 days. Obviously, I
know them extremely well, having chaired the agriculture negotiations prior to
entering politics, and I know how difficult it will be. They have the skills, I
have no doubt about that, but they will need luck, as well, to pull this

The World Trade Organization system is about the international glue that
surrounds these free-trade areas. It is the only way we can accomplish
disciplines on either export subsidies or production subsidies, and on certain
other trade issues of considerable importance to New Zealand. But these
free-trade agreements, of which this is really the jewel in the crown now for
New Zealand, are about one aspect of this, the market aspect, which does not
require forward progress in Geneva to celebrate today.

I see no reason why the current average growth rate of 11 percent—that is, the
compound average growth rate of New Zealand exports to China over the last 3
years—should not be maintained at or near those levels for some time to come.
And the reason is the very success of the Chinese in lifting hundreds of
millions of people out of poverty.

Maybe they can afford some primary school fees for their kids; probably not. It
is precisely in those income brackets that we will then see significant
increases in the consumption of meats of all types, dairy products, fruits,
vegetables, and edible oils. So that, if you like, is the bigger picture. In my
remaining minute or two I just want to concentrate on the legitimate concerns
that people have raised on human rights and give my own perspective, which I
think is the predominant view of the committee, although I will use my own

It is probably unwise, when we talk about human rights, to try to categorise
things in relative terms. It is a bit like theologians arguing whether there is
such a thing as relative sin. It is better to stay off that ground. One could
make a case that when 26 million people were estimated to have died during the
Cultural Revolution, there has been a very considerable improvement in human

But, of course, individual events still occur. I think that by opening up to
China we can make a very limited, but necessarily positive, contribution. MARTIN
GALLAGHER Labour—Hamilton West : As the chair of the Foreign Affairs, Defence
and Trade Committee, it obviously gives me great pleasure to comment on our
report back, and to acknowledge the previous two speakers.

Along with my colleague the deputy chair of the committee, Dr Wayne Mapp, I take
this opportunity to thank all the members of the committee for their very hard
work. In my view he has given a very thought-provoking and comprehensive
contribution to the House this afternoon. In terms of the writing of the report
and some of the research, in some of his work—and I am sure Dr Mapp will agree
with me—he gave a very, very good contribution, obviously acknowledging his own
experience and the role he has played for this country over a number of years.

As we are a very broadly based committee, I also acknowledge—notwithstanding
that he is the author of a minority report—our Green Party member, Keith Locke.
He made a very good contribution and obviously, in terms of this democratic
Parliament, this democratic House of Representatives, this afternoon, he will
clearly in his contribution give alternatives—give voice to some alternative
viewpoints—which of course the committee heard.

I acknowledge that a number of people had significant misgivings about this
agreement. I certainly acknowledge the very comprehensive contribution of Dr
Jane Kelsey, just to name but one. In that context, I think the previous speaker
alluded to the growing numbers of the middle class in China, in terms of their


came as an year-old returning to Urenui in north Taranaki. I attended the roto i
ngā tau. Haere Taha Maori is the Maori dimension or literally the Maori side.
Royal, “he tikanga tētehi mahi..e tika ana tērā mahi i raro i tētehi kaupapa” (a
tikanga in an Tono Tamariki whangai – Ki te Kooti whenua Maori, Niu Tireni