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Today we’re talking about retirement income strategy. The idea here is that we
recommend you don’t just get into retirement and start taking money out of your
retirement income. Whether it’s triggering pension, Social Security, taking
401(k) money, withdrawing from a stock account, or a mutual fund, you’ve got to
think this through. By having a strategy, you can not only make your money last
longer, but you can also save money in taxes. Moreover, you have the potential
to de-risk your portfolio and make sure you don’t have that emotional need to
make mistakes. It just makes sense to have a solid retirement income strategy.
Today, I’m going to help you think this through and give you a solution that may
help you come up with a retirement income strategy.


Back when my Grandpa Pete was working, he had Social Security, a pension, and
his personal savings, making what we in the financial planning industry refer to
as the three-legged stool. He worked for a food company in Minneapolis for
nearly 40 years, built up a nice pension, and had his Social Security. When he
retired, he and my Grandma Holda were able to live on their pension and their
Social Security. They didn’t have to spend any money from their retirement
savings. Later on, when he passed away, even though he only ever earned about
$25,000 a year in his lifetime, he had saved $800,000 and he didn’t have to
touch that because he had his pension and Social Security.

Nowadays, it’s our responsibility to take care of our retirement. For most of
us, that pension is gone. And now our three-legged stool is missing a leg, which
means it’s not stable. It’s going to topple over because we don’t have that
pension, so to make up for this, you’ve got to replace that pension with a
401(k), 403(b), or another type of savings. Our responsibility to save for
retirement has essentially doubled. Unfortunately, if you’re a school teacher in
certain states, you don’t even get Social Security because you’re subject to the
Windfall Elimination Provision. So you have a pension, but you don’t have Social
Security. Either way, most of you have lost one of the legs of our three-legged
stool, making it your responsibility to save for your own retirement.


Unfortunately, most people don’t come up with a withdrawal strategy, let alone a
retirement income strategy. They just go headlong into retirement without
thinking it through taking money out of their accounts. You could be
short-changing yourself and you could run out of money before you pass away. In
this case, you could end up having to cut your income and may end up paying way
more in taxes than you need to. This is why having an income strategy in
retirement is so important. Here are the things we’ve got to think through:


At Johnson Brunetti, when we do a retirement income plan or financial plan, we
count on giving our clients a 3% raise every single year. The plan estimates
inflation running at 3%. Certainly, inflation is running at higher than 3% right
now, and there are times when it has run lower. However, for a long-term average
over a 25, 30-year retirement, I think 3% is a pretty good projection.
Essentially, that means you can’t just plan on having a $10,000 per month income
when you retire and maintaining that throughout retirement. It’s necessary to
have a strategy in place so that you can give yourself raises to combat
inflation. As you can imagine, inflation is a really, really big deal.

I remember during our workshops, we used to show a stamp from 30 years before
and a stamp today. Back then, I would show a stamp from 1979 and a stamp from
2009, which would’ve been 30 years. The stamp from ’79 was something like 17
cents, and the one from ’09 was 45 cents, meaning it had tripled. So, we asked
people in the audience, “How are you going to triple your income in retirement?”


As we have all seen, healthcare costs keep going up. My mom was paying about
$400 a month for one of her medications. She has health insurance and she’s
still paying $400 a month for her prescriptions. It’s unbelievable. Mainly, it’s
because she has to take a certain type. Unfortunately, although there are other
medications that do what that one does, she has reactions to them.

You’ve got to have some money set aside for healthcare in retirement. This can
either be a reserve account, or you’ve got to count on extra retirement income.
It might blow up your ability to have this income that you want consistently for
the rest of your life because you might run out of money or have to reduce your
income at some point in time. So we’ve got to count on healthcare.


A big question most people ask is, “When should I take Social Security?” Most of
the advice out there will tell you to wait as long as possible before taking
Social Security. Unfortunately, that’s not a strategy, it’s a default. The
timing of taking Social Security and pensions needs to be based on your
individual situation. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to these. Depending
on your situation, you may want to wait on Social Security until you’re 70 and
trigger a pension early. For some, they may want to trigger both early and for
others they may want to trigger Social Security now and wait for that pension
later to try to pass that pension along.

It’s critical that when you come up with your retirement income strategy and
you’re coordinating it with your 401(k) and your savings you also have a timing
strategy for Social Security and pensions. If you have a pension, Social
Security, a 401(k), and retirement savings, those are four different retirement
income buckets. Taking those buckets in the right order, and coming up with a
strategy could mean the difference between you leaving a few million bucks to
your kids someday (or grandkids, or a charity) versus you running out of money
before you pass away.


Let’s face it, taxes are going up. I’m 60 years old and I’ll probably live to 90
or 95 if the statistics hold true and our healthcare system continues to
advance. In the course of my lifetime, it’s possible my taxes could go up 50% or
100%. If we end up going like some of the countries in Europe and if I’ve saved
a lot of money and have a really high income, I’m likely going to pay 60% or 70%
of those last dollars I earn in income.


I want to talk a little bit about a plan that we walk through for folks and you
need to be aware of, and this is a proprietary plan. It’s custom to Johnson
Brunetti, and it’s called the Money Map. It’s a unique process that we do
differently. What we do is create a one-page plan with all of your finances on
it. Every account you have, the debts that you have, the mortgage, and the
different homes that you own are all accounted for here. It even takes into
account whether or not you’re getting disability income, what your income needs
are, what you want in retirement, what you have in retirement, and how much of
your investments need to cover that income.

Many people near, or at retirement wonder, “Are we going to be okay in
retirement?” When we create the Money Map, it helps by mapping out your
retirement on one simple page. Obviously, behind that one-page plan is a lot of
data. It’s a full retirement income plan and a risk analysis of the portfolio.
The people who really want to dig into all that absolutely can, but most people
just want to know they’re going to be okay in retirement. They want to know that
they’re not going to run out of money, and they can see that when we deliver the
Money Map to them.

We hope you found this video helpful and that you take this concept seriously.
Having a retirement income strategy can help make the difference between you
running out of money in retirement, versus you having amazing retirement and
perhaps being able to leave something behind for your loved ones. We can help
you do that by building your own custom Money Map.

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