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 * Aircraft Expand Aircraft sub menu
   * Aircraft registration
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     * Data files for registered aircraft
     * Ferry flight registrations
     * Find a registered aircraft
     * Guidance for deceased estates
     * Irrevocable deregistration and export request authorisation (IDERA)
     * Register your aircraft
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     * Registration marks
     * Request a copy of your registration certificate
   * Airworthiness
     * Airworthiness Bulletins
     * Airworthiness Directives
     * Continuing airworthiness
     * Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations
     * Foreign airworthiness data
     * Report defects
     * Maintenance organisations
     * Maintenance training organisations
   * Certification
     * Aircraft flight testing
     * Australian manufactured aircraft
     * Experimental flight test planning
     * Experimental flight test reporting
     * List of foreign manufactured aircraft
     * Supplemental type certificate
     * Type certificates
     * Type acceptance certificate
   * Design and manufacturing
     * Approved design organisation
     * Approved production services
     * Authorised design approvers
     * Change an approved design organisation
     * Find an approved design organisation
     * Instrument of Appointment
     * Production authorisation
   * Sport aviation
     * About sport aviation
     * Adventure flight safety explained
     * Light Sport Aircraft
     * Limited category aircraft operations
     * Sport aviation self-administering organisations
     * Types of sport aviation aircraft
     * Buying and registering ex-military aircraft
 * Drones Expand Drones sub menu
   * Drone safety apps
   * Know Your Drone
   * Drone rules
     * Drone safety rules
     * Drones at school
     * Emergencies and public spaces
     * Enforcement and penalties
     * Flying first person view
     * Travelling with your drone
   * Registration and flight authorisations
     * Advanced operations
     * Apply for beyond visual line-of-sight approvals
     * Apply for flight authorisations
     * Apply for model aircraft flight authorisations
     * Beyond visual line-of-sight exam
     * Flying at night
     * Flying near people
     * Record keeping
     * Register your drone
   * Get your operator credentials
     * Become a training provider
     * Operator accreditation
     * Operator certificate
     * Remote pilot licence
   * Industry initiatives
     * Airspace authorisations trial
     * Digital platform
     * Drone delivery services
     * Safety advocates
     * Safety signage
 * Licences and certificates Expand Licences and certificates sub menu
   * Pilots
     * The process to become a pilot
     * Pilot licences
     * Pilot and flight crew exams
     * Ratings, reviews and endorsements
   * Radio operators
   * Air traffic controllers
   * Air operators
     * Aerial application air operator's certificate
     * Aerial work certificate (Part 138)
     * Air transport air operator's certificate
     * Alternative pathway for specialised endorsements
     * Balloon air operator's certificate
     * Find a flight training operator
     * Flight training operators
     * Foreign operators
     * Guidance for Part 91 approvals
     * Operators specialised endorsements alternative pathway
     * Replace air operator's certificate
     * Training pilots specialised endorsements alternative pathway
   * Delegates
     * Apply to be a delegate
     * Delegate management notification system
     * Find a delegate
     * Updates to airworthiness delegations search tool
   * Maintenance engineers
     * About aircraft maintenance engineers
     * Aircraft engineer exams
     * Aircraft engineer licence (Part 66)
     * Apply for a Part 66 licence
     * Become a licensed aircraft engineer
     * Maintenance of composite structures
     * Part 66 and working for a Part 145 organisation
     * Part 66 self-study training and examination pathway
     * Recognition of prior learning
     * Removing exclusions
     * Digital aircraft maintenance engineer licences
     * Modular licensing for aircraft engineers
     * Part 66 modular aircraft engineer licence pathways
   * Flight examiners
     * Flight examiner professional development
     * Flight examiner rating course
     * Flight examiner ratings and proficiency
   * Flight instructors
     * Extended training and testing privileges for Grade 1 training endorsement
     * Flight instructors overview
     * Flight instructor ratings
     * Flight simulation training devices
     * Spin avoidance and stall recovery
   * Aviation medicals
     * Additional medical tests
     * Audit of medical certificates
     * Classes of medical certificate
     * Clinical case conference panel
     * Complaints and objection to medical decision
     * Endorsements on a medical certificate
     * Find a medical or eye examiner
     * Medical certificate fees, payments and processing
     * Medical certification for age over 60
     * Report a change of a medical condition
     * Renew a medical certificate
     * The medical certification process
     * Class 5 medical self-declaration
     * Colour vision assessment for medical certificates
     * Explaining operational limitations for Class 5 medical self-declaration
   * Medical practitioners and examiners
     * Austroads standard medical for pilots
     * Become a DAME or DAO
     * DAME's clinical practice guidelines
     * DAME conditions of appointment
     * DAO conditions of appointment
     * ECG guidance for DAMEs
     * Eligibility and training for DAMEs an DAOs
     * Maintaining your designation
     * Medical reports and case reviews
     * Protocol for pilots with type 1 diabetes
     * Responsibilities of DAMEs and DAOs
   * Aviation reference numbers
     * Certifying your identity documents
     * Individual ARN
     * Organisation ARN
   * English language standards
     * Aviation English language proficiency
     * General English language proficiency
   * Fee payment options
 * Operations, safety & travel Expand Operations, safety & travel sub menu
   * Aerodromes
     * Aerodrome operations
     * Aerodrome rules and regulations
     * Apply to certify an aerodrome
     * Ground operations
   * Airspace
     * Airspace regulation
     * Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B)
     * Communications, navigation and surveillance
   * Aviation safety for pilots
     * Aviation safety resources for pilots
     * Flying over or in conflict zones
     * Pilot health and wellbeing
     * Ramp checks for safety
     * Security requirements for pilots
     * Flying near bushfires
     * Recognising, mitigating and adapting to GNSS interference (jamming or
   * Safety Management Systems
     * Continuous improvement of your SMS
     * Create your SMS implementation plan
     * Put your SMS into practice
     * Safety management legislation, guidance and resources
     * Sector safety risk profiles
     * Set up your SMS
     * SMS resource kit
   * Safety advice
     * Cabin safety
     * Carriage or discharge of firearms on aircraft
     * Community service flights
     * COVID-19 advice for industry
     * Dangerous goods and air freight
     * Displays and events
     * Drug and alcohol management
     * Electronic flight bag
     * Fatigue management
     * Hazard identification and management
     * Human factors and safety behaviours
     * 5G and aviation safety
     * Mercy fights and operating in an emergency
   * Consumer and passenger advice
     * Aviation safety explained
     * How aircraft are regulated
     * Onboard safety and behaviour
     * Passengers with disability and reduced mobility
     * How people working in aviation are licenced
   * Aeronautical information management
     * Aeronautical data service providers
     * Aeronautical data originators
     * Obstacle data providers
     * Weather in the Darwin region
   * Training and checking systems
     * Training and checking systems for flight operators
 * Rules Expand Rules sub menu
   * RULES
     Regulatory framework
     * CASA's regulatory framework
     * Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR)
     * Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR)
     * Civil Aviation Orders (CAO)
     * Exemptions explained
     * Legislative instruments
     * Manuals of Standards (MoS)
     * Non-legislative instruments
   * Changing the rules
     * Consultation Hub
     * Consultation with industry and public
     * Flight operations regulations transition
     * How CASA changes the rules
     * Rule making principles and obligations
     * Suggesting improvements to the rules
   * Compliance and enforcement
     * Delegated authority in support of aviation safety investigations
     * Enforcement action
     * How to comply with the rules
     * Recent enforcement actions
     * Safety information policy statement
     * Sharing safety information
     * Strict liability
     * Surveillance
     * Submitting significant and non-significant changes
     * Voluntary suspensions
     * Recent enforcement actions
     * Reporting illegal behaviour
     * Rules by category
       * Administrative matters
       * Aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licensing
       * Aircraft registration
       * Air traffic controller (ATC) licensing
       * Air traffic management systems
       * Certification/Airworthiness
       * Continuing airworthiness
       * Flight crew licensing
       * Flight operations
       * General safety matters
     * Rules by status
       * Current rules
       * Changing rules
       * In transition rules
       * Proposed rules
     * Rules by type
       * Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
       * Civil Aviation Regulations
 * Resources & education Expand Resources & education sub menu
   * Publications
     * Aviation medicine fact sheets and case studies
     * Corporate publications
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     * Industry guides
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     * Safety kits
     * Safety manager guide
   * Pilot safety hub
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   * Podcasts, videos and magazines
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     * Podcasts and videos
   * Seminars, workshops and education
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     * Aviation safety advisors
     * Dangerous goods training for aviation industry staff
     * Dangerous goods training organisations
     * Seminars and workshops
   * Search centre
     * Glossary
     * News, media releases and speeches
     * Rules
     * Most popular resources
       * Important Drone Safety Information
       * Visual Flight Rules Guide
       * Flight Examiner Handbook
       * Aircraft register available marks
       * Form 101-09 - RPA Flight Authorisation
       * Radio procedures in non-controlled airspace
       * The RPAS and AAM Strategic Regulatory Roadmap
 * About us Expand About us sub menu
   * Who we are
     * About CASA
     * Our Board
     * Our regulatory philosophy
     * The CEO and DAS
   * Who we work with
     * Australian Dangerous Goods Air Transport Council
     * Aviation Safety Advisory Panel
     * Aviation State Engagement Forum
     * Industry complaints commissioner
     * National Runway Safety Group
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     * Freedom of information
     * Gifts and benefits register
     * List of CASA files
     * Portfolio budget statements
     * Register of privacy impact assessments
     * Regulator Performance Framework
     * Senate order on agency contracts
     * Service standards
     * Statement of commitment to child safety
     * Work health and safety policy statement
     * External security vulnerability disclosure program
   * Careers
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     * CASA job selection process
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     * Diversity and inclusion at CASA
     * Entry pathways at CASA
     * Online recruitment privacy policy notice
     * Successful job candidates
   * Sponsorship and scholarship
     * Aircraft maintenance engineer scholarship
     * Safety manager scholarship
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Last updated:
24 Oct 2022


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them and their cultures and to the elders past and present.

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Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//404-page-not-found
 * AircraftHome
   * Aircraft registration
     * Change, transfer or cancel aircraft registration
     * Data files for registered aircraft
     * Ferry flight registrations
     * Find a registered aircraft
     * Guidance for deceased estates
     * Irrevocable deregistration and export request authorisation (IDERA)
     * Register your aircraft
     * Registered aircraft operators
     * Registration marks
     * Request a copy of your registration certificate
   * Airworthiness
     * Airworthiness Bulletins
     * Airworthiness Directives
     * Continuing airworthiness
     * Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations
     * Foreign airworthiness data
     * Report defects
     * Maintenance organisations
     * Maintenance training organisations
   * Certification
     * Aircraft flight testing
     * Australian manufactured aircraft
     * Experimental flight test planning
     * Experimental flight test reporting
     * List of foreign manufactured aircraft
     * Supplemental type certificate
     * Type certificates
     * Type acceptance certificate
   * Design and manufacturing
     * Approved design organisation
     * Approved production services
     * Authorised design approvers
     * Change an approved design organisation
     * Find an approved design organisation
     * Instrument of Appointment
     * Production authorisation
   * Sport aviation
     * About sport aviation
     * Adventure flight safety explained
     * Light Sport Aircraft
     * Limited category aircraft operations
     * Sport aviation self-administering organisations
     * Types of sport aviation aircraft
     * Buying and registering ex-military aircraft
 * Drones
   * Drone safety apps
   * Know Your Drone
   * Drone rules
     * Drone safety rules
     * Drones at school
     * Emergencies and public spaces
     * Enforcement and penalties
     * Flying first person view
     * Travelling with your drone
   * Registration and flight authorisations
     * Advanced operations
     * Apply for beyond visual line-of-sight approvals
     * Apply for flight authorisations
     * Apply for model aircraft flight authorisations
     * Beyond visual line-of-sight exam
     * Flying at night
     * Flying near people
     * Record keeping
     * Register your drone
   * Get your operator credentials
     * Become a training provider
     * Operator accreditation
     * Operator certificate
     * Remote pilot licence
   * Industry initiatives
     * Airspace authorisations trial
     * Digital platform
     * Drone delivery services
     * Safety advocates
     * Safety signage
 * Licences and certificates
   * Pilots
     * The process to become a pilot
     * Pilot licences
     * Pilot and flight crew exams
     * Ratings, reviews and endorsements
   * Radio operators
   * Air traffic controllers
   * Air operators
     * Aerial application air operator's certificate
     * Aerial work certificate (Part 138)
     * Air transport air operator's certificate
     * Alternative pathway for specialised endorsements
     * Balloon air operator's certificate
     * Find a flight training operator
     * Flight training operators
     * Foreign operators
     * Guidance for Part 91 approvals
     * Operators specialised endorsements alternative pathway
     * Replace air operator's certificate
     * Training pilots specialised endorsements alternative pathway
   * Delegates
     * Apply to be a delegate
     * Delegate management notification system
     * Find a delegate
     * Updates to airworthiness delegations search tool
   * Maintenance engineers
     * About aircraft maintenance engineers
     * Aircraft engineer exams
     * Aircraft engineer licence (Part 66)
     * Apply for a Part 66 licence
     * Become a licensed aircraft engineer
     * Maintenance of composite structures
     * Part 66 and working for a Part 145 organisation
     * Part 66 self-study training and examination pathway
     * Recognition of prior learning
     * Removing exclusions
     * Digital aircraft maintenance engineer licences
     * Modular licensing for aircraft engineers
     * Part 66 modular aircraft engineer licence pathways
   * Flight examiners
     * Flight examiner professional development
     * Flight examiner rating course
     * Flight examiner ratings and proficiency
   * Flight instructors
     * Extended training and testing privileges for Grade 1 training endorsement
     * Flight instructors overview
     * Flight instructor ratings
     * Flight simulation training devices
     * Spin avoidance and stall recovery
   * Aviation medicals
     * Additional medical tests
     * Audit of medical certificates
     * Classes of medical certificate
     * Clinical case conference panel
     * Complaints and objection to medical decision
     * Endorsements on a medical certificate
     * Find a medical or eye examiner
     * Medical certificate fees, payments and processing
     * Medical certification for age over 60
     * Report a change of a medical condition
     * Renew a medical certificate
     * The medical certification process
     * Class 5 medical self-declaration
     * Colour vision assessment for medical certificates
     * Explaining operational limitations for Class 5 medical self-declaration
   * Medical practitioners and examiners
     * Austroads standard medical for pilots
     * Become a DAME or DAO
     * DAME's clinical practice guidelines
     * DAME conditions of appointment
     * DAO conditions of appointment
     * ECG guidance for DAMEs
     * Eligibility and training for DAMEs an DAOs
     * Maintaining your designation
     * Medical reports and case reviews
     * Protocol for pilots with type 1 diabetes
     * Responsibilities of DAMEs and DAOs
   * Aviation reference numbers
     * Certifying your identity documents
     * Individual ARN
     * Organisation ARN
   * English language standards
     * Aviation English language proficiency
     * General English language proficiency
   * Fee payment options
 * Operations, safety & travel
   * Aerodromes
     * Aerodrome operations
     * Aerodrome rules and regulations
     * Apply to certify an aerodrome
     * Ground operations
   * Airspace
     * Airspace regulation
     * Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B)
     * Communications, navigation and surveillance
   * Aviation safety for pilots
     * Aviation safety resources for pilots
     * Flying over or in conflict zones
     * Pilot health and wellbeing
     * Ramp checks for safety
     * Security requirements for pilots
     * Flying near bushfires
     * Recognising, mitigating and adapting to GNSS interference (jamming or
   * Safety Management Systems
     * Continuous improvement of your SMS
     * Create your SMS implementation plan
     * Put your SMS into practice
     * Safety management legislation, guidance and resources
     * Sector safety risk profiles
     * Set up your SMS
     * SMS resource kit
   * Safety advice
     * Cabin safety
     * Carriage or discharge of firearms on aircraft
     * Community service flights
     * COVID-19 advice for industry
     * Dangerous goods and air freight
     * Displays and events
     * Drug and alcohol management
     * Electronic flight bag
     * Fatigue management
     * Hazard identification and management
     * Human factors and safety behaviours
     * 5G and aviation safety
     * Mercy fights and operating in an emergency
   * Consumer and passenger advice
     * Aviation safety explained
     * How aircraft are regulated
     * Onboard safety and behaviour
     * Passengers with disability and reduced mobility
     * How people working in aviation are licenced
   * Aeronautical information management
     * Aeronautical data service providers
     * Aeronautical data originators
     * Obstacle data providers
     * Weather in the Darwin region
   * Training and checking systems
     * Training and checking systems for flight operators
 * Rules
   * Regulatory framework
     * CASA's regulatory framework
     * Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR)
     * Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR)
     * Civil Aviation Orders (CAO)
     * Exemptions explained
     * Legislative instruments
     * Manuals of Standards (MoS)
     * Non-legislative instruments
   * Rules by category
     * Administrative matters
     * Aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licensing
     * Aircraft registration
     * Air traffic controller (ATC) licensing
     * Air traffic management systems
     * Certification/Airworthiness
     * Continuing airworthiness
     * Flight crew licensing
     * Flight operations
     * General safety matters
   * Rules by status
     * Current rules
     * Changing rules
     * In transition rules
     * Proposed rules
   * Rules by type
     * Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
     * Civil Aviation Regulations
   * Changing the rules
     * Consultation Hub
     * Consultation with industry and public
     * Flight operations regulations transition
     * How CASA changes the rules
     * Rule making principles and obligations
     * Suggesting improvements to the rules
   * Compliance and enforcement
     * Delegated authority in support of aviation safety investigations
     * Enforcement action
     * How to comply with the rules
     * Recent enforcement actions
     * Safety information policy statement
     * Sharing safety information
     * Strict liability
     * Surveillance
     * Submitting significant and non-significant changes
     * Voluntary suspensions
     * Recent enforcement actions
     * Reporting illegal behaviour
 * Resources & education
   * Publications
     * Aviation medicine fact sheets and case studies
     * Corporate publications
     * Forms
     * Guidance material
     * Industry guides
     * Online store resources
     * Pilot guides
     * Safety kits
     * Safety manager guide
   * Pilot safety hub
     * Non-controlled operations
     * Weather and forecasting
     * Flight planning
     * Controlled aerodromes and operations
   * Podcasts, videos and magazines
     * Out-n-Back
     * Flight Safety Australia
     * Podcast subscriptions
     * Podcasts and videos
   * Seminars, workshops and education
     * Access eLearning (AviationWorx)
     * Aviation safety advisors
     * Dangerous goods training for aviation industry staff
     * Dangerous goods training organisations
     * Seminars and workshops
   * Search centre
     * Glossary
     * News, media releases and speeches
     * Rules
   * Most popular resources
     * Important Drone Safety Information
     * Visual Flight Rules Guide
     * Flight Examiner Handbook
     * Aircraft register available marks
     * Form 101-09 - RPA Flight Authorisation
     * Radio procedures in non-controlled airspace
     * The RPAS and AAM Strategic Regulatory Roadmap
 * About us
   * Who we are
     * About CASA
     * Our Board
     * Our regulatory philosophy
     * The CEO and DAS
   * Who we work with
     * Australian Dangerous Goods Air Transport Council
     * Aviation Safety Advisory Panel
     * Aviation State Engagement Forum
     * Industry complaints commissioner
     * National Runway Safety Group
     * Our government partners
     * Our international partners
   * News and media
     * CASA Briefing
     * Media releases
     * Speeches
     * Stating the facts
   * Reporting and accountability
     * Environmental management and performance
     * Freedom of information
     * Gifts and benefits register
     * List of CASA files
     * Portfolio budget statements
     * Register of privacy impact assessments
     * Regulator Performance Framework
     * Senate order on agency contracts
     * Service standards
     * Statement of commitment to child safety
     * Work health and safety policy statement
     * External security vulnerability disclosure program
   * Careers
     * Applying for a job at CASA
     * CASA job selection process
     * CASA pay and benefits
     * Career development at CASA
     * Current opportunities
     * Diversity and inclusion at CASA
     * Entry pathways at CASA
     * Online recruitment privacy policy notice
     * Successful job candidates
   * Sponsorship and scholarship
     * Aircraft maintenance engineer scholarship
     * Safety manager scholarship
     * Safety promotion sponsorship
   * About this website
     * Accessibility statement
     * Copyright
     * Product and website disclaimers
     * Indigenous artwork
     * Our use of social media
     * Privacy statement
   * Contact us
   * Events
   * Subscribe

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