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Effective URL: https://www.jtv.com/category/clearance/_/N-2619281658?utm_source=Bluecore&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=BC_PriceDecr...
Submission: On May 07 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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   Hot item!
   Price reduced from: $146.00
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   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Ring 2.00ctw
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   Price reduced from: $120.00
   Bella Luce Birthstone Jewelry
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   White Cubic Zirconia 18k Yellow Gold Over Sterling Silver Earrings 2.80ctw
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   Lab Created Ruby And White Cubic Zirconia Platinum Over Sterling Silver Ring
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   Price reduced from: $122.00
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   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Pendant With Chain 8.78ctw
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   Price reduced from: $115.00
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   Green Malachite Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Pendant With Chain
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   Price reduced from: $173.99
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   Mandarin Garnet & White Zircon 18k Yellow Gold Over Silver Ring 1.88ctw
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   Price reduced from: $79.00
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   Price reduced from: $990.00
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   White Diamond 10k White Gold Cross Slide Pendant With 18" Rope Chain 0.50ctw
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   Price reduced from: $126.99
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   Multicolor Multi-Tourmaline Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Butterfly Earrings
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   Price reduced from: $73.00
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   Brown Cultured Freshwater Pearl Stretch Bracelet 12-13mm
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   Price reduced from: $168.00
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   Blue Nepalese Kyanite Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Men's Ring
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   Price reduced from: $131.99
   5.0 out of 5 stars
   Swiss Blue Topaz Rhodium Over Silver Stud Earrings 2.20ctw
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   Price reduced from: $396.00
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   Red Mahaleo® Ruby Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Ring 2.03ctw
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   Price reduced from: $112.99
   0 out of 5 stars
   Global Destinations
   Brown Smoky Quartz 18k Yellow Gold Over Silver Hamsa Hand Earrings 1.72ctw
   3-Pay Available
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   Price reduced from: $87.00
   Blue Tag Clearance
   3.3 out of 5 stars
   Bella Luce
   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Ring And Earring Set
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   Price reduced from: $136.00
   5.0 out of 5 stars
   Bella Luce
   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver 2 Ring Set 8.60ctw
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   Price reduced from: $89.00
   White Tag Clearance
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   Bella Luce
   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Ring With Bands 3.81ctw
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   5.0 out of 5 stars
   Black Spinel With Marcasite Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Earrings 3.40ctw
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   Price reduced from: $96.00
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   4.7 out of 5 stars
   Bella Luce
   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Butterfly Earrings 3.13ctw
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   Price reduced from: $167.00
   Blue Tag Clearance
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   Sky Blue Topaz Rhodium Over Silver 2-Stone Ring 3.82ct
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   Blue Lab Created Spinel Rhodium Over Silver Mens Ring 2.41ctw
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   Price reduced from: $49.99
   White Tag Clearance
   5.0 out of 5 stars
   Jewel School
   Stainless Steel Kidney Shaped Earwire with Cup and Peg in 3 Sizes Appx 30
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   Price reduced from: $121.99
   4.5 out of 5 stars
   Southwest Style by JTV
   Blended Purple Spiny Oyster Shell & Turquoise Rhodium Over Silver Heart
   4-Pay Available
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   Price reduced from: $77.00
   White Tag Clearance
   3.7 out of 5 stars
   Bella Luce
   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Earrings 9.34ctw
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   Price reduced from: $182.00
   White Tag Clearance
   5.0 out of 5 stars
   Yellow Citrine With Round White Zircon 18K Yellow Gold Over Sterling Silver
   Ring 2.62ctw
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   Price reduced from: $116.99
   3.9 out of 5 stars
   Pink Topaz Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Twist Necklace
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   Price reduced from: $70.00
   Blue Tag Clearance
   4.2 out of 5 stars
   Bella Luce
   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Earrings- Set of 2 2.35ctw
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   Price reduced from: $112.99
   Blue Tag Clearance
   4.0 out of 5 stars
   Blue Opal Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Solitaire Stud Earrings
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   Price reduced from: $121.99
   4.0 out of 5 stars
   Red Lab Created Ruby Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Ring 2.24ctw
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   Price reduced from: $128.00
   White Tag Clearance
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   Bella Luce
   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Ring Set 9.32ctw
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   Pink Opal Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Bypass Ring
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   Red Lab Created Ruby 14k Yellow Gold Over Sterling Silver Ring 2.11ctw
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   Price reduced from: $106.00
   Blue Tag Clearance
   4.8 out of 5 stars
   Green Peridot Rhodium Over Sterling Silver 3-Stone Ring 2.07ctw
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   Price reduced from: $105.00
   White Tag Clearance
   4.2 out of 5 stars
   Rhodium Over Sterling Silver 13/16" Twisted J-Hoop Earrings
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   Price reduced from: $82.99
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   Red Lab Created Ruby Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Earrings 8.50ctw
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   Price reduced from: $128.00
   White Tag Clearance
   4.8 out of 5 stars
   Bella Luce
   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Ring 0.61ctw
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   5.0 out of 5 stars
   Blue Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Earrings 0.07ctw
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   Price reduced from: $145.00
   5.0 out of 5 stars
   Bella Luce
   White Cubic Zirconia Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Rings 3.19ctw
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   Price reduced from: $284.00
   1.0 out of 5 stars
   White Diamond Rhodium Over Sterling Silver Heart Drop Earrings 0.25ctw
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   Price reduced from: $172.00
   White Tag Clearance
   4.0 out of 5 stars
   White Diamond Platinum Over Sterling Silver Stud Earrings 0.25ctw
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