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        <option class="level-0" value="223">Bottom Bracket</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="547">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bottom Bracket Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="279">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 110 Bottom Bracket</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="280">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Bottom Bracket</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="21">Brakes</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="77">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeBrakes</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="158">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brake Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="576">Chroma Studio</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="579">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Bottom Brackets</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="581">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Crank Preloaders</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="580">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio eeBarKeeps</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="582">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Forks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="578">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Headsets</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="577">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Top Caps</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="182">Cranks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="374">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Electric Wings</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="183">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings Mountain</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="203">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings All-Road</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="387">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings (Power Meter)</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="350">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Crank Small Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="230">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings Replacement Parts</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="17">Forks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="246">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Air 29</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="248">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Coil 29</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="249">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Air 27.5</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="250">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Coil 27.5</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="288">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm DJ</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="294">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm Fender</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="163">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fork Springs</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="118">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fork Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="18">Headsets</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="63">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;110</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="205">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="65">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;40</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="360">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Visco</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="303">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Lite</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="304">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Slam</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="66">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Angleset</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="68">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Viscoset</option>
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        <option class="level-1" value="307">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Crown Races</option>
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        <option class="level-0" value="15">Rear Suspension</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="543">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tigon</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="375">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Air IL</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="376">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Coil IL</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="261">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DB Kitsuma Air</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="262">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DB Kitsuma Coil</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="59">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBAir IL</option>
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        <option class="level-0" value="19">Seatposts</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="76">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thudbuster ST</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thudbuster LT</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="192">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeSilk</option>
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        <option class="level-0" value="223">Bottom Bracket</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="547">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bottom Bracket Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="279">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 110 Bottom Bracket</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="280">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Bottom Bracket</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="21">Brakes</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="77">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeBrakes</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="158">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brake Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="576">Chroma Studio</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="579">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Bottom Brackets</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="581">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Crank Preloaders</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="580">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio eeBarKeeps</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="582">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Forks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="578">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Headsets</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="577">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Top Caps</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="182">Cranks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="374">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Electric Wings</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="183">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings Mountain</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="203">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings All-Road</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="387">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings (Power Meter)</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="350">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Crank Small Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="230">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings Replacement Parts</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="17">Forks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="246">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Air 29</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="248">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Coil 29</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="249">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Air 27.5</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="250">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Coil 27.5</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="288">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm DJ</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="294">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm Fender</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="163">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fork Springs</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="118">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fork Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="18">Headsets</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="63">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;110</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="205">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="65">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;40</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="360">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Visco</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="303">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Lite</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="304">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Slam</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="66">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Angleset</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="68">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Viscoset</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="69">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Slamset</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="307">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Crown Races</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="87">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Headset Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="15">Rear Suspension</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="543">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tigon</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="375">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Air IL</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="376">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Coil IL</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="261">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DB Kitsuma Air</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="262">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DB Kitsuma Coil</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="59">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBAir IL</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="61">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBCoil IL</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="64">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hardware</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="72">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Springs</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="122">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rear Suspension Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="19">Seatposts</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="76">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thudbuster ST</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thudbuster LT</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="192">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeSilk</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="293">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeSilk+</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="292">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Seatpost Adapters</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="120">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Seatpost Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="305">Stem</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="377">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stem Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="306">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeSilk Stem</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="353">Chainring Spiders</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="366">Compliance Package</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="351">Crank Preloaders</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="153">Handlebar Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="113">Gear &amp; Apparel</option>
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        <option class="level-1" value="296">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Men’s Cycling Kits</option>
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        <option class="level-1" value="297">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women’s Cycling Kits</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="187">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shirts</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="114">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Socks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="188">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jerseys</option>
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        <option class="level-1" value="547">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bottom Bracket Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="279">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 110 Bottom Bracket</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="280">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Bottom Bracket</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="21">Brakes</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="77">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeBrakes</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="158">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brake Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="576">Chroma Studio</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="579">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Bottom Brackets</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="581">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Crank Preloaders</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="580">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio eeBarKeeps</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="582">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Forks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="578">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Headsets</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="577">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chroma Studio Top Caps</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="182">Cranks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="374">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Electric Wings</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="183">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings Mountain</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="203">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings All-Road</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="387">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings (Power Meter)</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="350">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Crank Small Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="230">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eeWings Replacement Parts</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="17">Forks</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="246">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Air 29</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="248">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Coil 29</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="249">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Air 27.5</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="250">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm MKII Coil 27.5</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="288">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm DJ</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="294">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helm Fender</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="163">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fork Springs</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="118">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fork Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
        <option class="level-0" value="18">Headsets</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="63">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;110</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="205">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="65">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;40</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="360">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Visco</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="303">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Lite</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="304">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hellbender 70 Slam</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="66">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Angleset</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="68">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Viscoset</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="69">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Slamset</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="307">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Crown Races</option>
        <option class="level-1" value="87">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Headset Parts &amp; Accessories</option>
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27.5    Helm DJ    Helm Fender    Fork Springs    Fork Parts & Accessories
Headsets    110    Hellbender 70    40    Hellbender 70 Visco    Hellbender 70
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All Categories Bottom Bracket    Bottom Bracket Parts & Accessories
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Brackets    Chroma Studio Crank Preloaders    Chroma Studio eeBarKeeps    Chroma
Studio Forks    Chroma Studio Headsets    Chroma Studio Top Caps Cranks
   Electric Wings    eeWings Mountain    eeWings All-Road    eeWings (Power
Meter)    Crank Small Parts & Accessories    eeWings Replacement Parts Forks
   Helm MKII Air 29    Helm MKII Coil 29    Helm MKII Air 27.5    Helm MKII Coil
27.5    Helm DJ    Helm Fender    Fork Springs    Fork Parts & Accessories
Headsets    110    Hellbender 70    40    Hellbender 70 Visco    Hellbender 70
Lite    Hellbender 70 Slam    Angleset    Viscoset    Slamset    Crown Races
   Headset Parts & Accessories Rear Suspension    Tigon    Air IL    Coil IL
   DB Kitsuma Air    DB Kitsuma Coil    DBAir IL    DBCoil IL    Hardware
   Springs    Rear Suspension Parts & Accessories Seatposts    Thudbuster ST
   Thudbuster LT    eeSilk    eeSilk+    Seatpost Adapters    Seatpost Parts &
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Compliance Package Crank Preloaders Handlebar Accessories Gear & Apparel
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Product Category Bottom Bracket    Bottom Bracket Parts & Accessories
   Hellbender 110 Bottom Bracket    Hellbender 70 Bottom Bracket Brakes
   eeBrakes    Brake Parts & Accessories Chroma Studio    Chroma Studio Bottom
Brackets    Chroma Studio Crank Preloaders    Chroma Studio eeBarKeeps    Chroma
Studio Forks    Chroma Studio Headsets    Chroma Studio Top Caps Cranks
   Electric Wings    eeWings Mountain    eeWings All-Road    eeWings (Power
Meter)    Crank Small Parts & Accessories    eeWings Replacement Parts Forks
   Helm MKII Air 29    Helm MKII Coil 29    Helm MKII Air 27.5    Helm MKII Coil
27.5    Helm DJ    Helm Fender    Fork Springs    Fork Parts & Accessories
Headsets    110    Hellbender 70    40    Hellbender 70 Visco    Hellbender 70
Lite    Hellbender 70 Slam    Angleset    Viscoset    Slamset    Crown Races
   Headset Parts & Accessories Rear Suspension    Tigon    Air IL    Coil IL
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Compliance Package Crank Preloaders Handlebar Accessories Gear & Apparel
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       * eeSilk Stem
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       * Hellbender 70
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 * Chroma Studio

Tigon: The Air Charged Coil Shock

Shop Now

Tigon is an entirely new DB Twin Tube shock that combines the sensitivity of a
coil shock with the tunable support of an air spring – to fuel your most
creative and playful riding yet.
Tigon is an entirely new DB Twin Tube shock that combines the sensitivity of a
coil shock with the tunable support of an air spring – to fuel your most
creative and playful riding yet.
Our compliance stem now comes in a 70mm option for both the with and without
Compliance Switch options.
In keeping with our love for building components that stand out from the crowd,
the Chroma Studio is here to add some additional style to your bike.
Tigon is an entirely new DB Twin Tube shock that combines the sensitivity of a
coil shock with the tunable support of an air spring – to fuel your most
creative and playful riding yet.
Our compliance stem now comes in a 70mm option for both the with and without
Compliance Switch options.
In keeping with our love for building components that stand out from the crowd,
the Chroma Studio is here to add some additional style to your bike.
Tigon is an entirely new DB Twin Tube shock that combines the sensitivity of a
coil shock with the tunable support of an air spring – to fuel your most
creative and playful riding yet.
Our compliance stem now comes in a 70mm option for both the with and without
Compliance Switch options.
In keeping with our love for building components that stand out from the crowd,
the Chroma Studio is here to add some additional style to your bike.
Tigon is an entirely new DB Twin Tube shock that combines the sensitivity of a
coil shock with the tunable support of an air spring – to fuel your most
creative and playful riding yet.
267 3

261 3

1263 24

425 2

267 3

261 3

1263 24

425 2

267 3

261 3

1263 24

425 2


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   $659.40 - $1,099.99
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Works great on my singlespeed with raceface cranks

Verified review - view original

1 week ago
Jeff Johnson

This should be OEM on all cinch cranks

Verified review - view original

2 weeks ago

Easy to navigate and find replacement parts

Verified review - view original

2 weeks ago


Cane Creek Cycling Components has been shaping the cycling industry for nearly 3
decades and we are proud to call Pisgah National Forest home.

Every product we choose to make is influenced by the endless miles of rugged
singletrack and the twisty roads of Pisgah. Our products are proven by Western
North Carolina’s grueling technical climbs and long rewarding descents; our
products are born in the Blue Ridge Mountains and tested by the likes of Pisgah.

As an employee-owned company, we set the highest of expectations for ourselves
when we bring a product to market, sustained by premium customer service and

Schedule a factory tour today to meet us, see what we do, and how we do it.

Schedule Your Factory Tour



Brent Graves – CEO & President December 2023 “Customers are not asking for your
product.” That’s what a shop said to us recently. It is disappointing and
frustrating to hear.

Read More
December 7, 2023


Pisgah Born: Development Story and Technical Deep Dive on Cane Creek’s new Tigon
the world’s first twin tube

Read More
November 30, 2023


Riding Under the Midnight Sun: A 3-Week Cycling Adventure in Iceland “Carpe
diem” “Bike Mary” – @REBELWITHOUTACAR Iceland has been a dream biking
destination of mine for several years now,

Read More
November 6, 2023


Accidental Cycling Love A ‘How I Got Here’ with Cane Creek’s new Product
Marketing Manager Will Hart – Product Marketing Manager I was not an athletic
kid. I was precocious,

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October 23, 2023
Read More from Our Journal
Free US shipping on all orders $99+


355 Cane Creek Rd
Fletcher, NC 28732






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