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Celebrate Freedom with Quality PPE & Gloves at the best prices. shop now AIR PURIFIER SMART SELECTOR Find the air purifier that matches your specifications Smart Selector PROTECTING OUR SCHOOLS Vizocare is a leading supplier of PPE & Air Purifiers to Schools See More YOUR SINGLE SOURCE OF PURIFICATION, DISINFECTION, AND PPE SOLUTIONS We accept purchase orders Special discounts for large orders COOP Purchasing Available Free shipping for all orders over $100 FEATURED PRODUCTS VIZOCARE GLOVES High quality, durable, and heat resistant exam gloves Order Now IHEALTH ANTIGEN HOME TEST KIT Authorized by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization. (EUA) Order Now CHILD FACE MASK Comfortable design for children from age of 2 to 12 ORDER NOW MEDIFY MA-40 Powerful HEPA air purifier with elegant design Order Now POPULAR CATEGORIES DISPOSABLE GLOVES SEE THE COLLECTION TEST KITS SEE THE COLLECTION FACE MASKS SEE THE COLLECTION AIR PURIFIERS SEE THE COLLECTION YOUR SAFETY IS IN OUR HANDS The highest quality gloves at the lowest prices. Vizocare’s gloves focus on quality to serve value across all industries offering a diverse selection materials and usage. SHOP NOW STAY SAFE WITHOUT SACRIFICING YOUR BUDGET Fund your purchases in 4 easy steps. STAY PROTECTED WITHOUT THE STRESS Shop for PPE & Gloves Now and Pay Later - The Ultimate Convenience for Your Safety! BEST SELLERS * Sale $6.00 | / KN95 MASK FOR KIDS - BOX OF 20 (FM-1S) VizoCare For special discount on bulk orders, email sales@vizocare.com KN95 Kids Breathable Protective Mask Adjustable nose piece and secure ear loop to p... View full details Add to cart * Save 76% Original price $5.00 Current price $1.20 | / DISPOSABLE PINK FACE MASK, 3-PLY - 50PC (FM-4P) VizoCare For special discount on bulk orders, email sales@vizocare.com Disposable Face Mask (3ply) General use face mask. Durability to protect you durin... View full details Add to cart * Save 41% Original price $3,000.00 Current price $1,770.00 | / ACON FLOWFLEX ANTIGEN HOME TEST KIT - CASE OF 300 TESTS (TK-4) ACON In Stock – Ready to Ship! Price is for a Case of 300 tests Flowflex is a rapid test for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigens in anterior nasal spec... View full details Add to cart * Save 75% Original price $10.00 Current price $2.50 | / DISPOSABLE CHILD FACE MASK, 3-PLY - 50PC (FM-7) VizoCare For special discount on bulk orders, email sales@vizocare.com Disposable Child Face Mask (3ply) Designed for children Three layers of protection... View full details Add to cart * Sale $75.00 | / BACTERICIDAL WIPES - 50 SHEETS, CASE OF 50 (BW-1) VizoCare For special discount on bulk orders, email sales@vizocare.com Hand Wipe Features: Perfect for quick clean-ups of dirt and messes Portable and conv... View full details Add to cart VIEW ALL WHO WE SERVE 2000+ CLIENTS 2000+ Government Agencies, Schools, Colleges and Universities, Health Care Centers and NGOs Depend on Vizocare for their PPE Needs our clients CLIENT TESTIMONIALS * > "On behalf of our Governor, WSDA and Director Sandison, I wanted to thank > you all so very much for all your help during the pandemic in getting PPE > supplies to our State food banks! It is so very much appreciate by all who > were touched by this! We couldn’t have done it without you! > Please see the attached infographic that shows our appreciation." > > Stacy, Washinton State, Department of Agriculture * > "We have ordered from you before and received excellent customer service > and would continue purchasing from you." > > Paula Weston, Guilford County DHHS Public Health Division Guilford County, > North Carolina * > "We had no issues with the products or delivery. I would like to have the > invoice processed for payment." > > Wendy McCorkle, FL Dept Of Health In Lake County Tavares, Florida * > "I have actually referred several clients to you back when everyone was > struggling to acquire PPE, masks in particular. Your prices have been > competitive, your product availability consistent and your service > impeccable. You may use me as a reference anytime. " > > Deanna Boudreau President Ajax Building Cleaning Corp., Massachusetts * > "All orders have been received in full – thank you." > > Tia Courtney, Office For People With Developmental Disabilities, New York > State * > "Thank you. Your communication is awesome!" > > Molly Anderson, Grays Harbor Sheriff, Montesano, Washington * June 22, 2023 DISPOSABLE GLOVES: PROTECTING WORKERS FROM CHEMOTHERAPY DRUG EXPOSURE Read now * June 20, 2023 THE NEED FOR COVID-19 TESTING: AN ONGOING ASSESSMENT Read now * June 8, 2023 THICK VS THIN DISPOSABLE GLOVES: THE PROS AND CONS Read now See more JOIN THE VIZOCARE MAILING LIST Email address Sign up * American Express * Apple Pay * Diners Club * Discover * Meta Pay * Mastercard * Shop Pay * Visa FOLLOW US Find us on Facebook Find us on Twitter Find us on Youtube Find us on LinkedIn Find us on E-mail MAIN MENU * Gloves * Test kits * Air Purifiers * Products * Industries * Portal * About Us * Contact Us ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * Blog * Privacy Policy * Shipping Policy * Refund & Returns Policy * FAQ- Air Purifiers * FAQ- Sales & Delivery * FAQ- PPE Products VIZOCOM ICT LLC 860 Jamacha Rd Ste 104, El Cajon, CA 92019 CAGE #: 76RW2 FDA Reg. #: 3016790162 * Search * Vizocom Website Copyright © 2023 VizoCare. 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