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Submission: On November 10 via manual from DE — Scanned from DE
Submission: On November 10 via manual from DE — Scanned from DE
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<div class="form-group">
<select name="country" id="country" class="country globe-icon gry-input form_input form-control">
<option value="AF" iso3="AFG" id="1" spotcode="93">Afghanistan</option>
<option value="AL" iso3="ALB" id="2" spotcode="355">Albania</option>
<option value="DZ" iso3="DZA" id="3" spotcode="213">Algeria</option>
<option value="AS" iso3="ASM" id="4" spotcode="1684">American Samoa</option>
<option value="AD" iso3="AND" id="5" spotcode="376">Andorra</option>
<option value="AO" iso3="AGO" id="6" spotcode="244">Angola</option>
<option value="AI" iso3="AIA" id="7" spotcode="1264">Anguilla</option>
<option value="AQ" iso3="0" id="8" spotcode="672">Antarctica</option>
<option value="AG" iso3="ATG" id="9" spotcode="1268">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
<option value="AR" iso3="ARG" id="10" spotcode="54">Argentina</option>
<option value="AM" iso3="ARM" id="11" spotcode="374">Armenia</option>
<option value="AW" iso3="ABW" id="12" spotcode="297">Aruba</option>
<option value="AU" iso3="AUS" id="13" spotcode="61">Australia</option>
<option value="AT" iso3="AUT" id="14" spotcode="43">Austria</option>
<option value="AZ" iso3="AZE" id="15" spotcode="994">Azerbaijan</option>
<option value="BS" iso3="BHS" id="16" spotcode="1242">Bahamas</option>
<option value="BH" iso3="BHR" id="17" spotcode="973">Bahrain</option>
<option value="BD" iso3="BGD" id="18" spotcode="880">Bangladesh</option>
<option value="BB" iso3="BRB" id="19" spotcode="1246">Barbados</option>
<option value="BY" iso3="BLR" id="20" spotcode="1268">Belarus</option>
<option value="BE" iso3="BEL" id="21" spotcode="32">Belgium</option>
<option value="BZ" iso3="BLZ" id="22" spotcode="32">Belize</option>
<option value="BJ" iso3="BEN" id="23" spotcode="501">Benin</option>
<option value="BM" iso3="BMU" id="24" spotcode="229">Bermuda</option>
<option value="BT" iso3="BTN" id="25" spotcode="1441">Bhutan</option>
<option value="BO" iso3="BOL" id="26" spotcode="975">Bolivia</option>
<option value="BA" iso3="BIH" id="27" spotcode="591">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
<option value="BW" iso3="BWA" id="28" spotcode="387">Botswana</option>
<option value="BV" iso3="0" id="29" spotcode="267">Bouvet Island</option>
<option value="BR" iso3="BRA" id="30" spotcode="55">Brazil</option>
<option value="IO" iso3="0" id="31" spotcode="1284">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
<option value="BN" iso3="BRN" id="32" spotcode="673">Brunei Darussalam</option>
<option value="BG" iso3="BGR" id="33" spotcode="359">Bulgaria</option>
<option value="BF" iso3="BFA" id="34" spotcode="226">Burkina Faso</option>
<option value="BI" iso3="BDI" id="35" spotcode="257">Burundi</option>
<option value="KH" iso3="KHM" id="36" spotcode="855">Cambodia</option>
<option value="CM" iso3="CMR" id="37" spotcode="237">Cameroon</option>
<option value="CA" iso3="CAN" id="38" spotcode="1">Canada</option>
<option value="CV" iso3="CPV" id="39" spotcode="238">Cape Verde</option>
<option value="KY" iso3="CYM" id="40" spotcode="1345">Cayman Islands</option>
<option value="CF" iso3="CAF" id="41" spotcode="236">Central African Republic</option>
<option value="TD" iso3="TCD" id="42" spotcode="235">Chad</option>
<option value="CL" iso3="CHL" id="43" spotcode="56">Chile</option>
<option value="CN" iso3="CHN" id="44" spotcode="86">China</option>
<option value="CX" iso3="0" id="45" spotcode="618">Christmas Island</option>
<option value="CC" iso3="0" id="46" spotcode="61">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
<option value="CO" iso3="COL" id="47" spotcode="57">Colombia</option>
<option value="KM" iso3="COM" id="48" spotcode="269">Comoros</option>
<option value="CG" iso3="COG" id="49" spotcode="242">Congo</option>
<option value="CD" iso3="COD" id="50" spotcode="243">Congo, the Democratic Republic</option>
<option value="CK" iso3="COK" id="51" spotcode="682">Cook Islands</option>
<option value="CR" iso3="CRI" id="52" spotcode="506">Costa Rica</option>
<option value="CI" iso3="CIV" id="53" spotcode="225">Cote D'Ivoire</option>
<option value="HR" iso3="HRV" id="54" spotcode="385">Croatia</option>
<option value="CU" iso3="CUB" id="55" spotcode="53">Cuba</option>
<option value="CY" iso3="CYP" id="56" spotcode="357">Cyprus</option>
<option value="CZ" iso3="CZE" id="57" spotcode="420">Czech Republic</option>
<option value="DK" iso3="DNK" id="58" spotcode="45">Denmark</option>
<option value="DJ" iso3="DJI" id="59" spotcode="253">Djibouti</option>
<option value="DM" iso3="DMA" id="60" spotcode="1767">Dominica</option>
<option value="DO" iso3="DOM" id="61" spotcode="1809">Dominican Republic</option>
<option value="EC" iso3="ECU" id="62" spotcode="593">Ecuador</option>
<option value="EG" iso3="EGY" id="63" spotcode="20">Egypt</option>
<option value="SV" iso3="SLV" id="64" spotcode="503">El Salvador</option>
<option value="GQ" iso3="GNQ" id="65" spotcode="240">Equatorial Guinea</option>
<option value="ER" iso3="ERI" id="66" spotcode="291">Eritrea</option>
<option value="EE" iso3="EST" id="67" spotcode="372">Estonia</option>
<option value="ET" iso3="ETH" id="68" spotcode="251">Ethiopia</option>
<option value="FK" iso3="FLK" id="69" spotcode="500">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
<option value="FO" iso3="FRO" id="70" spotcode="298">Faroe Islands</option>
<option value="FJ" iso3="FJI" id="71" spotcode="679">Fiji</option>
<option value="FI" iso3="FIN" id="72" spotcode="358">Finland</option>
<option value="FR" iso3="FRA" id="73" spotcode="33">France</option>
<option value="GF" iso3="GUF" id="74" spotcode="594">French Guiana</option>
<option value="PF" iso3="PYF" id="75" spotcode="689">French Polynesia</option>
<option value="TF" iso3="0" id="76" spotcode="596">French Southern Territories</option>
<option value="GA" iso3="GAB" id="77" spotcode="241">Gabon</option>
<option value="GM" iso3="GMB" id="78" spotcode="220">Gambia</option>
<option value="GE" iso3="GEO" id="79" spotcode="995">Georgia</option>
<option value="DE" iso3="DEU" id="80" spotcode="49" selected="selected">Germany</option>
<option value="GH" iso3="GHA" id="81" spotcode="233">Ghana</option>
<option value="GI" iso3="GIB" id="82" spotcode="350">Gibraltar</option>
<option value="GR" iso3="GRC" id="83" spotcode="30">Greece</option>
<option value="GL" iso3="GRL" id="84" spotcode="299">Greenland</option>
<option value="GD" iso3="GRD" id="85" spotcode="1473">Grenada</option>
<option value="GP" iso3="GLP" id="86" spotcode="590">Guadeloupe</option>
<option value="GU" iso3="GUM" id="87" spotcode="1671">Guam</option>
<option value="GT" iso3="GTM" id="88" spotcode="502">Guatemala</option>
<option value="GN" iso3="GIN" id="89" spotcode="224">Guinea</option>
<option value="GW" iso3="GNB" id="90" spotcode="245">Guinea-Bissau</option>
<option value="GY" iso3="GUY" id="91" spotcode="592">Guyana</option>
<option value="HT" iso3="HTI" id="92" spotcode="509">Haiti</option>
<option value="HM" iso3="0" id="93" spotcode="334">Heard Island and Mcdonald Isla</option>
<option value="VA" iso3="VAT" id="94" spotcode="39">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
<option value="HN" iso3="HND" id="95" spotcode="504">Honduras</option>
<option value="HK" iso3="HKG" id="96" spotcode="852">Hong Kong</option>
<option value="HU" iso3="HUN" id="97" spotcode="36">Hungary</option>
<option value="IS" iso3="ISL" id="98" spotcode="354">Iceland</option>
<option value="IN" iso3="IND" id="99" spotcode="91">India</option>
<option value="ID" iso3="IDN" id="100" spotcode="62">Indonesia</option>
<option value="IR" iso3="IRN" id="101" spotcode="98">Iran, Islamic Republic of</option>
<option value="IQ" iso3="IRQ" id="102" spotcode="964">Iraq</option>
<option value="IE" iso3="IRL" id="103" spotcode="353">Ireland</option>
<option value="IL" iso3="ISR" id="104" spotcode="972">Israel</option>
<option value="IT" iso3="ITA" id="105" spotcode="39">Italy</option>
<option value="JM" iso3="JAM" id="106" spotcode="1876">Jamaica</option>
<option value="JP" iso3="JPN" id="107" spotcode="81">Japan</option>
<option value="JO" iso3="JOR" id="108" spotcode="962">Jordan</option>
<option value="KZ" iso3="KAZ" id="109" spotcode="7">Kazakhstan</option>
<option value="KE" iso3="KEN" id="110" spotcode="254">Kenya</option>
<option value="KI" iso3="KIR" id="111" spotcode="686">Kiribati</option>
<option value="KP" iso3="PRK" id="112" spotcode="850">Korea, Democratic People's Rep</option>
<option value="KR" iso3="KOR" id="113" spotcode="82">Korea, Republic of</option>
<option value="KW" iso3="KWT" id="114" spotcode="965">Kuwait</option>
<option value="KG" iso3="KGZ" id="115" spotcode="996">Kyrgyzstan</option>
<option value="LA" iso3="LAO" id="116" spotcode="856">Lao People's Democratic Republ</option>
<option value="LV" iso3="LVA" id="117" spotcode="371">Latvia</option>
<option value="LB" iso3="LBN" id="118" spotcode="961">Lebanon</option>
<option value="LS" iso3="LSO" id="119" spotcode="266">Lesotho</option>
<option value="LR" iso3="LBR" id="120" spotcode="231">Liberia</option>
<option value="LY" iso3="LBY" id="121" spotcode="218">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</option>
<option value="LI" iso3="LIE" id="122" spotcode="423">Liechtenstein</option>
<option value="LT" iso3="LTU" id="123" spotcode="370">Lithuania</option>
<option value="LU" iso3="LUX" id="124" spotcode="352">Luxembourg</option>
<option value="MO" iso3="MAC" id="125" spotcode="853">Macao</option>
<option value="MK" iso3="MKD" id="126" spotcode="389">Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav</option>
<option value="MG" iso3="MDG" id="127" spotcode="261">Madagascar</option>
<option value="MW" iso3="MWI" id="128" spotcode="265">Malawi</option>
<option value="MY" iso3="MYS" id="129" spotcode="60">Malaysia</option>
<option value="MV" iso3="MDV" id="130" spotcode="960">Maldives</option>
<option value="ML" iso3="MLI" id="131" spotcode="223">Mali</option>
<option value="MT" iso3="MLT" id="132" spotcode="356">Malta</option>
<option value="MH" iso3="MHL" id="133" spotcode="692">Marshall Islands</option>
<option value="MQ" iso3="MTQ" id="134" spotcode="596">Martinique</option>
<option value="MR" iso3="MRT" id="135" spotcode="222">Mauritania</option>
<option value="MU" iso3="MUS" id="136" spotcode="230">Mauritius</option>
<option value="YT" iso3="0" id="137" spotcode="269">Mayotte</option>
<option value="MX" iso3="MEX" id="138" spotcode="52">Mexico</option>
<option value="FM" iso3="FSM" id="139" spotcode="691">Micronesia, Federated States o</option>
<option value="MD" iso3="MDA" id="140" spotcode="373">Moldova, Republic of</option>
<option value="MC" iso3="MCO" id="141" spotcode="377">Monaco</option>
<option value="MN" iso3="MNG" id="142" spotcode="976">Mongolia</option>
<option value="MS" iso3="MSR" id="143" spotcode="1664">Montserrat</option>
<option value="MA" iso3="MAR" id="144" spotcode="212">Morocco</option>
<option value="MZ" iso3="MOZ" id="145" spotcode="258">Mozambique</option>
<option value="MM" iso3="MMR" id="146" spotcode="95">Myanmar</option>
<option value="NA" iso3="NAM" id="147" spotcode="264">Namibia</option>
<option value="NR" iso3="NRU" id="148" spotcode="674">Nauru</option>
<option value="NP" iso3="NPL" id="149" spotcode="977">Nepal</option>
<option value="NL" iso3="NLD" id="150" spotcode="31">Netherlands</option>
<option value="AN" iso3="ANT" id="151" spotcode="599">Netherlands Antilles</option>
<option value="NC" iso3="NCL" id="152" spotcode="687">New Caledonia</option>
<option value="NZ" iso3="NZL" id="153" spotcode="64">New Zealand</option>
<option value="NI" iso3="NIC" id="154" spotcode="505">Nicaragua</option>
<option value="NE" iso3="NER" id="155" spotcode="227">Niger</option>
<option value="NG" iso3="NGA" id="156" spotcode="234">Nigeria</option>
<option value="NU" iso3="NIU" id="157" spotcode="683">Niue</option>
<option value="NF" iso3="NFK" id="158" spotcode="672">Norfolk Island</option>
<option value="MP" iso3="MNP" id="159" spotcode="1670">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
<option value="NO" iso3="NOR" id="160" spotcode="47">Norway</option>
<option value="OM" iso3="OMN" id="161" spotcode="968">Oman</option>
<option value="PK" iso3="PAK" id="162" spotcode="92">Pakistan</option>
<option value="PW" iso3="PLW" id="163" spotcode="680">Palau</option>
<option value="PS" iso3="0" id="164" spotcode="970">Palestinian Territory</option>
<option value="PA" iso3="PAN" id="165" spotcode="507">Panama</option>
<option value="PG" iso3="PNG" id="166" spotcode="675">Papua New Guinea</option>
<option value="PY" iso3="PRY" id="167" spotcode="595">Paraguay</option>
<option value="PE" iso3="PER" id="168" spotcode="51">Peru</option>
<option value="PH" iso3="PHL" id="169" spotcode="63">Philippines</option>
<option value="PN" iso3="PCN" id="170" spotcode="64">Pitcairn</option>
<option value="PL" iso3="POL" id="171" spotcode="48">Poland</option>
<option value="PT" iso3="PRT" id="172" spotcode="351">Portugal</option>
<option value="PR" iso3="PRI" id="173" spotcode="1787">Puerto Rico</option>
<option value="QA" iso3="QAT" id="174" spotcode="974">Qatar</option>
<option value="RE" iso3="REU" id="175" spotcode="262">Reunion</option>
<option value="RO" iso3="ROM" id="176" spotcode="40">Romania</option>
<option value="RU" iso3="RUS" id="177" spotcode="7">Russia</option>
<option value="RW" iso3="RWA" id="178" spotcode="250">Rwanda</option>
<option value="SH" iso3="SHN" id="179" spotcode="290">Saint Helena</option>
<option value="KN" iso3="KNA" id="180" spotcode="1869">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
<option value="LC" iso3="LCA" id="181" spotcode="1758">Saint Lucia</option>
<option value="PM" iso3="SPM" id="182" spotcode="508">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
<option value="VC" iso3="VCT" id="183" spotcode="1784">Saint Vincent and the Grenadin</option>
<option value="WS" iso3="WSM" id="184" spotcode="685">Samoa</option>
<option value="SM" iso3="SMR" id="185" spotcode="378">San Marino</option>
<option value="ST" iso3="STP" id="186" spotcode="239">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
<option value="SA" iso3="SAU" id="187" spotcode="966">Saudi Arabia</option>
<option value="SN" iso3="SEN" id="188" spotcode="221">Senegal</option>
<option value="RS" iso3="" id="189" spotcode="381">Serbia</option>
<option value="SC" iso3="SYC" id="190" spotcode="248">Seychelles</option>
<option value="SL" iso3="SLE" id="191" spotcode="232">Sierra Leone</option>
<option value="SG" iso3="SGP" id="192" spotcode="65">Singapore</option>
<option value="SK" iso3="SVK" id="193" spotcode="421">Slovakia</option>
<option value="SI" iso3="SVN" id="194" spotcode="386">Slovenia</option>
<option value="SB" iso3="SLB" id="195" spotcode="677">Solomon Islands</option>
<option value="SO" iso3="SOM" id="196" spotcode="252">Somalia</option>
<option value="ZA" iso3="ZAF" id="197" spotcode="27">South Africa</option>
<option value="GS" iso3="0" id="198" spotcode="500">South Georgia and the South Sa</option>
<option value="ES" iso3="ESP" id="199" spotcode="34">Spain</option>
<option value="LK" iso3="LKA" id="200" spotcode="94">Sri Lanka</option>
<option value="SD" iso3="SDN" id="201" spotcode="249">Sudan</option>
<option value="SR" iso3="SUR" id="202" spotcode="597">Suriname</option>
<option value="SJ" iso3="SJM" id="203" spotcode="47">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
<option value="SZ" iso3="SWZ" id="204" spotcode="268">Swaziland</option>
<option value="SE" iso3="SWE" id="205" spotcode="46">Sweden</option>
<option value="CH" iso3="CHE" id="206" spotcode="41">Switzerland</option>
<option value="SY" iso3="SYR" id="207" spotcode="963">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
<option value="TW" iso3="TWN" id="208" spotcode="886">Taiwan, Province of China</option>
<option value="TJ" iso3="TJK" id="209" spotcode="992">Tajikistan</option>
<option value="TZ" iso3="TZA" id="210" spotcode="255">Tanzania, United Republic of</option>
<option value="TH" iso3="THA" id="211" spotcode="66">Thailand</option>
<option value="TL" iso3="0" id="212" spotcode="670">Timor-Leste</option>
<option value="TG" iso3="TGO" id="213" spotcode="228">Togo</option>
<option value="TK" iso3="TKL" id="214" spotcode="690">Tokelau</option>
<option value="TO" iso3="TON" id="215" spotcode="676">Tonga</option>
<option value="TT" iso3="TTO" id="216" spotcode="1868">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
<option value="TN" iso3="TUN" id="217" spotcode="216">Tunisia</option>
<option value="TR" iso3="TUR" id="218" spotcode="90">Turkey</option>
<option value="TM" iso3="TKM" id="219" spotcode="993">Turkmenistan</option>
<option value="TC" iso3="TCA" id="220" spotcode="1649">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
<option value="TV" iso3="TUV" id="221" spotcode="688">Tuvalu</option>
<option value="UG" iso3="UGA" id="222" spotcode="256">Uganda</option>
<option value="UA" iso3="UKR" id="223" spotcode="380">Ukraine</option>
<option value="AE" iso3="ARE" id="224" spotcode="971">United Arab Emirates</option>
<option value="GB" iso3="GBR" id="225" spotcode="44">United Kingdom</option>
<option value="US" iso3="USA" id="226" spotcode="1">United States</option>
<option value="UM" iso3="0" id="227" spotcode="1340">United States Minor Outlying I</option>
<option value="UY" iso3="URY" id="228" spotcode="598">Uruguay</option>
<option value="UZ" iso3="UZB" id="229" spotcode="998">Uzbekistan</option>
<option value="VU" iso3="VUT" id="230" spotcode="678">Vanuatu</option>
<option value="VE" iso3="VEN" id="231" spotcode="58">Venezuela</option>
<option value="VN" iso3="VNM" id="232" spotcode="84">Viet Nam</option>
<option value="VG" iso3="VGB" id="233" spotcode="1284">Virgin Islands, British</option>
<option value="VI" iso3="VIR" id="234" spotcode="1340">Virgin Islands, U.s.</option>
<option value="WF" iso3="WLF" id="235" spotcode="681">Wallis and Futuna</option>
<option value="EH" iso3="ESH" id="236" spotcode="212">Western Sahara</option>
<option value="YE" iso3="YEM" id="237" spotcode="967">Yemen</option>
<option value="ZM" iso3="ZMB" id="238" spotcode="260">Zambia</option>
<option value="ZW" iso3="ZWE" id="239" spotcode="263">Zimbabwe</option>
<option value="ME" iso3="MNE" id="241" spotcode="382">Montenegro</option>
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<select name="country" id="country" class="country globe-icon gry-input form_input form-control">
<option value="AF" iso3="AFG" id="1" spotcode="93">Afghanistan</option>
<option value="AL" iso3="ALB" id="2" spotcode="355">Albania</option>
<option value="DZ" iso3="DZA" id="3" spotcode="213">Algeria</option>
<option value="AS" iso3="ASM" id="4" spotcode="1684">American Samoa</option>
<option value="AD" iso3="AND" id="5" spotcode="376">Andorra</option>
<option value="AO" iso3="AGO" id="6" spotcode="244">Angola</option>
<option value="AI" iso3="AIA" id="7" spotcode="1264">Anguilla</option>
<option value="AQ" iso3="0" id="8" spotcode="672">Antarctica</option>
<option value="AG" iso3="ATG" id="9" spotcode="1268">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
<option value="AR" iso3="ARG" id="10" spotcode="54">Argentina</option>
<option value="AM" iso3="ARM" id="11" spotcode="374">Armenia</option>
<option value="AW" iso3="ABW" id="12" spotcode="297">Aruba</option>
<option value="AU" iso3="AUS" id="13" spotcode="61">Australia</option>
<option value="AT" iso3="AUT" id="14" spotcode="43">Austria</option>
<option value="AZ" iso3="AZE" id="15" spotcode="994">Azerbaijan</option>
<option value="BS" iso3="BHS" id="16" spotcode="1242">Bahamas</option>
<option value="BH" iso3="BHR" id="17" spotcode="973">Bahrain</option>
<option value="BD" iso3="BGD" id="18" spotcode="880">Bangladesh</option>
<option value="BB" iso3="BRB" id="19" spotcode="1246">Barbados</option>
<option value="BY" iso3="BLR" id="20" spotcode="1268">Belarus</option>
<option value="BE" iso3="BEL" id="21" spotcode="32">Belgium</option>
<option value="BZ" iso3="BLZ" id="22" spotcode="32">Belize</option>
<option value="BJ" iso3="BEN" id="23" spotcode="501">Benin</option>
<option value="BM" iso3="BMU" id="24" spotcode="229">Bermuda</option>
<option value="BT" iso3="BTN" id="25" spotcode="1441">Bhutan</option>
<option value="BO" iso3="BOL" id="26" spotcode="975">Bolivia</option>
<option value="BA" iso3="BIH" id="27" spotcode="591">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
<option value="BW" iso3="BWA" id="28" spotcode="387">Botswana</option>
<option value="BV" iso3="0" id="29" spotcode="267">Bouvet Island</option>
<option value="BR" iso3="BRA" id="30" spotcode="55">Brazil</option>
<option value="IO" iso3="0" id="31" spotcode="1284">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
<option value="BN" iso3="BRN" id="32" spotcode="673">Brunei Darussalam</option>
<option value="BG" iso3="BGR" id="33" spotcode="359">Bulgaria</option>
<option value="BF" iso3="BFA" id="34" spotcode="226">Burkina Faso</option>
<option value="BI" iso3="BDI" id="35" spotcode="257">Burundi</option>
<option value="KH" iso3="KHM" id="36" spotcode="855">Cambodia</option>
<option value="CM" iso3="CMR" id="37" spotcode="237">Cameroon</option>
<option value="CA" iso3="CAN" id="38" spotcode="1">Canada</option>
<option value="CV" iso3="CPV" id="39" spotcode="238">Cape Verde</option>
<option value="KY" iso3="CYM" id="40" spotcode="1345">Cayman Islands</option>
<option value="CF" iso3="CAF" id="41" spotcode="236">Central African Republic</option>
<option value="TD" iso3="TCD" id="42" spotcode="235">Chad</option>
<option value="CL" iso3="CHL" id="43" spotcode="56">Chile</option>
<option value="CN" iso3="CHN" id="44" spotcode="86">China</option>
<option value="CX" iso3="0" id="45" spotcode="618">Christmas Island</option>
<option value="CC" iso3="0" id="46" spotcode="61">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
<option value="CO" iso3="COL" id="47" spotcode="57">Colombia</option>
<option value="KM" iso3="COM" id="48" spotcode="269">Comoros</option>
<option value="CG" iso3="COG" id="49" spotcode="242">Congo</option>
<option value="CD" iso3="COD" id="50" spotcode="243">Congo, the Democratic Republic</option>
<option value="CK" iso3="COK" id="51" spotcode="682">Cook Islands</option>
<option value="CR" iso3="CRI" id="52" spotcode="506">Costa Rica</option>
<option value="CI" iso3="CIV" id="53" spotcode="225">Cote D'Ivoire</option>
<option value="HR" iso3="HRV" id="54" spotcode="385">Croatia</option>
<option value="CU" iso3="CUB" id="55" spotcode="53">Cuba</option>
<option value="CY" iso3="CYP" id="56" spotcode="357">Cyprus</option>
<option value="CZ" iso3="CZE" id="57" spotcode="420">Czech Republic</option>
<option value="DK" iso3="DNK" id="58" spotcode="45">Denmark</option>
<option value="DJ" iso3="DJI" id="59" spotcode="253">Djibouti</option>
<option value="DM" iso3="DMA" id="60" spotcode="1767">Dominica</option>
<option value="DO" iso3="DOM" id="61" spotcode="1809">Dominican Republic</option>
<option value="EC" iso3="ECU" id="62" spotcode="593">Ecuador</option>
<option value="EG" iso3="EGY" id="63" spotcode="20">Egypt</option>
<option value="SV" iso3="SLV" id="64" spotcode="503">El Salvador</option>
<option value="GQ" iso3="GNQ" id="65" spotcode="240">Equatorial Guinea</option>
<option value="ER" iso3="ERI" id="66" spotcode="291">Eritrea</option>
<option value="EE" iso3="EST" id="67" spotcode="372">Estonia</option>
<option value="ET" iso3="ETH" id="68" spotcode="251">Ethiopia</option>
<option value="FK" iso3="FLK" id="69" spotcode="500">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
<option value="FO" iso3="FRO" id="70" spotcode="298">Faroe Islands</option>
<option value="FJ" iso3="FJI" id="71" spotcode="679">Fiji</option>
<option value="FI" iso3="FIN" id="72" spotcode="358">Finland</option>
<option value="FR" iso3="FRA" id="73" spotcode="33">France</option>
<option value="GF" iso3="GUF" id="74" spotcode="594">French Guiana</option>
<option value="PF" iso3="PYF" id="75" spotcode="689">French Polynesia</option>
<option value="TF" iso3="0" id="76" spotcode="596">French Southern Territories</option>
<option value="GA" iso3="GAB" id="77" spotcode="241">Gabon</option>
<option value="GM" iso3="GMB" id="78" spotcode="220">Gambia</option>
<option value="GE" iso3="GEO" id="79" spotcode="995">Georgia</option>
<option value="DE" iso3="DEU" id="80" spotcode="49" selected="selected">Germany</option>
<option value="GH" iso3="GHA" id="81" spotcode="233">Ghana</option>
<option value="GI" iso3="GIB" id="82" spotcode="350">Gibraltar</option>
<option value="GR" iso3="GRC" id="83" spotcode="30">Greece</option>
<option value="GL" iso3="GRL" id="84" spotcode="299">Greenland</option>
<option value="GD" iso3="GRD" id="85" spotcode="1473">Grenada</option>
<option value="GP" iso3="GLP" id="86" spotcode="590">Guadeloupe</option>
<option value="GU" iso3="GUM" id="87" spotcode="1671">Guam</option>
<option value="GT" iso3="GTM" id="88" spotcode="502">Guatemala</option>
<option value="GN" iso3="GIN" id="89" spotcode="224">Guinea</option>
<option value="GW" iso3="GNB" id="90" spotcode="245">Guinea-Bissau</option>
<option value="GY" iso3="GUY" id="91" spotcode="592">Guyana</option>
<option value="HT" iso3="HTI" id="92" spotcode="509">Haiti</option>
<option value="HM" iso3="0" id="93" spotcode="334">Heard Island and Mcdonald Isla</option>
<option value="VA" iso3="VAT" id="94" spotcode="39">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
<option value="HN" iso3="HND" id="95" spotcode="504">Honduras</option>
<option value="HK" iso3="HKG" id="96" spotcode="852">Hong Kong</option>
<option value="HU" iso3="HUN" id="97" spotcode="36">Hungary</option>
<option value="IS" iso3="ISL" id="98" spotcode="354">Iceland</option>
<option value="IN" iso3="IND" id="99" spotcode="91">India</option>
<option value="ID" iso3="IDN" id="100" spotcode="62">Indonesia</option>
<option value="IR" iso3="IRN" id="101" spotcode="98">Iran, Islamic Republic of</option>
<option value="IQ" iso3="IRQ" id="102" spotcode="964">Iraq</option>
<option value="IE" iso3="IRL" id="103" spotcode="353">Ireland</option>
<option value="IL" iso3="ISR" id="104" spotcode="972">Israel</option>
<option value="IT" iso3="ITA" id="105" spotcode="39">Italy</option>
<option value="JM" iso3="JAM" id="106" spotcode="1876">Jamaica</option>
<option value="JP" iso3="JPN" id="107" spotcode="81">Japan</option>
<option value="JO" iso3="JOR" id="108" spotcode="962">Jordan</option>
<option value="KZ" iso3="KAZ" id="109" spotcode="7">Kazakhstan</option>
<option value="KE" iso3="KEN" id="110" spotcode="254">Kenya</option>
<option value="KI" iso3="KIR" id="111" spotcode="686">Kiribati</option>
<option value="KP" iso3="PRK" id="112" spotcode="850">Korea, Democratic People's Rep</option>
<option value="KR" iso3="KOR" id="113" spotcode="82">Korea, Republic of</option>
<option value="KW" iso3="KWT" id="114" spotcode="965">Kuwait</option>
<option value="KG" iso3="KGZ" id="115" spotcode="996">Kyrgyzstan</option>
<option value="LA" iso3="LAO" id="116" spotcode="856">Lao People's Democratic Republ</option>
<option value="LV" iso3="LVA" id="117" spotcode="371">Latvia</option>
<option value="LB" iso3="LBN" id="118" spotcode="961">Lebanon</option>
<option value="LS" iso3="LSO" id="119" spotcode="266">Lesotho</option>
<option value="LR" iso3="LBR" id="120" spotcode="231">Liberia</option>
<option value="LY" iso3="LBY" id="121" spotcode="218">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</option>
<option value="LI" iso3="LIE" id="122" spotcode="423">Liechtenstein</option>
<option value="LT" iso3="LTU" id="123" spotcode="370">Lithuania</option>
<option value="LU" iso3="LUX" id="124" spotcode="352">Luxembourg</option>
<option value="MO" iso3="MAC" id="125" spotcode="853">Macao</option>
<option value="MK" iso3="MKD" id="126" spotcode="389">Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav</option>
<option value="MG" iso3="MDG" id="127" spotcode="261">Madagascar</option>
<option value="MW" iso3="MWI" id="128" spotcode="265">Malawi</option>
<option value="MY" iso3="MYS" id="129" spotcode="60">Malaysia</option>
<option value="MV" iso3="MDV" id="130" spotcode="960">Maldives</option>
<option value="ML" iso3="MLI" id="131" spotcode="223">Mali</option>
<option value="MT" iso3="MLT" id="132" spotcode="356">Malta</option>
<option value="MH" iso3="MHL" id="133" spotcode="692">Marshall Islands</option>
<option value="MQ" iso3="MTQ" id="134" spotcode="596">Martinique</option>
<option value="MR" iso3="MRT" id="135" spotcode="222">Mauritania</option>
<option value="MU" iso3="MUS" id="136" spotcode="230">Mauritius</option>
<option value="YT" iso3="0" id="137" spotcode="269">Mayotte</option>
<option value="MX" iso3="MEX" id="138" spotcode="52">Mexico</option>
<option value="FM" iso3="FSM" id="139" spotcode="691">Micronesia, Federated States o</option>
<option value="MD" iso3="MDA" id="140" spotcode="373">Moldova, Republic of</option>
<option value="MC" iso3="MCO" id="141" spotcode="377">Monaco</option>
<option value="MN" iso3="MNG" id="142" spotcode="976">Mongolia</option>
<option value="MS" iso3="MSR" id="143" spotcode="1664">Montserrat</option>
<option value="MA" iso3="MAR" id="144" spotcode="212">Morocco</option>
<option value="MZ" iso3="MOZ" id="145" spotcode="258">Mozambique</option>
<option value="MM" iso3="MMR" id="146" spotcode="95">Myanmar</option>
<option value="NA" iso3="NAM" id="147" spotcode="264">Namibia</option>
<option value="NR" iso3="NRU" id="148" spotcode="674">Nauru</option>
<option value="NP" iso3="NPL" id="149" spotcode="977">Nepal</option>
<option value="NL" iso3="NLD" id="150" spotcode="31">Netherlands</option>
<option value="AN" iso3="ANT" id="151" spotcode="599">Netherlands Antilles</option>
<option value="NC" iso3="NCL" id="152" spotcode="687">New Caledonia</option>
<option value="NZ" iso3="NZL" id="153" spotcode="64">New Zealand</option>
<option value="NI" iso3="NIC" id="154" spotcode="505">Nicaragua</option>
<option value="NE" iso3="NER" id="155" spotcode="227">Niger</option>
<option value="NG" iso3="NGA" id="156" spotcode="234">Nigeria</option>
<option value="NU" iso3="NIU" id="157" spotcode="683">Niue</option>
<option value="NF" iso3="NFK" id="158" spotcode="672">Norfolk Island</option>
<option value="MP" iso3="MNP" id="159" spotcode="1670">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
<option value="NO" iso3="NOR" id="160" spotcode="47">Norway</option>
<option value="OM" iso3="OMN" id="161" spotcode="968">Oman</option>
<option value="PK" iso3="PAK" id="162" spotcode="92">Pakistan</option>
<option value="PW" iso3="PLW" id="163" spotcode="680">Palau</option>
<option value="PS" iso3="0" id="164" spotcode="970">Palestinian Territory</option>
<option value="PA" iso3="PAN" id="165" spotcode="507">Panama</option>
<option value="PG" iso3="PNG" id="166" spotcode="675">Papua New Guinea</option>
<option value="PY" iso3="PRY" id="167" spotcode="595">Paraguay</option>
<option value="PE" iso3="PER" id="168" spotcode="51">Peru</option>
<option value="PH" iso3="PHL" id="169" spotcode="63">Philippines</option>
<option value="PN" iso3="PCN" id="170" spotcode="64">Pitcairn</option>
<option value="PL" iso3="POL" id="171" spotcode="48">Poland</option>
<option value="PT" iso3="PRT" id="172" spotcode="351">Portugal</option>
<option value="PR" iso3="PRI" id="173" spotcode="1787">Puerto Rico</option>
<option value="QA" iso3="QAT" id="174" spotcode="974">Qatar</option>
<option value="RE" iso3="REU" id="175" spotcode="262">Reunion</option>
<option value="RO" iso3="ROM" id="176" spotcode="40">Romania</option>
<option value="RU" iso3="RUS" id="177" spotcode="7">Russia</option>
<option value="RW" iso3="RWA" id="178" spotcode="250">Rwanda</option>
<option value="SH" iso3="SHN" id="179" spotcode="290">Saint Helena</option>
<option value="KN" iso3="KNA" id="180" spotcode="1869">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
<option value="LC" iso3="LCA" id="181" spotcode="1758">Saint Lucia</option>
<option value="PM" iso3="SPM" id="182" spotcode="508">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
<option value="VC" iso3="VCT" id="183" spotcode="1784">Saint Vincent and the Grenadin</option>
<option value="WS" iso3="WSM" id="184" spotcode="685">Samoa</option>
<option value="SM" iso3="SMR" id="185" spotcode="378">San Marino</option>
<option value="ST" iso3="STP" id="186" spotcode="239">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
<option value="SA" iso3="SAU" id="187" spotcode="966">Saudi Arabia</option>
<option value="SN" iso3="SEN" id="188" spotcode="221">Senegal</option>
<option value="RS" iso3="" id="189" spotcode="381">Serbia</option>
<option value="SC" iso3="SYC" id="190" spotcode="248">Seychelles</option>
<option value="SL" iso3="SLE" id="191" spotcode="232">Sierra Leone</option>
<option value="SG" iso3="SGP" id="192" spotcode="65">Singapore</option>
<option value="SK" iso3="SVK" id="193" spotcode="421">Slovakia</option>
<option value="SI" iso3="SVN" id="194" spotcode="386">Slovenia</option>
<option value="SB" iso3="SLB" id="195" spotcode="677">Solomon Islands</option>
<option value="SO" iso3="SOM" id="196" spotcode="252">Somalia</option>
<option value="ZA" iso3="ZAF" id="197" spotcode="27">South Africa</option>
<option value="GS" iso3="0" id="198" spotcode="500">South Georgia and the South Sa</option>
<option value="ES" iso3="ESP" id="199" spotcode="34">Spain</option>
<option value="LK" iso3="LKA" id="200" spotcode="94">Sri Lanka</option>
<option value="SD" iso3="SDN" id="201" spotcode="249">Sudan</option>
<option value="SR" iso3="SUR" id="202" spotcode="597">Suriname</option>
<option value="SJ" iso3="SJM" id="203" spotcode="47">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
<option value="SZ" iso3="SWZ" id="204" spotcode="268">Swaziland</option>
<option value="SE" iso3="SWE" id="205" spotcode="46">Sweden</option>
<option value="CH" iso3="CHE" id="206" spotcode="41">Switzerland</option>
<option value="SY" iso3="SYR" id="207" spotcode="963">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
<option value="TW" iso3="TWN" id="208" spotcode="886">Taiwan, Province of China</option>
<option value="TJ" iso3="TJK" id="209" spotcode="992">Tajikistan</option>
<option value="TZ" iso3="TZA" id="210" spotcode="255">Tanzania, United Republic of</option>
<option value="TH" iso3="THA" id="211" spotcode="66">Thailand</option>
<option value="TL" iso3="0" id="212" spotcode="670">Timor-Leste</option>
<option value="TG" iso3="TGO" id="213" spotcode="228">Togo</option>
<option value="TK" iso3="TKL" id="214" spotcode="690">Tokelau</option>
<option value="TO" iso3="TON" id="215" spotcode="676">Tonga</option>
<option value="TT" iso3="TTO" id="216" spotcode="1868">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
<option value="TN" iso3="TUN" id="217" spotcode="216">Tunisia</option>
<option value="TR" iso3="TUR" id="218" spotcode="90">Turkey</option>
<option value="TM" iso3="TKM" id="219" spotcode="993">Turkmenistan</option>
<option value="TC" iso3="TCA" id="220" spotcode="1649">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
<option value="TV" iso3="TUV" id="221" spotcode="688">Tuvalu</option>
<option value="UG" iso3="UGA" id="222" spotcode="256">Uganda</option>
<option value="UA" iso3="UKR" id="223" spotcode="380">Ukraine</option>
<option value="AE" iso3="ARE" id="224" spotcode="971">United Arab Emirates</option>
<option value="GB" iso3="GBR" id="225" spotcode="44">United Kingdom</option>
<option value="US" iso3="USA" id="226" spotcode="1">United States</option>
<option value="UM" iso3="0" id="227" spotcode="1340">United States Minor Outlying I</option>
<option value="UY" iso3="URY" id="228" spotcode="598">Uruguay</option>
<option value="UZ" iso3="UZB" id="229" spotcode="998">Uzbekistan</option>
<option value="VU" iso3="VUT" id="230" spotcode="678">Vanuatu</option>
<option value="VE" iso3="VEN" id="231" spotcode="58">Venezuela</option>
<option value="VN" iso3="VNM" id="232" spotcode="84">Viet Nam</option>
<option value="VG" iso3="VGB" id="233" spotcode="1284">Virgin Islands, British</option>
<option value="VI" iso3="VIR" id="234" spotcode="1340">Virgin Islands, U.s.</option>
<option value="WF" iso3="WLF" id="235" spotcode="681">Wallis and Futuna</option>
<option value="EH" iso3="ESH" id="236" spotcode="212">Western Sahara</option>
<option value="YE" iso3="YEM" id="237" spotcode="967">Yemen</option>
<option value="ZM" iso3="ZMB" id="238" spotcode="260">Zambia</option>
<option value="ZW" iso3="ZWE" id="239" spotcode="263">Zimbabwe</option>
<option value="ME" iso3="MNE" id="241" spotcode="382">Montenegro</option>
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THANK YOU! WE WILL CONTACT YOU SOON. 1K Daily Profit Click for sound HOL DIR 1K DAILY BEVOR DEINE PRIVATE EINLADUNG ABLÄUFT… PLEUTE IN WARTEN AUF ZUGRIFF AUF 1K Daily SOFTWARE Gib deine beste E-Mail-Adresse in das untere Formular ein um sofortigen KOSTENFREIEN Zugriff auf die 1K Daily Profit Software zu erhalten. Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo, the Democratic Republic Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and Mcdonald Isla Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Democratic People's Rep Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republ Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia, Federated States o Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadin Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying I Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.s. Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Montenegro JETZT LOSLEGEN HOL DIR 1K DAILYBEVOR DEINE PRIVATE EINLADUNG ABLÄUFT… PLEUTE IN WARTEN AUF ZUGRIFF AUF 1K DAILY SOFTWARE TRETE DEM INNEREN KREIS DES 1K DAILY BEI Bereit täglich Profite von über 1K zu machen? Gib deinen kompletten Namen und deine E-Mail in das untere Formular ein um deine KOSTENLOSE Kopie der 1K Daily Software zu erhalten und dir deine Mitgliedschaft in unserem inneren VIP-Kreis zu sichern. Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo, the Democratic Republic Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and Mcdonald Isla Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Democratic People's Rep Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republ Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia, Federated States o Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadin Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying I Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.s. Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Montenegro JETZT LOSLEGEN Wichtiger Risikohinweis: Der Handel mit FX und CFDs birgt ein hohes Verlustrisiko aufgrund des Hebeleffekts des Handels, der zum Totalverlust Ihres Kapitals führen könnte und der möglicherweise nicht für alle Typen von Anlegern geeignet ist. Bitte lesen Sie unsere vollständige Risikowarnung und den relevanten Broker, bei dem Sie registriert sind, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Risiken verstehen bevor Sie fortfahren, unter Berücksichtigung Ihrer relevanten Erfahrung. Suchen Sie gegebenenfalls unabhängigen Rat. Die auf dieser Website und in den Offenlegungsdokumenten enthaltenen Informationen sind allgemeiner Natur und berücksichtigen nicht Ihre persönlichen Umstände, Ihre finanzielle Situation oder Ihre Bedürfnisse. Sie sollten die Maklervereinbarung sorgfältig prüfen und unabhängigen Rat einholen, bevor Sie entscheiden, ob der Handel mit solchen Produkten für Sie geeignet ist. * HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS * BEDINGUNGEN * DATENSCHUTZ * MISSBRAUCH MELDEN × BEDINGUNGEN NOTE ON TRANSLATION These Website Terms of Service may have been translated into various languages for the convenience of '1k Daily ' Users. While the translation is correct to the best of '1k Daily Profitz' s knowledge, '1k Daily Profitz' is not responsible or liable in the event of an inaccuracy. English is the controlling language of these Terms of Service, and any translation has been prepared for you as a courtesy only. In the event of a conflict between the English-language version of these Terms of Service and a version that has been translated into another language, the English-language version shall control. IMPORTANT These terms and conditions constitute a legal agreement ("Agreement") between you, the User (hereafter "You", "Your", or the "User"), and us, '1k Daily Profitz' , its affiliates, and all of their respective authorized representatives, officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders, licensors, attorneys, successors, and assigns(hereafter "Us" or '1k Daily Profitz' ), and together with the Website Privacy Policy, Eula Agreement and Risk Disclaimer, wholly and exclusively govern such relationship. Please note that our Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time according to our sole discretion, without notice to the User. You agree to review the agreement periodically to be aware of such modifications and your continued access or use of the site shall be deemed your conclusive acceptance of the modified agreement. Any changes made to these terms will become effective when posted on the '1k Daily Profitz' Website at Before accessing or using the services offered on the Website, please read carefully the following terms and Service contained in this Website. These terms govern your access to and use of the Website and any videos, software, programs, sweepstakes, services, tools, materials, or other information available through the Website or used in connection therewith (collectively, the "Service"). '1k Daily Profitz' is willing to license and allow the use of this Website and/or the Service only on the condition that you accept and agree to all of the terms and conditions contained therein. By using the Website, you therefore agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you are not granted the permission to access or otherwise use the Website, and you are instructed to exit the Website immediately. THE SERVICE The Website is an online information service with downloadable and web based software '1k Daily Profitz' ("Software"), and is subject to the terms and conditions set forth below and the End User License Agreement. THE VIDEOS The videos displayed on the Website are provided for informational and promotional purposes only and should not be relied upon in making decisions and are for simulation only by using actor(s) and demo accounts. These videos were made in order, to give you a sense and feel for what can achieve by winning an awards while using the Software. The videos may not be accurate and is not based on accurate past true events and are for simulation purposes only. Nonetheless, any and all information perceived from these videos through either visual, verbal, or written do not constitute financial, legal, tax or other professional advice and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a qualified professional. '1k Daily Profitz' has used its best efforts in producing these videos but '1k Daily Profitz' does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of these videos. The information contained in these videos is strictly for informational and Promotional purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply and use the Software, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. No statement in these videos is to be construed as furnishing investment advice or being a recommendation, solicitation or offer to buy or sell any type of security and/or financial instruments. No representation is being made that any User will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed and mentioned in the videos. The past performance of any trading system including the Software or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Absolutely consult your Financial Advisor before ever investing or trading any financial instrument. '1k Daily Profitz' shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided as is, and without warranties. As in all cases, viewers should never take any information perceived from these or any other videos at face value and should always do their own due diligence on any viewed material to form their own opinions and best judgments. And where applicable, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be always sought before taking action of any kind. The videos are copyrighted by '1k Daily Profitz' and shall not be copied, stored, or changed in any format, sold, or used in any way under any circumstance or distributed or broadcast in any way without express permission from '1k Daily Profitz' . WE RESERVE THE RIGHT '1k Daily Profitz' reserves the right to suspend, modify, remove and/or add any Service in its sole discretion and without notice. In the event of such suspension, modification, removal or addition of any Service for any reason, the Company will not be liable in any way to you. 1. Earnings and Income Disclaimer. THERE CAN BE NO ASSURANCE THAT ANY PRIOR SUCCESSES, OR PAST RESULTS (IN REAL OR SIMULATIONS USING DEMO ACCOUNTS), AS TO INCOME EARNINGS OR PERCENTAGE GAIN, CAN BE USED AS AN INDICATION OF YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS OR RESULTS. TRADING PERFORMANCE (MONETARY AND INCOME RESULTS) ARE BASED ON MANY PEROSNAL FACTORS. YOU MAY AND SHOULD ASSUME YOU WILL PROBABLY WILL LOSE MONEY TRADING. THEREFORE WE DO NOT GUARANTEE OR IMPLY THAT YOU WILL BE A SUCCESSFUL, PROFITABLE TRADER, OR MAKE ANY MONEY AT ALL IN YOUR TRADING USING OUR SERVICE. THERE IS NO ASSURANCE YOU'LL DO AS WELL AS OUR '1k Daily Profitz' . IF YOU RELY UPON OUR FIGURES AS PRESENTED IN THE VIDEOS, YOU ACCEPT THE RISK OF NOT DOING AS WELL OR EVEN LOSE TRADING CAPITAL. OUR SOFTWARE AND/OR SERVICE MAY HAVE UNKNOWN RISKS INVOLVED, AND ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE. MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED IN OUR VIDEOS, SERVICE, OR WEBSITE, SHOULD BE DONE ONLY WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU COULD EXPERIENCE SIGNIFICANT LOSSES, OR MAKE NO MONEY AT ALL. YOU AGREE THAT WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF YOUR FINANCIAL DECISIONS RELATING TO ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED BY US, OR OUR SERVICE. 2. Proprietary Rights. All intellectual property of or relating to the Website and the Service, including but not limited to content, information, videos, patents, trademarks, copyrights, modules, techniques, know-how, computer code (including html code), algorithms, methods of doing business, user interfaces, graphic design, look and feel and Software; and all developments, derivatives, and improvements thereto, whether registered or not (collectively, "Intellectual Property"), unless otherwise indicated, are owned, controlled and licensed in their entirety by '1k Daily Profitz' , its affiliates, its successors and assigns, and/or by third parties who have granted '1k Daily Profitz' license to use such Intellectual Property. This includes, but not limited to, all material which may be found on the Website, including but not limited to images, pictures, graphics, photographs, animations, videos, music, audio and text. 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The Website is provided by '1k Daily Profitz' , and conditional with the acceptance of this Website Terms of Service Agreement, provides You with a personal, revocable, limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable license to use the Website and download the Software, any programs, services, tools, materials, videos or information made available through or from the Website. The Website Terms of Service permit you to use and access for personal use only the '1k Daily Profitz' Website (a) on a single laptop, workstation, or computer and (b) on a mobile device from the Internet or through an on-line network. You may also download information from the Website into your laptop, workstation or computer's temporary memory (RAM) and print and download materials and information from the Website solely for your personal non-commercial use, provided that all hard copies contain all copyright and other applicable notices. 4. License Restrictions. The foregoing license is limited. YOU MAY NOT MODIFY, COPY, STORE, REPRODUCE, REPUBLISH, UPLOAD, POST, TRANSMIT, LICENSE, SUBLICENSE, DISPLAY, RENT, LEASE, SELL, COMMERCIALLY EXPLOIT, OR DISTRIBUTE, IN ANY MANNER, ANY DATA, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OR MATERIAL PROVIDED BY '1k Daily Profitz' THROUGH THE WEBSITE, IN ANY MANNER NOT EXPRESSLY PERMITTED BY THESE TERMS OF SERVICE. THE ABOVE RESTRICTION INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO VIDEOS, TEXT, GRAPHICS, CODE AND/OR SOFTWARE. In addition, you may not modify, translate, decompile, create any derivative work(s) of, disassemble, broadcast, publish, remove or alter any proprietary notices or labels, grant a security interest in, or otherwise use the Website in any manner not expressly permitted herein. Moreover, you may not (i) use any "deep link," "page scrape," "robot," "spider" or other automatic device, program, script, algorithm, or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy, or monitor any portion of the Website or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Website to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents, or information through any means not purposely made available through the Website, OR (ii) attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of the Website, including, without limitation, the account of any User(s), any other systems or networks connected to the Website or its servers, to any of the Service offered on or through the Website, by hacking, password "mining", or any other illegitimate or prohibited means, OR (iii) probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Website or any network connected to the Website, nor breach the security or authentication measures on the Website or any network connected to the Website, OR (iv) reverse look-up, trace, or seek to trace any information on any User of or visitor to the '1k Daily Profitz' Website, OR (v) take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of the Website, the system, networks, or any systems or networks connected thereto, OR (vi) use any device, software, or routine to interfere with the proper working of the Website or transaction conducted on the Website, or with any other person's use of the Website, OR (vii) forge headers, impersonate a person, or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise your identity or the origin of any message or transmittal you send to '1k Daily Profitz' on or through the Website, OR (viii) use the Website to collect e-mail addresses or other contact or personal information, OR (ix) market, co-brand, private label, use the '1k Daily Profitz' name, or a name similar thereto on a different domain, separately distribute, resell, or otherwise permit third parties to access and use the Website, in whole or in part, without the express, separate and prior written permission of '1k Daily Profitz' , OR (x) use the Website in any other unlawful manner or in a manner that could be perceived to damage, disparage, or otherwise negatively impact '1k Daily Profitz' . 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'1k Daily Profitz' PROVIDES THE WEBSITE AND RELATED INFORMATION "AS IS" AND DOES NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS OR ENDORSEMENTS WHATSOEVER. '1k Daily Profitz' SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. WITH REGARD TO THE WEBSITE, SERVICE, SOFTWARE, ANY INFORMATION OR THIRD-PARTY INFORMATION OR LINKS PROVIDED THEREON, '1k Daily Profitz' SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY COST OR DAMAGE ARISING EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM ANY SUCH TRANSACTION. IT IS SOLELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO EVALUATE THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS AND USEFULNESS OF ALL OPINIONS, ADVICES, SERVICES, MERCHANDISE AND OTHER INFORMATION PROVIDED THROUGH THE SERVICE. '1k Daily Profitz' DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SERVICE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS IN THE SERVICE WILL BE CORRECTED. YOU UNDERSTAND FURTHER THAT THE PURE NATURE OF THE INTERNET CONTAINS UNEDITED MATERIALS, SOME OF WHICH ARE SEXUALLY EXPLICIT OR MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO YOU. YOUR ACCESS TO SUCH MATERIALS IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. '1k Daily Profitz' HAS NO CONTROL OVER AND ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER FOR SUCH MATERIALS. IN NO EVENT WILL '1k Daily Profitz' BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES (INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PARTICULAR DAMAGES), EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF OR PERSONAL DEPENDENCE ON THIS WEBSITE. 7. Indemnification. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless '1k Daily Profitz' , its affiliates, and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, attorneys, successors, and assigns from and against all claims, proceedings, injuries, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and litigation expenses, relating to or arising from any breach or violation of this Agreement by You (including negligent or reckless conduct). Each of the above referenced individuals or entities reserves the right to assert and enforce these provisions directly against you, on their own behalf. 8. User Obligations. If you provide any false, inaccurate, untrue, or incomplete information, '1k Daily Profitz' reserves the right to terminate immediately Your access to and use of the Website and the Service. You agree to abide by all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations with respect to Your use of the Website and the Service. In addition, You acknowledge and agree that use of the Internet and access to or transmissions or communications with the Website is solely at your own risk. While '1k Daily Profitz' has endeavored to create a secure and reliable Website, you should understand that the confidentiality of any such communications cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, '1k Daily Profitz' is not responsible for the security, or any breach thereof, of any information transmitted to or from the Website. You agree to assume all responsibility concerning activities related to Your use of the Website, including but not limited to obtaining and paying for all licenses and costs for third-party software and hardware necessary for implementation of the Website and its downloadable software, and maintaining or backing up any data. 9. User Name and Password Policy. Registration as an authorized user for access to certain areas of the Website may require both a user name and password. Only one authorized user can use one user name and password and account. Multiple accounts registered by the same individual or entity are not permitted and may result in one, some or all accounts being closed by '1k Daily Profitz' . By using the Website, you agree to keep your user name and password as confidential information. You also agree not to use another authorized user's account. Should you become aware of any loss or theft of your password or any unauthorized use of your name and password, you will immediately notify '1k Daily Profitz' . '1k Daily Profitz' cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these obligations. '1k Daily Profitz' also reserves the right to delete or change (with notice) a user name or password at any time and for any reason. '1k Daily Profitz' will not be liable for any damages caused by the theft, or any unauthorized use of your username and password, whether you reported it to '1k Daily Profitz' or not. 10. Privacy Policy. You understand, acknowledge and agree that the operation of certain programs, services, tools, materials, or information of the Website requires the submission, use and dissemination of various personal identifying information. Accordingly, if you wish to access and use those programs, services, tools, materials, or information on the Website, you acknowledge and agree that your use of the Website will constitute acceptance of '1k Daily Profitz' s personal identifying information collection and use practices to protect your personal information, as covered in our Privacy Policy Statement. Please read our Privacy Policy before providing any personal data on this Website. 11. Void Where Prohibited. Any offer for any product or Service made on this Website is void where prohibited. Moreover, '1k Daily Profitz' makes no representations regarding the legality of access to or use of the Website, its content the Service and Software in any country. Although the Website may be accessible worldwide, not all features, products or Service provided or offered through or on the Website are appropriate or available for use in all countries. '1k Daily Profitz' reserves the right to limit, in its discretion, the provision and quantity of any feature, product or Service to any person or geographic area. If You access the Website from a jurisdiction where the Website is prohibited, You are not allowed to do it and doing so is at your own risk and You are solely responsible for complying with all applicable local regulations. People under 18 years of age are not permitted to use the Website. 12. No Advice. You acknowledge that neither the Website or the Service, is not authorized to offer any legal, tax, accounting or investment advice, or recommendation regarding suitability, profitability, investment strategy or other matter. 13. Enforcing Website Security. Actual or attempted unauthorized use of this Website may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. '1k Daily Profitz' reserves the right to view, monitor, and record activity on the Website without notice or permission from the User, including, without limitation, by archiving notices or communications sent by you through the Website. In addition, '1k Daily Profitz' reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to modify, suspend, terminate or interrupt operation of or access to the Website, or any portion thereof, in order to protect the Website or '1k Daily Profitz' s business. 14. Notice of Security Breach. In addition to the indemnification obligation stated in these Terms of Service, if you become aware of a breach or potential breach of security with respect to any identifying personal information provided to or made available by '1k Daily Profitz' , or any unauthorized hacking of the Website, you shall (i) immediately notify '1k Daily Profitz' of such breach or potential breach, (ii) assist '1k Daily Profitz' as reasonably necessary to prevent or rectify any such breach, and (iii) enable '1k Daily Profitz' to comply with any applicable laws requiring the report on a security breach which leads to any infringement related to identifying personal information. 15. Term and Termination. These Terms of Service which govern Your right to use the Website, will take effect at the moment you access or use the Website, and are effective until updated, or terminated as set forth below. This Agreement, or part of it, may be terminated by '1k Daily Profitz' without notice, at any time, and for any reason. In addition, '1k Daily Profitz' reserves the right at any time and on reasonable grounds, such as any reasonable belief of fraudulent or unlawful activity or actions or omissions that violate any term or condition of these Terms, to deny your access to the Website, in whole or in part, in order to protect '1k Daily Profitz' , its name and goodwill, its business and/or other authorized users. If the above happens, or if you fail to comply with these Terms of Service, the termination is subjected to the survival rights described below. You may also terminate this Agreement at any time by ceasing to use the Website, subject to the survival rights below. Termination is effective without notice. Upon termination, You must destroy all copies of any aspect of the Website that you have made and remove downloaded software from Your possession. The following provisions shall survive termination of the Website Terms of Service Agreement for any reason: Earning and Income Disclaimer (#1), Proprietary Rights (#2), Limited License Grant (#3), License Restrictions (#4), Third party Disclaimer (#5), Disclaimer - No Warranties (#6), Indemnification (#7), Governing Law (#16), and Miscellaneous (#17). 16. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution. These Terms of Service and all disputes or claims arising out of or related thereto shall be governed by the laws of United Kingdom; in the case of law rules, UK law shall prevail. Any cause of action or claim arising out of use of the Website must be commenced within one (1) year after the claim or cause of action arises, or such claim or cause of action is barred from being submitted. The Parties will attempt in good faith to negotiate a settlement to any claim or dispute between them arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. If the parties fail to agree upon terms of settlement, either side may submit the dispute to confidential arbitration proceedings by a sole arbitrator under the ICC ADR Rules, whose decision shall be final and binding. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English, in London, UK or another place agreed by Parties. Without derogating of the provisions above, this clause explicitly sets exclusive jurisdiction to said arbitration process, and neither Party shall be entitled to submit any dispute to the courts of its domicile which contradicts said arbitration process. 17. Miscellaneous. You agree that these Terms of Service are for the benefit of the User and '1k Daily Profitz' . Therefore, these Terms are personal to you and not assignable. No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and '1k Daily Profitz' as a result of these Terms of Service or arising out of your use of the Website. 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Information on '1k Daily Profitz' should not be seen as a recommendation to trade CFD and Forex. '1k Daily Profitz' provides you with links to free CFD and Forex trading software that enables you to receive free signals from 3rd parties. '1k Daily Profitz' is not licensed nor authorized to provide advice on investing and related matters. Information on the website is not, nor should it be seen as investment advice. Clients without sufficient knowledge should seek individual advice from an authorized source. CFD and Forex trading entails significant risks and there is a chance that clients could lose their investments. Therefore, we strongly advise that you read ours and the 3rd party’s full terms and conditions. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You are responsible for any decision made by you based on information on this site. '1k Daily Profitz' and its directors, employees or agents accept no liability for loss or damage (including, without limitation, any special, direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage or other losses or damage of whatever kind) that arise out of or relate to the use of this site, software or its contents. You may only participate in CFD and Forex trading if you are of legal age and if it is legally allowed in the jurisdiction from where you are accessing the trading platform. It is your responsibility to check your local regulations before trading online. COPYRIGHTS: This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by any brand shown on this website nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by any of these brands. All trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed are registered and/or unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners. 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CFD trading and Forex are speculative and involves a high degree of risk and can result in the loss of your entire investment. Therefore, trading in CFD and Forex is appropriate only for persons who understand and are willing to assume the economic, legal and other risks involved in such transactions. You should be satisfied that CFD and Forex trading is suitable for you in light of your financial circumstances and attitude towards risk. You should not engage in speculative CFD and Forex trading unless you understand the basic aspects of such trading and its risks. If you are in any doubt as to whether CFD and Forex trading is appropriate and suitable for you, please seek independent advice from a financial consulting professional, as '1k Daily Profitz' does not provide such advice. It is the Client’s responsibility, considering his personal circumstances and financial resources, to take particular care and make careful considerations independently, both prior to applying for engaging in Forex and CFD Trading with '1k Daily Profitz' and our selected brokers and prior to making any individual order. Where the Client does not understand the risks involved in applying for a trading account with the Company or in making any individual order, the Client should seek advice and consultation from an independent Financial Advisor. If the Client continues to not understand the risks involved in trading in CFDs and Forex, the Client should not trade at all. You are advised that the CFDs and Forex offered by our selected brokers are not always traded under the rules of any recognized, designated or regulated exchange. Consequently, engaging in CFD and Forex trading may expose you to substantially greater risks than investments which are so traded. The Client must acknowledge that engaging in CFD and Forex poses a great risk of incurring losses and the Client must accept that he is willing to undertake this risk. LEGAL RESTRICTIONS Laws regarding financial trading and contracts may be different throughout the world. It is reader’s obligation to ensure that the use of '1k Daily Profitz' is fully compliant with any law, regulation or directive applicable in their country of residence. The ability to access '1k Daily Profitz' or any related website found from a link on '1k Daily Profitz' does not mean that our services or any related activities are legal under the laws of your country of residence. These services and those of our affiliates should not be used by anyone in any jurisdiction in which these services are not authorized or unlawful. 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This product does not guarantee income or success, and examples of the product owner's and other person's results do not represent an indication of future success or earnings. Copyright © 2021 '1k Daily Profitz' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------